merindagriese · 1 day
It's reverant, the way he holds your hands in his own. Turning, squeezing, examining every little vein and joint.
Without his holoform? Prowl absolutely dwarfs you, and treats you as though you're made of glass.
But with it? He holds you more solidly. As though he's afraid you'll leave, instead of break.
With his holoform, he can treat you more as an equal. Lace his fingers with your own. Trace your veins with feather-light touches. Watch the angles of your fingers grow sharper as you squeeze his hand in return, smiling in response to his lovestruck gaze.
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merindagriese · 1 day
TFA Prowl x Artistic! Reader Blurb
Prowl is soft for you. Sweet. He watches you move the same way he'd watch any other organic life; with reverence and the desire to learn something new about you and your place in the world
It doesn't matter what you're working on. Painting, pottery, cake decorating, sewing. He has the "procedure" every time. Crouching as low as he can to watch you work, servos resting on the edge of your table as you answer all his questions.
He thinks you're sweet that way. Soft. Kinder than many others, the way the world is.
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merindagriese · 1 day
Hi! I'd like to request a oneshot about tfa Megs helping his male cybertronian partner with really bad insomnia and anxiety, if thats ok? headcanons are also cool if a oneshot doesnt work out! thank you!
I hope it's ok, but I did this a little differently. Since it didn't say reader, I wrote this from Megatron's point of view.
TFA Megatron x Male Cybertronian
Megatron woke up feeling his partner tossing and turning. Not an unusual nighttime activity for them. He heard his partner sigh in annoyance. Megatron turned, wrapping his arms tightly around his partner and bringing him to his chest.
“What troubles you, my spark?” Megatron asked, nuzzling his helm into his partner’s neck.
“Everything.” He admitted honestly. “There’s so much to do, so much work to finish. I know I need to sleep but I can’t, which stresses me out more, which keeps preventing me from sleeping. How am I supposed to focus on all the things we have to do tomorrow if I am too tired to do any of it?”
Megatron ran his servo over his lover’s arm, stroking them soothingly.
“Do not fret, anything you need to do tomorrow does not need to concern you right now. Focus on being here with me, and enjoying our rest together.” Megatron whispered.
“I wish it was that easy.”
It pained Megatron to see his love so hurt. He wished to take all their anxiety, wanting to be able to easily lull them into a restful sleep. Megatron knows he struggles to sleep, but he’ll stay up all night with them if he had to.
Megatron sat up, looking down upon his partner. His face looked so sullen, so at war with himself. Megatron hated to see them so upset. Megatron stroked his back.
“Will your tasks still be there if you were to sleep?” Megatron asked.
“Would there be a difference if you were to do them now or later?”
“I guess not.”
“Are they tasks that someone else could do?”
“Technically yes, but-”
“Good, then close your optics and stay here with me. I will get Starscream to finish those tasks. We will not leave this berth until you sleep.” Megatron laid back down, once more pulling his partner into him. He wrapped his arms tightly around them, giving them soft kisses atop their helm.
“But what about you? You have things to do tomorrow as well.” He stated.
“You are my priority, so making sure you get rest is all I will focus on tomorrow. Nothing else is as important as you.” Megatron replied, running his digits softly over his partner’s frame.
Megatron felt his partner clutch tightly onto him in response to his words. Megatron began to hum, an old song that often helped him in tough times. He hummed, while still softly stroking his partner's back and arms. He was the most important mech to Megatron. And Megatron would make sure he got enough sleep, no matter how long it took.
“I want you to clear your mind and think of me, focus on my touches, focus on my voice. There is nothing else in this world, just you and I right here, right now.” Megatron whispered, then went back to humming. He continued to hum and graze his digits over his partner, hoping it would lull them to sleep.
He heard his partner sigh again, but it was softer, quieter and sounded tired. Which was a good sign. His partner twitched, and moaned, slightly shifting every few minutes. But Megatron stayed put, still holding him. Megatron kept ahold of him while he got comfortable. Eventually his partner stilled, his helm buried into Megatron’s chest, arms draped over Megatron’s sides. Megatron could feel a difference instantly, his partner was still. Soft sounds of sleep coming from their vents. Megatron still continued to hum and stroke them a little longer, wanting to make sure his partner was in a deep enough sleep. Then when he was sure, he would fall asleep with him.
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merindagriese · 1 day
Hello again!! I'm glad that the requests are open, you are very productive, it's cool!Can I request Lugnut's younger brother Buddy, who is different in character (kind of quiet, calm, more thoughtful, ahah) and despite Lugnut's almost bottomless love for Megatron, loves his bro very much? They are different, but funny and good brothers. And if it possible, may I ask Decepticons (at your choice) reaction to Buddy, please? Thank you for your attention and take care of yourself!
Sometimes we need more sibling content for characters out there.
Buddy for the sake of this request is a minicon.
Hope you enjoy!
Lugnut having a younger brother with Blackarachnia, Megatron, Shockwave, and Starscream
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Buddy is a literal dwarf compared to his older brother.
Lugnut was one of the biggest Decepticon in the army and one of the most loyal followers of Megatron.
Buddy was a minicon that mainly stayed at the base fixing the interiors and was the acting medic.
Lugnut loves his tiny brother as much as he loves Megatron and Strika.
It’s hard to think about the two of them being related on most days.
Lugnut being a strong, dumb, Decepticon that would smash anything in his way in the name of the Decepticon rule.
For Megatron!
Buddy, however, was quieter, and much more hesitant to hurt anyone in any shape or form.
Literally, anyone.
One time Buddy had accidentally stepped on a kid’s flower bed and then he spent the entire evening making a better one to apologize to the kid.
But their loyalty to one another is unwavering.
Team that loves having Buddy around
The Cons have gotten used to Buddy’s ‘strange’ nature by now. They thought it was weird at first but came to realize that it was just part of his personality. Buddy is always an outlet to recharge from stressful days. Buddy always asks how they are and there is no judgment with him.
Team who wants to protect Buddy
The Cons on this team know the harsh reality of Buddy’s place in the Decepticon army and how likely he is to get kidnapped and used as hostage. Maybe not the current Autobot team on Earth, but the Elite Guard holds no mercy. Buddy doesn’t exactly have the armor or weapons to make sure that the Autobots don’t take him away. He refuses to wear any more dangerous things on him. They keep an extra optic out for Buddy whenever they are sent somewhere that isn’t the base. No one is leaving unscathed if they find out that Buddy was kidnapped and harmed.
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merindagriese · 1 day
Ok so it is implied in my mind that any human on the lost light would be zippin around on roller skates. And when on roller skates you can theoretically hold onto the back of a vehicle to ZOOM ( = skitching = skate + hitching.) So THE QUESTION IS silly little headcanons for a human reader skitching w Rodimus / Tailgate / Swerve my beloved / anyone w a vehicular alt mode? Idk I just thought that would be fun :3
new uh, format I think. hopefully, this works. anyways this was really fun and they're a little short bc I struggled writing something different for each one, but I'm very happy with it
[ human!reader
post includes: Rodimus, Tailgate, and Swerve]
MTMTE Rodimus
oh you're gonna have to hang on real tight
when you said zoom, that's exactly what this guy is gonna do
tries to get you to do tricks as you're skitching, did not go well the first time (he skid to a stop you crashed face-first into him)
after that he was a lot more careful and gave you a heads up
He still tries to get you to do tricks though, you both impress the rest of the crew quite often
It quickly became this favorite thing to do after the first time, constantly coming up to you and transforming with a "need a ride?" and happily agreeing when you're the one to ask him.
Probably gets a little jealous when you ask someone that isn't him
Expect a lot of close calls but he would never get you hurt on purpose, Ultra Magnus begs you to wear some kind of protective gear
MTMTE Tailgate
Originally hesitant when you asked him, are you sure you want to go with him? What if you get hurt, he'll never forgive himself??
After plenty of reassurance though, he agreed and found it quite fun
Laughing and giggling as you two travel along the halls together, very cute 10/10
Cue Cyclonus watching you two with intrigue, zooming away with wide smiles on your faces, he too tries to hide a small smile at the scene
something tells me he drives in little circles to be silly
If you get hurt somehow he starts panicking and accidentally transforms back to pick you up and ask if you're okay. The only problem is that he forgets you were still attached and you go shooting up into the air
very normal and civilized skitching buddy but will zoom through the LL if you ask him to
MTMTE Swerve
He desperately wishes you could deliver drinks with him around his bar while skitching, how cool would it be if you two just drove around and handed bots their drinks one after the other?
So excited though, also has a lot of fun as you join him and cruise with him around the ship
He for sure convinces you to be silly around the ship, messing with Magnus or other bots and just as quickly leaving the room unnoticed
I think he also accidentally transforms while you're still holding onto him. You're like, screaming as you hold onto him for dear life and he keeps turning around in circles trying to find you (you swinging around and begging for him to stop moving)
Despite all the silly shenanigans, he still obviously goes out of his way to make sure you're safe and comfortable.
Probably tells you about the latest drama or stories as you're cruising around to keep you entertained, also because Swerve tells you everything
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merindagriese · 1 day
Since you enjoy the trope, how about "only one circuit slab" with your choice of bot? :3 you know who my #1 is but go with whoever you think it would be most fun with. (If you want a more specific setup I'd be happy to toss some ideas around with you)
hopefully these are good...i had to go with OUR #1 and a couple other bots :3 although you already know that bc you helped with the silly ideas. did not edit this btw my bad if its all over the place
also human reader!! These turned out way longer than I thought, I think idk how to write headcanons and end up writing short imagines but eh, I was inspired
Post includes -> Swerve, Rodimus, and TFP Ratchet
MTMTE Swerve
A completely normal day on the LL, Swerve had closed down his bar for the day and you had stayed back to talk to him even as the last bot left the place. Being the friendly bot he is, he offered to give you a ride back to your room which you accepted
As you rode down the halls of the ship, Swerve mentioned how he has been looking for a roommate for like, ever, and since his room was big enough for another bot it was surely perfect for you.
You agreed of course and he immediately made plans to show you around his humble abode
Well guess what?
You turned the corner and instead of seeing his room there was a big ass crater in place of it
Your jaws dropped and agreed that he can stay In your room instead...at least until his room is rebuilt. Roommates, right?
Only problem blessing was that you had one bed
After some light arguing of who sleeps where, you both settled that you'll sleep awkwardly next to him where he wouldn't crush you and he would turn the other way. You settled down and stared at the ceiling as you stiffly lay there, wanting to give him his space. He respectfully gave you your space but continued to try to make conversation, although it was a bit awkward since you two weren't facing eachother
Another problem arose, you were on the edge of the bed and weren't use to not being nestled into your blankets, the ship was cold, you started shivering.
"I don't even know if you can hear me right now, I mean its not that muffled right? I can always speak a little clearer or louder but I shouldn't keep you up. Are you tired yet? I don't want to-"
"Swerve? Can you turn around?"
He turned and faced the ceiling while his helm turned towards you, he was about to inquire but was immediately silenced when you started climbing him and put down your pillows and blankets on his chest.
"It's uh, its cold. I could always move if you mind th-"
He blurted out. You could feel the metal beneath you radiate pure heat, more than usual. It was comforting. You sigh and lay down, cuddling up against your blankets and well, him, the best way you could. You could feel the soft hum of his spark beneath you, it was comforting. You didn't pay attention to the way your face heat up as your eyes fluttered shut
Swerve could only lay there, absolutely frozen. For once he was at a loss for words and he wondered if you could tell his spark felt like shooting out of his chest
He slowly reached out, his servo hovering above you for a second. You said you were cold, right? He hesitantly placed one servo above you, it ever so gently cradled your sleeping form.
You bet with that amount of warmth you got the best sleep of your life
He was NOT able to recharge that night. On one hand, he was keeping you safe and warm. On the other, the massive grin on his face would not go away
Maybe his room should get destroyed more often, or just maybe he can delay the reconstruction of it
MTMTE Rodimus
The LL had gone onto another one of its expeditions and you just so happened to have gotten lost with the most reckless but endearingly dedicated mech
It's been hours since you've been treading along this strange planet and during that time, you found out that the locals are not human-friendly whatsoever
It gets to the point where the two of you have gone way too long without any rest/recharge, Rodimus has sent an emergency signal and hoped that someone from the crew would find you two soon. However it gets apparent you both need to make a stop before you both pass out from exhaustion, especially you
Rodimus insists on transforming into his alt mode and you sleeping there until the morning, but you're equally as stubborn and insist on keeping watch for him.
He only agreed because of how blushy that made him. You, his special human, want to protect him even in these circumstances? Fine, you can sit on his shoulder and keep watch while he settles down to avoid using any more energon
Not even 10 minutes later, he feels your head suddenly rest near his neck-cables.
No response except your soft breathing, there's a soft smile on his faceplates knowing that you had fallen asleep.
He carefully takes you from his shoulder and transforms, in a split second you were laying down and peacefully sleeping in his alt-mode.
It may not be a bed/circuit slab but you're the only human he'd let sleep in his alt-mode, expect the seats to be warm when you wake up or his engines to purr if he's driving
Absolute endless teasing back on the LL btw, WILL ask for you to sleep in his alt-mode again or to have some sort of sleepover
TFP Ratchet
This medic is the definition of overworking yourself
Rarely ever he gets to recharge NEAR you and you swore you have never seen him actually recharge without Optimus or you begging him
This specific day wasn't any different, except you kept tossing and turning in your bed. Something was bothering you and you weren't sure what, it just did not let you sleep. No matter how tired you felt, your body would not let you rest.
Cue you going to accompany Ratchet and him being concerned and scolding you as to why you were up at such an hour
You responded with a slow frog blink
"I can't sleep."
He lets you stay with him a while and just hopes you'll fall asleep eventually, it had happened before after all. He puts you on his shoulder and otherwise continues working, fully expecting you to fall asleep in a couple of minutes
30 minutes go by and you're still awake somehow, your half-lidded eyes staring and probably getting fried by the screen. He has a small mental battle with himself before he sighs and decided to...stop working (explodes)
"Will you get some sleep if I...if I stay with you?"
He says it almost reluctantly. But only you know that its a genuine offer. If you weren't so tired you would've leaped up in the air and shouted YES!! But instead you sleepily nodded your head and clung onto him.
He groaned and headed over to his room which was bland besides some belongings, gifts from the kids, and his unused recharge slab.
There he would lay down, expecting to wait for you to sleep and then continue his work. But he didn't expect it to be this relaxing
You laying there with him, near his shoulder armor and neck-cables, softly breathing and huddled against him. It didn't take him long for his exhaustion to finally catch up to him. He blames you for being so...calming and wonderful.
Before he drifts into recharge, he turns his helm towards you so his cheek is still in contact with you. Hes just trying to make you comfortable obviously, no, it's not out of his own enjoyment. Hes just tired, okay?
Speak of it in the morning and suddenly he forgets how to talk and cant get an explanation out without sputtering
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merindagriese · 2 days
Human Buddy the single parent with Starscream and Bumblebee
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Human reader
Starscream is surprised seeing the tiny organics in the stroller his organic acquaintance. Buddy had brought the kids over to meet their new friend.
“Why do you have these tiny organics?”--Starscream
“They are my kids. Sparklings in your terms.”--Buddy
“Your… sparklings? Your sparklings?!”--Starscream
“Yeah Screamer, they’re my sparklings.”--Buddy
“…why are they leaking?”--Starscream
“That’s drool.”--Buddy
“… distgusting…”--Starscream
He says that he hates the tiny squishy’s. But he takes the upmost care when handling the babies as they crawl around in his servos. None of these kids are getting hurt on his watch.
Starscream found out the hard way that he can not talk too loudly around the babies.
They nearly put his screams to shame.
But as it turned out they love flying around in his altmode.
He makes sure Buddy takes some sort of break whenever they look particularly dead on their feet.
May or may not try to enlist loyalty in them. How else are they supposed to know who is the future leader of the Decepticons? They need to get the education from an early age.
He is so excited to see these babies.
Bumblebee had seen so many of the babies in the parks and TV, he wants to see the real deal.
When Buddy comes in with the triplets he is floored at how tiny they are and without warning picks them up. He gets a scolding from everyone on this after Buddy regains consciousness.
He is the near perfect size to handle the babies in both arms.
He tried to teach the babies how to play video games. Ratchet and Buddy have to stop him.
Other than that, Bumblebee is pretty good in handling the kids. He can keep up with them energy wise and can calm down when they need to take a nap.
Though he does have some peculiar ways of entertaining the kids.
The kids love riding in his altmode. Unfortunately for everyone the baby’s love it when Bee speeds up. Bee has made speeding with the kids around the plant banned.
But what about outside the plant?
Bee has learned if he is going to sneak out with the kids to speed it has to be late at night and when Buddy is deep asleep.
“Has anyone seen Bumblebee?”--Optimus
“Has anyone seen the kids?”--Ratchet
Tire screeching and transformation noises increase.
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merindagriese · 2 days
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there reading stories :>
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merindagriese · 2 days
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Don’t ask why but I had the urge to dress the Ishtar sibling’s in early 2000s pop group wear.
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merindagriese · 2 days
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merindagriese · 2 days
i feel like. ok we've made basically a meme out of how chronically ill people can tolerate pain that would have most people incapacitated without so much as a grimace, and go about their normal activities in extreme pain. but it's ok to be incapacitated by your pain. like not ok obviously because being in pain is awful and not ok. but it isn't like shameful or anything to lie in bed in a fetal position because of pain. there's no virtue in suffering in silence. there's no superiority in not acknowledging pain, not doing what you can to mitigate it
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merindagriese · 2 days
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The San Francisco Examiner, California, February 25, 1935
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merindagriese · 2 days
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A very quick little portrait of Nick.
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merindagriese · 2 days
everybeody so enamoured of my small beautéfule face
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hope nobeody takinge 15,060 photographs of my slumbers
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merindagriese · 2 days
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the "frag you" appeal
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merindagriese · 2 days
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Fuck i hate how funny he is
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merindagriese · 2 days
propaganda: i think starscream could be a dad actually
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