merit500 · 1 year
Buying and selling commercial and office properties is always on the radar of real estate companies. The challenge is identifying the right clients and staying on top of the latest market trends and developments is crucial.
But what if we tell you that now you can effectively identify potential clients by tracking the highest sales growth companies in Sweden?
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Today in this article we will explain how you can use M500 GROWTH to identify the growing company in Sweden.
With over 8,500 Swedish companies currently in the M500 GROWTH database, approximately 20 changes occur each day. This means that real estate companies can stay ahead of the curve and quickly identify new potential clients before their competitors. Knowing the top fastest-growing companies in Sweden that are expanding rapidly allows real estate companies to anticipate their future needs.
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merit500 · 2 years
A number of studies reveal that a gender-diverse corporate board is preferable for increasing a company’s profitability. Women in corporate boards vary from zero to a maximum of five members. Women on the board, however, can positively influence the performance of the company and lead to growth strategies such as changing the organizational culture or setting new strategies for future marketing and growth. Women on board contribute in many ways, including increasing sales and profits, influencing customer service standards and customer retention, improving customer satisfaction and lowering customer complaints and offering more flexible work arrangements, attracting customers and employees, and reducing turnover.
Women in business are rapidly traveling up the corporate ladder, but many are hitting a glass ceiling.
The S&P 500 currently has 32 women leaders (6.4%), and 44 of the companies on the FORTUNE 500 list are led by women CEOs, a record.
What makes a company thrive is not just the growth plan alone; but also the presence of women on corporate boards.
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merit500 · 2 years
According to MERIT500’s recent reports on Unique mapping of all the Head of Sustainability/the Head of ESG in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden of all 1,500 listed companies, only 15 percent of the sustainability managers have a place in the companies’ management groups.
However, the good thing is the proportion is increasing rapidly.
“Many investors demand it,” said Andrew Suneson Meiling, CEO of MERIT500, in an interview with Dagens Industri.
You can access our M500 Sustainability Report, a unique mapping of all the Head of Sustainability/the Head of ESG of more than 1 500 listed companies in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden.
We can also deliver customed sustainability reports for individual companies with benchmarks of peers and other types of comparative figures. In cases where the company does not have a specially appointed sustainability manager, MERIT500 can help them find a person who would be responsible for this area.
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merit500 · 2 years
According to MERIT500 recent Gender Data Report (2022), only 7% of HR in Sweden of all listed and unlisted companies have or had a board assignment. As for Finland, Norway, and Denmark, they had only 6%, 8%, and 5% of HR board assignments, respectively.
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merit500 · 2 years
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One of the most frustrating things for a business owner can be the loss of a key employee. It almost always comes at a time when you're least prepared.
You've invested significant time, energy, and money training your team, but in most cases all that is lost in one fell swoop when a key member of your team leaves.
So how can you help prepare yourself and your business to get through such an event and bounce back?
Losing a key member of your team can be a major blow to your business. However, you can take steps to minimize the effects of this.
In some cases, you might actually not even experience any negative effect on your business. Here are four ways you can protect your business against the loss of a key employee.
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merit500 · 2 years
The Swedish government has declared itself a feminist government, and the country has a law against discrimination against women. But board rooms remain male-dominated. We know that Sweden is a leader when it comes to gender equality, with a low pay gap between men and women. In Sweden, women earned 90.2 percent as much as men, or 95.6 percent, after accounting for differences in profession and sector in 2020. However, many Swedes believe there is still much room for improvement at work. That is why here we have mentioned three ways to improve gender equality in the workplace:
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merit500 · 3 years
The MERIT500 Power Index uses a seven-point scale ( Triple-Balance, Double-Balance, Balance, Dominance, Total-Dominance, Total Double-Dominance, Total Triple-Dominance) which depends on distribution between men and women on the board and the management. It includes all positions of power, i.e., the entire board, staff, and executive team positions such as CEO, CFO, business area managers, etc.
The MERIT500 database has recently released an entirely new ranking called MERIT500 RANKING, based on the MERIT500 Power Index. This algorithm has ranked approximately 2,000 Nordic and German companies, but more than 8,500 companies in these countries can be searched. A total of 20 new countries are being added to the database soon.
Our unique database of MERIT500 helps improve gender equality by ensuring that the data we provide is accurate and reliable.
To access MERIT500 POWER INDEX, get in touch with us today.
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merit500 · 3 years
Employees need a hybrid work environment
Remote work has become more popular due to a number of factors, such as the Covid-19 Pandemic that forced companies to let employees work from home. HR leaders expect most of their employees to work remotely after the pandemic. It is obvious that the shift to hybrid work will drive a lot of change, and the HR leader must be prepared to support it. The HR department has to keep up with these trends. This means that they need to be able to provide a way for people to work remotely, offer flexible hours for those who want them, and use AI-based tools when possible.
Diversity and inclusion initiatives
Diverse and inclusive workforces, especially in a senior management role, are known to have concrete business benefits, such as improvements in productivity, profitability, and stability, even before the pandemic. The future of work is changing as we speak and to keep up with these trends and remain relevant to incoming talent and stay on top of the competition, companies should access MERIT500's unique insights whether it is related to recruiting or remuneration trends.
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merit500 · 3 years
Getting a clear picture of diversity in an organization can be challenging. HR teams must monitor diversity to prevent this. This can be done through audits. Recruitment practices should also incorporate this, not just for current employees. This will allow for progress to be measured more effectively. With M500 COMPARATIVE REPORT, HR can compare their company with peers regarding gender equality and other important areas. By using the additional filter, HRs can determine which industries and companies have the highest percentages of female directors, executives, or members of the management team.
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Widen the talent pool
HR should focus on recruiting or developing a diverse workforce when addressing diversity issues. This can be accomplished in many ways. M500 EXECUTIVE SEARCH is the latest database for Board, Management Team, and Operational Management Team. We help companies determine who to hire, develop and promote, and how to improve gender diversity and performance of their top teams and boards.
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merit500 · 3 years
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This concludes that a larger representation of women can introduce new approaches, views, and beliefs. This adds to the range of perspectives in decision-making processes and is more likely to promote sustainable development. You can use the services provided by MERIT500 to identify hidden resources, such as female candidates who can enhance the functioning of boards, thus potentially promoting corporate performance and sustainable development. In order to mitigate climate change, the corporate world must reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The more diverse the top management team is, the better able they are to manage climate change. By maintaining gender diversity at the top of the organization, we send a message about the importance of climate change.
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merit500 · 3 years
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A recent study by IAE Paris- Sorbonne Business School, "The Effect of Top Management Team Gender Diversity on Climate Change Management: An International Study," found that women in management are better at managing climate change.
To examine climate change management practices and the presence of women on boards and top management teams. They used MERIT500 and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)- two specific and reliable databases of 836 firms from 16 developed countries of:
Western Europe,
North America
This research yielded mixed results:
Neither CEO sex nor the number of women on boards influenced any of the green management practices.
The gender of the COBs only influenced climate-related risk management processes.
They discovered that the feminization of managerial levels had an impact on climate change management.
This study suffers from several limitations:
Carbon disclosure is voluntary, so the worst performers prefer not to answer the CDP survey. As a result, there is a selection bias.
A sample of only the best performers may also explain why the results are non-significant. This is also a call for regulations on compulsory extra-financial reporting, such as those currently examined by the EU.
There is also a low percentage of women in leadership positions that might explain why the results are not significant.
Climate change data reflect self-reported strategies and processes that may not reflect reality.
Real transformation for both climate resilience and gender equality will happen when companies start maintaining gender diversity at top levels sending a signal about the importance of climate change within the organization and other stakeholders.
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merit500 · 3 years
Gender Diversity is not just a buzzword; it's the way of the future. Higher-performing organizations are diverse — and diversity begins at the top. Companies with gender-diverse executive management teams perform better but are they more likely to address climate change internally? The paper published by IAE Paris- Sorbonne Business School on MDPI, "The Effect of Top Management Team Gender Diversity on Climate Change Management: An International Study," looked at the effects of gender diversity on strategy development, risk management, and resource allocation. An international dataset of 836 companies from 16 developed countries in western Europe, North America, and Australia has been used to test four hypotheses about gender diversity and climate change management. To address these research questions regarding climate change management practices and the presence of women on boards and top management teams. They used MERIT500 and CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)- two specific and reliable databases of 836 firms from 16 developed countries. The unique data of MERIT500 has been used to gather gender-specific information on companies to meet this need. MERIT500 database helped them monitor and collect updated information concerning the board, management, and executive management team of the most important companies in different countries.
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merit500 · 3 years
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Gender bias in the workplace doesn't only hurt women, but it hurts companies and organizations with regards to lower employee engagement, reducing productivity and rising overhead costs. And to make matters worse, gender biases are not intentional like race and racial biases; they are largely unnoticed. They are subtle, unconscious, and unintentional. Identifying gender gaps is one of the most important things you can do to eliminate gender bias. With MERIT500's accurate and reliable gender data and statistics, companies and organizations can develop anti-bias strategies that work.
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merit500 · 3 years
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In the power structure, too many people still believe myths such as women lack ambition, lack confidence, must carry more of the burden at home, are opting out of big roles. These narratives lead us to focus on fixing the women instead of fixing the systems and norms that perpetuate the global gender gap. As a result, we have to recognize that gender equality exists, and we need to fix it, not women. To fix this, we need to check our blind spots so we can see the total picture. This is the only way we can stop going backward and begin making progress forward, and it can only be accomplished with some reliable gender data. With the MERIT500's Gender Data Excel files, Web-based Gender Equality Report, and PPT-based Gender Equality Report, organizations can improve their workplace policies and encourage pay equality.
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merit500 · 3 years
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Research shows that when women serve as leaders and employees of companies in industries traditionally dominated by men, companies benefit and improve their performance.
To understand the true benefits of diversification, leaders and managers must carefully consider the gender balance data of specific business units when designing and implementing diversification strategies. Many companies need to do more to fulfill their promises and regard gender diversity as a business priority. The unique database of MERIT500 helps improve gender equality by ensuring that women and girls are identified and targeted correctly and by analyzing data on results based on gender-sensitive effects. This includes giving women equal opportunities, equal representation, and collecting more accurate gender data.
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merit500 · 3 years
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Remote workers do not earn less than their on-site counterparts
Employees who work fully remotely earn more compensation than employees who do not work remotely at all. Blue-collar jobs that do not require onsite presence, such as transportation, construction, manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and repair, typically earn more than employees who do not work remotely. In conclusion, remote workers are not underpaid. They are paid on par with their in-office counterparts. With M500 REMUNERATION, you can price jobs quickly and access the information you need to pay right.
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merit500 · 3 years
Gender Equality Data and Statistics in Sweden
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised new barriers to build inclusive and prosperous economies and societies. And in the midst of all these obstacles, Sweden has managed to get the 1st rank in the EU Gender Equality Index.
According to the Gender-Equality Index Report 2021 of EIGE (European Institute of Gender Equality), with 83.9 out of 100 points, Sweden ranks 1st in the EU on the Gender Equality Index. Its score is 15.9 points above the EU’s score. Sweden's score has increased by 3.8 points since 2010, but its ranking has not changed. The score and the ranking of Sweden have remained unchanged since 2018.
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Maintaining gender balance in an organization is a challenge. To remain on top of this index and even reach greater heights of Gender Equality, organizations need to price jobs accurately while maintaining a gender-balanced environment among their employees.
The Merit500 database provides organizations with detailed information about salaries, bonuses, commissions, and other financial benefits of male and female executives. Not only that, but you can also have access to exclusive data on female representation in the Board and the Management teams in the largest Nordic companies.
To read the full report and access even more data through any of our services, comment with your email below or reach us directly at [email protected]
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