metallightningbug · 10 hours
You have divinity in your veins
It's in your words, your actions, your touch
It's in the earthy tones in your eyes
It's the way you adore the cosmos
And while I may yet be this twisted being
A being that is wretched and warped beyond what it originally was
While I yet may be this something
This wretched, unholy, ungodly thing
You still seem to deem me worthy of affection
You still deem me as this thing of good
You don't hesitate to say that I am still worthy
Worthy of your attention, your time, your love
And it makes me feel better
It eases the pains of these broken and mangled parts of me
Just to be able to know that you still find me worthy
And for a minute, once again, I feel holy
Because you share that bit of divinity with me
Because you turn those earthy eyes to me
Because it's you
Because good and holy God, it's all you
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metallightningbug · 10 hours
I want to bite you, to mark you, to claw and tear at you.
My devotion is violent, darling. Is yours?
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metallightningbug · 11 hours
Despite the Autobot falling heavily onto his legs and the sudden rain of rock shards, Shrapnel reacted by laughing, taking an almost childish joy in having successfully tripped him.
In an attempt to take advantage of how close the bot now was, the Insecticon grabbed for the guns barrel with his uninjured arm, aiming to either wrest the weapon from Smokescreen or at least crush the barrel to make it all but useless.
metallightningbug He had all but admitted to not only killing this Autobots two companions on his own, but also to having eaten part of them. And yet... No obvious fear, no panicking, no looks of terror or disgust! Instead what he got was a pokerface and weirdly polite words spoken in a calm and even tone. It was downright irritating! When the weird bot tried to step around him Shrapnel took the opportunity to topple him by kicking his leg out under him mid-step. One could say he'd chosen to take a leaf out of Kickback's book.
Smokescreen didn't see what happened but he did sure see himself flying into the ground. He clattered about the gap, settling on Shrapnel's legs. His fingers acted reflexively, pulling the trigger and firing a shot into the rock, spraying him with fast-moving pebbles. When it all seemed to be over, Smokescreen turns his head to give the mech a hard look of unappreciation.
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metallightningbug · 11 hours
Course he knew that phrase, he wasn't an idiot (no matter what most people thought)! But how was he supposed to know the Cassetticon was trying to be clever? The way Rumble had said it sure made it sound like Ravage had gotten himself killed.
"Don't need to act like you're so much smarter than me (me). And I never said I wanted him dead (dead)."
While Shrapnel didn't understand the exact nature of the bond between Soundwave and his cassettes, he knew that the Decepticon would be pretty upset about something happening to one of them. The last thing he needed was for Soundwave to think he was wishing death on Ravage. Especially since he wasn't, he didn't care either way as long as he didn't get dragged into whatever consequences might come of it.
There were thus far exactly two things Shrapnel liked about Rumble, his general chaotic energy and the fact that the cassette was shorter than him. That was generally also the extent of what the Insecticon knew about him, given that they had rarely interacted.
Currently they were both stuck sitting around, waiting for the signal to do their part in executing another one of Megatron's plans. He couldn't deny that thunderstorms and earthquakes sounded like a fun combination, however the exact purpose of this little cooperation was a mystery to him. Maybe Shrapnel would have managed to understand the plan if he had paid a little more attention... In the end it didn't matter as long as he was getting his promised reward.
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metallightningbug · 2 days
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metallightningbug · 3 days
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finisheeddd available as print on DCC
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metallightningbug · 4 days
@thedecepticonstrueleader <3
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the "frag you" appeal
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metallightningbug · 6 days
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Shockwave and his fucked up bug children
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metallightningbug · 8 days
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♪ ♫ Everybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted, ~ ♪ ♩ twisted ♬ ♪ ~
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metallightningbug · 10 days
torture starters : deprivation
[ mentions of abuse, torture, kidnapping, etc. ]
“You’re hungry, aren’t you?” “I didn’t think you could look any worse, but you surprise me every day.” “Remind me, how long haven’t I fed you? Oh wait, you can’t tell day from night, can you?” “Oh no, I didn’t bring this food down for you. I just wanted to have something to watch while I ate.” “You know it’s rude to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation, right?” “Wakey-wakey! You’ve slept a whole forty seconds! Time to remind you of what happens when you do that again.” ”That blindfold is never coming off again.” “I never said you could have fresh water.” “All you have to do is say you did it, and I’ll let you sleep again. Permanently.” ”You might break the world record ‘staying awake’ soon! If you don’t die first, of course.” ”Who’re you talking to? You do realise you’re all alone down here, right?” “Remember sleep?” ”Look around while you still can. After today you’ll never see colours again.” ”For a moment there I thought you’d finally starved.” “It’s nice and warm outside. Remember sunshine?” “Drifting off again, are you?” “Good morning! Did you sleep well?” “Look what I found! Cat food. It’s your favourite…” “All you have to do is confess you did it, and you can have this water.” “You tell me the truth and you walk out of here. It’s that simple.” “Hellooo? You still alive in there?” “Look, I made breakfast! For myself.” “Okay so, would you rather not sleep or not eat for the coming seven days?”
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metallightningbug · 12 days
"The Scream of the Immortal Star"
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metallightningbug · 12 days
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metallightningbug · 14 days
@thedecepticonstrueleader <3
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metallightningbug · 17 days
Shout out to the Violet Carpenter bees with their iridescent wings
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(Source: The John Russell Honey Company)
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metallightningbug · 18 days
How horrendously did it suck to be Trailbreaker/cutter on the Lost Light ship though?
He was an alcoholic because of his struggles with his feelings of self-worth and how much his abilities required him to fuel. Everyone on the ship has Problems™️ and it's actually kind of a toxic environment so no one really bothers with the fact he's an alcoholic... At least until he gets into something he shouldn't because he's drunk. Then the brand new co-boss that no one on the ship wanted there anyway because they spent millions of years fighting him and he was trying to wreck one of the only remaining settlements on Cybertron not that long ago decides to skip over every single possible disciplinary action and goes straight to modifying his body. No one says anything about this extreme choice because, well, he's an Alcoholic™️ anyway. He *needed* an intervention. Why bother with a disciplinary meeting, medic consultations, and psych evaluations when you can just go the easy route and change someone's body without their consent? It's totally not like that's something Megatron did to actively harm someone recently! Then Megatron gives him Red Alert's job because, clearly, the boss that just shows up knows exactly what kind of work he's suited for. Which... He probably wasn't.
But the audience would never learn how it worked for him because then he got killed almost immediately.
It's just... So tragic and makes his struggles feel meaningless.
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metallightningbug · 20 days
I wish the woolly chafer beetle was as big as a rabbit and I could have one as a pet
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metallightningbug · 20 days
Send ‘✌️’ for my muse’s reaction to yours slipping two fingers into their mouth.
Send 👉 for your muse to pull two of my muse’s fingers into their mouth instead.
Bonus points for context!
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