meomeiko · 2 years
"Freaks DNI" is the absolute funniest thing you could possibly put on your blog. This is tumblr.com who the fuck are you even going to interact with. Why are you here
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meomeiko · 2 years
I…. Thanks Tristan im using tumblr again AND horny at work 🙈 utterly perfect.
What if I just fingered you for a while and made you lick my finger clean. Calling you a good doll every time you do. Making you kiss me with your cum covered lips and ignoring you when you're close. Telling you to bite on my shoulder and hold it while I see how hard I can go without making you cum all over my lap. You'd look so pathetic. I'd love to laugh at you like that.
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meomeiko · 2 years
*turns on fairy lights to masturbate*
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meomeiko · 3 years
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“What do you want me to do now?” he asked.
She blinked. “Whatever you want. You get to do whatever you want now.”
He looked around them. “I don’t think I remember how to do that.”
Hermione gave a wan smile. “I don’t either.” She looked around and held his hand more tightly. “We’ll find out what it’s like together. We don’t have to hurry. We have the rest of our lives to figure it out.”
⚜ Manacled by @senlinyu​ 7/?
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meomeiko · 3 years
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The newspapers around the world featured a picture of Ginevra Weasley emerging from the rubble of a castle, her face filthy and streaked with blood. The brutal scar on her face was the first thing the photo clearly made out. She tossed her head back, her expression a mixture of exhaustion and cold triumph as she stepped into view, dragging Voldemort’s corpse behind her.  Manacled, chapter 76  ·  8/?
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meomeiko · 3 years
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⚜ Manacled by @senlinyuwrites   6/?
She touched his cheek as she studied the diagnostics. “You and me and our baby. We’re all going to be free. I’m going to save you. We’ll go so far away no one will ever find us. You have to hold on.”
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meomeiko · 3 years
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A birthday gift for @senlinyu... Chp 52 “Manacled”— Draco’s Catwalk
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meomeiko · 3 years
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Hermione Granger as the Order’s Dark Arts Healer & Potion Mistress 
“You would do anything to end this war.”
“I would.”
Hermione hesitated for a moment before adding “You’re right. I am willing to do anything to win this war. I don’t know that I’m doing the right thing. I’m sure that most people will say I’m not. I know there will be no coming back from this—not to Harry or Ron, even if it buys us a victory in the end. But—saving them is worth it to me. I have always been prepared to pay the price for the lengths I’m willing to go. I have never been blind to the consequences.”
From Manacled by @senlinyuwrites  //  Other edits
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meomeiko · 3 years
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Draco Malfoy as Voldemort’s High Reeve
“What exactly is it that you think I do with all my time? I kill people. I order other people to kill people. I train people to kill people. I sabotage and undermine people so that they will be killed. And I do it all because of you. Every word. Every spell. Because of you.”
From Manacled by @senlinyuwrites​  //  Other edits
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meomeiko · 3 years
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⚜ Manacled by @senlinyuwrites 4/?
Flashback chapters
It was like falling as the past broke free, surging up through her mind and swallowing her.
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meomeiko · 3 years
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“I have warned you. If something happens to you, I will personally raze the entire Order. That isn’t a threat. It is a promise. Consider your survival as much a necessity to the survival of the Resistance as Potter’s. If you die, I will kill every last one of them.” Manacled @senlinyu @nightbringer @dramionefeltson @littlemoth15 @coyg-81 @trinkisme @daswhoiam @dramione-feltson-forever @dramaenelportal
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meomeiko · 3 years
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“Expecto Patronum!” She poured every drop of emotion she had into the spell.
White light exploded from her wand, growing larger and larger until her patronus fully corporealised. Not her otter. Not a blur. Hermione stared up as a full sized Antipodean Opaleye emerged from her wand. It filled the sky. It threw back its head, roaring and unfurling enormous wings. It opened its mouth, and white flames poured from it.
One of my favourite moments in the story. So touching.
Manacled by @senlinyu
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meomeiko · 3 years
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It wasn’t happy. She wasn’t sure what it was. But it was hers, a promise Draco had made to her. (Manacled by SenLinYu)
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meomeiko · 3 years
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She never had and never would heal anyone else the way she healed Draco: in his arms, pressed against his body. She’d slide her hands along him and press open-mouthed kisses on his shoulders, hands, and face while she muttered spells.
Manacled Chapter 56 by @senlinyuwrites 5/?
Requested by @bobbiebiscayne​
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meomeiko · 3 years
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“It felt as though their souls were touching.” - Excerpt From Manacled by @senlinyu https://archiveofourown.org/works/14454174/chapters/33390198 —- I was commissioned by the wonderful, lovely, amazing @theheavycrown as a gift to say thank you to our brilliant friend Sen, who makes our lives better with her words
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meomeiko · 3 years
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Someone to hold
"I'm alone too, Granger."
Manacled - Chapter 53.
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meomeiko · 3 years
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SenLinYu* 🤦🏻‍♀️
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