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We are currently renovating this site, so please be patient and follow MRC Media on our various social media platforms for our latest content. Hopefully, a new, improved site will be up and running soon, so stay tuned.
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Brisbane Music Scene Still Strong
Brisbane Music Scene Still Strong
Despite the best efforts and COVID and governments at both the state and national level who have completely abandoned the arts in the midst of lockdowns and restrictions, the live music scene in Brisbane has managed to soldier on. Obviously venues are suffering with limits on attendee numbers and requirements around social distancing and movement, but the gigs are still happening at myriad…
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Top Tunes of 2020
Top Tunes of 2020
Given the absolute hardship that the music industry has had to endure in 2020, it is so important that we continue to acknowledge and support artists in any way we can. Of course, given the shutdown of the live music industry for so much of the year, purchasing (rather than streaming) music is more important than ever.  Then, of course, is also important to acknowledge the quality work that has…
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Best Films of 2020
Best Films of 2020
Now that the end of this fucked up year has actually arrived, a list of the best movies of the last 12 months allows us to momentarily forget the horrors of 2020 and celebrate the good things that emerged from the chaos. Most lists of this type are somewhat meaningless because they are generally published before the end of the year has even arrived and simply represent the personal preferences,…
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Australia's Best Ever Songs?
Australia’s Best Ever Songs?
Junkee has taken on the thankless and, dare I say, impossible task of trying to definitively rank Australian music history into a list of what they have declared to be the best 200 Australian songs of all time.
For what it’s worth, links to the list are below.
The 200 Greatest Australian Songs Of All Time, Part One
The 200 Greatest Australian Songs Of All Time, Part Two
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Award Nominees Announced The first slate of nominees for the 2020 AACTA Awards has been announced.
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File and TV Nominees Announced
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The Music Streaming Model is Broken
The Music Streaming Model is Broken
Music streaming has never served as an income stream of any significance for artists and musicians and, as the number of artists and songs on the streaming platforms continue to grow, the smaller the share that artists receive for each stream. At a time when the music, arts and entertainment industry is on its knees as a result of COVID 19, never has there been a better time for streaming…
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Music Streaming is a Scam for Artists
Music Streaming is a Scam for Artists
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Art in Isolation with Online Photography Festival
Art in Isolation with Online Photography Festival
Launching yesterday, (May 1), the Head On Photo Festival will host an array of FREE artist talks, panel discussions and webinars, as well as providing access to a variety of images, photographic artworks and interactive activities.
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For more information, or to check out the festival program, visit the website.
The festival will continue until May 17, with updates and information, including…
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Another Government Decision That Hurts Australian Artists
Having already ignored Australian artists and arts industry workers with their COVID-19 stimulus package, the Australian Government has further demonstrated their contempt for the Australian arts industry.
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To read more, click here.
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Government Refusal to Assist Creative Arts
For reasons that are hard to fathom, the Australian Government refuses to support artists in this time of unprecedented disruption and upheaval.
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Read the full article here.
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Who's Helping the Arts?
Who’s Helping the Arts?
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The lockdown and social distancing protocols currently in place across Australia have already had a devastating impact on the arts and entertainment communities and the recent stimulus package announced by the Government looks unlikely to have any real positive impact in the short or longer term. The Australian arts community has always been quick to…
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We love lists. When we can’t be bothered having to decide anything for ourselves, we turn to lists to make our decisions about what to like or dislike.  Therefore, to complement my list of the best movies of 2019, I thought I should also share my thoughts on the best music releases of last year.
Now, this list is compiled only from music I have purchased this year in any format (digital, CD, vinyl etc).  After all, if a piece of music isn’t worthy of your money, it can’t be that good. If you say you ‘love’ a band or artist, but you only listen to them on streaming services, then you don’t really like them at all. I mean, anything that is free is good and of course we like stuff that is free, so the fact that somebody listens to music free on Spotify is hardly an endorsement as to the talents of an artist or the quality of their music.
If you like it, buy it (and attend concerts and buy merchandise as well) so that artists can actually make some money and be in a position to release some more music that you might also like.
So, that being said, here is a list of the music that has really impressed me this year. It includes a lot of new discoveries and quite a bit of Australian content as the local scene is thriving at the moment in terms of quality releases from great artists. The list only includes albums released in 2019 and purchased between January 1 and December 31 and therefore excludes individual song releases or EP’s, regardless of when they were released.  Having said that, there were some cracking singles and EP’s released last year from the likes of Sahara Beck, Flossy, Middle Kids, Eliza & The Delusionals, The Buoys and Jaguar Jonze, just to name a few.
The strong prevalence of female artists on the list isn’t indicative of anything other than the fact that, at the moment, women are absolutely smashing it across all genres.
Anyway, sharing is caring, so here are 20 great album releases from 2019, not in any particular order, that stand out for a whole range of reasons:
Jade Bird
Amyl and The Sniffers
Ali Barter – Hello, I’m Doing My Best
Ali Barter– Hello, I’m Doing My Best
Amyl and The Sniffers – Amyl and The Sniffers
Marika Hackman – Any Human Friend
Mannequin Pussy – Patience
Mattiel – Satis Factory
Thelma Plum – Better in Black
Pinch Points – Moving Parts
 Laura Imbruglia – Scared of You
 Faye Webster – Atlanta Millionaires Club
 Sharon Van Etten – Remind Me Tomorrow
 Julia Jacklin – Crushing
 Priests – Seduction of Kansas
 Nots – 3
 Stella Donnelly – Beware of the Dogs
 Jade Bird – Jade Bird
 Ex Hex – It’s Real
 Angie McMahon – Salt
 Alex Lahey – The Best of Luck Club
 Bleached – Don’t You think You’ve Had Enough
 Miss June – Bad Luck Party
    Sweet Sweet Music, the Best of 2019 We love lists. When we can’t be bothered having to decide anything for ourselves, we turn to lists to make our decisions about what to like or dislike. 
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Now that the end of the year has actually arrived, a list of the best movies of the last 12 months can be delivered with much more credibility than such a list published at any time before now. Generally, lists of this type are meaningless because they are published a month or more before the end of the year and are usually compiled by people who are slaves to personal preferences (genre,…
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Seasons Greetings
There hasn’t been much activity on the site lately, but rest assured there has been plenty of movie viewing happening and there will be a ‘Best of 2019’ offering early in the New Year.  Putting any kind of list together before then would be pointless as there are still so many movies to see before the year is out.
Beyond that, it is hard to know whether the site will remain in its current form or…
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Lots to Say, No Time to Say It
Lots to Say, No Time to Say It
Apologies for the lack of content of late, but there just haven’t been any time to get all the stuff written.
There has certainly been plenty happening with reviews for films such as Chained for Life, Monos, Slam, Judy and Punch, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, The Souvenir, Zombieland 2: Double Tap and After the Wedding among the back log of material that I am trying to get done.
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In the meantime,…
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