mercenarylads · 5 years
Hey uhh @ the people who followed me for art I did
I’m movin! My new blog is @Anokguydoinganokjob and I’ll probably call this blog off as dead for now. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, and I’ll catch ya on my next blog
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mercenarylads · 5 years
The engineer when he sees a spy.
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Me playing the engineer who sees the spy.
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mercenarylads · 5 years
What Happens in the RED Spawn Room.
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mercenarylads · 5 years
scout’s VA brings us that A+ phrasing as always
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mercenarylads · 5 years
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It's been so long since I picked up a brush, and I thought it was going to be shit, but it's not as bad as I thought.
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mercenarylads · 5 years
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mercenarylads · 5 years
Reasons why Soldier is a lot nicer than you think:
A lot of people headcanon Soldier as being 100% angry all the time and discriminating and mean to people but I would like you to re-evaluate your evidence because Soldier is actually a giant sweetheart and he just takes his job seriously. 
Yeah he might be ignorant because of the time period but he’s actually quite a nice person. LOOK AT HIM WHEN HE’S WATCHING SCOUT TRY AND WOO MISS PAULING:
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WOULD ANGRY MEAN FANDOM SOLDIER DO THAT? Nah man he’s sitting there smiling like “omg look its romance its so cute Scout you should call her round thats a total compliment” (also bonus spy right there cuz lol he’s horrified)
Also notice the way he treats Miss Pauling in the beginning of Expiration Date. He has the most DORKY looking smile on his face as he tells her he’s leaving the van.  
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Look at the innocent baby. Yeah he beats up on Scout but I think he just beats up on guys cuz yknow, aggressive man stuff. He’s just wrestling with his bros. Soldier is a lot less angry and brooding than you think. 
Love him and treat him like a kitten. 
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mercenarylads · 5 years
If you have ever heard about Team Fortress 2 and were interested in joining the fandom, but couldn’t for some reason, please accept this as a free invitation: You are welcome to join the TF2 fandom, even without having played the game before!
Here you can find the link to the official TF2 Comics. They are simply great; Amazing plot, extremely hilarious, great sound effects and wonderful characters!
Here is a playlist with all the Meet the videos. Each video quickly shows you how the character is like, so I’d really recommend for you to check it out!
And here are two more videos, Expiration Date, and End of The Line. If you plan on joining the fandom, you definitely should watch those two videos!
If you decide to read the comics / watch the videos, welcome to the TF2 fandom!
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Originally posted by heartofnarcness
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mercenarylads · 5 years
RED and BLU Spy’s Conversation
I just came to realize, in Meet the Spy, there is an entire subliminal conversation between RED and BLU Spy.
Assuming we’ve all watched Meet the Spy, Scout is the RED Spy and everything is looking up to him. The BLU team is oblivious to his disguise, he’s inside the intelligence room and has the intelligence in his grasps… But then…
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The BLU Spy arrives.
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Well that sucks and BLU Spy seems to know what his presence has done to RED’s plan. BLU Spy is the wrench, and boy does he make it clear.
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Here BLU Spy blocks RED Spy from his team and appears to already single him out as the Spy.
Also I’m sure RED is confused as to why BLU decided to lug Sniper’s body all the way from the balcony to the intelligence room, but moments later he checks to see if his knife is still there and understands why.
Of course the first thing he want is his knife back, but he can’t just grab it as Scout, so he does his thing.
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“They’re dime-a-dozen backstabbing scum bags. Like you”
RED is openly insulting BLU as a cheap unskilled Spy. He thinks he can get away with this as BLU will be mad at BLU Scout, not him.
Yet once again, BLU twats his plan and makes it very clear this time…
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He ain’t falling for it.
And again we see BLU Spy protecting his teammates. This time, not only is he separating RED from his team, he’s also intimidating him.
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Then he proves how much control he has in the situation by circling him and ultimately leaves RED surrounded.
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Now there’s a tiny frame where BLU drops his little scheme to laugh at RED Spy’s predicament and gloat. Even armed, RED can’t hurt him.
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RED Spy knows he’s being play like a fiddle and at a disadvantage. So he decides to turn the tables and take a stab at BLU’s ego.
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This works because once BLU Spy hears Soldier laugh he immediately stops mid-stride and turns in the accusation pose. At this point BLU is thinking, “you dare insult me again and actually received praise from my team?”
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Notice from this point on, the center of attention is heavily between BLU and RED Spy as they’re caught in an insult war. That being the case…
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This might actually be genuine anger from RED Spy. BLU Spy just dropped a nuke on him and still hasn’t lost in the Spy game they’re playing.
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Now they’re both mad, and both obviously want the other dead before breaking from the game.
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BLU Spy hits RED to get his attention then states an open-ended threat, “listen up… or pornography will the be second worse thing to happen to you today.” Basically, get out of my face in the next few seconds or I’m going to take brute action.
Red Spy also takes a glance at the BLUs behind him, considering whether murdering the man in front of him is worth the risk or not.
And BLU is expecting him to lose, look how he eye’s RED waiting for him to attack. He even takes out his cigarette case as way of say “look my hands are full and I’m defenseless. Go on and try it.”
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Oh boy does he really want to, but at the same time, he also doesn’t want BLU to have the satisfaction of winning and besting him.
BLU then decides to slowly get him team to realize there’s a Spy and finally end the game between them. Just before BLU’s head is blown off he says “he can even be -.” RED finishes his words as “-Right behind you.” Since, RED Spy had the last word, he can therefore claim himself as the victor to this game.
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On a latter note, there are some good compositions to indicate Scout being the RED Spy, such as him and BLU going in and out of shadows. In this scene in particular, you can see RED break character as his eyes never leave Soldier until he knows he’s not going to blast another Spy’s head.
All in all, if you watch Meet the Spy in this manner, it becomes a short about two bickering Spies trying to best the other without arousing suspicion with the intention of one dying. It’s quite funny how fast this “conversation” escalates but neither one is willing to lose to this stupid game.
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mercenarylads · 5 years
Im about to commit a Soundsmith tf2
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mercenarylads · 5 years
866 days since the last Team Fortress 2 comic update.
*Angry Australian nosies*
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mercenarylads · 5 years
It’s Friday
Post the Conga Demoman!
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mercenarylads · 5 years
Yow know what medigun is underrated and misunderstood? THE QUICK-FIX. I’m a Medic that mains QF, and I am going to explain two things to the best of my knowledge: the basics of why QF is great, and how to be a cool patient to a medic using the QF on you.
AMAZING BENEFITS ARE ALL OVER THIS MEDIGUN, I KID YOU NOT. One of the most little-known bonuses is that you can cap/push the cart while having a Quick-Fix uber popped. This is amazing. This has won points and rounds. Last point of Upward with a million sentries blocking access to the just-tipping-over-the-edge cart? Pop your uber, brave the sentries, and push that thing right over. Trying to cap the last point in Well? Pop your uber and watch as enemies try and fail to stop you. This can also buy you critical time to let other teammates get to the point, and block enemies from capping the point for a precious two seconds while you stand on it.
Another thing? QF matches speed with faster patients. This means that a Medic can jump to the front of the field healing a respawned Scout. It also means that a good QF medic paired with a good Soldier or Demoman can sticky/rocket jump STRAIGHT TO THE FRONT LINES. Demoknight? Don’t worry, we can charge with you. It’s cool. Getting to the front lines even two seconds earlier can be a game changer, as well as all of that sick uber charge bonus from healing rocketjumping soldiers whose health is constantly in the red.
MAYDAY MAYDAY. Here’s the thing about matching speeds: we match your speed, not your direction. A charging Demoman that suddenly hangs a hairpin right turn? Yeah, uh, we’re not going to be able to follow that. I’m going to tell you how to signal your direction to your Medic below. Just hold your horses.
Last thing: QF medigun ubers heal the Medic along with the patient. Popping an uber can save me from dying and having to run all the way back. If I pop an uber and there’s only one enemy, it’s because I’m at drastically low health. This is amazing because QF medics rarely need health packs. QF ubers build quickly enough that a medic on the frontlines can pretty much keep their own health at good levels with a good patient.
QF PATIENTS MUST BE AWARE OF THEIR MEDIC. You’ve gotta notice when their health is low, and you’ve gotta notice when they’ve briefly disappeared. Wait. They’ll be back. Why would they suddenly take their healbeam off of you? The QF isn’t built to pocket medic someone. It can, but one of the benefits of QF is being able to rapidly disseminate health to several members of the team: the extra 50 HP that I can give to that Scout we’re passing is a big deal, so please don’t rocket jump away because I diverted my attention away from you for .05 seconds, friend.
Don’t launch us off the map. QF medics drop ubers from being killed by their own teammates. If you’re going to rocket/sticky jump or charge, make sure it’s in a predictable path, preferably in the direction you’re already walking. Even the one second of telegraphing your route will allow us to change course and follow you. And if you do lose us? Wait for just a moment. Odds are, we’ve seen where you landed and are coming to get you. If you know that can’t keep track of a Medic while jumping around, make it obvious. Rocket-jump away from us. Tell us in chat that you are a crazy rocketer. Display that you are a crazy rocketer. We do have a sense of self-preservation and will learn to stay away from you.
Don’t expect to be pocketed. Good QF medics know that their main advantage is healing up many people, not just one (even more so than the regular Medigun/Kritz). Some Medics will find players that are good and will “pocket” them, and stop briefly to deliver heals to players they encounter on the way. Don’t leave us in the dust, we’re all on the same team here.
Sentry-killing? COMMUNICATE. One of the drawbacks of the QF is that it’s not a natural-born sentry-killer. A Heavy/Med pair can take down a Level 3 sentry, but it takes much more precision than just mowing it down as you would with a regular Uber. Keep an eye on your health, and if you’re about to die? Draw back just a bit when the Uber ends, let the Medic top your health back off, then go and finish the job. If it’s not working out? Ask the Medic to switch guns temporarily.
BE A PYRO. What, a Pyro? Confused? Hang in there. One of the Pyro’s best abilities is being able to cause total chaos in clumps of enemies. Fire makes visibility terrible for enemies. This is great, because the QF’s popped uber is much less flashy than a normal Uber— to the point where some players can’t tell if a QF medic has popped, and will stay and try to kill the Pryo/Med combo rather than retreat and wait for the uber to end. QF/Pyro pairs can cause absolute devastation by crashing into enemy lines, and absorb a ton of damage. The other benefit? Annoying minisentry engineers who are relying on their minisentry to zone an area? Destroyed. A Pyro/Med can easily walk straight up to a minisentry and burn both it and its engineer to death. This will allow your Demomen, Soldiers, and Heavys stop killing focusing on killing minisentries and finally break through clustered defenses.
In short? Quit throwing shade on the Quick-Fix, and instead learn how to play with one.
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mercenarylads · 5 years
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There’s a certain charm in gmod videos that I can’t quite put my finger on
Faces referenced from STBlackST’s videos!
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mercenarylads · 5 years
when medic runs and his coat does the thing rb if you agree
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mercenarylads · 5 years
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getting some pencil doodles from this month out of the way while I stare at that 1:5 reblog ratio
first image reference: ✕
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mercenarylads · 5 years
What Happens in the RED Spawn Room.
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