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The only valid way to draw the Touden siblings
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How's the "exercise" going, fatso?~
Cause it looks like you're on a dirty bulk~
*Is this Undyne?! Nobody else I know knows those proper exercise terms.
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Deep, hunger-inducing belches that warble in volume and reek of a dozen meals packed together.
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sorry I meant are you male or female ?
*Chat.... Are they silly?
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Dumb idea: fat girls going podcasts where they spend the entire segment binge eating, burping and rubbing each other’s guts
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D.va can't fit in her meka anymore.. womp womp🥲
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Who's Chat? Friend of yours?
*Like parlez-vous français?
*She is a friend, yes.
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are you male or femake
*Chat, are they stupid?
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are you male or femake
*Chat, are they stupid?
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Hey, so I may have heard a rumor you're, like, suuuper susceptible to hypnosis, mettaton?
*Catty are you making up rumors to get chin scritch bribes again?
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I love watching this robotic movie star slowly fall in ruin. What started as a snack evolved into his undoing. Too large to move, too brainwashed to think, and too incapable to being who he was once was.
Twink death at its finest.
*Twink death? More like total encompassing rumination. He was sooo fit not too long ago. But then fans like you sent him gifs of processed junk. That got him hooked. Now he's a flabby loser who couldn't act to save his life. He doesn't think with his brain anymore, just his gut and his buried lil cock. Both got cravings. Flabby roll covered gut wants disgusting, greasy, artery clogging, ultra processed fast food n sugary soda. Dick wants brain melting, fat filled, degrading porn n hour long bate sessions. He slowly started caving into those cravings so he got worse. And worse. And worse.
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Mettaton certainly deserves to become truly pathetic because of his fat bod~
*Oh? Go on I'm curious to hear more cause you sound like you've got all the right ideas, anon.
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Mettaton,have you ever vomitted before
*I tend to avoid doing that
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How about tasty paste?
Get him truly slop-brained~
2.Tasty Paste-My or your muse has become obsessed with an overly delicious bucket of green slop.
*He looked in disbelief at the last of this strange product on the shelf. He'd seen customers leaving this convenience store with multiple buckets of the stuff yet he couldn't figure out why. The exterior was simply striped with a logo. No nutritional info nor anything else of note. He may have mistaken it for paint or some kind of cleaning product he hadn't seen people eating it in an advertisement in the window. He pulled off the lid, hoping no employees saw him take a sneaky swipe with his finger as the curiosity of knowing just what exactly this stuff WAS and why it was blowing up on social media. He took once taste before dashing to the front of the store to purchase the bucket.
*Where can I find more of these, you're sold out.
*He took small handfuls of the stuff and licked them greedily off his fingers as he marched towards the nearest store selling more. He was only only half way there when he ran out, bloated middle tinged green from a bucket full being packed in there in a matter of minutes. He had more luck here, nabbing a cart full before glutting himself in the parking lot. He abaoned the scooping method, literally guzzling the thick green sludge by the bucket full. A packed tummy gave way to an oversized mega muffintop that bulged over his sleek shining designer pants and busted the button on them in record time. Pure ass flab burgeoned over the waistline as he finished the last bucket. He'd ballooned with well over 80 pounds of caloric excess on every inch of his body, his face graced with a plump double chin. It was time for the next store. Then the next.
*By the time the sun was setting and he called a limo for pickup and "assistance" he was wedged in the double doors of a supermaket, paste slathered hands reaching out for the bucket he dropped when he'd been dropped by his own enormous hips getting trapped. Employees and customers alike opted to stay away, his sweaty body gurgling and sloshing as his enormous green tinged gut sagged to the ground. MTT employees snickered as they saw their boss completely helpless and desperate to retrieve his fallen "treat". His mouth hung open, panting and drooling over his paste splattered trio of thick neck rolls as he begged them to hand it over to him, piles of perfectly good extras sitting in a cart right beside him. His fashionable clothes were done for, shining designer pants ripped off him two stores ago exposing boxer briefs that contained barely half of his cellulite covered boulder butt cheeks. Beneath his gut his slick fatpad bulged over the waistband of his undies and left a huge puddle of pre mingling with all the sweat flowing off him. The bright tank top he wore on account of the hot weather proved to be useless as his flabby man tits flopped out of them and began to hang off the sides of of his gut while he leaned forward in a slumped lazy posture, plump black nipples visible for anyone to see. It was a pathetic display with an equally pathetic comment from him to cap it off.
*Get me OUUUAAARP get me out so I can't eat more Tasty Paste already!
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11.Passion Patties-My or your muse has become hooked on a brand of cookies with hyper fattening properties. 😈❤️‍🔥🍪
*It wasn't an uncommon sight to find cookies on his doorstep as a gift from a fan. Most were too shy to give them in person so an anonymous gift was the best they can manage. The box, with its strange smiling mascot on the front, was unfamiliar to the star who'd tried so many gifted sweets over the years however. As he brought them into the living room he opened the box and observed the strange look they had. A dark fudgy looking chocolate embedded with what looked like minty green white chocolate chips.
*Well no harm in trying one!
*A week later he sat on his cushy couch in that same living room. He was surrounded by discarded Passion Patty boxes, groaning as he shoved an XL Passion Cream Sandwich between his desperate lips. His gut spilled out from a tight fitting t shirt with a Passion Patties logo that stretched and warped over his thick pancake tits. His phone buzzed with notification after notification scrolling over his wallpaper of piles of those damn cookies. They didn't matter. He needed to more of those cookies. He craved them at all hours and it didn't matter if he was shooting past 600 pounds of pure jiggly lard from eating a diet of nothing but Passion Patties.
*More! I need more! Another case! Three more cases!
*Alphys and Undyne listened intently to his raving through the front door, prepared to give a useless intervention to the helplessly addicted robot.
*Can't we just beat him until he stops wanting cookies?!
*I think at this point his fat m-might just absorb the blows
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Delicate metabolism?
18.Delicate Metabolism-My or your muse had such a bad metabolism that seeing fatty food makes them gain 50lbs.
*Following a tweak to his calorie reactor by Alphys, Mettaton had hoped all fuel efficiency problems were solved on his end. Hopes were of course quickly dashed as he peeked into the window of the local Spider bakery.
*Oooh those little purple flavored muffins don't look bad...
*As the words finished leaving his mouth his stomach gurgled and quickly surged out to pop the buttons of the slim fitting button up he chose to wear. Dark grey stretchmarks marred his pale synthetic skin as excess calories multiplied beneath the surface. They turned to an oversized muffintop that supported a pair of pancake moobs. The buttoned up collar bust open as his neck gave way to a tubby second chin and cheeks grew plump alongside his lips. His already volumous behind oozed over his waistband and those dynamite gams boomed into thunder thighs. Right on the sidewalk his figure went from fab to flab and he was too stunned to move while pictures were snapped from every angle by every passerby.
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Send one of these to make a muse experience a variant of the scene as a stand alone ask or starter. Specify for multi muse blogs.
Also add to the post with suggestions if you’d like.
1.Three course gum-My or your muse has eaten a stick of gum that turns them into a blueberry.
2.Tasty Paste-My or your muse has become obsessed with an overly delicious bucket of green slop.
3.Frenchfry-My or your muse is blowing up into a food balloon thanks to hyper addictive food.
4.Donut Hell-My or your muse are being force fed every donut IN THE WORLD!
5.Gumball Trouble-My or your muse are eating different gum balls which cause random effects.
6.P Balloon-My or your muse popped a balloon that causes them to inflate.
7.Queen Bee Sting-My or your muse has been stung on a certain part of the body and it’s blown up in size.
8.Malabar Gum-My or your muse is growing due to someone blowing a bubble nearby.
9.Enormo-Butts-My or your muse is suddenly experiencing a massive growth in their backside.
10.Buu-flation-My or your muse has been expanded by a gooey beast forcing its way in.
11.Passion Patties-My or you muse has become hooked on a brand of cookies with hyper fattening properties.
12.Pancake Madness-My or your muse has become hyper addicted to pancakes.
13.Plugsuit Inflation-My or your muse is wearing a skintight suit that inflates to resist heat.
14.Debu Cookie-My or your muse has been fed mysterious cookies that causes them to gain a lot of weight in seconds.
15.Kiss Of Death-My or your muse is inflating after a magical kiss.
16.Just Desserts-My or your muse now live in a world where people can only eat junk food.
17.One Bite-My or your muse seemingly has the ability to eat things in one gulp and seemingly only gain weight for a few minutes before being thin again.
18.Delicate Metabolism-My or your muse had such a bad metabolism that seeing fatty food makes them gain 50lbs.
19.Magical Build Up-My or your muse is inflating due to not being able to use some sort of magic.
20.Laugh Till Your Fat-My or your muse inflates when they laugh.
21.Overcharged-My or your muse has taken in so much energy it’s causing their body to swell.
22.Greatest Desire-My or your muses greatest desire is to be large in some way and it begins to manifest.
23.Mirror Mirror-My or your muse has gazed into a magical mirror that causes them to change into what they see.
24.Microsponges-My or your muse has been taking weight loss pills but if they drink water they gain the weight back and more.
25.Busted-My or your muse has found a way to inflate their chest but it backfires and they grow out of control.
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