mercedes-kenzzzz · 4 years
Chapter 1
Do you ever wonder about your future? I bet most of you do, but this isn’t about you, it’s about me. My future is going to be full of adventure. I want to backpack around the world. I’m excited to travel the world and be able to see everything I actually want to see. I think that’s the best future possible, honestly. It seems the most beneficial to me, as well. I need to get out of my house, I need to go somewhere, I stay cooped up in my house all the time so this is the best idea I could possibly think of.  Imagine going through Paris, crescent in hand, riding a bike over the bridge looking at the Eiffel Tower. Imagine going to Germany and seeing the Nazi camps, walking by what is left of the Berlin Wall. Picture yourself, you’re climbing Mt. Everest, the ice and snow hurling down onto your cold body. Can you see yourself snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, or maybe seeing the Opera House in Sydney. Can you see yourself going to Du Bai and staying in the nicest hotel in the word? What about walking through the forest in Vietnam, do you know how many cool and interesting things you could see? Going to New York and seeing Times  Square? Taking a trip to Canada and seeing the beautiful glaciers and lakes, sounds like a paradise to me. Imagine yourself doing all the traveling you want without having to worry about anything or anyone missing you. You can live as a free man, someone with only one responsibility; keep up with your backpack. The only thing I have to do is really, graduate high school, I mean just because I wish to, I need to accomplish something major in my life. I want to learn how to play guitar so I can have a little bit of cash on me at all times. Picture a guy, playing guitar, while you’re walking down the street and you walk over to him and ask him to play your favorite song. You’d slip him maybe a five or a ten dollar bill. Just think, a man, a guitar, and the open road. I guess I could get a good job while I’m in high school, so I won’t have to use all of my money paying for plane tickets. If I fly straight to Europe and travel from there, it will take a lot of money. I could definitely develop people skills too, I guess, the more friends the better. That’s all a backpacker really needs. After high school, all I  really need to do is stay home for about a year or two or, maybe three, just too get a little more money before I leave.
I could be a bachelor, you know? Sleeping with random women every night, crashing in their houses, waking up to breakfast that they make me, and never  seeing them again? Heck yeah, that’s the life. I could never be married, I can’t stay in a stable relationship long enough for that.  I couldn’t see myself as being a father to any children, I could barely see myself as owning a pet. I mean, I guess I could have a dog, traveling would get a little lonely. If I were to get a dog, I’d name him, Napoleon, probably like a Golden Retriever or something that likes to walk with me and keep me company. I plan to stay in my tent, that I’ll carry on my back, in my bag, or with the women I’ll be staying with, haha. Being the great adventurer I plan to be, I won’t have time to want to buy a house or have a family, I’ll be too busy enjoying the scenery. I don’t even want to have those things, its too much stress on a man, being with people who nag you all the time. I can’t handle people telling me what they want and what they need, I don’t really care about what others want. I want to be able to buy what I want for myself, I don’t want to have to provide for others, but for my dog, of course I will.  Society? I don’t have a single clue what society will be like when I’m older. I hope it will be better than it is today, though. I wish that everyone would get along and have world peace and love one another. I think, if we all just sat down and talked out our problems instead of using violence to solve everything, the world would be a lot less stressed and overwhelmed. My future, even though it may not seem like its much to you guys, it means a lot to me. I’m excited to travel the world and be able to see everything I actually want to see. I feel that it is the best future possible, honestly. It seems the most beneficial to me, as well. I  desire to get out of my house more than anything. Being able to travel is my dream and I’m going to live it.  And that was the first paper I turned in to start off my high school career at Westwood High. I wanted them all to know I didn’t care about school, I don’t care about what the future holds. This is now and that is then and that is how I look at life. If I try hard enough, I could probably get into a good school, meet a  great girl, and have a successful life. Honestly, I don’t care about any of that right now. If it were up to me, I’d stay at home every day, I wouldn’t ever come to school. All I want to do is lay in my back yard and look up at the clouds all day. Thanks to my super rad step-dad, I’m forced to attend this lame ass school. The people seem pretty cool but none of them are the ones back in California.  Back in California, where I’m from, I had a lot of friends. I was the drummer for my band, Take A Walk, I had the best girlfriend, Brittany, she was head cheerleader, and the nicest house. Now, we have a huge house but we have more people and they’re all the biggest preppy-douche bags, I hate them.
My mom started dating Robert about a year ago, I couldn’t believe it. My dad was the only man that I thought my mom could ever love. I mean yeah, I knew that when they got divorced, that was the end and there were going to be other men. I can’t understand what she sees it Robert though, he’s a goof and he has the worst job, I can’t stand what he does. He’s an accountant. “Whoa! The guy fucking my mom is an accountant, no way!” I hate this bullshit. Everyone in this house is the same except for my mom and I. We’re more liberal and free to be than Robert’s family. They have very strict schedules and if one thing is out of place, you’ll never hear the end of it.  Mom and Robert started dating about a year after the divorce. My mom is way too good for Robert. She’s about 5'8, light brown hair with bright green eyes. She has a very beautiful personality, she would give you the shirt off of her back if she could, that’s just the kind of person she is. That’s why my dad said he fell in love with her. Once, I over heard Robert talking to his friends about how the only reason he was even with my mom was for her ‘rockin’ bod’ like, shut the fuck up, goddamn. But my mom, she insisted I meet him, she said I’d fall in love with him just as she had done. I tried, I really did, but only for her–My mom is the only person I give a shit about in this shitty ass town. She would go out of town every other weekend to see him, finally, the weekend came for me to finally meet the wad of flesh plowing my mother. When we finally got to his house, it seemed nice. Nice neighborhood, nice car, big pool, no big deal, nothing I hadn’t seen before. Well, when we walked inside, I was pleased. Everything was so neat and organized, like from a magazine, which actually surprised me. I thought, a single dad with two teens?  Everything is going to be a mess. Mom walked in like she owned the place. His kids ran over to her shouting, “Lynn! Lynn!” She hugged them, they looked me up and down like I was a different species. They were in their nice jeans, nice shirts, and nice shoes. While I was in my black jeans, t-shirt, and vans. They thought I was dark, well that’s how they looked at me.  I was the bigger person, I held my hand out and said, “Hi, I’m Marvin. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” They looked at me like they didn’t know how to shake hands like, what the hell is wrong with the human race today? Anyway, the boy finally shook my hand and said his name is Dan. The girl was next and her name is Grace. I looked around everywhere to catch a glimpse of Robert but I couldn’t find him anywhere. Finally, he came around the corner and said he didn’t even realize that we had arrived, idiot. He held his hand out and introduced himself. He told me about his family and about their house and then he asked his kids to show me around. They took me up to my room, where I basically spend all of my time now. I was very impressed, they had a really nice room set up for me, I liked it. My mom must’ve picked  everything out that was in my room because all of my favorite band stuff was already on the wall and the bed was exactly what I wanted, black with black lights and it was painted black, I actually liked it more than I did my room at home. Well, once I got settled in, it was almost dinner time so my mom and Grace went to the store to buy things for dinner. My mom wanted Robert and Dan to  make me feel welcome. They started asking me what I liked and what I was interested in. I told them about Brittany, they seemed interested about her, which surprised me. Robert finally asked this actual question, “What’s she like in bed? Is she a calm kitty or is she a roaring lion?” I looked at him and laughed. I told him we’d only had sex a few times and they were good but nothing like he’d expect. I actually cared about Brittany yeah, sex is awesome, but I don’t really care about that, her personality is what draws me in, it kind of reminds me of my mom’s, which is weird to say. It caught me off guard more than anything. We just talked a lot about the girls here and they seemed cool, I liked one of the girls they mentioned, she seemed interesting and cool, her name is Ariel.  When my mom and Grace finished cooking dinner, we all sat down and my mom said she had a big announcement that she and Robert would like to make. “Kids, I know we’ve only known each other for a short time, but your father and I feel like its time for us to mature into our relationship. Marvin and I will be moving here with you guys. How does that sound? Me as your mother and Marvin as your brother? Doesn’t that sound fun?” Mom said, full of hope. Dan and Grace seemed excited so I acted the part, but only for her. Truthfully, I’d always wanted a brother or a sister and now, I have both. I thought it would be cool, from what they’d told me, their school was awesome and they are popular so it wouldn’t be too hard for me to fit in. My mom said we’d just ship all of our things here and settle in. I thought I could handle it but I had no idea what I was getting into.  When we moved here, they judged me for everything I did. I wasn’t like them, I didn’t wear what they wore, I didn’t listen to what they listened to. They thought I was strange because I’m a vegetarian, nobody in California ever judged me for not eating meat? They thought it was really cool. The lovely Grace had a different boy over every night during the week, they’d go into her room to “study” yeah, study her tongue in his mouth. Dan only played sports, all he did was talk about football and the scholarship he was being promised. Robert did nothing but ask why I looked so sad all the time. Oh, I don’t know, Robert? Maybe because some faggot is fucking my mom? But my mom? She was the happiest woman alive, it was the first time I’d seen her smile like that in years. My mom was the only reason I even try to enjoy my life here.  Summer was fun, I guess, minus the break-up with Brittany, she took it hard. I expected her to, I mean, I was her first real boyfriend, it doesn’t surprise me. School was about to start soon. Dan and Grace were so excited. They bought new clothes, shoes, I had even talked them both into getting a pair of Vans, backpacks, everything. But me, I only got five pairs new pairs of Vans. I was sort of excited, new school, new people, a fresh start. We got into our classes there were a lot of freshman walking around lost. Luckily, I had Dan and Grace to show me around campus. The first class I had was English, my favorite. The first day of school and Mr. Tadds asks for an assignment on what we want our future to be like, which is where you found me.  Like I said, I wanted them to know I didn’t care about school or whatever or maybe it was just a random paper to start off the year. I hadn’t really figured it out just yet. Mr. Tadds asked me to stay after class to discuss my paper I had written for him. Oh boy! The new kid, already in trouble. He told me that I had a very active imagination and he wanted me to partner up with Ariel, how ironic, for our first group assignment, which would be given to us tomorrow. I went to my next class and passed the day by and I had fun in my other classes. When we got home, mom and Robert asked how our day was and we all told them it was good, they seemed more  interested in my day than Dan and Grace’s, for some odd reason. I told them how Mr. Tadds said I was to be partnered up with Ariel, and Dan flipped out. He told me I was the luckiest guy in school if I got paired up with her. That made me eager for English the next day.  I went to English the next day and like Mr. Tadds said, I’d be paired up with Ariel. Mr. Tadds called the role and told everyone he’d be choosing partners but only for this certain assignment. He said he’d read everyone’s paper and matched them with whom he thought had the same writing abilities and strong points, which is lucky for me. Well, he called our names, “Ariel Tadds and Marvin Barnes, you two will be partners and create a family and tell about your family, its due tomorrow. I’ll be adding scenarios to your family so you can continue your story throughout the semester, is this okay between the two of you?” Ariel smiled at Marvin and said, “Yes, sir. Marvin seems like my kind of writer!” I laughed at that, she does seem interesting.   We started on our project right away. “I think my name should be Michelle, doesn’t that sound like a mom’s name? Maybe you could be Jordan? I think those will be fine, don’t you? I’m sorry, I’m taking over, like always, I just want this to be perfect for Mr. Tadds. He likes you, you know? He thinks you’re very creative. And he loved your "Backpacking Through Europe” story. He talked about it all night long!“ Ariel said. I looked at her like she was crazy, "What do you mean, "He talked about it all night long,” is he your 'secret lover’ or something?“ I laughed at himself, Ariel laughed along. "Oh, no! He’s my dad. Ariel Tadds, Mr. Tadds?” I sat up straight, so she’d notice me more. “Oh, I didn’t know I was sitting in front of a princess. Princess Ariel. Get it? From The Little Mermaid?” Ariel giggled, and pretended to put a crown on her head. “Yes, I get it, Marvin. Aren’t you clever?” The bell rang before I got to answer, but you’ll never guess what she said! She asked me if she could come to my house to study. Finally, it was MY turn to 'study’ with someone.  I texted mom during lunch and asked her to clean the house really nice, I had a friend coming over to study and I didn’t want her to think we were slobs or anything. I rushed home and cleaned my room. Ariel got there about 5 o'clock that evening. Mom was almost done making supper. She sent Ariel up to my room. When Ariel got to my room, she knocked on my door. She was wearing: black skinny jeans, an A Day To Remember band tee, and purple Vans, she’s definitely my kind of girl. I told her she could sit anywhere she wanted to, she sat on my bed and ironically, ADTR was playing, NJ Legion Iced Tea, I think. She started singing along and before I could stop myself, I was too. She pulled out her books from class and we were still singing ADTR and doing our project until my mom called us down for dinner. When we finished, it was about 8 o'clock and she said she had to get going. I walked her outside, expecting to see a car, but there wasn’t one there. “Where is your car?” I asked.  “I live right across the street. Why would I waste gas to drive 30 seconds?” Ariel said, laughing. I walked her across the street, to her front door. I told her I’d see her tomorrow in English and we hugged me goodnight. Then our hug led into a kiss, she was an amazing kisser. Her phone rang, cock-blocking me, “Of fucking course.” I thought to myself. It was her dad. She told him she was on the front porch. She waved me off.  What did that kiss mean? Did it mean she and I were a thing now? Was it an accident? I didn’t want it to be. I wanted it to be a start of something new, something amazing.
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mercedes-kenzzzz · 4 years
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Poems & Words
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mercedes-kenzzzz · 4 years
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𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟  𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 “𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫”  𝐢𝐧 𝟔 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
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My dog:
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