meremoomoo · 2 years
Does Annie and Armin's relationship make sense?
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No. No it doesn't.
Catching feelings on Annie's side makes sense, teens can fall in love however and Armin was good friends with her during the training days. She's probably never been close to someone as kind and clever as him, adding the contrast of his pure self with the ruthless military culture she was bred in and yeah, an attachment here is fair enough. It's fine for her to hold onto those feelings, especially since he was one of the only people who visited and talked to her while in the crystal.
Putting aside the bias that I haven't liked her since the first half of season 1, I'm not a fan of any of this in s4 because the way she deals with those feelings are tonal whiplash and just so inappropriate. Like, hello Anna Lemonade? The world is ending. You don't see Jean chatting up Mikasa or Reiner pining after Historia, and that's because they know what's at state, they're willing to lay down their lives, and they are set on the job that needs to be done. But I'll get to Annie's lack of meaningful characterisation later on on, for now...
Feelings on Armin's side? Do those make sense?
Bear in mind that:
Since she had Marco's gear during the inspection he had reason to suspect she knew how he died. He's a smart guy there's no way that possibility missed him.
He was one of the first to notice she was the female titan and when made aware of her feelings weaponised them as part of Erwin's plan.
After her crystal encasing he doesn't mention her except to manipulate and mind torture Bertholdt and Reiner in the season 2 finale.
In season 3 there's also no significant mention of her and he only starts to visit after eating Bertholdt during the time skip. Which is telling.
She caused many deaths by leading titans to the hole the Colossal titan created (indirectly killing his grandfather, his last living relative. Yet she has the nerve to use her dad as an excuse to leave the alliance)
Butchered the scouts and Levi's entire squad.
Was 50% responsible for the collateral damage in Stohess.
Slaughtered many soldiers while part of Marley's army (and was probably instructed to commit war crimes)
And what else...?
Oh yeah. Has yet to show any remorse over it (expect Marco, for some reason). All she's done is talk about her dad and mope. Armin has done some horrible things, nuking the port was an irredeemable act, but the thing is he knows and he hates himself for it. It was part of the plan, it had to be done, but he hated every second of it...just look at his face before he transforms.
Annie meanwhile remains apathetic and infuriatingly preachy (why does she keep asking Mikasa if she'll kill Eren? She probably has a pretty shallow understanding of there relationship, and going off her characterisation...she shouldn't care?)- which in a twisted way makes sense, after all why would she be forced to grapple with the weight of her sins when she was accepted way too quickly and was never held accountable. Reiner bore the brunt of all lingering animosity, she was an afterthought.
In season 1 she laughed when her identity was revealed, smiled before trying to transform, and sure, she was crying at the end if season one, but it wasn't out of remorse but because she'll never see her dad again. Even worse is that Armin's actions were born out of necessity, the continued survival of him and the Eldians...but Annie? When Marcel was eaten they had the chance to go back home but didn't, every life taken was a choice.
Now ok, you could make the argument they were brainwashed. Reiner woke up to that lie fairly early on and created a split personality to deal with the guilt, a guilt that almost killed him. Bertholdt died believing the rhetoric that the Eldians are devils somewhere deep down...but does Annie see them that way? Has she ever seen them that way? This is where her lack of meaningful characterisation comes back to bite, because we don't know. Throw whatever headcanon you want at it, it's still just headcanon.
I'm of the opinion that she isn't a fan of people in general, dislikes all of humanity (except Armin, her dad and maybe Mikasa), thus was able to see the Eldians and scouts as the beetles and grasshoppers she crushed under her heel as a kid. She has a crush on Armin and has never had any conflicting thoughts about catching feelings for a devil. Her flashbacks in the season one finale were of her dad, not the shady military that trained her for war. Her reason for doing all this was because of him, his training and wanting to return home, not specifically to destroy the Eldian devils. Or maybe that was a part of it?
Again, we don't know, and it's never hinted at let alone fleshed out.
Let's ask more questions: What's her opinion on Eren's plan? Does she feel humanity outside the walls deserves to die or not? How does she feel about Hange (the last time she saw them they were threatening them with a sword to the pupil, looking pretty scary)? Or Levi? Having murdered his whole squad and injured him, forcing him to sit out season two's events (had he been there the titan shifters wouldn't have gotten away and there would have been so many less deaths). How does she feel about seeing people who were once her friends after years? Jean? Connie? Historia? Ymir? Why did she never ask about potato girl? Sure she seemed like she didn't care about them, but to have her slowly start to nonchalantly ask would not only help with character growth but also be...cute? Much more tonally appropriate than have her show up eating pie.
But anyway, regarding all those questions, we don't know, because she isn't a character anymore. Just Armin's love interest. Unbothered and weak, without conviction or even a functioning moral compass, the broken needle instead pointing at 'dad'.
It's disappointing because having an opinion outside the established moral framework, not for Eldia, not for freedom, not for the greater good but rather self-preservationist apathy is inherently interesting. In fact it's vaguely similar to season 3 Historia: the worst girl in the world who wanted all of humanity to die out, and that stuff was great. But Historia is a great character partly because she rises to the challenge, after an arc of apprehension she kills her father, becomes the queen and punches an Ackerman. But cold-hearted Annie remains in that apprehensive state, does fuck all when the boat sets sail, there's no pay-off or closure and she gets to live happily without consequences.
So yeah, the ship makes no sense. Not when Armin hasn't consistently put in enough effort and interest, and because Annie isn't even a 2 dimensional character. Or even a plank of wood.
Thanks for reading.
Disclaimer: I am biased, I haven't liked Annie and Armin since season 1's finale and reading the ending respectively.
Fics for Jean fans:
Recruitment at Sunset (Jean x Reader oneshot)
Burden of Duty (Jean x Reader angst) 
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meremoomoo · 2 years
The PV that ruined me.
Most importantly — 40 seconds in.
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meremoomoo · 2 years
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meremoomoo · 3 years
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meremoomoo · 3 years
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meremoomoo · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a scenario where tsukishima reacts to his s/o (she/her) telling him she has ocd. Thank you!! <3
You telling him you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder //Tsukishima Kei
TW: obsessive-compulsive disorder
–Fluff, Angst?
Requests are open!
A/N: Hai! Of course I can, plus I absolutely love Tsukishima! By the way I'm not really informed about what ocd is, even if I did my research, I'm not sure if it is exactly like this, so tell me if anything is inappropriate or anything! Thanks for requesting and remember that I love you <3! (It's really short, sorry...)
Tsukishima Kei
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Your boyfriend and you were walking to your home, because his practice was finished and school too.
It had been a while since you wanted to tell Tsukishima about your ocd, but the way he would react was scaring you.
But what if he thought you were weird, awkward or even worse?
Well... You had to tell him one day, or he couls discover it in another way.
Since you were alone with him, and the all was silent, you thought it was the good moment.
—Hey... Tsukki'? I need to tell you something, you started.
—What is it? he asked with his emotionless tone.
The stress started to take control of you, as scenarios played in your head. How will he react? What will he think of you? Is he going to leave you? Or even hate you? Maybe he will-
—Oi! I said what is it, he stopped your thoughts.
—Well... I-I wanted to tell you that I have ocd! you shouted.
He stopped walking, turning his head to look right into your eyes.
—Okay and? You're still normal to me, [y/n]. I'll always consider you as my girlfriend, and ocd is not something you can control anyway. It's not your fault, but if you want to talk about it, I'll be here.
You clearly weren't prepared to this softness, but it was really comforting you to know that someone was here for you.
—Thank you, Tsukki'. I love you. You're the best.
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meremoomoo · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a scenario where tsukishima reacts to his s/o (she/her) telling him she has ocd. Thank you!! <3
You telling him you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder //Tsukishima Kei
TW: obsessive-compulsive disorder
–Fluff, Angst?
Requests are open!
A/N: Hai! Of course I can, plus I absolutely love Tsukishima! By the way I'm not really informed about what ocd is, even if I did my research, I'm not sure if it is exactly like this, so tell me if anything is inappropriate or anything! Thanks for requesting and remember that I love you <3! (It's really short, sorry...)
Tsukishima Kei
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Your boyfriend and you were walking to your home, because his practice was finished and school too.
It had been a while since you wanted to tell Tsukishima about your ocd, but the way he would react was scaring you.
But what if he thought you were weird, awkward or even worse?
Well... You had to tell him one day, or he couls discover it in another way.
Since you were alone with him, and the all was silent, you thought it was the good moment.
—Hey... Tsukki'? I need to tell you something, you started.
—What is it? he asked with his emotionless tone.
The stress started to take control of you, as scenarios played in your head. How will he react? What will he think of you? Is he going to leave you? Or even hate you? Maybe he will-
—Oi! I said what is it, he stopped your thoughts.
—Well... I-I wanted to tell you that I have ocd! you shouted.
He stopped walking, turning his head to look right into your eyes.
—Okay and? You're still normal to me, [y/n]. I'll always consider you as my girlfriend, and ocd is not something you can control anyway. It's not your fault, but if you want to talk about it, I'll be here.
You clearly weren't prepared to this softness, but it was really comforting you to know that someone was here for you.
—Thank you, Tsukki'. I love you. You're the best.
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meremoomoo · 3 years
hi 😁
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meremoomoo · 3 years
tumblr noticed u were back and i sprinted here
omg….i am back……tumblr i thank u…..
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meremoomoo · 3 years
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meremoomoo · 3 years
♡thinking about shifting ....
to bring Sasha and Connie the best modern snacks, an endless supply of all types of meats, and then make them laugh until they cry
to flirt with Jean until I make him blush, then maybe kiss his cheek a little, and tell him how brave he is since Marco can no longer remind him.
to be Mikasa's confidant. She must be so exhausted from fighting on her own for so long I'd let her vent and talk my ear off...God knows she'd probably need it.
to tell Armin all about the world and show him pictures of all the beautiful sceneries I have ever captured and maybe take a kiss or seven in-between landscapes.
to reassure Eren that the weight of the world shouldn't rest on his shoulder and since it unjustly does i'd be his gentle reminder that it's not his fault and help him enjoy the journey as much as i humanly can.
to do experiments with Hange until the sunsets and when it finally does stay up drawing conclusions and new hypothesis until it rises again.
to see how many times i can get Captain Levi to call me brat and then make him the copious tea recipes I know by heart until he trusts me enough to allow me to give him all the hugs humanity's strongest probably needs
...ugh my beloved Scouts.♡
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meremoomoo · 3 years
the the wandering spirits of the empty halls,
come answer my call—which haikyuu boy would be your first and last love?
tell me your answers! options are atsumu, mattsun, hinata, sakusa & tsukishima <3
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meremoomoo · 3 years
your 300 event seems like sm fun!!! congrats!!!!
my self ship is me (mere) and tsukishima !! our relationship would be me calling him weird nicknames , him teasing me, i tease back, him helping me with hw bc im a dumbass and i somehow got into advanced classes, and just playing video games together too!!!
i hope you are having a wonderful day!! remember drink water and eat :)
ahh tysm and ty for sending this!!
mere + kei:
“dino boy! what did you get for number five on the math homework?” you called over to your boyfriend who sat on the opposite side of your room, already done with his work.
“why, you couldn’t figure it out on your own? it’s really not that hard if you paid attention in class,” he teased, fully knowing you weren’t even present that day in class.
“you salt shaker, just come over here and help me!” you watch him get of the bed and walk over to where you sit. he squats so that he’s level with the table and your homework.
he begins to explain the process of eliminating the squares and exponents to get to the answer, but you can’t help but let the words go over your head as you look at him in admiration.
“you didn’t hear a single thing i just said, did you?” he reaches up and ruffles your hair, “you’re lucky i love you mere, i wouldn’t do this for just anyone.”
soft tsukki soft tsukki soft tsukki soft—
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meremoomoo · 3 years
sister krone
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meremoomoo · 4 years
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It’s Victoria’s birthday today (March 23), so I felt like painting her most lovely Dani.
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meremoomoo · 4 years
my sister and i share a single brain cell together
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meremoomoo · 4 years
brain dump
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