meretorious · 6 years
Me and the man I’m in love with are house hunting right now for our first place together and I’m so extremely happy...
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meretorious · 6 years
My home will be a home with no loud anger, no explosive rage, no slamming doors or breaking glass, no name calling, shaming or blackmail. My home will be gentle, it will be warm. It will keep my loved ones safe. No fear, no hurt and no worries. I may come from a broken and twisted place but I will build something whole and safe. I’ll sing in the shower again, cook with a smile and dance in all the rooms. I will heal.
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meretorious · 6 years
So I found this. It’s real. Don’t settle for anything different because there is literally no better feeling than this.
The thing is I think I believe in love TOO much. Constantly searching for that true, can’t catch your breath, head over heals, realll love. Not an infatuation that you get over, but real forever type of love. I believe in it so much and I won’t settle for anything but that. And I don’t mind waiting! I’m not going to invest my time on small love. I can live my whole life loving myself the way I deserve if I dont find it. But I’m not gonna settle.
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meretorious · 6 years
My reasons for doing things:
1. Spite 2. The Aesthetic
That’s it.
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meretorious · 6 years
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meretorious · 6 years
Ya know when you just CaNt fuCKIng breathe
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meretorious · 6 years
Getting back out there
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meretorious · 6 years
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Small progress, thanks to my relentlessly energetic shepinois puppy
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meretorious · 6 years
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meretorious · 7 years
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meretorious · 7 years
“I’m going to marry you”
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meretorious · 7 years
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Just letting y’all know, I found the man I’m going to marry
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meretorious · 7 years
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meretorious · 7 years
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meretorious · 7 years
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meretorious · 7 years
I just want to be someone people look up to and want to be with.
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meretorious · 7 years
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