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Petty bureaucracy and micromanaging colleagues that seek to diminish the importance of my work can make it so easy to lose sight of what is important to my students and the world. But today I will feed the writer in defiance. (via Never Forget To Feed The Writer : Metawriting)
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authentic writing and audience analysis are essential to the preparation of professional writers and we can never underestimate the importance of passion when it comes to student engagement and learning (via Passion-Based Writing : Metawriting)
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Rhetorical analysis is important work in general, but I really love using popular culture texts (the books, movies, and television shows that speak to us so much we return to them again and again) because we need to unpack the messages those texts carry for us as well as the ways that our culture adds layers of meaning to those texts. (via The 3 Reasons I Teach Rhetorical Analysis : Metawriting)
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This week my professional writing students are crafting elevator pitches for the projects they want to take on for the remainder of the semester. It is so much fun to watch the coaching they are able to offer their peers. (via Logbook Love : Metawriting)
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what is a tired writing teacher to do? (via Defeating the Midterm Wall : Metawriting)
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Be full of grace to yourself first and last and extend as much grace to your students and community as you can without cost to your well being. (via Teaching Humans : Metawriting)
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I'm just a teacher starting a new unit tomorrow staring at my empty in-box waiting for last unit's overdue work. We do so much writing in class I honestly do not understand how so many students are so behind. (via The Last Mile Problem : Metawriting)
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This semester's centering our humanity has me in love with my first year writers and the community we have built, but so many are lagging behind despite my best efforts and that breaks my heart. (via Centering Humanity : Metawriting)
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the advice and recognition and support that poured over our community was just amazing. Four weeks ago we were strangers and now we are a community and that is the power of the writing marathon. (via Starting Write : Metawriting)
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My semester is going well - well enough that I'm planning to teach next year (which was in question this summer) but four weeks into the semester my students are struggling with due dates and deadlines. This has me thinking again about... (via Landing Softly : Metawriting)
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At the end of the day (or semester) I am content if I have helped my students believe they are writers, but my secret delight is when I make them rhetoricians. (via This I Believe: Using American Creed as a mentor text starts us off write : Metawriting)
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Yesterday delighted me: Worry about grades and their first college essays were replaced with curiosity and challenge as students made choices based on their interests and comfort level as well as their knowledge of their audience. (via Why I Care About Authentic Writing : Metawriting)
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This week my students are choosing whether or not to slant their essays and giving my students choice and agency totally changed the energy in the room (via Writing Slant : Metawriting)
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Helping my writing students set goals is also an important teaching moment (via Rethinking the Author's Agenda : Metawriting)
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This week my students are writing slant and I couldn't be more excited! (via Slant Essays: From Game Jams to Poetry : Metawriting)
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As my first year writers draft their first essays and share feedback on those drafts, I am so happy to see our work to build community pay off. (via Writing Into Community : Metawriting)
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Writing workshop works in my classroom because we have done our homework as a community of writers and the awesome power and possibility of writing is ceded into the hands of those writers. (via Reflective Feedback Loops : Metawriting)
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