mercibaby-dontpush · 8 days
This is the first birth I've ever seen in my life.
Birth of Susan
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mercibaby-dontpush · 11 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 11 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 11 days
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The early stages of labor are intense as you get on fours, demanding every ounce of your strength, focus, and resilience. With your belly hanging low, swollen and full, your body arches forward, your massive, plump glutes rising into the air. The weight of your pregnancy presses down, pushing the babies closer to delivery. Each contraction sends a powerful wave of pressure through your hips and thighs, making your thick, rounded cheeks jiggle with every tremor of effort. Your glutes, now fully spread, quiver as your body stretches wide to make room for the baby, your entrance pulsating with the strain of the process.
The sensation intensifies as the baby begins to crown, the burn and stretch deep and powerful, your muscles working in sync to guide the baby through. The jiggling of your cheeks becomes more pronounced with each push, your hips spreading even wider to allow for the life making its way into the world. As you bear down one last time, your body trembling, the baby finally slips out between the soft, bouncing mounds of your glutes, the release of pressure immediate and overwhelming. The warmth of the baby leaving your body is met with a rush of relief, exhaustion, and joy, your cheeks still quivering as the contraction fades. You feel utterly spent, yet profoundly fulfilled, knowing your body has just accomplished something extraordinary.
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mercibaby-dontpush · 11 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 11 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 11 days
This is the first birth I've ever seen in my life.
Birth of Susan
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mercibaby-dontpush · 11 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 13 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 13 days
I finally found the vid back
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mercibaby-dontpush · 13 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 13 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 13 days
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mercibaby-dontpush · 17 days
rub my belly while i push ngghhhnnnn
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mercibaby-dontpush · 17 days
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Happy Labor Day everyone! Now why not start it off with Madel finally hitting the time to give birth to Bluek and Magent.
If this was on any other day, she would not have entertained the gaming idea.
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mercibaby-dontpush · 18 days
You have to go see your professional athlete husband play in the championship game: only problem is you're 42 weeks pregnant. You've been having contractions all day, but you tell yourself they're just Braxton Hicks, and you can go to the hospital after the game and have the baby. But once the game starts you can't ignore the urge to push any longer...
Great prompt! Exactly what I was in the mood to write this evening, ty! Hope you like it (fyi written in an hour and very much not edited or checked or read-through lol)
Half-Time Full-Time Baby-Time
Despite being overdue, suffering practice contractions all day, and having a baby nestled deep in my pelvis - I was not going to miss the big game. I’d never missed any of my husband’s matches and I wasn’t going to start now.
Thankfully, as my hubby was a star player on the team I was watching the game from the Executive Box. My parents were supposed to have joined me but they couldn’t make it, so I was on my own in the luxury private suite that had a large window and a glass door overlooking all the action on the pitch below. Inside the room was a fancy dining table with chairs, a mini bar, and a few high stools beneath the tall bench table lining the window so people could sit and drink and eat while watching the game.
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to do any of those things. My tight and round belly and the pain flaring in my hips had me pacing around and around the room. Cupping the underside of my bump I breathed deeply through each rising wave.
“Hmmmmm… not now baby, please.” I whimpered.
The practice pains had gotten closer and closer together during the first half. I’d tried to ignore them, breathe through them and walk around to stop the braxton hicks, but they didn’t disappear. They only got worse. Just before the whistle blew at half time my waters broke and I was forced into the realisation this was no false alarm.
But it would be fine; labour took hours and hours and the game would be long finished before we would need to go to the hospital. That’s what I thought.
Midway through the second half I’m standing by the window, my hands clasping the high bench in a white-knuckle grip, my hips swaying side to side. My throat rattles as I release involuntary groans with the constant squeezing and tightening of my belly. The baby felt so damn low… my legs were in a wide stance and my belly hung down off my hips. I was glad to be wearing a lightweight summer dress with the amount I was sweating. I wanted to open the door, to let in a breeze, but I was scared to with the labouring sounds I was emitting. I didn’t want to attract attention and I did not want to go anywhere and miss the game. I would stay here until you were finished and then we would go to the hospital together.
Another contraction rolled across my belly and the pressure built and built towards boiling point. It felt like I was going to explode, to burst, that feeling of fullness paired with an urgency and pressure was becoming too much to handle. My legs started to tremble as I fought against my body’s instincts, a low rumbling roar slipping past my lips.
I leant forward over the tall tabletop, my arms folded on its surface and my head dropped against my arms. My legs were buckling, sinking lower into a squat. The pressure was building, the round and heavy bowling ball of a head was so low… I wanted to push— my body needed me to push—
“Noooo…. Oh god! Don’t- hoooo- don’t push. Just stay in there baby…. Wait for your daddy to f-finish the g-game—mnghhhhhh!!!”
There was no controlling it, the head was getting lower and pressing against my opening. My body was pushing and I couldn’t stop it. More amniotic fluid hit the floor as I pushed, my bare feet standing on the damp carpet.
In between uncontrollable pushes I glanced up desperately and looked at the timer hanging over the pitch. There was still 15minutes to go, plus injury time. Oh god, the baby was not going to last that long. It felt like it was already starting to crown.
With a trembling hand I feel under my dress between my thighs and nearly vomit when I feel the curved surface of the head pressing against my underwear.
“Oh baby, no… you can’t come out yet…”
But my body and mind are not in sync and a second later I’m back to uncontrollably pushing. I sink into a deep squat, my arms stretched high above my head as I cling onto and almost swing from the high rise table.
“Nnnmghhhhh!!!!” I grunt and low, bearing down into my bottom, running completely on instinct. The baby was slipping further and further out, my labia was stretched thin and the burning of a full crown made me howl.
At the same time one of the teams had scored and the stadium erupted with a frenzy of screams and cheers. The crowd’s jubilance was my own encouragement and I gasped a breath and pushed again, hard. My body was shaking head to toe, the burning… the fullness… the desperation for it all to stop… I had to get the baby out, and it had to come out right now. Giving it my all the head popped out dramatically into my underwear and I collapsed down onto all fours.
The game was nearly over and the baby was almost here. I scrambled to pull down my panties before the next contraction hit. I could hear the noises in the stadium, the crowd cheering and chanting, the final minutes being played. Meanwhile the baby was turning inside of me, the shoulders beginning to press and stretch me open once more. When the next contraction hit I submitted to it entirely, rocking forward and back with each push as my body worked hard to birth the babe. I roared and pushed with the final whistle of the match and raised up on my knees, my hands flying between my legs to catch my newborn baby.
“Oh my goodness… hi little one.” I sobbed as I brought the child up to my chest, wiping its face and blowing gently against their cheeks. The newborn gave a cough and started crying and relief and exhaustion took hold. That was when I noticed the crowd around the Exec Box was cheering. I crawled to the door, babe in arms, and awkwardly got back to standing.
Looking out across the pitch I could see my husband’s team had won, all the men jumping and hugging each other. I could spot my husband easily amongst the sea of coloured jerseys.
“That’s your daddy.” I said to the baby.
My husband looked up at the box, knowing where I’d be, and his jaw dropped when he saw me standing at the glass door, a newborn baby wailing in my arms.
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mercibaby-dontpush · 18 days
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