metaoneverse · 2 years
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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metaoneverse · 2 years
Guide to Understand MetaVerse Crypto Coins
What is Metaverse? Metaverse is new technology to interact with the evolution of 3D virtual environments. Basically, a Metaverse coin is a type of currency or we can say a hyper-deflationary coin that can be used within the metaverse. With cryptocurrency, users can create, buy and sell products or services. Also, there are some promising tokens that will surely touch the high value in the near future.
Previously People were unable to understand the Metaverse concept of how to buy it or how to invest it. But currently people are very much aware about the metaverse crypto coin and they are participating in many virtual experiences. 
So a new concept is shopping virtually, where you can buy branded goods services to real estate. But, this requires money so, let’s see how we can start this. 
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How to buy Metaverse Crypto Coins
Firstly, Get Yourself a crypto wallet - If you are willing to buy a metaverse or any cryptocurrency then it requires to have a crypto wallet. Most popular wallet is MetaMask. This can be set by using your smartphone or Google Chrome browser extension. You just need to download Metamask and create a new account. After account building you will get the wallet address. 
Convert your money as a Cryptocurrency - There are many Famous platforms to buy Metaverse cryptocurrencies. Binance, Gemini and Coinbase are the most popular exchanges where you can convert your fiat currencies to the required Metaverse crypto currency.
Convert your any crypto into Metaverse coin - Suppose you have any cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, you can exchange them directly for Metaverse tokens. 
So, Metaverse is something which is not understandable to you then, here I am sharing you the article explaining you the Metaverse details. 
You must have noticed that Mark Zuckerberg had changed its Facebook name to Meta. He took the immediate action and benefited from the emerging industries. So it implies that it never gets too late to start something new. 
Best Metaverse crypto Coin in the Market
Token with Metaverse Development with 6% BUSD Reward is MetaOneVerse. MetaOneVerse is launching its own NFT Marketplace, Blockchain Development and Web Applications. Our smart contract ensures to generate a passive income solution for our holders
Building on the fantasy world of our NFT/ Avatar theme-based games, players can enter a full online multiplayer gaming environment, with fully integrated NFT and crypto-rewards – truly a first of its kind in the crypto-verse!
Furthermore, users can own, create and build assets based on their virtual lands. MetaOneVerse will be truly utilizing metaverse potential. You can invest now for amazing returns.
It never gets boring in the crypto market, and who likes to wake up to new things every day?
If the hustle and bustle of the Metaverse isn't keeping you busy, invest in a booming industry and rest assured that you'll keep dancing. It  kept us dancing while we curated this list for you!
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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metaoneverse · 2 years
Top Trading Mistakes by Traders
Least restrictions and null Barriers makes it easy for anyone to become a trader. With the mindset of becoming a Millionaire quickly, people jump into day trading. However reality is a bit tough to traders as it never gives the same as expected. Basically it is based on luck and the market of cryptocurrency. 
Now let us understand, what is day Trading?
Day Trading is a terminology of a stock market which enables traders to make strategies including opening and closing of the crypto market within the same trading session or day. Here traders can utilize technical analysis tools when placing trades, also can observe certain rules like PDT and settlement dates. 
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Here’s a glitch: that holder can hold positions for a few minutes or hours, but can’t hold overnight positions. Goal of trading is to make profit in the next few minutes or hours based on price fluctuations. 
Let’s focus on some common mistakes made by day traders that you should avoid at all costs.
Without doing Research
One of the major mistakes new traders make while trading is putting their hard earned money in the stock market without researching and learning about the markets. The fact is without understanding the future scope of trading it is worthless to invest in such a market. Also chances increase if you go with paper trading. 
Paper Trading is the kind of the market where you can practice buying and selling stocks without risking any real money. 
Every new trader must start with the simulator until they have proven consistent money. 
Trading without plan
Plan is the basic concept for achieving success as a day trader. This is not easy. Jumping into trading without a plan is unawareness about when to make trade, when to cut losses, when to book profit etc. Having a good plan provides you the roadmap on how to make trading decisions.
Trading without a journal
Trading journals help traders to evaluate themselves, objectively and hold themselves accountable for their actions. Recording the details. recording all the details in a journal allows you to have a watch of trades in black and white. Also it helps to track your trades and plans throughout the day. It is an amazing tool as it helps to analyze the market conditions, whether you are on the right track or not.
To capture what was happening and why, use screenshots of your daily trading charts with typed annotations instead of a handwritten journal. Store these screenshots in organized folders on your computer, so you can review your trading history and make adjustments where necessary.
Following the crowd
Most people follow the trending token on which most of the crowd are trading. Here the problem is you are just following the decisions made by others. It's better to understand  which stock everyone's trading, and build your own trade plan around that. Better to go with the latest projects. For example you can invest in token with metaverse development.
Using leverages 
It involves borrowing money from brokers, in return you promise to give high returns. Every time you use leverage, you are using debt and your balance serves as collateral damage. This practice is not good because leverage can also exacerbate losses on losing trades and has ruined traders who got carried away.
Raising more money than they can afford to lose.
This is the right opportunity, the good idea of earning a life changing fortune by being at the right place at the right time. They actually go for riding more money than they can afford to loose. This methodology can boost your trading account. At the end you are left with zero funds. Generally you shouldn't risk more than 1-2% of your account on a single trade. 
Bottom Line
Day trading is quite risky and challenging. This type of market is not only for making more and more money rather than to lose, but it's also about managing risk and having knowledge to jump into trade. 
If you can avoid such types of mistakes which are pointed above and highlighted in this post. Then there could be chances that you can succeed in a day trading to make money or profits. Also, you can take the help of a professional investment advisor to get good knowledge of trading. 
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metaoneverse · 2 years
Which are best NFTs or Cryptocurrencies?
NFTs vs Cryptocurrency is a hot topic in the crypto world. Both non-fungible tokens and crypto tokens are built on Blockchain, using the same technology and principles. So most of the users find it worth to invest. But their identities are different from each other hence they work differently. So let us understand which one is best among them.
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Find your answers in this piece of knowledge! Keep reading!!
What is NFT?
A piece of art which can be converted into a digital form can be a NFT. Everything from drawings, painting, photos, videos, GIF, music, games, selfies. NFT is non fungible tokens i.e. “it is unique” and cannot be substituted with something else. NFT works by creating a blockchain-based digital certificate for digital collectibles. It includes identifiable information like “ownership of the digital asset” and “who sold it”. By this way it is easily verifiable therefore cannot be forged. Each non- fungible token acts as a certificate with complete ownership. It can never be modified, stolen or forged, thanks to cryptographic principles. 
What is Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is something we call a digital currency with secured cryptography. Cryptography helps to safeguard and verify transactions because it is decentralized and unaffected by third party interference. We can regulate and control the creation of new currency units because it is neither issued nor regulated by any government or central authority. Cryptocurrencies are like traditional currencies used as a exchange currency
How can you distinguish between NFT and Cryptocurrency?
NFTs and Cryptocurrency are not similar although they are built on Blockchain Technology. Suppose you are holding an M1Verse Token and you buy the next M1Verse token, then both will be of the same value. But NFTs do not have the same value i.e., one NFT is not equal to another NFT. Making it non-fungible and unique.
Both cryptocurrencies and NFTs use comparable innovation standards. This makes the more interactive and attractive. NFTs are a subset of crypto culture, and you’ll almost certainly require cryptographic forms of money to trade them. However crypto currency is a kind of money. It just has economic value and is fungible. 
If you are artistically inclined and willing to earn money passively, then NFTs are the best option for you guys. 
In this article, you must have understood the cryptocurrencies and NFTs. How do they work and their producibility? NFT vs Crypto is quite a debatable topic so it has subjective opinions. So it is quite difficult to choose between them.
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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metaoneverse · 2 years
Best Metaverse Crypto Coin in 2022
As we all Know metaverse has become one of the most trending spaces in the world. The Blockchain development with metaverse technology is creating a new interest in a crypto currency world. If we recall last year's investors then we get to know that most of the projects were focusing on Metaverse. It is actually attracting all the investors. By which there are numerous metaverse projects coming in our way this year. 
Where does MetaVerse play a vital role?
Nowadays, everybody is into games. They like games with high dynamics and good graphics, such as The Sims, Call of Duty, Pub G. All these games require the users to input commands and can create their own avatars in a 3D view. Basically, all these features are actually made possible by metaverse platforms, this way you can be actually inside the game as a virtual reality. Also you get the full control in your headset. All metaverse functionality depends from business to business needs and requirements.
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To be brief, the Metaverse is an online technology with a persistent 3D universe including multiple virtual spaces and areas. Since it helps users to socialize, work, live and play in 3D space, you can consider it to be the next generation of the internet. As of now you can play games based on blockchain, people are relying on cryptocurrency. The crypto token will serve you as a utility token in the metaverse, as we know that non fungible token (NFTs) serve as virtual collectibles. 
Invest in MetaOneVerse Crypto Token 
The MetaOneVerse is a 3 dynamic virtual reality which helps you to find yourself as a digital identity. Metaverse crypto coins have been introduced by MetaOneVerse for trades, Investors and anyone who wants to trade it. Basically, it is a clear vision for all the technology-based organizations for their future connections and transactions. As of now, it is the early stage for MetaVerse-related industries, since then also it is becoming a digital asset for all new upcoming businesses. 
MetaOneVerse is the only BUSD reward token with its own NFT Marketplace, Blockchain development, Metaverse and Web3 applications. It is providing you the most interesting tokenomics in which 6% of every buy or sell is redirected to holders in $BUSD. Where 1% of every transaction is transferred into the Liquidity Pool on Pancake swap to create a stable price floor and 1% of every transaction is used for strategic Buy-Back & Burn and 4% of every transaction is sent to the marketing wallet to fund marketing, utility development and community management.
Final Thought
The concept of Metaverse is an innovative and attractive platform to interact with more and more users. Hence if you want to purchase a Metaverse token then it should be purchased at an affordable price. Now with this you can diversify your portfolio with some of the best long-term investments. Also, now you can revolutionize your daily lives. Nowadays, people are actually investing in MetaVerse Crypto Coins. 
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metaoneverse · 2 years
Tokenomics of M1Verse Wallet by MetaOneVerse
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• 6% of every buy/transfer/sell is redistributed to all holders in $BUSD. • 1% of every transaction is transferred into the Liquidity Pool on Pancake swap to create a stable price floor. • 1% of every transaction is used for strategic Buy-Back & Burn. • 4% of every transaction is sent to the marketing wallet to fund marketing, utility development and community management.
MetaOneVerse is bringing you the most trusted and secured wallet at your fingertips. Investing in metaverse crypto currency will make you earn passive income. Also, it will give BUSD rewards on every transaction.
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metaoneverse · 2 years
Blockchain Technology is Best For Business! How?
If you are looking for advanced and secure technology for your data sharing prospect then you must go with Blockchain technology. A Blockchain network is leading in security because it is made up of nodes which are linked together like a chain. That is why it is called a blockchain, in that any transaction is made with the help of unique codes. These codes are unique for each transaction. Hence due to which each transaction is easily traceable. Cryptography is used in Blockchain Technology by which it can store information in the blocks (a record) within blocks of connected data. 
Reasons which make Blockchain technology stand out.
Eliminating Corruption - Blockchain allows incorruptibility by tracking  any shady transactions in a both way publicly or privately. Hence we can say, Blockchain helps to eliminate corruption in a variety of ways, it prohibits modifications. It also keeps the record very consistently
Minimizing the transaction costs - We need transactions to be faster, without any third party involvement. Since Blockchain is of a decentralized nature, its infrastructure can readily safeguard ownership information. 
Improving Business authentication - New enterprises or businesses can be started without any verification from the government, or even investors, Just because of Blockchain technology.
Easy to use- Blockchain gives the ability to big firms by which they can transfer big amounts of money safely, swiftly and affordably and in a very decentralized manner. Apart from these blockchain technology provides you with ownership control. 
Tracking system - This allows end to end tracking or can record any location changes in a route, it helps to follow the supplied items. This allows the traceability feature and transparency.
Blockchain move will shape the future of crypto and metaverse industry
Blockchain itself is a very innovative & revolutionary ledger technology which is a most secured and decentralized way of keeping a record of transactions. Being a new technology, it has brought many innovations into this space and especially, into web3 and Metaverse.
Metaverse, a virtual reality world, is going to be the biggest industry running on block chain technology, it's at a very early stage now and has the power to bring everything together. Being a new technology, it will take some time before it goes into mass adoption. It is a virtual reality/augmented reality universe that helps you build social connections virtually.
Very recently we have seen Facebook moved into Metaverse and this is just a beginning. More and many big organizations will soon move into Metaverse and this will kick start mass adoption. 
Final Thoughts
Many organizations are switching to metaverse to enhance their availability in the world. I would like to suggest you to go with the metaverse ecosystem if you are looking for a new business.
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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metaoneverse · 2 years
What is Metaverse crypto coin ?
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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Hyper deflationary cryptocurrency token with metaverse development will provide users to earn passive income with 6% BUSD reward distribution on every buy & sell
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metaoneverse · 2 years
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