metaview · 15 days
i love ciconia wish it was real
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metaview · 19 days
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metaview · 23 days
                 he'd seen her from behind — completely surprised by her presence out here. didn't she know how dangerous it was out here these days (didn't he keep up with the news)? before he can even properly get the words out of his mouth, he sees just what is happening. her arms bloodied up to the elbows, crouched over the gutted corpse of... someone.
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                 it's cruel. far too cruel. the world was cruel beyond belief these days ——— and he didn't have the stomach for it. he couldn't stand it. and so, even though he has no connection to the stranger, he lets out a scream. the kind of scream that has grown far, far less common these days. with all the brutal killings on the news. all the desensitization. (maybe that's why he was unaware).
                 ‶  what — how can you be so calm...?  ″ eyes wide in horror, misty with empathy, and burning with righteous anger. he doesn't know if it should be directed at her in particular. she seemed fun when they hooked up before — no. no she definitely wasn't the kind of person to do something like this! of course not!!!
                 maybe she's desperate (she's far too chipper), maybe it's shock? maybe she knew this person... maybe they just died in front of her and... and she was in hysterics trying to save someone who couldn't be saved... and that's how... (bullshit. and he knows it. and yet he refuses to believe someone he knows can be so brutal).
                 ‶  what happened? shit —  ″ he can't look away. he can't look away from that horrifying scene. but he forces himself to — forces himself to be strong. and he directs his gaze towards the girl.  ‶  get away from them. you — you shouldn't have to look at something like that.  ″ or touch it, for that matter.  ‶  damn it...  ″ palm of his hand comes to aggressively rub at his eyes, banishing his tears.  ‶  that's far too cruel... damn it... damn it!  ″
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@metaview, battler: battler :o seing junko again
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" oh? wait, no way- it's mr. bathroom guy! hiiii! this is seriously such a coincidence! what are the odds? "
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metaview · 25 days
which muse should i theme my blog around in this revamp? beato is obvious... maybe battler... maybe lambda... or maybe one of my higu or ciconia muses? miyao could be fun...
(also i'm adding george, even tho i hate him. i might as well collect all the cousins)
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metaview · 25 days
i've been away for so long that i have one notification on my sin blog that i can't get rid of bc whenever i check my activity there it's completely blank...
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metaview · 26 days
slowly but surely i am gonna revamp this blog i swear
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metaview · 6 months
                 she leans in, eyes closed as she relaxes herself against the soft cushioning of her detective's palm— lips pressed ever-so-gently against hers. filled with a warmth that dlanor wasn't even fully sure she was capable of. that either of them were capable of, really.
                  erika's wavering expression is something that the perceptive angel is not ignorant to, but she doesn't comment. much like she will protect the girl in other matters, dlanor will also shield her from that embarrassment of being called out. lest she scare her away.
                  the other had a poor history with relationships of a romantic nature. whether that was what this was becoming, even dlanor was unsure. she's never known this sensation before. or else, has not felt it for a very long time. but she likes to believe there is a strong emotion between the two of them. and she can only guess that it is, in fact, some form of love. even if they don't address it explicitly. even if it stays an unspoken thing.
                  it's a truth that does not have to be exposed.
                 her cheeks do heat up, a subtle pink hue brushed across them. but she is not nearly as flustered as erika. as always, she's grounded; a rock. sturdy and unwavering and there to support the other through any and all endeavors. including this one. especially this one. she's well aware of her past experiences... how she feels about these things. to even have this much reciprocated was something that spoke volumes about their relationship.
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                 ‶  thank ʏᴏᴜ.  ″ softly spoken as they part again, her forehead rested against hers.  ‶  this is nice... i have never kissed someone ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ.  ″ and yet she was the one who so boldly initiated. while it's true, she has no need to share that fact. that is, aside from wanting to give erika an iota of confidence to grab onto. not that erika was someone who needed more confidence of all things, but in this instance she'd rather her have a... safety blanket of sorts. especially seeing how shy she seems.
She, of course, is a bit flustered by the other’s giggling. Though it occurs to her, at times like these, that she had likely been far too harsh when describing Dlanor as a doll all those games ago. She was truly lucky that the angel had wanted anything to do with her, after that…much less… Before she can object to what she initially perceives as teasing, though, she realizes the warmth in that gaze. She feels the returned squeeze of her hands and her own heartbeat getting brisker.
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“And I you, my reliable partner. And if you ask so earnestly, I believe I’d be a fool to let that chance slip away…” She nods. She still wasn’t sure exactly how she should approach this development. Part of it felt against her nature, and another…equally loud…pressured her with a resounding warning. If she allowed herself to soften like this again, she would only be hurt later…right? But she trusted Dlanor, more than just about anyone else. In many ways, if she were failed at this juncture…she truly would have no intent to bear her soul to anyone, ever again. Maybe, just this once…she can allow her anxieties to slip away. “Allow me.” She chuckles, insistent at the very least to be on the more proactive end of this arrangement, since she was caught off guard the first time. She slides a palm close to the angel’s cheek to cushion it as she draws herself forward, closes her eyes as she connects their lips. With each passing inch, her already wavering expression becomes even less steeled. Could it be…? Was she shy? That was a rare sight, indeed. It’s why it’s no surprise that, as they kiss, she lets out an almost inaudible squeak. She’s terrified, but she’s also…happy.
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metaview · 7 months
ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚     as always, some triggering content may be present! change any pronouns to better suit your muse(s) needs!   ˚ ◦ ○ ˚   ୧   . ˚ ₓ
why is it always my fault?
why do people call you that?
do you know anyone here?
how’s your wound?
are you worth a second chance?
after all we’ve been through, why?
when are you going to apologize to me?
you did this? for me?
will you promise me?
can’t you be on my side? just once?
what exactly do you do for a living?
do you even hear yourself?
sorry, what did you say?
did you mean what you said?
can i kiss you?
truth or dare?
are you comfortable?
what were they like?
what time do you want me to pick you up?
how can you say that to me?
how could you possibly think that was a good idea?
did you enjoy yourself?
why don’t you stay over?
why hire someone, when you can just do it yourself?
out of everything you could’ve said, why that?
do i know you?
you love me?
how old do you think i am?
why do they treat me like that?
have i ever given you bad advice?
do you want some company?
do you think last night was a mistake?
what are you in the mood for?
do i remind you of anyone?
where were you?
who did this to you?
can i have some cash?
tell me why i should believe a thing you say?
sorry, do you have the time?
why don’t you find out for yourself?
where do you think you’re going?
do you want one?
when am i ever wrong?
who do you think you are?
where are you going to go?
run that by me again?
i don’t know what to say?
can you kill?
why is it never your fault?
would you kill for it?
why did you do this to me?
can you be quiet?
what’s so funny?
why don’t you want to go home?
how are you so calm?
have we met before?
what was it like?
are you seriously asking me that right now?
what’s with the third degree?
you want me?
can you help me?
would you care for a dance?
are you sure you want to spend another night alone?
why do i have to apologize?
what am i supposed to do if you’re not here?
why would they do that?
do you want me to grab dinner?
can you help me bring these in?
how annoying can you be?
how do you think that makes me feel?
why didn’t you fight back?
what are you so afraid of?
can you tell me what happened?
you did this all by yourself?
how can i help you?
how do you sleep at night?
you’re sorry?
how do you keep a secret like that?
what’s going on?
we’re friends, right?
how about i take you home?
why won’t you just listen to me?
you wanna mess around?
what does that eleven mean?
when will you learn?
how could you even ask me something like that?
does it hurt?
why did you do it?
can you hear me?
do you have a ride home?
you’re afraid of the dark?
would you like to try?
why did you do that for me?
you really think i’m beautiful?
is it noticeable?
where did you get all that money?
where did you get this?
do you know what i did?
where did you go?
like what you see?
can i touch you? here?
how many people have you killed?
can i borrow your phone?
can you keep a secret?
do you want us to stop?
where have you been?
another round?
when’s the last time you had a full night’s rest?
do you really think that’s a good idea?
what does that have to do with anything?
have you eaten anything today?
why do you think you feel that way?
what happened to them?
what’s your problem?
you didn’t really think you were safe, did you?
have you come to apologize?
do you know who i am?
do you want to be alone?
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metaview · 7 months
imagine if i was active here again just imagine it
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metaview · 9 months
guys the ep2 stageplay was so sexy
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metaview · 10 months
why do all the umineko rp blogs start existing when i’m too busy to write
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metaview · 10 months
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like  for  a  starter!  please  specify  muse!
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metaview · 11 months
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like  for  a  starter!  please  specify  muse!
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metaview · 11 months
Possessive starters
"You're mine, and no one else's."
"I don't like the way that person looks at you. Stay away from them."
"I saw you talking to them. Are you interested in them?"
"I can't stand the thought of you being with anyone else."
"You belong to me."
"Are you interested in them?"
"You should only be focused on me."
"You're mine, and I won't let anyone take you away from me."
"I don't want you to have any secrets."
"You're mine, and I won't tolerate anyone trying to steal you away."
"I get possessive when someone shows interest in you. It's a sign of my love."
"You're mine to protect."
"I can't stand the thought of someone else touching you. You belong to me alone."
"There might be someone there who takes you away from me."
"You're my world, and I won't let anyone come between us."
"I want you all to myself. No one else can have you."
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metaview · 11 months
it’s sinday soooo (points @metasins)
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metaview · 11 months
okay so i got like, three books delivered this week, and in anticipation i reread another book that i had, and lads, let me tell ye, it was like quicksand. so now i have a list, some from my head, many from my wonderful friends’ heads, of prompts that basically made us all very soft or very “pleasantly scandalized rich lady from the sixties who just found out a juicy bit of goss about the new neighbor”. i hope ye like them! (DO NOT ADD TO THE LIST. I WILL MAKE A PART TWO. AND THREE. AND FOUR. MANY MANY PARTS. EVENTUALLY. )
[ HAIR ]:          sender slowly reaches out to catch a loose strand of the receiver’s hair and tuck it gently and securely back behind their ear, letting their touch linger afterwards. (if the receiver has short hair, then the sender reaches out and gently runs their fingers through their hair to smooth it back.)
[ CLOSE ]:          while standing remarkably close to one another, the sender is unable to stop themselves from running their gaze across the receiver’s body, lingering for a moment on their lips, before returning to initiate prolonged, intense eye contact.
[ CHIN ]:          as they stand close to one another, the sender hooks a finger and tenderly lifts the receiver’s chin, tilting it up so that they can look at one another, and running a thumb across their skin lightly.
[ THUMB ]:          while cupping the receiver’s cheek in their hand, the sender slowly glides their thumb across their cheekbone in a tender, sweeping caress.
[ WOUND ]:          upon noticing a recent injury on the receiver’s person, the sender carefully moves closer, running a thumb (or hand) across the wound in a gentle, troubled manner.
[ INHALE ]:          while standing in very close quarters to the receiver, the sender shakily inhales with desire/anticipation as they realize how intimately close they are to one another.
[ DANCE ]:          when alone together (e.g. the bedroom, the kitchen, literally anywhere once they’re alone) the sender takes the receiver’s hand, and pulls them into a graceful yet intimate dance as a spontaneous act.
[ BARE ]:          as they get undressed, the sender gently places a soft, tender kiss against the receiver’s bare shoulder.
[ SCAR ]:          noticing a scar on the receiver’s skin, the sender tentatively stops them from covering it up, and rests a gentle, soft kiss over it.
[ FOREHEAD ]:          placing a hand on the back of the receiver’s neck, the sender guides them close and rests their foreheads together.
[ PALM ]:          taking the receiver’s hand, the sender brings it to their mouth, and places a tender kiss against the receiver’s palm.
[ LINGER ]:          taking the receiver’s hand, the sender lifts it to their lips, and gently kisses their knuckles, lingering for a moment before withdrawing.
[ BEHIND ]:         upon entering the same room as the receiver, the sender steps behind them, and winds their arms around the receiver’s waist, drawing them close against them.
[ WAIT ]:          realizing the receiver is about to leave the room, the sender hastily reaches out and catches their wrist, preventing them from continuing their departure.
[ ARM ]:          after holding their hand, the sender releases the receiver, but slowly glides their hand up the full length of their arm, lingering on the upper arm, then the shoulder, then resting their touch against the side of their neck.
[ HOLD ]:          while close to the receiver, the sender wordlessly takes a hold of their hand, for no other purpose than to be holding it.
[ PLAY ]:          while sitting together, the sender absently lifts the receiver’s hand, idly running their fingertips across the lines of their palms, mapping out every inch of their hand with slow, lazy touches.
[ GUIDE ]:          in the process of guiding the receiver through a crowded place, the sender’s hand protectively grazes against the small of their back
[ TOUCH ]:          while touching the receiver’s waist, the sender’s hand briefly dips beneath the hem of their shirt, skimming briefly across the bare skin of their waist.
[ CUP ]:           bringing both hands up to cup the receiver’s face, the sender draws them in closer to them in order to get a better look at their face.
[ TUG ]:          the sender tugs the receiver close against them by resting a hand against the small of their back, pulling them flush against their body.
[ HUSH ]:          while standing close to one another and hiding from pursuers, the sender reaches up and places a finger against the receiver’s lips to prevent them from speaking and revealing their location.
[ WRAP ]: when sitting astride a horse/motorcycle/etc. together, the sender reaches back, takes the receiver’s wrists, and gently pulls their arms around the sender’s waist in an embrace designed to keep the receiver safe, despite feeling remarkably intimate.
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metaview · 11 months
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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