menphobicc-redacted · 5 years
Me: oh what a nice day maybe I should go outsi-
My immune system: the fUCK did you just say?
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
support asians with darker skin 2k17
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
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Tag yourself
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
When trans women are mocked and made into jokes in the media, I get very upset, and I am often told “Kay, you can’t go through life getting offended every time someone makes a joke.” And I sputter and object but they don’t hear me. So I want to be clear for once, about why the jokes make me angry.
I learned to hate myself for being transgender before I knew I was transgender. I laughed at the jokes in stand up comedy routines, and prime time sitcoms, and animated comedy shows, and in the movies, and in books, and in games, laughing at trans women for existing, about “men in dresses”, about people who “got their dicks chopped off”, and I learned to think that was worthy of ridicule.
And then a day came when I felt a pang of envy at what my female classmates were wearing and I repressed it, and felt guilty, and a day where I felt incomplete because I had no breasts and I repressed it and I felt disgusting And a day when I realized the only images of romance that made me feel anything showed two women together and I repressed it and I felt like a monster And a day when I realized I felt sick when I looked at myself in the mirror after every shower before work and couldn’t bear to look at my own face, and I hated myself. And then there came a day when I hated myself so much, and I thought I could never understand why, and so I just wanted it all to end. And it was just a miracle that I swerved my car back into my lane in time.
And all of it started with a joke that I heard on TV, and then kept hearing from all the voices from the ether, over and over and over, worming an idea into my mind before I was old enough to realize I was absorbing it, the idea that a man in a dress is funny, and that changing your body parts makes you a freak, and that women who have penises instead of vaginas are liars and hurt men. And they’re still making these jokes. And somewhere out there right now, just like all those years ago, there is a little girl in a t-shirt and cargo shorts with buzzed off hair watching the TV, hearing that joke and absorbing it without knowing it, who will someday have to pry herself apart to tear it out of her head, just like I did.
That is, if she doesn’t kill herself first.
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
god said sorry i created men :o( here are some calico cats to make up for it!!!
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
what if i made a wishlist of male passing clothes for christmas bc i havent been able to find a job,,,,,,,
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
i am amazed that nearly all of the news coverage of the anti trans women bathroom bills is how they have impacted cis women.
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
Scam Alert - Commissioning Artists Beware
Artists, there’s a scam going around on Twitter at the minute, and you never know, someone might try it over here.
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This guy is messaging commissioning artists and attempting to gain access to their PayPal by pretending to need a code to pay the bill. Obviously we all know that’s bull, but if someone isn’t paying attention, is unfamiliar with PayPal commissions as a whole, or is just desperate enough for that commission money?  They might fall for it. OP’s tweet here.
PayPal will not require a code for someone to complete payment.
It’s just not how it works, I know it, you know it, the scammer knows it.  But he’s gambling on the potential that someone (and that someone is mostly likely to be a young, new artist without much commission experience under their belt, let’s be honest) doesn’t know it.  Let’s make sure everyone does. So if you’d be so kind, please boost the everliving hell out of this.  Don’t let anyone fall prey to this shady, shady individual, either here or on twitter or anywhere else.
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
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miles canonically just cracks the fuck up at despacito jokes apparently
miles morales: spider-man #1
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
“I’m from Florida”
every non floridan:
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
reblog this and put the name of your first pet in the tags
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
Reblog this and put your eye colour in the tags
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
reblog this and put in the tags what phases u went through
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menphobicc-redacted · 6 years
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Ace History Day! Please click the links if you want to more clearly see the posts.
Time to Learn about The History of “The A” and AVEN’s Response to that:
On May 11th 2003, AVEN User whirlygirl suggested “hi group, if we could add an ‘A’ to the end of the LGBT, we could help add ourselves to the list minority groups.” Implying at that point in history (over a decade after LGBT as an acronym came into existence), there was no “A for Aro/Ace”
3 Hours Later, David Jay brags about how at his school, he got the A included and in a really “cool” way!! He put f*g in the acronym, with “asexual” (not aro) as the A! He also included BDSM in the community, just cause. What a cool dude.
Hours later during the morning of the next day, AVEN User VivreEstEsperer, Kate, tells him, hey, the a is already for allies, isn’t that confusing. This comment implies that, wow, the A really WAS for allies before this mess. Strange?? Almost… as if there’s a long history of allies being in the acronym.
Over 12 hours later, David Jay acknowledges the importance of Allies but says they don’t go under the A! Allies are Q for Queer because allies ~queer heteronormativity.
Days later, Kate is confused. “ What do you mean, out to mess with heteronormativity? I know what the term means but Im confused as to what you mean by it, in this context. You’re, and most of us on this board, an ally yourself… you’re not gay but still ally yourself with the “gay cause” and such, its the next best thing to having an asexual movement and all. So how can you say you dont exist? did you mean by that statement that all allies are not heterosexual? cus that certainly wouldnt be true. *confused* Kate”
David Jay does not reply to her pointing out that David Jay is just an ally. Awkward. Time passes, even more ace folk chime in on the then growing debate and admit, “The A is for Ally, the LGBT community doesn’t even know we exist. Just change the acronym to GRSM or Mogai.”
Over a Decade after the original thread, in 2015, GLAAD launches the twitter campaign #GotYourBack saying “A is for Allies,” encouraging allies to actually support LGBT folk. Ironically enough, it calls out people uncomfortable with LGBT PDA and asks them to do something about it. AVEN responds in horror and starts the #GiveItBack campaign, a controversial move not everyone agreed with. GLAAD gave in after a couple days of harassment and issued a statement, which AVEN commented on. Everyone there is convinced that the A has always been for Asexual. Only now it’s not just Asexual, it’s also for Aromantic and Agender too.
What a leap ten years can do! It progressed so much they accused an LGBT community of STEALING the A and making it about Allies. Amazing!!
Started from recognizing that The A is for Ally, now we’re acting like that never happened.
Never forget that David Jay and the Ace community once acknowledged that the A is for Allies but decided, a decade later, to act like the A was stolen from.
Turns out, The A was for Ahistorical all along.
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