merenylo-blog · 7 years
Watch the stream and see me get my ass kicked with class! (Though I almost had 'em the first half of the game. Damn you, Illidan Stormrage, I was not prepared!)
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merenylo-blog · 7 years
A cunt by any other name...
Wouldn't get an eyelash batted. So now, the creator of Minecraft and Wurm, two of my favorite games in the world, has apparently called someone who was acting like a cunt, a cunt. *gasp* How dare he use a female gender specific insult! I mean, he could have called them a 'dick', and not a word would be uttered. So the problem the snowflakes have is not that a gender specific insult was used but that a female gender specific insult was used, and that's verboten. Equality is just that. Equal mean equal. Not special kid glove treatment because vagina.
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merenylo-blog · 7 years
Notch was calling someone a cunt for acting like a cunt. If someone can't handle 'mean words' then don't dish them out, cupcake. If he had called a guy a 'dick' no one would be saying a word. Equality is just that. Equal. You don't get a pussy pass for being or identifying for a certain gender.
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In case you all forgot/didn’t know, Notch is still a garbage human being who likes calling women cunts for speaking out against GamerGate supporters.
Don’t praise or support this garbage man.
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merenylo-blog · 7 years
People DO grow out of various Autistic aspects, I've seen it with my own eyes. Like anything else, people are married to their paradigms and would rather be 'right'.
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We need to stop seeing autism as some sort of one-dimensional sliding scale. Autism is not a thermometer. It’s not a rating that is “more” or “less”. High-functioning and Low-functioning do not exist in the real world.
Autism is a collection of symptoms and behaviours. Like a sundae bar. You choose your toppings that fit you.
Are you a bipolar extravert that loves socialising, is good at math and bad at remembering time? That’s ONE way to be autistic!
Are you a socially anxious autistic who has meltdowns when your clothes don’t feel right but a genius knowledge of music theory and is great at scheduling? That’s another way to be autistic!
Notice how both of those examples has strengths and weaknesses? Is one more “employable” or “high-functioning” than the other?
There is no one-size-fits-all category or rating for autism.
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merenylo-blog · 7 years
People who have no confidence in themselves don’t need a hug, they need a firm kick in the ass to not be such a fragile flower. Snowflakes melt. Ice, you can drive through hearts. <3.
Reblog this if...
You think well of your own writing.
You think well of your own RP skills and potential for growth.
You believe that it is perfectly okay and healthy to have confidence and a positive estimation of yourself as a writer and roleplayer.
You don’t care what anyone else thinks of that.
{Been really tired of all the “reblog if you’re insecure about your writng,” “reblog if you think you’re a shitty RPer or RP partner,” “Reblog if you think you’re a boring xyz,” so I decided to swim against all the other fish in the sea with some positivity here.}
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merenylo-blog · 7 years
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WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE (but preferably DEAD)
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There are no right words or emojis in any amount for how much I hate this motherfucker.
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merenylo-blog · 7 years
I live with people that make this guy's roommate look like Mr. Clean.
Comedian Transforms His Roommate’s Mess Into A “Passive-Aggressive Art Gallery” & It’s Hilarious
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Comedian Justin Cousson decided to get poetic justice back at his messy roommate by transforming his housemate’s messes into a passive aggressive art gallery, which showcases the intensity of his roomie’s disorder.
Keep reading
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merenylo-blog · 8 years
Merenylo's backstory.
Hello everyone! I'm working on composing Merenylo's backstory. I've just got so many irons in the fire ATM, that it's made making/finding the time to compile all my notes on Mer somewhat of a chore. Add to that the stresses and rigors of being a full time programmer, full time homemaker and full time oft-single parent, and my time for such awesome things as this is about nil. I will however, endeavor to make some time the next few weeks to get this done. I only check Tumblr infrequently at best ATM, but if you have any questions or comments, I will get back to you, it just might take a wee bit.
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merenylo-blog · 8 years
Damn. Better watch out, Valarjar, your arcanist seems to be kissing a familiar face. 🤣
Over and over and over again, Aranya would trace Halenvar’s tattoos and scars with her fingertips. She still had so many to ask him about. They had not had much time with each other, recently. It had made them miss each other a great deal.
Softly the arcanist would trail her touch over the many marks on the canvas of the warrior’s skin, and just as softly he would paint warmth on hers in return. Even the slight buzz of magic from her red mana tattoo did not deter his caresses, he didn’t avoid or hasten away from any inch of her.
Only three marks had she to show.
“The unicorn’s head is old,” said Aranya, her coal-black hair lifted up from the back of her neck. “The phoenix emblem is newer, gotten after the Betrayer’s gift was taught to our people and I recovered from the withdrawal brought by the Sunwell’s absence, and we began to rebuild the kingdom.” The wings of the immortal creature lay inked under her fair wrist. “You already know the deal that was made that got me the Kabal tattoo.”
The rest of her was flawless. Any scar she had ever gained, erased by magic just as soon as it was earned. All the better for anyone to underestimate her, with nothing else of her past written on her skin for them to read. And yet…
“I could show you, with a spell,” murmured the sorceress. “I know magic is distasteful to you, but you and I have known for some time, the demons in our pasts and how they match. Things we’ve done, hurts we’ve carried on our souls, seeking acceptance, solace, and still thirsting for all the perils we live by.” Her smoldering green eyes held his, reflecting each other in the dark where they lay. “I would not feel exposed in letting you see the scars that I have earned my life and my soul with. Just you,” she said. “Would you allow me?”
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merenylo-blog · 8 years
If ye like growls in bed, Ghost is always available. 😂
☠ Sel, since she was the one present when Aranya won the insults contest in Mar'at.
Send me ‘☠’ to hear what my muse would say to yours if they were completely drunk off their head.
  Selithil found herself leaning against a pillar of stone as the evening’s events waned, a gifted cup of mead clutched behind delicate fingers. It was as she took a swig of the sweet beverage that Selithil noticed one of the performances attendees and shouted shamelessly towards her. “’Ey! You! Yesh, you there!” The monk stumbled forward, remembering just then that she had buried her feet in the sand, “Good inshults you had up there. I don’tsh think your plated friend liked some of them mucsh though. Doesh he growl like that in bed too?”
@aranyaphoenix   - thank you!! :D
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merenylo-blog · 8 years
The list is far too large...
Or maybe not large enough.
Reblog if your muse has ever killed someone.
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merenylo-blog · 8 years
[Merenylo as a NPC]
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General Quotes
General Interactions:
Greeting: “Greetings and salutations.”
Farewell: “Adieu”
Asked to trade/carry items: “Do I look like yer personal pack mule?”
Something is dropped: “What have we here?”
Encumbered: “*grunt* *puff* Really?”
Trap spotted: “Attention tourists, there is a deadly device ahead... Try not to step on it.”
Asked to wait: *Smolder* “Fine. It's your dime.”
Asked to do something: “Maybe. We'll see. Is it part of our contract.”
Possible command: “Your wish is my command. Not really, but hey, you're paying me.”
Impossible command: "I'm good. But I'm not that fucking good.”
Upon dismissal: “Hrmph. Suit yerself. You'll likely be dead in an hour.”
Combat initiated: *Ghost and Merenylo both roar and charge into the melee*
Combat ongoing: “Wow, sportier than usual. They must have had mana buns this morning!”
Scared: “*glares*”
Wounded: “Some healing here would be great. If, you know, you aren't too busy.”
Dying: *silence*
Combat ended: “That's it?”
Dragon appears: ”*sigh* Why hello number 4531... These things must breed like bunnies.”
Location Specific Quotes
Towns and Villages:
Stormwind: “For the Alliance! What? I'm a mercenary and they pay better. Fuck the Horde.”
Ironforge: “Ah Dwarves. I rather like Dwarves. They are stoic, no bullshit companions. And, they always have booze on them.”
Darnassus: “Bounce for me, baby. Yea... just like... that. Mmm. C'mere.”
Exodar: “Ye gods, the infernal ringing! DIE!”
Dalaran: “If you've seen one stuffy mage city, ye've seen them all.”
Orgrimmar: “Oh joy, Orc-reamer. If it wasn't for the Zeppelin path, I'd go here, oh, never.”
Undercity: “Did I ever tell you that I knew Sylvanus before she became the Banshee Queen? True story. Yea, I tapped that. Twice. And I'd do it again. Huh? Oh, don't look at me like that, like YOU wouldn't.”
Silvermoon: “This used to be home once. May be once again, assuming all the people I hate are dead or gone. Preferably dead.”
Thunderbluff: “Best steaks in Kalimdor!”
Booty Bay: “So... where's the... uh... booty? Top floor? Gotcha, thanks mate.”
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merenylo-blog · 8 years
Soldier 76. Like there was any doubt.
I got Tracer :-)
Who did you get?
Put who you got in the tags!
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merenylo-blog · 8 years
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I’ve been reluctant in the past to give canon mention to Valéria’s father. Almost entirely because the person behind him and myself have been through extremely rocky things in the time we’ve known each other. But - in the spirit of the holidays, I suppose - I did a lot of thinking, and talked with Merenylo’s mun about it. He’s okay with it, and I’m glad. So, say sinu a’manore to Valéria’s ann’da, y’all.
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