mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/greatest-camping-sandwich/
The Greatest Camping Sandwich, Is Not Actually A Sandwich
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When I was a little child I remember going to camps and when I got hungry we would be given sandwiches wrapped up in aluminium foil.
We would open them up and with a big smile eat them.
I never really thought that there would be an any better meal or snack than a typical sandwich.
But as I grew older and I went on numerous camping trips I began to realise that was not necessarily the most convenient and best camping snack after all.
In fact, when I carried it in my backpack it would usually get smooshed, the bread would become stale and hard after a few days and besides toasting it on the fire there was not much else you could do apart from making sandwiches.
And that is why I created this article to bring attention to the best thing since sliced bread.
And that ladies and gentlemen are wraps.
First of all, wraps are thin, take up a lot less room in your bag, come in a variety of flavours, and don’t go off as quickly.
All in all, they are perfect for camping.
Secondly, the bread shouldn’t be the main focus of the sandwich, in fact, the ingredients should be the thing that takes the cake.
I mean you can put so many things inside of a wrap and really enjoy the tastes that they give to your meal.
Thirdly you can make campfire pizza’s and let’s face it, that is one of the most incredible things to have while camping. It is also something no one will expect.
Just imagine kids or others asking you “what’s for dinner tonight” and you reply “Pizza’s”.
Can you imagine the smiles on their faces when they realise that one of their favourite meals can be eaten while camping? Priceless
It’s as simple as getting a wrap smothering it with a sauce of your preference, layering in out with your favourite ingredients and then closing it up with aluminium foil so that you can place it onto the coals of the fire.
Within just a few moments you end up with a meal that will blow your mind away.
Next camping trip we are grabbing wraps with us and making Campfire Pizzas. I can't wait. #camping #food
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How is it possible to have such a great meal at a campsite?
That is the reason why I prefer wraps over bread as you can make not only fantastic sandwiches, snacks but also creating mind-blowing pizzas.
If I would consider that a sandwich it would definitely be by far the best sandwich I have ever had while camping.
For more amazing meals that you would not expect to have on a camping trip check out this The Simplest Make Ahead Camping Recipes
What do you think is the best sandwich you have ever eaten while camping? let me know in the comments below
If you liked this article make sure to share it, pin it and subscribe to Mendooutdoors, to receive updates about the best articles about camping
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/greatest-camping-sandwich/
The Greatest Camping Sandwich, Is Not Actually A Sandwich
When I was a little child I remember going to camps and when I got hungry we would be given sandwiches wrapped up in aluminium foil.
We would open them up and with a big smile eat them.
I never really thought that there would be an any better meal or snack than a typical sandwich.
But as I grew older and I went on numerous camping trips I began to realise that was not necessarily the most convenient and best camping snack after all.
In fact, when I carried it in my backpack it would usually get smooshed, the bread would become stale and hard after a few days and besides toasting it on the fire there was not much else you could do apart from making sandwiches.
And that is why I created this article to bring attention to the best thing since sliced bread.
And that ladies and gentlemen are wraps.
First of all, wraps are thin, take up a lot less room in your bag, come in a variety of flavours, and don’t go off as quickly.
All in all, they are perfect for camping.
Secondly, the bread shouldn’t be the main focus of the sandwich, in fact, the ingredients should be the thing that takes the cake.
I mean you can put so many things inside of a wrap and really enjoy the tastes that they give to your meal.
Thirdly you can make campfire pizza’s and let’s face it, that is one of the most incredible things to have while camping. It is also something no one will expect.
Just imagine kids or others asking you “what’s for dinner tonight” and you reply “Pizza’s”.
Can you imagine the smiles on their faces when they realise that one of their favourite meals can be eaten while camping? Priceless
It’s as simple as getting a wrap smothering it with a sauce of your preference, layering in out with your favourite ingredients and then closing it up with aluminium foil so that you can place it onto the coals of the fire.
Within just a few moments you end up with a meal that will blow your mind away.
Next camping trip we are grabbing wraps with us and making Campfire Pizzas. I can't wait. #camping #foodClick to Tweet
How is it possible to have such a great meal at a campsite?
That is the reason why I prefer wraps over bread as you can make not only fantastic sandwiches, snacks but also creating mind-blowing pizzas.
If I would consider that a sandwich it would definitely be by far the best sandwich I have ever had while camping.
For more amazing meals that you would not expect to have on a camping trip check out this The Simplest Make Ahead Camping Recipes
What do you think is the best sandwich you have ever eaten while camping? let me know in the comments below
If you liked this article make sure to share it, pin it and subscribe to Mendooutdoors, to receive updates about the best articles about camping
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/nighttime-camping-activities/
Insanely Fun Nighttime Camping Activities That Will Excite You
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Sitting around a campfire, drinking beers and telling stories is insanely fun but also participating in nighttime camping activities can fill the night with laughter and amazing memories.
So get your head torches and torches ready as you are in for a great amount of fun.
The darkness has a tendency of bringing out the mischievous side of people.
We tend to like to do things we usually wouldn’t do during the day and that is because the darkness is like a blanket that hides our silliness.
This is great because of this you’re more likely to have everlasting memories filled with laughter and adventures.
Just remember it is going to be dark so be a little bit more cautious as you might not see things that you would usually see during the day.
Okay but now we got the safety site out of it let’s get into the list and get excited about fun nighttime camping activities.
#Making shadow puppets
This one is really great if you do not feel like getting up from the fire but still want to use your imagination and have some fun.
Get a strong torch or use the fire and project your shadow puppets onto a tent or onto a tarp if you have one.
You can have the rest of the group try and guess what your shadow puppet is or join in.
To create the shadow puppets you can use your hands what nature has to offer that it sticks leaves and other things, you can be as creative as you want this.
#Nighttime Hike
Going hiking at nighttime is great as you will experience the outdoors in a different way than you would if you went hiking during the day.
You will see different animals, hear different sounds and everything around you will look completely different. In fact, if you go over the same path during the day you might find that you will not recognise it.
Before you do decide to go for a nighttime hike make sure that you research the wildlife beforehand so as to not run into a dangerous situation.
Also, make sure that you have a spare change of batteries for your torches and don’t stray away too far from the campsite so that you don’t get lost.
If you do go on a long hike make sure to follow one path and if there is a fork in the path at any point make sure to mark the direction you came from so that it is easier for you to get back to camp.
I would say take a map and compass as a last resort, but something you will find is that navigating at nighttime is extremely difficult as you will have trouble finding points of reference in terrain.
But worst case scenario if you do get lost don’t panic, stay warm and wait for the daylight and navigate your way back to the campsite.
Learn these advanced navigation skills to make sure you can find your way back to the camp.
Let's go stargazing next time we go camping
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#Star Gazing
One thing I absolutely love about camping at nighttime is a clear night sky and gazing at the stars.
The sky is unpolluted from any light sources and can really put on a spectacular show for you.
Obviously knowing constellations would make it exciting as you could search for them with your friends and families.
Luckily for you these days there are incredible apps for your phones which will show you exactly where all the constellation are.
#Have a cook-off
See who the master chef of your camping trip is by having everyone cook the best meal they can come up with and then compare them
For a few simple recipes that are bound to turn heads of all your friends and family check out this set of camping recipes.
Which Nighttime camping activities have you done in the past? Comment below and share your favourite one
#Midnight Swim
With this one, you will require a bit more caution as at nighttime you do not see most of the dangers that lurk within the water.
If it’s a lake or stream make sure that you waddle through with it first so that you make sure that there are no rocks branches of things that could get you injured if you accidentally swam into them.
Places you should not swim in are fast flowing rivers and places which are marked as dangerous spots.
Either way, swimming at nighttime with a beverage and a few friends after a hot day in the sun is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable experiences you can have.
If you have a ball you can throw the ball at one another, you can get some floating apparatuses and float around, you can play tips and so much more.
Bring floatations devices next time we go camping to chill on the lake while drinking a beverage or 2
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#Play Flashlight tag
This is a great game which doesn’t require much running around as it is played like hide and seek.
One person counts to a predetermined numbe r while everyone goes and hides in the forest.
Once the person counts to the number they start searching and whoever gets lit up with a flashlight they then become the person that is in.
#Draw with light
Using a set of torches and a long exposure camera you can create some incredible shots that will impress everyone.
It’s a great activity for multiple people as well as it requires everyone to communicate well and choreograph everything so that the images come out great
If you have colourful lights the pictures will come out even more amazing.
Who Said that I am too old to play camping games?
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Have we missed any nighttime camping activities this post? Make sure to let us know in the comments so that we can ad them to this post.
#Tell Ghost Stories
You probably remember from movies or from your own experience how people used to sit around a fire and talk about scary, terrifying ghost stories.
It seemed that every time a noise would happen in the forest around you, you would think the worse and would huddle closer to everyone else.
Well, it is definitely a fun nighttime camping activity to do while sitting around the fire and enjoying each other’s stories.
For a free resource of scary campfire stories click this link Free Camping Ghost Stories
#Play glow in the dark bowling
Get yourself six or more 2 L bottles of water and place a glow stick inside of the bottles.
Next line them up in a triangular shape and use a ball to knock them down.
Just make sure that you do not have any drop-offs or places where you can lose the ball.
#Play Truth or Dare
A game that most likely everyone has played at least once in their lives is the good old truth or dare.
It is an excellent game to play with your friends after a few drinks as some of the stories that will come out or dares that may happen will be extremely hilarious.
One recommendation for a dare you shouldn’t do is to have someone jump over the fire.
It usually ends up with someone getting hurt
#Sing Campfire songs
Get out a guitar, tune your vocal cords and sing with a bunch of friends to some new pop songs old school rock or a selection of campfire songs.
It’s an extremely bonding experience when you have everyone tuning in and is contributing.
Best of all if the beat gets your feet you can also dance around the fire.
Here is a set of campfire songs which are easy to learn and most likely you’ve heard them once or twice before Campfire Songs
A camp is not complete until you have marshmallows which are roasted on a fire.
It’s amazing how these white or pink or yellow fluffy little objects can have so many different ways of being cooked.
Some prefer it completely charcoal black with the inside being melted and others love their marshmallows so much that they allow them to be cooked for 4-5minutes to get a golden brown colour but with the insides being warm, fluffy and runny.
What’s the way that you like to make your marshmallows, do you have secret tips let me know in the comments below
#Practise Night Time Photography
If you have a camera with you and enjoy taking a few snaps here and there make sure to set your exposure to long, get the tripod out and practice taking some beautiful nighttime photography.
It is incredible how much advancement we have had in cameras which take incredibly detailed and beautiful photos.
Once you take a few photos make sure to share them on Instagram using the tag #mendooutdoors.
#Cards Against Humanity
This game is widely popular at parties but also at campfires as it is a simple game but can get a ton of laughs.
Best of all it is also very small to carry and everyone can get amongst it and enjoy some politically incorrect jokes.
Click here to find out more about Cards Against Humanity
Cards against humanity, a campfire, drinks and we are in for a night filled with laughter
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Has Cards Against Humanity ever been one of your Nighttime camping activies? How did it turn out?
#Two Truths one Lie
In this game, someone says three statements about their past.
Two of them are true and one is a lie. Everyone else around the campfire tries to guess which is the lie.
This is a great way to learn about the people you’re camping with. Take turns, of course.
#Never Have I Ever
Each person in the circle starts with three fingers up.
Then, you go around the circle saying something you’ve never done before.
If someone has done it before, they put a finger down. Keep going until someone doesn’t have any fingers left.
This is another fun way to get to know each other, but only play if you’re all comfortable with each other. Some questions can get personal.
Enjoying this set of nighttime camping activities? Make sure to share it so that others can enjoy it as much as you.
This is a good way to keep things active.
Just make sure your campfire is bright enough for everyone to see the person acting out the charades.
Use this resource to make sure you get the best fire for the situation How to make a Fire
#Bring a Deck of cards
Cards can be used in so many ways and are by far one of the easiest nighttime camping activities that you can do.
With so many people knowing so many different types of games it’s just a matter of time for you to learn a new one which you can enjoy.
Best of all with cards they are small and easy to carry around and everyone can get amongst it.
Here is a list of card games you can play on your next camping trip Camping Card Games
#Build a shelter in the dark
Have you ever built a shelter while out camping? Try to do it in the dark.
This will enhance your survival skills as it is harder to do everything when night sets in. Best of all you can get everyone on board and make a really cool hut in which you can spend time in
Additionally, to that, you could sharpen your survival skills like rope tying and other cool survival exercises
#Play Camouflage
You can also play a game of camouflage which requires one person to stand stationary and countdown from 30. In that time have everyone else has to hide.
Once the person completed the countdown he opens his eyes, looks around while remaining in the same spot and lights up people with the torch.
The people who get lit up are out and have to wait to the end of the game.
If there are remaining people that still haven’t been found then the stationary person closes their eyes and yells out “food and water” and proceeds to count down from 25.
In the time everyone has to run that is still hiding and tap the person on the hand and find a new hiding spot.
Again the person opens their eyes after 25 seconds and looks around and tries finding people.
If there are more people remaining the stationary person counts down from 20 then again 15, 10 and 5 until everyone gets caught. The last person remaining wins and becomes the person that is stationary looking for everyone.
This is my set of fun nighttime camping activities that I think everyone would enjoy. If you enjoyed this article make sure to Share, Pin, comment and subscribe to my page for more amazing articles that will come out on a weekly basis.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/nighttime-camping-activities/
Insanely Fun Nighttime Camping Activities That Will Excite You
Sitting around a campfire, drinking beers and telling stories is insanely fun but also participating in nighttime camping activities can fill the night with laughter and amazing memories.
So get your head torches and torches ready as you are in for a great amount of fun.
The darkness has a tendency of bringing out the mischievous side of people.
We tend to like to do things we usually wouldn’t do during the day and that is because the darkness is like a blanket that hides our silliness.
This is great because of this you’re more likely to have everlasting memories filled with laughter and adventures.
Just remember it is going to be dark so be a little bit more cautious as you might not see things that you would usually see during the day.
Okay but now we got the safety site out of it let’s get into the list and get excited about fun nighttime camping activities.
#Making shadow puppets
This one is really great if you do not feel like getting up from the fire but still want to use your imagination and have some fun.
Get a strong torch or use the fire and project your shadow puppets onto a tent or onto a tarp if you have one.
You can have the rest of the group try and guess what your shadow puppet is or join in.
To create the shadow puppets you can use your hands what nature has to offer that it sticks leaves and other things, you can be as creative as you want this.
#Nighttime Hike
Going hiking at nighttime is great as you will experience the outdoors in a different way than you would if you went hiking during the day.
You will see different animals, hear different sounds and everything around you will look completely different. In fact, if you go over the same path during the day you might find that you will not recognise it.
Before you do decide to go for a nighttime hike make sure that you research the wildlife beforehand so as to not run into a dangerous situation.
Also, make sure that you have a spare change of batteries for your torches and don’t stray away too far from the campsite so that you don’t get lost.
If you do go on a long hike make sure to follow one path and if there is a fork in the path at any point make sure to mark the direction you came from so that it is easier for you to get back to camp.
I would say take a map and compass as a last resort, but something you will find is that navigating at nighttime is extremely difficult as you will have trouble finding points of reference in terrain.
But worst case scenario if you do get lost don’t panic, stay warm and wait for the daylight and navigate your way back to the campsite.
Learn these advanced navigation skills to make sure you can find your way back to the camp.
Let's go stargazing next time we go campingClick to Tweet
#Star Gazing
One thing I absolutely love about camping at nighttime is a clear night sky and gazing at the stars.
The sky is unpolluted from any light sources and can really put on a spectacular show for you.
Obviously knowing constellations would make it exciting as you could search for them with your friends and families.
Luckily for you these days there are incredible apps for your phones which will show you exactly where all the constellation are.
#Have a cook-off
See who the master chef of your camping trip is by having everyone cook the best meal they can come up with and then compare them
For a few simple recipes that are bound to turn heads of all your friends and family check out this set of camping recipes.
Which Nighttime camping activities have you done in the past? Comment below and share your favourite one
#Midnight Swim
With this one, you will require a bit more caution as at nighttime you do not see most of the dangers that lurk within the water.
If it’s a lake or stream make sure that you waddle through with it first so that you make sure that there are no rocks branches of things that could get you injured if you accidentally swam into them.
Places you should not swim in are fast flowing rivers and places which are marked as dangerous spots.
Either way, swimming at nighttime with a beverage and a few friends after a hot day in the sun is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable experiences you can have.
If you have a ball you can throw the ball at one another, you can get some floating apparatuses and float around, you can play tips and so much more.
Bring floatations devices next time we go camping to chill on the lake while drinking a beverage or 2 Click to Tweet
#Play Flashlight tag
This is a great game which doesn’t require much running around as it is played like hide and seek.
One person counts to a predetermined numbe r while everyone goes and hides in the forest.
Once the person counts to the number they start searching and whoever gets lit up with a flashlight they then become the person that is in.
#Draw with light
Using a set of torches and a long exposure camera you can create some incredible shots that will impress everyone.
It’s a great activity for multiple people as well as it requires everyone to communicate well and choreograph everything so that the images come out great
If you have colourful lights the pictures will come out even more amazing.
Who Said that I am too old to play camping games?Click to Tweet
Have we missed any nighttime camping activities this post? Make sure to let us know in the comments so that we can ad them to this post.
#Tell Ghost Stories
You probably remember from movies or from your own experience how people used to sit around a fire and talk about scary, terrifying ghost stories.
It seemed that every time a noise would happen in the forest around you, you would think the worse and would huddle closer to everyone else.
Well, it is definitely a fun nighttime camping activity to do while sitting around the fire and enjoying each other’s stories.
For a free resource of scary campfire stories click this link Free Camping Ghost Stories
#Play glow in the dark bowling
Get yourself six or more 2 L bottles of water and place a glow stick inside of the bottles.
Next line them up in a triangular shape and use a ball to knock them down.
Just make sure that you do not have any drop-offs or places where you can lose the ball.
#Play Truth or Dare
A game that most likely everyone has played at least once in their lives is the good old truth or dare.
It is an excellent game to play with your friends after a few drinks as some of the stories that will come out or dares that may happen will be extremely hilarious.
One recommendation for a dare you shouldn’t do is to have someone jump over the fire.
It usually ends up with someone getting hurt
#Sing Campfire songs
Get out a guitar, tune your vocal cords and sing with a bunch of friends to some new pop songs old school rock or a selection of campfire songs.
It’s an extremely bonding experience when you have everyone tuning in and is contributing.
Best of all if the beat gets your feet you can also dance around the fire.
Here is a set of campfire songs which are easy to learn and most likely you’ve heard them once or twice before Campfire Songs
A camp is not complete until you have marshmallows which are roasted on a fire.
It’s amazing how these white or pink or yellow fluffy little objects can have so many different ways of being cooked.
Some prefer it completely charcoal black with the inside being melted and others love their marshmallows so much that they allow them to be cooked for 4-5minutes to get a golden brown colour but with the insides being warm, fluffy and runny.
What’s the way that you like to make your marshmallows, do you have secret tips let me know in the comments below
#Practise Night Time Photography
If you have a camera with you and enjoy taking a few snaps here and there make sure to set your exposure to long, get the tripod out and practice taking some beautiful nighttime photography.
It is incredible how much advancement we have had in cameras which take incredibly detailed and beautiful photos.
Once you take a few photos make sure to share them on Instagram using the tag #mendooutdoors.
#Cards Against Humanity
This game is widely popular at parties but also at campfires as it is a simple game but can get a ton of laughs.
Best of all it is also very small to carry and everyone can get amongst it and enjoy some politically incorrect jokes.
Click here to find out more about Cards Against Humanity
Cards against humanity, a campfire, drinks and we are in for a night filled with laughterClick to Tweet
Has Cards Against Humanity ever been one of your Nighttime camping activies? How did it turn out?
#Two Truths one Lie
In this game, someone says three statements about their past.
Two of them are true and one is a lie. Everyone else around the campfire tries to guess which is the lie.
This is a great way to learn about the people you’re camping with. Take turns, of course.
#Never Have I Ever
Each person in the circle starts with three fingers up.
Then, you go around the circle saying something you’ve never done before.
If someone has done it before, they put a finger down. Keep going until someone doesn’t have any fingers left.
This is another fun way to get to know each other, but only play if you’re all comfortable with each other. Some questions can get personal.
Enjoying this set of nighttime camping activities? Make sure to share it so that others can enjoy it as much as you.
This is a good way to keep things active.
Just make sure your campfire is bright enough for everyone to see the person acting out the charades.
Use this resource to make sure you get the best fire for the situation How to make a Fire
#Bring a Deck of cards
Cards can be used in so many ways and are by far one of the easiest nighttime camping activities that you can do.
With so many people knowing so many different types of games it’s just a matter of time for you to learn a new one which you can enjoy.
Best of all with cards they are small and easy to carry around and everyone can get amongst it.
Here is a list of card games you can play on your next camping trip Camping Card Games
#Build a shelter in the dark
Have you ever built a shelter while out camping? Try to do it in the dark.
This will enhance your survival skills as it is harder to do everything when night sets in. Best of all you can get everyone on board and make a really cool hut in which you can spend time in
Additionally, to that, you could sharpen your survival skills like rope tying and other cool survival exercises
#Play Camouflage
You can also play a game of camouflage which requires one person to stand stationary and countdown from 30. In that time have everyone else has to hide.
Once the person completed the countdown he opens his eyes, looks around while remaining in the same spot and lights up people with the torch.
The people who get lit up are out and have to wait to the end of the game.
If there are remaining people that still haven’t been found then the stationary person closes their eyes and yells out “food and water” and proceeds to count down from 25.
In the time everyone has to run that is still hiding and tap the person on the hand and find a new hiding spot.
Again the person opens their eyes after 25 seconds and looks around and tries finding people.
If there are more people remaining the stationary person counts down from 20 then again 15, 10 and 5 until everyone gets caught. The last person remaining wins and becomes the person that is stationary looking for everyone.
This is my set of fun nighttime camping activities that I think everyone would enjoy. If you enjoyed this article make sure to Share, Pin, comment and subscribe to my page for more amazing articles that will come out on a weekly basis.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/what-survival-items-do-you-have-to-have/
What Survival Items Do You Have To Have
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Imagine you’re on a sinking ship not far from a secluded island and you only have moments to jump overboard with only a select few items to prolong your survival before you get rescued
Which items should you grab to make it as easy for you as possible?
It is a story that you can find in hundreds of books.
The idea of being trapped on a secluded island and doing what you can to survive has been of interest to me for all my life.
I always wanted to know what sort of shelters I would build, the food I would collect, the weapons I would make, and what kind of a life I could create with absolutely nothing besides the essentials.
After years of working in the outdoors and learning the bests survival techniques, I have come up with a list of the most important items in my opinion that could help and make life on a secluded island bearable.
The 4 most necessary items to take camping in the instance you end up in a survival situations #camping #survival
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Now before I even get into the list, again these are in my opinion the best items that I would take with me.
I would recommend you create your own list and if you already have a survival list share in the comments below as I would be interested to see what you would take with you.
Okay so here is my list of survival items I would bring with me onto a secluded island.
I mean let’s face it, you can create rope from palm leaves, thin bark and so on but having rope doesn’t take up much space and can be used in many ways to make shelters, traps, tools and so much more. Having it on hand right away means that I wouldn’t have to worry about creating it myself and in doing so spend less time building my shelters.
Also to use rope efficiently and to its best potential I would learn the basic knots required to create pulley systems, hitches and more
A tarp makes a great shelter, but also on top of that it can be used to collect rainwater, it’s visible which would make efforts easier, It can be used for creating traps for fish, you can repurpose it as a backpack and so on.
A tarp is just so versatile.
#Flint and Steel
In all honesty, I do not require a flint and steel to create fire but having it with me would mean that I can focus on other more important aspects like catching food.
It would mean I don’t have to worry about maintaining the fire just making sure I had all the necessary required items to start the fire. The flint and steel would do the rest
#A Knife
you can use a knife for so many things, such as chopping wood, using it as a weapon, hunting, cutting up food and so much more. It’s not the most valuable item on the list as you could create a sharpened rock.
But having it would make life a whole lot you.
If I had any of those four items with it would make the whole survival experience quite a lot easier as each one of those items can be used in many ways.
Now that I went over my list of items I would use if I could on a secluded island let me know which ones you would take with you if you could and how they would benefit you.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/what-survival-items-do-you-have-to-have/
What Survival Items Do You Have To Have
Imagine you’re on a sinking ship not far from a secluded island and you only have moments to jump overboard with only a select few items to prolong your survival before you get rescued
Which items should you grab to make it as easy for you as possible?
It is a story that you can find in hundreds of books.
The idea of being trapped on a secluded island and doing what you can to survive has been of interest to me for all my life.
I always wanted to know what sort of shelters I would build, the food I would collect, the weapons I would make, and what kind of a life I could create with absolutely nothing besides the essentials.
After years of working in the outdoors and learning the bests survival techniques, I have come up with a list of the most important items in my opinion that could help and make life on a secluded island bearable.
The 4 most necessary items to take camping in the instance you end up in a survival situations #camping #survivalClick to Tweet
Now before I even get into the list, again these are in my opinion the best items that I would take with me.
I would recommend you create your own list and if you already have a survival list share in the comments below as I would be interested to see what you would take with you.
Okay so here is my list of survival items I would bring with me onto a secluded island.
I mean let’s face it, you can create rope from palm leaves, thin bark and so on but having rope doesn’t take up much space and can be used in many ways to make shelters, traps, tools and so much more. Having it on hand right away means that I wouldn’t have to worry about creating it myself and in doing so spend less time building my shelters.
Also to use rope efficiently and to its best potential I would learn the basic knots required to create pulley systems, hitches and more
A tarp makes a great shelter, but also on top of that it can be used to collect rainwater, it’s visible which would make efforts easier, It can be used for creating traps for fish, you can repurpose it as a backpack and so on.
A tarp is just so versatile.
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#Flint and Steel
In all honesty, I do not require a flint and steel to create fire but having it with me would mean that I can focus on other more important aspects like catching food.
It would mean I don’t have to worry about maintaining the fire just making sure I had all the necessary required items to start the fire. The flint and steel would do the rest
#A Knife
you can use a knife for so many things, such as chopping wood, using it as a weapon, hunting, cutting up food and so much more. It’s not the most valuable item on the list as you could create a sharpened rock.
But having it would make life a whole lot you.
If I had any of those four items with it would make the whole survival experience quite a lot easier as each one of those items can be used in many ways.
Now that I went over my list of items I would use if I could on a secluded island let me know which ones you would take with you if you could and how they would benefit you.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/tim-gallaway-kayak/
Tim Gallaway - Kayak - Featured Profile
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Are you a kayaking fan? Do you enjoy the thrill of rushing water past you while speeding down the rapids? Then This featured profile will be right up your alley
Tim Gallaway is a kayaking enthusiast for a majority of his life, with plenty of amazing tips and adventures to share.
My name is Tim Gallaway and I have been a kayak instructor for the last 10 years (about 1/3 of my life).
I originally got into kayaking as a fun way to explore the lakes and rivers around my home and from there it has grown into an obsession and a way of life.
My kayak of choice is a plastic sea-kayak that is about 17.5 feet (5.36 m) long.
It is a great all around kayak and I use it for day trips, surfing, instructing students, and long expeditions.
My longest trip took 34 days and covers about 860 miles from the Great Lakes to the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Reflect on your adventures, what went wrong, what went right? Are you happy with the result, are you happy with yourself? #kayak #kayaking
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I had been planning that expedition for 2 years. It started off as all trips do as a simple idea. I blame my Dad for the idea.
He just mentioned maybe to take some time off and go paddle in Quebec once I graduated. So it began.
I planned to follow the Great Lakes all the way to the sea but a Canadian friend of mine told me about the old voyageur canoe route through Northern Ontario and I knew that was the route I wanted to follow.
It would include the familiar and the unfamiliar, open water and small rivers, rapids and portaging, big cities and tidal flows, English and French.If y
A month away from my ‘normal’ was exactly what I needed at that moment in my life.
Diversify your skill set, learn as much as you can from as many people you can. A wider base makes a stronger structure. Be a renaissance ________. #kayak #kayaking
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Besides exploring open water I also love the thrill of whitewater paddling and, on the opposite end of the spectrum, the rush of paddling racing surfski kayaks.
But my real passion lies in traditional Greenland style paddling.
Not a lot of people know about this type of paddling but there is a lot to learn about kayaking if you go back to the source.
Qajaqing (traditional spelling of kayaking & pronounced the same way) as we know it today developed in the Arctic by the Inuit people as a means of hunting marine mammals and for transport.
The skills they came up with to stay alive in those hostile waters translate perfectly to modern equipment.
Learn the history of your passion. If you see where it came from you can better see where it is going. #kayak #kayaking
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I really jumped into traditional paddling with both feet and no hesitation. It just seemed to fit.
It felt natural where most other sports were a struggle. It was just the right amount of challenge and reward, a combination that is always difficult to find when exploring new things.
I learned dozens of new special techniques and pushed myself to be better.
I had a goal through all of this, to compete in the Greenland National Qajaqing Championship, a week-long set of competitions held every summer in Greenland (events include races, qajaq rolling, harpoon throwing, and rope gymnastics (www.youtube.com/kayaktothesea).
In the traditional paddling community, Greenland is the holy land.
As the place where the paddles and kayaks and techniques we use originated it is often seen as the pinnacle of qajaq achievement to go paddling in Greenland.
I have an ongoing youtube series about travelling to Greenland to compete.
Take a look at my youtube channel to watch. I try to get a new one out every few weeks.
I feel really lucky to have found a sport and passion that can be so many different things.
It can be my adrenaline fix or my meditation, or often both at the same time.
Kayaking for me is just like the water: some days it can be calm and relaxed, other days tumultuous and exciting, and everything in between.
It flows and changes and no two days are exactly the same.
Learn to adapt to change. Don’t let your mindset lock you into a paradigm. Learn to ride the swells rather than be washed over by them. #kayak #kayaking
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Follow Tim Gallaway on his social networks
    Tim is an inspiring outdoor adventurer, with plenty of amazing kayaking achievements under his belt.
Make sure to check out his social networks and follow him for more amazing journeys that he might venture on in the future.
If you know of someone with an incredible outdoor story make sure to contact us so we can feature them on mendooutdoors.com
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/tim-gallaway-kayak/
Tim Gallaway - Featured Profile - Kayak
Are you a kayaking fan? Do you enjoy the thrill of rushing water past you while speeding down the rapids? Then This featured profile will be right up your alley
Tim Gallaway is a kayaking enthusiast for a majority of his life, with plenty of amazing tips and adventures to share.
My name is Tim Gallaway and I have been a kayak instructor for the last 10 years (about 1/3 of my life).
I originally got into kayaking as a fun way to explore the lakes and rivers around my home and from there it has grown into an obsession and a way of life.
My kayak of choice is a plastic sea-kayak that is about 17.5 feet (5.36 m) long.
It is a great all around kayak and I use it for day trips, surfing, instructing students, and long expeditions.
My longest trip took 34 days and covers about 860 miles from the Great Lakes to the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Reflect on your adventures, what went wrong, what went right? Are you happy with the result, are you happy with yourself? #kayak #kayakingClick to Tweet
I had been planning that expedition for 2 years. It started off as all trips do as a simple idea. I blame my Dad for the idea.
He just mentioned maybe to take some time off and go paddle in Quebec once I graduated. So it began.
I planned to follow the Great Lakes all the way to the sea but a Canadian friend of mine told me about the old voyageur canoe route through Northern Ontario and I knew that was the route I wanted to follow.
It would include the familiar and the unfamiliar, open water and small rivers, rapids and portaging, big cities and tidal flows, English and French.
A month away from my ‘normal’ was exactly what I needed at that moment in my life.
Diversify your skill set, learn as much as you can from as many people you can. A wider base makes a stronger structure. Be a renaissance ________. #kayak #kayakingClick to Tweet
Besides exploring open water I also love the thrill of whitewater paddling and, on the opposite end of the spectrum, the rush of paddling racing surfski kayaks.
But my real passion lies in traditional Greenland style paddling.
Not a lot of people know about this type of paddling but there is a lot to learn about kayaking if you go back to the source.
Qajaqing (traditional spelling of kayaking & pronounced the same way) as we know it today developed in the Arctic by the Inuit people as a means of hunting marine mammals and for transport.
The skills they came up with to stay alive in those hostile waters translate perfectly to modern equipment.
Learn the history of your passion. If you see where it came from you can better see where it is going. #kayak #kayakingClick to Tweet
I really jumped into traditional paddling with both feet and no hesitation. It just seemed to fit.
It felt natural where most other sports were a struggle. It was just the right amount of challenge and reward, a combination that is always difficult to find when exploring new things.
I learned dozens of new special techniques and pushed myself to be better.
I had a goal through all of this, to compete in the Greenland National Qajaqing Championship, a week-long set of competitions held every summer in Greenland (events include races, qajaq rolling, harpoon throwing, and rope gymnastics (www.youtube.com/kayaktothesea).
In the traditional paddling community, Greenland is the holy land.
As the place where the paddles and kayaks and techniques we use originated it is often seen as the pinnacle of qajaq achievement to go paddling in Greenland.
I have an ongoing youtube series about travelling to Greenland to compete.
Take a look at my youtube channel to watch. I try to get a new one out every few weeks.
I feel really lucky to have found a sport and passion that can be so many different things.
It can be my adrenaline fix or my meditation, or often both at the same time.
Kayaking for me is just like the water: some days it can be calm and relaxed, other days tumultuous and exciting, and everything in between.
It flows and changes and no two days are exactly the same.
Learn to adapt to change. Don’t let your mindset lock you into a paradigm. Learn to ride the swells rather than be washed over by them. #kayak #kayakingClick to Tweet
Follow Tim Gallaway on his social networks
    Tim is an inspiring outdoor adventurer, with plenty of amazing kayaking achievements under his belt.
Make sure to check out his social networks and follow him for more amazing journeys that he might venture on in the future.
If you know of someone with an incredible outdoor story make sure to contact us so we can feature them on mendooutdoors.com
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/18-glamping-ideas/
18 Glamping Ideas That Will Turn Your Next Trip Unforgettable
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Camping is by far one of the most enjoyable activities while being outdoors, but not everyone is ready to tough it out on a hard forest floor. That is why glamping is becoming quite popular these days. Use these glamping ideas to really enhance your outdoor experience
And let’s face it, who wouldn’t like to spend a week in the forest connecting with nature, breathing in fresh air, sitting around a fire and enjoying all that the outdoors has to offer, while getting a good nights rest on a queen size air bed inside of a massive tent.
I mean there is nothing wrong with toughing it out and pushing your survival limits to the tests. Yes, there are people that love it, but for people who come from cities where comfort is the number one priority, this is the perfect alternative.
So what entails glamping you may ask.
Simply put glamping is camping with all the added creature comforts that are unnecessary to enjoy the outdoors but which enhance the comfort of your stay out in nature.
So on that note let’s jump into some glamping ideas which will enhance your next trip outdoors:
#Get yourself a big tent.
Long gone are the days when you pull up in a car and have a small tent into which a whole family has to squeeze in at night.
These days you can get tents in which you can stand up but also provide you with privacy by having separate rooms.
I mean the walls are thin but at least you can get changed in it without having to worry that someone might walk in on you in your birthday suit.
#Get yourself an air mattress.
Not only does it fold down and doesn’t take up much room but the queen size air mattress can provide you with plenty of comforts.
These days in facts you can get air mattresses that are not only rigid but also tough and soft.
For even more comfort get yourself a battery-powered inflator so that your lungs do not have to slave away blowing up your bed.
#Bring your blankets and pillows.
First of all who said that you have to sleep in a sleeping bag while outdoors.
If you have a large air mattress why not also cover yourself up at night time with soft warm blankets and rest your head on a big pillow.
Enjoying these Glamping ideas? Make sure to leave your best ideas in the comments below to get them featured on this page.
#Bring sandals.
Now it is a recommendation to always wear shoes while outdoors as you never know what you might step on but in that case why not wear sandals when sitting around the fire or walking around camp.
Now, this might annoy a few people but the most comfortable outdoor sandals are crocs.
Not only are they soft is and comfortable but they also provide protection from the top and are lightweight and perfect for when you go swimming as they float.
  #Bring floor mats and rugs.
Yes, that is correct. Bring something you can lay on the floor of the tent so you can walk around in luxury.
It also creates a nice vibe inside the tent. A quick suggestion though would be to lay a tarp underneath the rugs to make sure they stay as dry as possible.
#Bring Christmas lights (fairy lights).
You can wrap these bad boys around inside the tents and your campsite to give it a super nice atmosphere.
Just make sure you invest in the waterproof kind and the ones that run of batteries.
#Bring scented candles.
The forest smells beautiful but it can smell even better with scented candles.
You can place them around the campsite (not recommended inside the tent) and best of all they can be the mosquito repellent kind.
  #Bring an armchair with you.
When sitting around the campfire it is definitely enjoyable having any form of a seat, be it a log, a rock or an armchair.
You will usually find that people will scramble for the chair as it is the most comfortable to sit on.
Additionally, it’s fantastic for when you are having dinner as most of them come with a beverage holder in the armrests.
#Bring an icebox for your beverages.
One of my all-time favourite things to do is sit around a fire with my friends and drink tasty, cold beverages.
But in the middle of the forest, you will find it difficult to find a cooler box or ice which in turn will make the beverages warm up quite quickly.
If you are adamant not to bring another icebox bring a net as you can put your beverages into the net and keep them in the stream, river or lake.
Just make sure that the cans won’t float away and that you tie the net to something sturdy.
Share, Tweet, Pin These Glamping ideas so that your friends and family can use them on their next trip
#Bring cooking pots.
Seeing as you most likely are going to drive into your glamping area, you won’t have to worry about the weight of your pots and pans.
That is why you should bring cast iron pots as they work best on coals and fire. Additionally, if you bring a cast iron pot you can make delicious stews which can slowly cook throughout the day on the coals.
#Bring a bucket for your number twos.
For many dropping a log in the forests can be quite relaxing. Unfortunately though for places with many campers you will find that it is a minefield of buried poo.
That is why these days a better option is to bring your own bucket with a decomposable bag and a hole in the lid to make it comfortable to sit on.
It is not the most enjoyable thing to clean up, but it definitely beats accidentally coming across someone else’s leftovers.
Another reason why you do not want to leave your poo in the forest is that animals will literally sniff it out and if it’s buried not too deep they will dig it out and feast on it.
And let’s face it the human diet is not the healthiest meal for wild outdoor animals.
#Bringing aluminium foil.
Well, the thing is you can bring aluminium foil while camping also. The best thing about it though is you can make some incredible meals by wrapping up the food in the foil and placing it on the coals.
Let the heat do the work for you and afterwards enjoy an incredibly tasty meal.
Which Glamping ideas impressed you the most? Which ones will you use at your next camping ground
#Bring toys (obviously for the kids).
If you have little kids with you, the best thing you can do is bring their favourite toys along so that they can stay occupied for hours on end.
Also, research some camping games to get the children in touch with nature.
#Get an RV or Camper.
For the ultimate in luxury, why not hire or purchase an RV or Camper and pull up to your campsite, park your car and right from the moment go enjoy yourself.
There won’t be any need for unpacking and setting up the campsite as everything in the camper will be ready.
What’s even better is that you will most likely have power and a proper toilet inside the camper.
#Bring an outdoor shower.
These days you can find yourself an outdoor shower unit which you can attach to a tree and enjoy warm water as it flows down onto you.
This is great if you find that the water in the lake, river or creek is a little too cold for your liking.
#Bring a grill.
Yes, you most likely will have a fire on which you can cook your meals but cooking on fire isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to do.
So if you grab yourself a grill, you can enjoy the fire while the food cooks on the side.
On the topic of fire, check out these amazing DIY fire starters which will make it super easy to light a fire next time you are glamping.
#Bring a first aid kit.
First aid kits can be massive but at the same time, every single thing in the kit can help you in time of need.
Not having to carry a big bulky kit will mean that you can bring a better one and have it on standby for almost any first aid requirement.
One thing you should consider is going through the first aid kit prior to going out to learn how to use all the bits and pieces within the kit.
For a few First Aid hacks check out my ebook 
#Bring floatation devices.
That is right, my all-time favourite thing while glamping is to float on the waters with a beverage in my hand, relax and watch the beautiful surroundings around me float by.
If you bring some water pistols you can also set the kids on a day of pirating which will give them a huge buzz.
So that is it. These are my top Glamping ideas which I will quite regularly update. If you have any of your own, pop them in the comments below and I will seriously consider including them in this list.
Also, if you enjoyed this article, make sure to share it with everyone.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/18-glamping-ideas/
18 Glamping Ideas That Will Make Your Next Trip Unforgettable
Camping is by far one of the most enjoyable activities while being outdoors. However, not everyone is ready to tough it out on a hard forest floor.
That is why glamping is becoming quite popular these days. Use these glamping ideas to really enhance your outdoor experience
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And let’s face it, who wouldn’t like to spend a week in the forest connecting with nature, breathing in fresh air, sitting around a fire and enjoying all that the outdoors has to offer, while getting a good nights rest on a queen size air bed inside of a massive tent.
I mean there is nothing wrong with toughing it out and pushing your survival limits to the tests.
Yes, there are people that love it, but for people who come from cities where comfort is the number one priority, this is the perfect alternative.
So what entails glamping you may ask.
Simply put glamping is camping with all the added creature comforts that are unnecessary to enjoy the outdoors but which enhance the comfort of your stay out in nature.
So on that note let’s jump into some glamping ideas which will enhance your next trip outdoors:
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#Get yourself a big tent.
Long gone are the days when you pull up in a car and have a small tent into which a whole family has to squeeze in at night.
These days you can get tents high enough to stand up straight but also provide you with privacy by having separate rooms which you can close of separately of each other.
I mean the walls are thin but at least you can get changed in it without having to worry that someone might walk in on you in your birthday suit.
#Get yourself an air mattress.
Not only does it fold down and doesn’t take up much room but the queen size air mattress can provide you with plenty of comforts.
These days in facts you can get air mattresses that are not only rigid but also tough and soft.
For even more comfort get yourself a battery-powered inflator so that your lungs do not have to slave away blowing up your bed.
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#Bring your blankets and pillows.
First of all who said that you have to sleep in a sleeping bag while outdoors.
If you have a large air mattress why not also cover yourself up at night time with soft warm blankets and rest your head on a big pillow.
Enjoying these Glamping ideas? Make sure to leave your best ideas in the comments below to get them featured on this page.
#Bring sandals.
Now it is a recommendation to always wear shoes while outdoors as you never know what you might step on but in that case why not wear sandals when sitting around the fire or walking around camp.
Now, this might annoy a few people but the most comfortable outdoor sandals are crocs.
Not only are they soft is and comfortable but they also provide protection from the top and are lightweight and perfect for when you go swimming as they float.
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 #Bring floor mats and rugs.
Yes, that is correct. Bring something you can lay on the floor of the tent so you can walk around in luxury.
It also creates a nice vibe inside the tent. A quick suggestion though would be to lay a tarp underneath the rugs to make sure they stay as dry as possible.
#Bring Christmas lights (fairy lights).
You can wrap these bad boys around inside the tents and your campsite to give it a super nice atmosphere.
Just make sure you invest in the waterproof kind and the ones that run of batteries.
#Bring scented candles.
The forest smells beautiful but it can smell even better with scented candles.
You can place them around the campsite (not recommended inside the tent) and best of all they can be the mosquito repellent kind.
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#Bring an armchair with you
When sitting around the campfire it is definitely enjoyable having any form of a seat, be it a log, a rock or an armchair.
You will usually find that people will scramble for the chair as it is the most comfortable to sit on.
Additionally, it’s fantastic for when you are having dinner as most of them come with a beverage holder in the armrests.
#Bring an icebox for your beverages.
One of my all-time favourite things to do is sit around a fire with my friends and drink tasty, cold beverages.
But in the middle of the forest, you will find it difficult to find a cooler box or ice which in turn will make the beverages warm up quite quickly.
If you are adamant not to bring another icebox bring a net as you can put your beverages into the net and keep them in the stream, river or lake.
Just make sure that the cans won’t float away and that you tie the net to something sturdy.
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Share, Tweet, Pin These Glamping ideas so that your friends and family can use them on their next trip
#Bring cooking pots.
Seeing as you most likely are going to drive into your glamping area, you won’t have to worry about the weight of your pots and pans.
That is why you should bring cast iron pots as they work best on coals and fire. Additionally, if you bring a cast iron pot you can make delicious stews which can slowly cook throughout the day on the coals.
#Bring a bucket for your number twos.
For many dropping a log in the forests can be quite relaxing. Unfortunately though for places with many campers you will find that it is a minefield of buried poo.
That is why these days a better option is to bring your own bucket with a decomposable bag and a hole in the lid to make it comfortable to sit on.
It is not the most enjoyable thing to clean up, but it definitely beats accidentally coming across someone else’s leftovers.
Another reason why you do not want to leave your poo in the forest is that animals will literally sniff it out and if it’s buried not too deep they will dig it out and feast on it.
And let’s face it the human diet is not the healthiest meal for wild outdoor animals.
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#Bringing aluminium foil.
Well, the thing is you can bring aluminium foil while camping also. The best thing about it though is you can make some incredible meals by wrapping up the food in the foil and placing it on the coals.
Let the heat do the work for you and afterwards enjoy an incredibly tasty meal.
Which Glamping ideas impressed you the most? Which ones will you use at your next camping ground
#Bring toys (obviously for the kids).
If you have little kids with you, the best thing you can do is bring their favourite toys along so that they can stay occupied for hours on end.
Also, research some camping games to get the children in touch with nature.
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#Get an RV or Camper.
For the ultimate in luxury, why not hire or purchase an RV or Camper and pull up to your campsite, park your car and right from the moment go enjoy yourself.
There won’t be any need for unpacking and setting up the campsite as everything in the camper will be ready.
What’s even better is that you will most likely have power and a proper toilet inside the camper.
#Bring an outdoor shower.
These days you can find yourself an outdoor shower unit which you can attach to a tree and enjoy warm water as it flows down onto you.
This is great if you find that the water in the lake, river or creek is a little too cold for your liking.
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#Bring a grill.
Yes, you most likely will have a fire on which you can cook your meals but cooking on fire isn’t necessarily the easiest thing to do.
So if you grab yourself a grill, you can enjoy the fire while the food cooks on the side.
On the topic of fire, check out these amazing DIY fire starters which will make it super easy to light a fire next time you are glamping.
#Bring a first aid kit.
First aid kits can be massive but at the same time, every single thing in the kit can help you in time of need.
Not having to carry a big bulky kit will mean that you can bring a better one and have it on standby for almost any first aid requirement.
One thing you should consider is going through the first aid kit prior to going out to learn how to use all the bits and pieces within the kit.
For a few First Aid hacks check out my ebook 
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#Bring floatation devices.
That is right, my all-time favourite thing while glamping is to float on the waters with a beverage in my hand, relax and watch the beautiful surroundings around me float by.
If you bring some water pistols you can also set the kids on a day of pirating which will give them a huge buzz.
So that is it. These are my top Glamping ideas which I will quite regularly update. If you have any of your own, pop them in the comments below and I will seriously consider including them in this list.
Also, if you enjoyed this article, make sure to share it with everyone.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/150-camping-hacks/
Become a Camping Pro with these 150+ Camping Hacks
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You can start as a beginner camper or go straight to the top reading over this one free ebook filled with over 150 Camping Hacks.
You will be able to learn hacks from a few different categories.
The categories include food, first aid, packing and fire prep.
Best of all you can download the book and take it everywhere with you and as a digital format and look at it on the fly.
If you have any other hacks that you reckon should be included in the book then let me know and I will make sure to include them int he future versions of the Ebook.
To get the book, subscribe below and a link will be sent to you where you can download it.
I got my FREE copy of 150+ Camping Hacks, Get your's here
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Every time someone downloads this ebook it makes me super happy as I am building this website on my own and every subscriber is my motivation to provide more quality content.
Thank you for your support
So glad to see you sticking around!
Pick up this FREE Ebook on 150+ camping hacks
that will turn you into a professional camper
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No spam. Pinky promise!
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This means the world to us!
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Spamming is not included! Pinky promise.
The Camping hack ebook uses works perfectly well with the Camping Checklist that I have created
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/150-camping-hacks/
Become a Camping Pro with these 150+ Camping Hacks
You can start as a beginner camper or go straight to the top reading this one FREE ebook filled with over 150 Camping Hacks.
Hacks are categorised into food, first aid, packing and fire prep.
Thank you for your support. Each subscription and download makes me want to create more amazing content for everyone.
Pick up this FREE Ebook on 150+ camping hacks
that will turn you into a professional camper
Just enter your details below 🙂
No spam. Pinky promise!
Thank You For Subscribing
This means the world to us!
The details to the Ebook have been sent to your email
Spamming is not included! Pinky promise.
If you have any other hacks that you reckon should be included in the book then let me know and I will make sure to include them in the future versions of the Ebook.
I got my FREE copy of 150+ Camping Hacks, Get your's at Mendooutdoors.com #freestuff #campingClick to Tweet
To get the book, subscribe below and a link will be sent to you where you can download it.
Every time someone downloads this ebook it makes me super happy as I am building this website on my own and every subscriber is my motivation to provide more quality content.
Thank you for your support
The Camping hack ebook works perfectly well with the Camping Checklist that I have created which is a tick and flick checklist for organising up to 5 people for your next camping trip
Hope you enjoy.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/best-global-snowboarding-spots/
Best Global Snowboarding Spots and When to Visit
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Snowboarding is one of the best adventure sports out there, and many snowboarders relish the opportunity to visit mountains all over the world. If you’re eager to head on a winter getaway with your board in tow, you might like to try one of the following destinations:
Best Global Snowboarding Spots and When to Visit
  Whistler Blackcomb, Canada
A favourite haunt for antipodeans on their overseas adventure, Whistler has gained a great reputation for its lively village and multitude of available adventure activities. Whistler often sees early season snowfall, so visit in November if you’d like to avoid the crowds.
  Canada’s effortlessly beautiful west coast landscape won’t disappoint, but if you’re more interested in the east coast, head to Montreal.  You’ll find plenty of great ski resorts near the country’s cultural capital.
  Serre Chevalier, France
The French Alps are one of the most popular winter destinations for good reason. World-class resorts combined with heavy snowfall and spectacular scenery make them a must-visit.
  Try Serre Chevalier for incredible snowboarding at one of the biggest ski resorts in France. Visit around Christmas time if you’d like to partake in the festivities and ring in the New Year with your new friends.
Have you been to any of the snowboarding spots mentioned? Let us know in the comments below what you thought about them
Davos-Klosters, Switzerland
If you like the idea of Europe but aren’t interested in visiting France, why not head to neighbouring Switzerland? While you’ll pay a small fortune to eat and drink while you’re there, the pristine powder and the opportunity for days of snowboarding it offers will be worth every penny.
  The region of Davos Klosters is home to five ski resorts, boasting 300km of pistes. Visit in January or February for the best possible experience.
    Southern Alps, New Zealand
New Zealand’s Southern Alps are as rewarding for snowboarders as they are picturesque, and they’re home to the Arrowsmiths, which promise a once-in-a-lifetime snowboarding experience, accessible by helicopter. New Zealand experiences winter during the Northern Hemisphere’s summer, so keep this in mind when planning your trip.
  California, USA
California tends to bring to mind sandy beaches and palm trees, but that’s not all it has to offer. California is home to Mammoth Mountain, which regularly tops the list of best snowboarding destinations in the USA.
  The winter season starts in early November, but it’s best to visit a little deeper into winter. If you want to skip the crowds, avoid planning your trip during public holidays, as plenty of Californians will be visiting the mountain then, too.
  Hokkaido, Japan
One of Japan’s coldest regions – Hokkaido – is unrivalled when it comes to the country’s best places to snowboard. Winter is long, so you’re likely to be blessed with plenty of snow whenever you visit; try Niseko for an authentic Japanese village experience.
  Corralco, Chile
If you want to practise your Spanish and visit a destination a little more tranquil than Europe or the USA, why not head to Chile? Corralco, in particular, is a snowboarder’s dream: vast amounts of snowfall in winter combined with access to backcountry terrain make it the perfect place to spend a week.
  The resort also offers plenty of tracks for beginners and boasts a family-friendly atmosphere, so if you’re less confident in your snowboarding ability or want to teach your kids the basics, it’s a great place to start.
  Another Southern Hemisphere destination – Chile – sees winter from June to September. Try visiting in August, during which it’s more likely that the weather will be optimal for snowboarding and skiing.
Touring the world is most rewarding when you’re also doing something you love. Pick one of the many destinations perfect for a snowboarding trip, pack your board, and get ready to explore the snow in a faraway land!
Do you know of any cool snowboarding destinations that weren’t mentioned in the article above? Make sure to share them in the comments below
  Residing in Auckland, New Zealand, Harper is grateful to witness New Zealand’s beauty every day – especially during winter, with its windswept, crashing waves, cloud-shrouded volcanoes, and breathtaking waterfront views. Find out more about Harper and her published work on Tumblr.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/best-global-snowboarding-spots/
Best Global Snowboarding Spots and When to Visit
Snowboarding is one of the best adventure sports out there, and many snowboarders relish the opportunity to visit mountains all over the world.
If you’re eager to head on a winter getaway with your board in tow, you might like to try one of the following destinations:
Best Global Snowboarding Spots and When to Visit
Whistler Blackcomb, Canada
A favourite haunt for antipodeans on their overseas adventure, Whistler has gained a great reputation for its lively village and multitude of available adventure activities.
Whistler often sees early season snowfall, so visit in November if you’d like to avoid the crowds.
Canada’s effortlessly beautiful west coast landscape won’t disappoint, but if you’re more interested in the east coast, head to Montreal.
You’ll find plenty of great ski resorts near the country’s cultural capital.
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Serre Chevalier, France
The French Alps are one of the most popular winter destinations for good reason.
World-class resorts combined with heavy snowfall and spectacular scenery make them a must-visit.
Try Serre Chevalier for incredible snowboarding at one of the biggest ski resorts in France.
Visit around Christmas time if you’d like to partake in the festivities and ring in the New Year with your new friends.
Have you been to any of the snowboarding spots mentioned? Let us know in the comments below what you thought about them
Davos-Klosters, Switzerland
If you like the idea of Europe but aren’t interested in visiting France, why not head to neighbouring Switzerland?
While you’ll pay a small fortune to eat and drink while you’re there, the pristine powder and the opportunity for days of snowboarding it offers will be worth every penny.
The region of Davos Klosters is home to five ski resorts, boasting 300km of pistes. Visit in January or February for the best possible experience.
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Southern Alps, New Zealand
New Zealand’s Southern Alps are as rewarding for snowboarders as they are picturesque, and they’re home to the Arrowsmiths, which promise a once-in-a-lifetime snowboarding experience, accessible by helicopter.
New Zealand experiences winter during the Northern Hemisphere’s summer, so keep this in mind when planning your trip.
California, USA
California tends to bring to mind sandy beaches and palm trees, but that’s not all it has to offer.
California is home to Mammoth Mountain, which regularly tops the list of best snowboarding destinations in the USA.
The winter season starts in early November, but it’s best to visit a little deeper into winter. If you want to skip the crowds, avoid planning your trip during public holidays, as plenty of Californians will be visiting the mountain then, too.
Hokkaido, Japan
One of Japan’s coldest regions – Hokkaido – is unrivalled when it comes to the country’s best places to snowboard.
Winter is long, so you’re likely to be blessed with plenty of snow whenever you visit; try Niseko for an authentic Japanese village experience.
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Corralco, Chile
If you want to practise your Spanish and visit a destination a little more tranquil than Europe or the USA, why not head to Chile?
Corralco, in particular, is a snowboarder’s dream: vast amounts of snowfall in winter combined with access to backcountry terrain make it the perfect place to spend a week.
The resort also offers plenty of tracks for beginners and boasts a family-friendly atmosphere, so if you’re less confident in your snowboarding ability or want to teach your kids the basics, it’s a great place to start.
Another Southern Hemisphere destination – Chile – sees winter from June to September.
Try visiting in August, during which it’s more likely that the weather will be optimal for snowboarding and skiing.
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Touring the world is most rewarding when you’re also doing something you love.
Pick one of the many destinations perfect for a snowboarding trip, pack your board, and get ready to explore the snow in a faraway land!
Do you know of any cool snowboarding destinations that weren’t mentioned in the article above? Make sure to share them in the comments below
Residing in Auckland, New Zealand, Harper is grateful to witness New Zealand’s beauty every day – especially during winter, with its windswept, crashing waves, cloud-shrouded volcanoes, and breathtaking waterfront views.
Find out more about Harper and her published work on Tumblr.
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/easy-make-ahead-camping-recipes/
The Simplest Make Ahead Camping Recipes
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Are you new to camping cookouts, then check out these make ahead camping recipes which will satisfy even the fussiest eaters, and make you look like a seasoned camping chef in front of everyone else.
Easy make ahead camping recipes
Let’s face it breakfast and lunch are quite easy to make.
For breakfast, you have a bowl of cereal, fruit and yoghurt, simple, tasty, nutritious and full of energy. Lunch is a few sandwiches, wraps and maybe more fruit.
But then comes time for dinner it is something that most campers really cherish. After all, this is the meal that you have after a long day of hiking or activities.
A meal where you sit down when camp is set up, with a fire roaring and a glass or a can of your favourite beverage to mellow you down.
So for this meal you want to have something warm and hearty, something that will not only satisfy your hunger but also your taste buds.
So I might as well get straight into it and share some amazing make ahead camping recipes, which you can prepare before the camp, but also make quite easily while sitting in front of the fire.
  Campers’ Sushi
Sushi is a delicacy and people spend a fortune wanting to gobble down a roll or 2. Imagine the looks on people’s faces when you pull out a few rolls and offer them for dinner.
They will look at you as if you were the god of camp cooking. Best of all you can serve these cold or warm and have them premade before you turn up to camp.
Prepare 1 cup immediate rice with boiling water.
Cut nori (seaweed rollers for sushi found at worldwide grocers or sections) into quarters
Place a spoonful of rice on the nori and add a spoonful of tuna from a tin
Roll the sushi and dip in wasabi, horseradish, or soy sauce (take-out packets).
To warm it up just place it on a pan with oil, cook it on coals, sprinkle some cheese on top and cover the pan up with a lid. Keep checking every few minutes to make sure that they don’t burn.
If you are not into tuna, you can always swap it out with avocados, salmon, eggs, precooked meat. In fact whatever you feel like.
Seafood Pasta.
Another super simple make-ahead cooking recipe that you can prepare at home or while in front of the fire is the Seafood Pasta.
While at camp boil the water on the fire and when the water is boiling throw the pasta in. In the meantime get a pan, put it on coals, use some oil, to cook up the garlic, onions, with salmon or tuna (tinned fish) and a variety of vegetables and once everything is cooked, mix it all together and Bam!
It’s ready.
Prepare 1/2 plan pasta (fettuccini, tortellini, etc).
Heat a little bit of olive oil, salt, and garlic with salmon or tuna (foil package).
Toss with parmesan cheese and Enjoy!
To change it up a bit, add some cream with bacon or tomato paste with tofu.
  Holy Grail of 2 min Meals
This is probably the most make ahead cooking recipe that you could think off. You can literally create a few different ziplock bags full of this magical mix and best of all you can add any other dehydrated vegetables and meats to change it up. All you have to do is add water while camping.
In a small bag toss together
3/4 cup instant potatoes.
3/4 cup dry stuffing.
Dried cranberries.
Beef or turkey jerky pieces.
Powdered gravy mix. When at camp just add boiling water into a pot with your mix and within minutes you can enjoy a hearty meal that will make even the fussiest campers ask for seconds.
  Here is a list of high energy foods you should consider adding to your meals to keep you going all day
7 High Energy Snacks that will keep you warm during winter
  Chick ‘n’ Rice
Integrate 1 cup immediate rice with 1 1/2 cups boiling water.
Stir in one package onion soup mix.
Include 1 small can of chicken.
I go by the “keep it simple, stupid” philosophy. If it’s perfect why change it. Best of all you can have everything ready and throw it together once you have boiled the rice.
To add a bit of crunch just add some vegetables to it.
The Triple CCC (Cous Cous Chicken)
This is probably one of my favorite make ahead camping recipes as it tastes amazing, provides you with plenty of nutrients and fibre and only takes a few moments and hot water to complete. In a small sandwich bag put together:
1 cup instant couscous
1 package tomato soup mix.
Spices (chilli powder, cumin, garlic powder, and whatever else you like).
At camp, pour in  1 1/2 cups boiling water into a pot with everything mixed in and then still the chicken, or salmon, or tofu, or beans once the couscous is cooked.
Cous Cous Salad
This one is probably the simplest meal you can make
1/2 bag of couscous
Chopped up veggies +nuts of your liking
Sundried tomatoes chopped up
Boil couscous then add all the vegetables and sundried tomatoes and finally stir the oil plus salt into the mixture.
You end up with a healthy quick and tasty meal in a matter of moments.
  Some Make ahead camping recipes snacks
During your day, you might find that your energy is low. You don’t necessarily need a decent meal but something you can quickly munch on to get as much energy as possible.
Check out the best trail mixes you can possibly make to sustain your energy throughout the day.
  Trail Snack Perfection
2/3 cup dried apricots
2/3 cup dried cherries
2/3 cup dried blueberries
2/3 cup almonds
2/3 cup peanuts
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 cup dark chocolate chips
  Hell Fire Trail Snack
Heat 2 tablespoon oil in a frying pan. Brown 2 cups puffed rice cereal and 2 cups raisin bran, stirring continuously.
Spread out the cereal on a flat pan and cook at 250 C° for 30 minutes. Toss cooled cereal with:.
1/2 cup Spanish peanuts
1/2 cup cashews
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup dried dates.
1/4 cup dried jalapeno slices
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cumin
2 Tbsp sugar
  Once again, the best thing about camping is not the make ahead camping recipes you can prepare ahead of time, but the meals you just improvise while outdoors.
But if you are not so much into cooking, these meals will make everyone jealous and begging you for more. Keep these in your arsenal so that you can impress even the fussiest eaters
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/easy-make-ahead-camping-recipes/
The Simplest Make Ahead Camping Recipes
Are you new to camping cookouts, then check out these make ahead camping recipes which will satisfy even the fussiest eaters, and make you look like a seasoned camping chef in front of everyone else.
Easy make ahead camping recipes
Let’s face it breakfast and lunch are quite easy to make.
For breakfast, you have a bowl of cereal, fruit and yoghurt, simple, tasty, nutritious and full of energy. Lunch is a few sandwiches, wraps and maybe more fruit.
But then comes time for dinner it is something that most campers really cherish. After all, this is the meal that you have after a long day of hiking or activities.
A meal where you sit down when camp is set up, with a fire roaring and a glass or a can of your favourite beverage to mellow you down.
So for this meal you want to have something warm and hearty, something that will not only satisfy your hunger but also your taste buds.
So I might as well get straight into it and share some amazing make ahead camping recipes, which you can prepare before the camp, but also make quite easily while sitting in front of the fire.
Campers’ Sushi
Sushi is a delicacy and people spend a fortune wanting to gobble down a roll or 2. Imagine the looks on people’s faces when you pull out a few rolls and offer them for dinner.
They will look at you as if you were the god of camp cooking. Best of all you can serve these cold or warm and have them premade before you turn up to camp.
Prepare 1 cup immediate rice with boiling water.
Cut nori (seaweed rollers for sushi found at worldwide grocers or sections) into quarters
Place a spoonful of rice on the nori and add a spoonful of tuna from a tin
Roll the sushi and dip in wasabi, horseradish, or soy sauce (take-out packets).
To warm it up just place it on a pan with oil, cook it on coals, sprinkle some cheese on top and cover the pan up with a lid. Keep checking every few minutes to make sure that they don’t burn.
If you are not into tuna, you can always swap it out with avocados, salmon, eggs, precooked meat. In fact whatever you feel like.
Seafood Pasta.
Another super simple make-ahead cooking recipe that you can prepare at home or while in front of the fire is the Seafood Pasta.
While at camp boil the water on the fire and when the water is boiling throw the pasta in. In the meantime get a pan, put it on coals, use some oil, to cook up the garlic, onions, with salmon or tuna (tinned fish) and a variety of vegetables and once everything is cooked, mix it all together and Bam!
It’s ready.
Prepare 1/2 plan pasta (fettuccini, tortellini, etc).
Heat a little bit of olive oil, salt, and garlic with salmon or tuna (foil package).
Toss with parmesan cheese and Enjoy!
To change it up a bit, add some cream with bacon or tomato paste with tofu.
Holy Grail of 2 min Meals
This is probably the most make ahead cooking recipe that you could think off. You can literally create a few different ziplock bags full of this magical mix and best of all you can add any other dehydrated vegetables and meats to change it up. All you have to do is add water while camping.
In a small bag toss together
3/4 cup instant potatoes.
3/4 cup dry stuffing.
Dried cranberries.
Beef or turkey jerky pieces.
Powdered gravy mix. When at camp just add boiling water into a pot with your mix and within minutes you can enjoy a hearty meal that will make even the fussiest campers ask for seconds.
Here is a list of high energy foods you should consider adding to your meals to keep you going all day
7 High Energy Snacks that will keep you warm during winter
Chick ‘n’ Rice
Integrate 1 cup immediate rice with 1 1/2 cups boiling water.
Stir in one package onion soup mix.
Include 1 small can of chicken.
I go by the “keep it simple, stupid” philosophy. If it’s perfect why change it. Best of all you can have everything ready and throw it together once you have boiled the rice.
To add a bit of crunch just add some vegetables to it.
The Triple CCC (Cous Cous Chicken)
This is probably one of my favorite make ahead camping recipes as it tastes amazing, provides you with plenty of nutrients and fibre and only takes a few moments and hot water to complete. In a small sandwich bag put together:
1 cup instant couscous
1 package tomato soup mix.
Spices (chilli powder, cumin, garlic powder, and whatever else you like).
At camp, pour in  1 1/2 cups boiling water into a pot with everything mixed in and then still the chicken, or salmon, or tofu, or beans once the couscous is cooked.
Cous Cous Salad
This one is probably the simplest meal you can make
1/2 bag of couscous
Chopped up veggies +nuts of your liking
Sundried tomatoes chopped up
Boil couscous then add all the vegetables and sundried tomatoes and finally stir the oil plus salt into the mixture.
You end up with a healthy quick and tasty meal in a matter of moments.
Some Make ahead camping recipes snacks
During your day, you might find that your energy is low. You don’t necessarily need a decent meal but something you can quickly munch on to get as much energy as possible.
Check out the best trail mixes you can possibly make to sustain your energy throughout the day.
Trail Snack Perfection
2/3 cup dried apricots
2/3 cup dried cherries
2/3 cup dried blueberries
2/3 cup almonds
2/3 cup peanuts
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 cup dark chocolate chips
Hell Fire Trail Snack
Heat 2 tablespoon oil in a frying pan. Brown 2 cups puffed rice cereal and 2 cups raisin bran, stirring continuously.
Spread out the cereal on a flat pan and cook at 250 C° for 30 minutes. Toss cooled cereal with:.
1/2 cup Spanish peanuts
1/2 cup cashews
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup dried dates.
1/4 cup dried jalapeno slices
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp cumin
2 Tbsp sugar
Once again, the best thing about camping is not the make ahead camping recipes you can prepare ahead of time, but the meals you just improvise while outdoors.
But if you are not so much into cooking, these meals will make everyone jealous and begging you for more. Keep these in your arsenal so that you can impress even the fussiest eaters
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mendooutdoors · 6 years
New Post has been published on Men Do Outdoors
New Post has been published on https://mendooutdoors.com/30-hiking-tips-you-need/
30 Hiking Tips You Didn't Even Know You Needed
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Don’t suffer on your next hiking trip, learn these hiking tips to make your life and journey a whole lot easier.
At the same time look like an absolute boss, showing off you incredibly cool new acquired skills.
Let’s get right into the hiking tips with no.1 which is definitely one of my favourite hiking activities. Enjoy 🙂
1. Learn fire making.
Practise makes perfect and what better place to do it then your own backyard. Grab some twigs, grab some fire starters some matches and have water handy just in case everything gets out of hand.
  2. Spark, Oxygen, Fuel 
When building a fire make sure that you take into consideration 3 components of a good fire. It needs ignition which is the match, it needs fuel, which is the wood and fire starters and it requires oxygen.
If you starve the fire of oxygen then it won’t light up. Make sure that there is adequate airflow in your fire build.
  3. You won’t always have the perfect conditions
Once you figure out a fire technique that you have successfully mastered, try doing it again with soaked wood and then finally try recreating the experience as if it was raining.
A good way to do this is to use a hose and sprinkle water on yourself and the fire.
  4. Learn to pitch a tent.
Do it incorrectly and the rain will come in, or the wind will tear the joints. Tents need to be pitched tight, and you must be able to set your tent up in a few minutes.
So it’s always a great idea to play around with it before you go out on your trip. Also most importantly, at this point, you will most likely have the manual on how to set it up and pull it down.
In most cases, you won’t carry said manual with you while backpacking
As an added bonus you can have a camping day in your backyard. Let’s face it, that is a fun thing in itself
  5. Creative Pegs
Sometimes you might have to improvise setting up a tent as you might lose pegs, camp on hard ground or be surrounded by a lot of trees.
Use the environment to your advantage. For example, if the ground is to hard, find some heavier rocks you can place on top of the tent ropes.
If there are too many trees around, the tie your tent to the tree.
If the soil is to wet try putting the pegs in a 45-degree angle towards the tent and then lay rocks on top.
Improvisation is the name of the game when backpacking in the wilderness.
  6. Find out how to remain warm.
Practice outdoor camping in the yard, to see how obstructing the wind, using a hat, and eating fatty foods before sleeping can keep you warmer.
  7. Layer up like an Onion
Just like an onion what you want to try and do is layer up. By that, I mean putting on multiple layers of clothes. jumper on shirt on shirt on singlet, pants on pants, socks on socks.
By doing this you trap air between the layers and that ends up keeping you warm for longer periods of time.
  8. Cotton is not your friend
Make sure to try and avoid cotton clothes as they do not retain heat very well and additionally keep moisture on your body which can cause hypothermia. If possible try getting woollen clothes.
Not only are woollen clothes nice to the touch but they also don’t retain smells, dry quickly and wick moisture away from your body (move moisture away from your body)
  9. Don’t keep it in
Make sure to urinate before going to bed so that your body does not have to continually waste energy warming up your urine inside of your body.
Additionally who really likes to get out of bed in the middle of the night to take a pee
    Get Your’s Here
10. Keep yourself off the ground
If you tend to sleep cold make sure to keep yourself off the ground by using a mattress or leaves and layers of grass.
The ground literally steals your heat and energy and no matter how much you warm it, it will cool down quite rapidly which in turn will give you a terrible nights sleep and sore bones and muscles
  Are you enjoying this hiking tips guide? Make sure to share them with others 🙂
  11. Warm Water to the rescue
If you are still cold warm up water and put it into a bottle then place it in the bottom of your sleeping bag. After a short while, you should feel nice and toasty in your sleeping bag.
  12.  Get the right Sleeping Bag
There are plenty of sleeping bags on the market, but did you know that some sleeping bags are made for men and others specifically for women.
It’s not a sales tactic but in most cases, women sleep colder due to the fact that their bodies are designed to keep warmth internally to protect the reproductive system.
  13. Eat high energy snacks
Find the most densely nutritious snacks to eat before bed so that your body has something to work with while you sleep.
Luckily for you, I have done the research and created an article here for you 7 high energy foods to warm you up during winter
  14. Stay Hydrated
You don’t usually associate dehydration with being cold but seeing as you are mostly made up of water, you require it to run all the processes in your body in an optimal state.
If your body isn’t running at an optimal state, it’s wasting energy which it could use to stay warm.
  15. Learn to prepare over a fire.
It’s not as simple as it seems. Block the wind, cover the pan, keep the fire going and don’t burn yourself.
Well just like with everything keep practising and you will find the best way to cook.
See what I did there with the title 🙂
If you have pots and pans make sure to have a lid for them so that you can cover food while cooking.
It’s also great if you are thinking of storing your food for a bit and as another added bonus you can use the lid as a plate with a comfortable handle in the centre.
  17. Don’t burn your hands
Have a spondonicle on hand (a tool to grab your hot pots and pans) so that you don’t have to reach for the super hot pots with your hand.
Trust me, you will do it once and forever remember not to do it again. Keep Burn gel Handy.
  18. Keep burn gel ready
Yeah, trust me, this is one of the nicest things to put on when you burn yourself.
In most cases you will burn yourself while cooking, throwing sticks into the fire or stepping on a coal in the dark. Keep the get handy just in case
  Have you got any hiking tips of your own? Comment below to get them featured on this page.
  19. Don’t pour fuel on the fire
I have seen it happen multiple times where someone is cooking at a fire and next moment someone pours methylated spirits on the fire.
Next moment there is a massive panic, eyebrows are burnt and a few holes appear in the clothes of the person who was cooking.
This is a likely scenario, but I have heard of people needing to be airlifted due to the fire exploding into a person’s eyes.
  20. Cook your food on COALS
Cooking on the fire is probably only good for boiling water. Everything else, use coals.
When you have a hot fire, just push it to one side which in turn will uncover red-hot coals. Then shovel them over to a small pile away from the fire so it’s not to hot for you to work on your food.
Next, cook your food on the nicely laid out coals. As an added bonus you can throw in a few potatoes wrapped in aluminium foil into the coals under the pots and pans and have them cook at the same time.
  21. Learn about edible plants
Understanding the best ways to identify cattails and three or four wild edible berries can make a journey more pleasurable, especially if you ever lose your food to a bear.
Just make sure you read the right guides to your area and in most instances stay away from mushrooms unless you really know what you are doing.
  22. Learn how to walk
Surprisingly, something we don’t really think about can be improved in most cases. For example, walking for long distances you should keep your feet pointing forward at all times.
Might seem silly but a lot of people tend to end up having their feet pointing outwards from a straight-ahead position. This, in turn, uses more energy
To improve your walking ability, try walking over many different types of terrain. Such a rocky, sandy, on a slope etc. Try this with and without your backpack.
  23. Learn the proper way to put on your backpack
If you have a backpack with a harness you need to really make sure that 80% of the weight is on your hips and only 20% or less on your shoulders.
By moving the weight of the bag onto your hips you will find it more comfortable but also it will prevent you from long-term injury if worn incorrectly.
A good way to know if your backpack is resting well on your hips is to have your hands slide in and out from under your shoulder straps with ease.
  24. Learn to pack your bag correctly
By packing your bag correctly, you will keep the centre of gravity in line with your body. In doing this making it so much more comfortable to carry.
  25. Waterproof, Waterproof… Did I say Waterproof?
That is correct, either get yourself some rubbish bags or some heavy duty reusable waterproof bags and wrap your sleeping bag in it, your mattress in it, your clothes in it your you electronics.
You can never underestimate how much water will get into your bag and through your gear. Either way, would you prefer to learn it the hard way?
Or have a nice crisp warm and dry sleeping bag to get into at the end of a rainy night. I know what I would prefer.
  26. Learn your animals
First of all not only is it a lot of fun to spot random animals and knowing what they are in the wild but it can also be advantageous to you to know which animals mean no harm and which ones can kill you.
Can you distinguish if a bear is “bluff charging” or stalking you? Playing dead will make you a bear’s dinner if it’s the latter. Hint: great deals of sound typically means he simply wishes to terrify you, however you need to check out this one.
Also, information on snakes and spiders can help in determining if you have a potentially hazardous situation or not
  27. First Aid
Learn the basic first aid, keep a full first aid kit with you at all times and know how to use each individual component of the kit.
  28. Learn how to cover up Snake and Spider Bites
This is crucial information if in the instance you get bitten you can buy yourself valuable time till first aid arrives. Check out this guide on what to do.
Snake Bites – What you need to know, to Help you Survive
  29. Read the Sky
An important skill to learn is cloud reading, can you tell when a storm is on its way? Can you tell if it’s going to be cold tonight?
The sky can actually provide you with plenty of information that will help you determine the next course of action for your trip and if you should keep your rain gear handy.
  30. Learn to navigate
A GPS just won’t cut it out in the forest, it might not get signal, might run out of battery or just stop working altogether. What will happen then?
By learning a few basic skills, like how to use a compass and map you can really get yourself out of a predicament.
Additionally what I like to say is that a map and a compass is like a key to the outdoors world. With them, you can go anywhere safely and find your way back as well.
And finally, it can actually be a lot of fun, plotting a course to follow and hitting every checkpoint along the way. For more information check out 7 advanced navigation techniques
  If you are interested in some more hacks and hiking tips check out
13 Camping Hacks that will forever change the way you camp
  These are just a few of many hiking tips. Do you have any of your own that I didn’t mention? Comment them below and I’ll include them in this post
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