merlerappaport · 1 month
"Hey, don't apologise. I usually leave you alone when I can hear this going on but we're gonna do something that refreshes your brain so you can come back to it with a fresh head," Merle informed her, without even asking. She knew it was for the best, so even if Piper was annoyed at her in the moment, Merle didn't care. "How long have you been working on it?" the brunette asked, peering closer to the garment of interest. It looked perfectly good to her but of course, P was a perfectionist when it came to this. "Why don't we do some baking or something? Get the heart moulds out, make a red velvet cake. Or some heart cookies? I saw a really great recipe for brookies that I think you'd love."
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The room was filled with the rhythmic clicks coming from the sewing machine and the occasion groan of displeasure from the woman when she got the stitching incorrect and had to go back on her design. "I know, M– I'm sorry," came Piper's delayed reply, finishing off the line of stitching she had been running through the machine until properly acknowledging Merle's presence. "I just can't seem to get this garment right– it's driving me nuts," she explained as though it would justify why she'd shut herself away all day. "Unrelated?" Piper seemed reluctant given how absorbed by the design she seemed to be. "What did you have in mind, M?"
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merlerappaport · 1 month
"You feel bad for me now, hm?" Merle said with an upturned brow. "I did clarify I was going easy on you. Wasn't going to use my usual tactics for fairness, but I guess since you want to be cocky about it we can go again." Merle didn't even feel bad about it now, since she'd discovered card counting was in fact legal here where it wasn't in the US. It had certainly been an interesting evening out getting thrown out of a casino due to her brother's insistence on using her 'powers' for their own good. "Deal me in again."
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"You know, it's pretty poor planning on your part to go up against someone who plays with cards for a living." Xander spoke smoothly, a smirk playing across his features as he picked up his drink, leaning back in his seat now that their little game was done. "I actually feel a little bad for you..."
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merlerappaport · 2 months
"Gotcha," she nodded, her eyes scanning the shelves for one final look to find another outfit, but alas, nothing that would go. Merle really took Piper's skills for granted sometimes given this was her selection of choice. "Some less important attributes too, height and bone structure included," she added with a lilt in her voice. "Not really. I'm honestly still finding it hard to move on," Merle replied, this time a sadness present as she spoke. "But I'm going to have to at some point. Figured throwing myself into the deep end would be a good place to start." The brunette pulled up the first dress and tried zipping it herself, getting stuck at the small of her back. "You can call me gorgeous, I'm not exactly going to object to that. I just need other things too," she told him as she emerged from the curtain, turning for Roman to zip her in.
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"It just needs something to make it pop, yes." He answered with a chuckle, because it was pretty, but nothing particularly outstanding and Merle deserved to be outstanding. "Good to know I have the important attributes ticked off." Roman spoke with humour in his words when the woman explained, he was the type of person she was catering to. "Have you had your eyes on anyone?" He wondered if this was aimed at a particular person already. "I can't promise not to call you gorgeous but I'll give suggestions where I see fit if that helps."
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merlerappaport · 2 months
Merle carefully tiptoed through the materials on the floor in Piper's room, making sure to spot any loose pins amongst the garments. "P, you've been in here for hours," she said, a concerned tone to her voice. "How about we take a break from using the sewing machine and do something entirely unrelated, yeah?" the brunette commented.
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merlerappaport · 2 months
"I never expected that sentence to come out of your mouth, Aaron," Merle chuckled lightly as she admired the trees from where they were sat. "Part of me wants to catch a flight and just lay on a picnic blanket for a few days, the other part of me knows there are places in England that also have cherry blossoms where I could floo to for free." Merle tried not to travel back to the US now unless there was an important anniversary or holiday there, but this was still tempting. "Why don't I do some research? We can take a trip there together."
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"Do you know what I'm going to miss about New York at this time of year? The cherry blossoms in Central park. They should be blossoming in about a month..."
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merlerappaport · 2 months
"What are you doing here?" Merle asked with furrowed brows as she saw Juniper standing at her office door. "This area is for official Wizengamot business only. I don't need you skulking around out there," she huffed, trying to focus on the case in front of her.
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merlerappaport · 2 months
"It's a good tactic to scare people into being careful," Merle added to the other's list. "I... really should have done some research before coming here as I don't know the answer to that. He really liked the song 'Love will tear us apart', so I guess the album with that on it?" she said, hoping that it was indeed on an album and she hadn't got the artist mixed up. "Vinyl, please. I have one of those suitcase ones– I know it's not the best but it's good enough for the moment. We mostly play Taylor Swift on it, though," Merle said fondly, thinking of the evenings spent dancing in her apartment with Piper.
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"You're alright– I just know some people who knock those things around and scratch them up without thinking. It's mostly to scare them off," she said with a little smile when she recognized how apologetic the woman seemed. "Joy Division? Absolutely– I don't know if we have all their albums, but I can double check for you. Do you know which one you're looking for in particular?" Bekah asked as she began walking. "Also would you like them on vinyl? Or do you prefer CDs?"
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merlerappaport · 2 months
"Potential–... like I'd need to add a bunch of accessories to make it better? 'Cause I can do that," Merle told him, holding out her arms for the dresses that Roman had picked out. "Well you also have that too, don't get me wrong. You also have the property of being male, which is what I'm catering to," she replied. "Anything, or nothing?" the brunette asked with an eyebrow raised as she took his arm once again, leading them towards the changing rooms. "I'm going to try these on and you're going to give your opinions, and none of this 'you look gorgeous' crap. Actual, objective opinions. Cool?"
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For a moment Roman wasn't sure what kind of welcome his reply was going to receive but she seemed to settle on being flattered after a moment or two which he was relieved about. He'd never intended to insult after all. He chuckled when she grabbed hold of him, letting himself be led around the shop, his eyes drifting over the clothing on the racks. "It has potential." He agreed as they sifted through some of the things, seemingly finding a few he was satisfied enough with to hand them to her. "I prefer to think I have good taste in fashion but we can go with your take if you like." He said with a laugh. "But I also know you would look good in anything. However, you would wear the fuck out of these."
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merlerappaport · 2 months
Merle quickly but carefully put the vinyl down, not wanting to do anything to damage it since she didn't intend on buying the one she was handling. "Sorry, sorry. I'll try to be more careful with the others," she said aloud to the employee. "Don't suppose you have any Joy Division albums in stock?" Merle asked as she tried to flick through the ones on the rack she was nearest. "They're one of my brother's favourites and I'd love to listen to them again."
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"Keep in mind that if you break it you buy it," Bekah said to the customer when she saw them by the vinyls. She'd seen people break them when handling them before and she couldn't bear to see any more destroyed so perhaps she was embellishing customer policy to encourage people to be careful. "Looking for anything in particular?"
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merlerappaport · 4 months
Merle stood as the other gave his opinions, her eyebrows moving in all sorts of directions with each addition. "Short, clingy and heels. To make my booty pop and show off my legs," she summed up. "I hate to say it but you're absolutely right, with everything there," Merle laughed lightly. She grabbed his arm with her free one and took him around to the other side of the shelf, "This stuff fit your vision more?" she asked before hanging up the things on her arm on an empty rod. "I should go shopping with you more, you really know how to cater to the male gaze."
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Roman had to stifle the snort with a cough at the comparison that Merle gave, nodding his head at the brief. "Well in that case I'd go for form fitting and take about two inches off the length so it's less business. You're not going for an interview last time I checked. You've got the body to handle something that clings to your shape and the shorter the better to show off those legs. They are one of your best attributes in my opinion. Heels too. It'll make your booty pop."
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merlerappaport · 4 months
Merle was about to contest the other placing his hand in front of her, but once his explanation came she was somewhat satisfied. "Throw or throw up sprinkles? One I can deal with, the other... not so much," she laughed lightly. "At least he didn't pick up a red band. I'd hate to think what would happen in that case," the brunette hummed. She looked about the other's arm for a band and luckily for her, his was red. "I'm Merle by the way."
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"Oh- no, I wouldn't go back there if I was you." Finn commented, sticking his arm out in front of the other. "A couple seem to be getting into a pretty bad argument, he picked up a pink wristband, she picked up white. She's then proceeded to throw up pink sparkles all over his shoes."
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merlerappaport · 4 months
Merle opened and closed her mouth several times as she tried to form the words to adequately express her surprise. "How?" was all she could muster. "Aren't they stupid expensive?" the brunette said after a few more moments. "I've barely taken any time off so far so I'll see what they say. I'm going to fight hard for it though, don't you worry, P."
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"Yes, you heard right," Piper nodded as she clarified for her best friend, recounting the experience and the gift she'd received. "Tickets to Fashion Week– in Milan!" her excitement bubbling over once again as she repeated it out loud. "You can get time off of work right? Surely? I cannot go without you, M."
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merlerappaport · 4 months
"You do have a good idea, actually," Merle hummed at his comment. "Always picked out a good outfit for me." Then again so did her brother, so it wasn't the best thing to compare to. "Reds, pinks, whites. Maybe throw a sunset orange in there too if the fit calls for it," the brunette listed. She looked down at the outfit in her hand, "I guess it is but I want to look like, sexy and available for this mixer thing. This is giving a woman in her thirties on a blind date and I'm not there just yet."
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"Well sometimes needs must and I like to think I have a pretty good idea of what women like clothes wise." He refrained from pointing out that the reason for that was because he seemed to spend a great deal of time peeling clothes off them. "And an outfit for that hm? Well let's see..." He mused, running his fingers along the racks as he looked at the options. "Are you going the traditional route with colours or are you open to other options? The one in your right hand is cute though."
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merlerappaport · 5 months
"Up on a table?" Merle laughed aloud at the idea. "I love the enthusiasm Sienna, I do. But knowing me I would end up falling off and staining my arse with a nice bright green grass stain," she chuckled. "I just tell anyone I talk to, though those who know me well enough always ask 'Is that one of Piper's?' because I am so unlikely to wear anything else."
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closed starter - sienna & merle ( @merlerappaport )
"I feel like we need to get up on a table and dance and show off these dresses. Make sure everyone knows that they were made by Piper. She deserves all the love for how beautiful they are."
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merlerappaport · 5 months
"Of course not, Auggie. I am going to take it easy, though. I'd actually like to remember this New Year's Eve if possible?" she laughed, taking the glass from the other and having a sip. "This is good stuff– where did you get it?"
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"Hey girlie," Auggie smiled when she saw the familiar face, "Champagne?" she held up the second glass in her hands to her, "You're not going to refuse joining me for a drink, are you?"
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merlerappaport · 6 months
"Nor did I expect to see you in the woman's clothing section, so we've both been surprised today," Merle said, furrowing her brows at the other's presence. "I'm trying to find an outfit for the Wizengamot Christmas party and it's going terribly. Left it far too late for P to help me as it's tonight so I'm just improvising with what I can find... any suggestions?" she asked, holding up the options to the other, not even bothered at this point that it was Roman.
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"Merle... I didn't expect to run into you here." Mainly because he thought she would be working today but he pulled his head up from all the female items to give the woman his full attention. "Or did you take a day off to try and do Christmas shopping too? I've left it a little on the late side and I'm struggling." He admitted with a laugh.
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merlerappaport · 6 months
"Stop it– that's so cute," Merle encouraged as she took a look at the sketch in front. "I'm thinking something that can be used for not just the holiday so maybe like, the moon and stars one you did a few pages back? I feel bad that the dresses only get to shine once a year," she told the other with a short frown. "Want me to make it smell all Christmassy in here while you brainstorm? We've either got candles or I can try bake something with winter spice in it."
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"I kind of like the trim on this one," Piper gestured to one of her sketches. She'd been sat at the dining table with a mug of coffee, workshopping ideas for their holiday looks as well as any extra inspiration that came her way. "Any of these standing out to you, M?"
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