metadykes · 4 years
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Popemobile ain’t got shit on my whip
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metadykes · 5 years
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metadykes · 5 years
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quick photo study, trying couple things with the brushwork. follow my instagram! https://www.instagram.com/algenpfleger/
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metadykes · 5 years
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metadykes · 5 years
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metadykes · 5 years
Lucretia: oh the people who made the objects? They’re stupid idiot assholes. Just real fucking dumbasses.
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metadykes · 5 years
[me on a date] anyway that’s every reported eyewitness account of mothman through ‘68, and that’s just in west virginia! ha ha but enough about me let’s hear about your top five cryptids
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metadykes · 5 years
oh to be a slightly ridiculous looking sea monster on a geographically inaccurate medieval map
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metadykes · 5 years
imagine water didnt reflect shit n was clear always and you could look at the ocean from above and see literally every huge fucky looking thing that lives in it no matter how deep. you fly over the pacific once and never sleep again for the rest of your life. its really the little things that make this planet habitable huh
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metadykes · 5 years
the epic highs and lows of being known
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metadykes · 5 years
if you n i were bears we could hibernate together. think about it
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metadykes · 5 years
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metadykes · 5 years
The lack of real fruit flavor on this site is fucking sickening.
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metadykes · 5 years
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61K notes · View notes
metadykes · 5 years
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metadykes · 5 years
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metadykes · 5 years
every person is born with the taco bell logo tattooed on their forehead. the logo changes colors like the tumblr logo during pride month when the person who is going to t-bone you in a 4 way intersection is nearby. one day your taco bell logo starts flipping its shit when you wake up next to the love of your life. you feel betrayed.
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