The Art of Pairing Non-Alcoholic Drinks with Food
Pairing food with the right kind of beverage is an essential part of the whole experience of eating. Drinks that are able to complement the flavors of the food can completely transform your eating experience. The right paring can cleanse the palate in between different courses; it can cut through the fattiness of dishes or remove some of the tartness in others.
Even though there are several dishes that benefit when paired with alcohol, it is very much possible to attain the same effect through non-alcoholic beverages. As a matter of fact, alcohol severely impairs a person’s sense of taste and can have you missing out on a lot of key flavors from the dish that has been specially prepared for you.
Knowing what kind of drinks works well with what foods can help you transform a normal meal into a fine dining experience. Mentioned below are a few pairing options to give you an idea of what to look for in the perfect pairing.
Pasta and Sparking Water – Pasta dishes are usually sweet and heavy, with a ton of fresh ingredients that add flavor to the dish. Pairing pasta with bubbling and sparkling drinks helps to cleanse the palate and has the added benefit of not being heavy enough to fill the stomach. The slightly bitter taste of the carbonation pairs excellently with pasta.
Indian Food and Ginger Ale – Indian food is spicy, even for the most experienced of palates. Pairing it with ginger ale helps in soothing the tongue, and the sweetness in the ginger ale compliments the spices very well.
Burgers and Coke – There is nothing better to wash down a burger and fries with than a tall glass of chilled coca cola. The aerated drink provides relief from the saltiness of fast food and works wonders for quenching the thirst on hot summer days.
If you are looking for coca cola beverages in Portland Oregon, Mgwalexs Hawaiian G​rill should be your go-to place. They have specials on their menu that gives you a free drink with your meal if you order online and pick it up yourself. You can find a wide variety of fresh Hawai’ian sun drinks as well as various Coca-cola, Fanta, and Sprite Flavours, such as cherry coke, pineapple, and orange Fanta.
At Mgwalexs Hawaiian Grill, you can get delicious burgers, classic Greek gyros, spam musubi, etc., made using only the best quality, fresh ingredients. This eatery makes food that will have your palate singing out in joy at all the different flavors. What’s more, you can get the best quality food available in Portland at reasonable prices that will not blow your food budget out of the water. You can even get their food catered for up to 25 people.
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Gyros: Another Culinary Wonder of the Vertical Rotisserie
Gyros are a delicacy that has taken over the entire world thanks to their popularity and unique flavor palette. People from all over the world have come to appreciate this authentic Greek dish made with roasted meat served in pita bread with tomatoes, onion, tzatziki, yogurt, cucumber, garlic, and other spices. Usually, original Greek gyros were made with pork and occasionally chicken.
Gyros derive their origin from the 19th century Ottoman Empire where Turkish doner kebabs were first made on a vertical rotisserie. After the second world war, a lot of cooking traditions were passed around all over the world, and thus the practice of grilling meat on the vertical skewer made its way to Athens. Around the 1970s, gyros became an immensely popular street food dish in Athens as well as in big cities across the United States.
Gyros VS Shawarmas
Even though both gyros and shawarmas are popular street food all over the world, and even though they do share certain similarities, there is a strong distinction between the two.
Similarities – Both these dishes are inspired by the cooking techniques used in making Turkish doner kebabs, which originated during the Ottoman Empire. This technique consists of stacking the meat on a vertical rotating skewer, placing it near a heat source, and allowing the meat to cook slowly. Gyros and shawarmas are both cooked with similar meats from the vertical rotisserie and then served on pita bread.
Differences - The biggest distinction between gyros and shawarmas is that they are staple dishes for two separate Mediterranean cuisines, namely Greek and Middle Eastern. Even though the origin of gyros is a little convoluted, it is generally agreed that it is a dish that comes from Greece. The word gyro comes from the Greek word for ‘round’, and shawarma gets its name from the Turkish word ‘çevirme’, which means turning.
Another important distinction between the two is the choice of ingredients used. Both gyros and shawarmas use traditional ingredients that are readily available in their respective regions. Where gyros’ flavor profile consists of fresh raw vegetables, yogurt, and lightly seasoned meat with a slightly minty taste, shawarmas use a more complex flavor profile with a variety of warm spices and meat that is marinated at length.
If you are looking most the most delicious gyro food in Portland, Mgwalexs Hawaiian G​rill should be your go-to place. Using only the best quality, fresh ingredients, this eatery makes food that will have your palate singing out in joy at all the different flavors. What’s more, you can get the best quality food available in Portland at reasonable prices that will not blow your food budget out of the water.
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4 Occasions For Professional Catering Services
Preparing food for a special event is a huge responsibility. A slight mistake can ruin not only flavors but everyone’s tasting experience. So, why not leave the task to professional chefs with years of experience preparing meals and feeding every guest, regardless of how big or small the event is? Organizers or hosts only need to look for catering companies in Portland Oregon, to hire skilled chefs and their teams for upcoming events. Here are some occasions and celebrations when you need professional catering services to satisfy your guests’ palates.
Holiday parties
Holidays are fantastic but stressful for dinner and party organizers. They have to put much thought into the menu, keep everyone’s dietary restrictions in mind, and prepare dozens of holiday dishes. Perhaps you also spend your holidays in the kitchen, preparing cuisines and cakes for everyone. If so, it’s time to begin your search for catering companies in Portland Oregon, and hire professional chefs for private holiday parties. Believe it or not, it will eliminate your stress and ensure everyone focuses more on enjoying the season.
Finishing school is an achievement that calls for celebration. If you have plans to throw a party on the occasion of your child graduating from high school or college, consider a professional catering service handling the charge of meal preparation. Skilled and experienced chefs know what menu fits perfectly for graduation parties and how to double up the happiness of reaching new academic milestones with delicious cuisines.
Couples who plan big-fat weddings always hire catering professionals for food preparation. But what about those couples who get married in their homes’ backyards with a limited number of guests? Do they prepare the wedding menu all by themselves? The answer is no! They also look for catering companies in Portland, Oregon, with experience catering a wedding. Since wedding celebrations and receptions are essential gatherings, it’s best to leave the task of food preparation to someone who knows how to do it without making mistakes.
Corporate functions
Organizations plan retirement parties and achievement ceremonies, where they acknowledge their employees’ hard work, dedication, loyalty, accomplishments, and more. Hosting such events and parties is essential for forming professional bonds and relationships at workplaces. Many companies organize office and team parties, most of which are professionally catered throughout the year. That’s because professional chefs know how to prepare meals for a large number of groups and maintain quality at the same time.
Apart from these, there are plenty of occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, engagement celebrations, bar mitzvahs, get-togethers & reunions, bridal showers, and baby showers, when you can hire catering professionals.
If you have plants to throw a party at your home or in a chosen venue, consider looking for catering companies in Portland, Oregon, and hiring a professional chef and their teams, regardless of how small or big your upcoming event or celebration is.
Author’s Bio – The author is an online blogger. This article is about occasions for professional catering services.
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5 Ways To Maintain A Positive Atmosphere In Your Food Truck
You must maintain a good atmosphere at your food truck, regardless of how enthusiastic you are about cooking and how business is doing. After all, doing so will result in positive morale and delighted clients.
Here are 5 techniques to maintain a happy atmosphere in your mobile kitchen:
1. Keep in mind that everything begins at the top
If the boss is irate, ineffective as a manager, unmotivating, etc., this will ultimately affect the staff and the level of customer service. You must keep in mind that it all starts with you, the owner if you want a joyful ambience and ambiance at your food truck.
Your colleagues will like working for you if you approach your job with a cheerful outlook, and your joy and disposition will radiate to others. Of course, if you approach your task with a negative perspective, the reverse holds.
2. Include appropriate training and feedback
Feedback and training creates the foundation.
If you have effective training tactics in place, your staff will learn more and will see how to do things correctly, which can prevent future mistakes and your need to correct them.
Of course, the ability to provide accurate feedback in the form of constructive criticism may guarantee that things flow smoothly, that tasks are completed properly, and that you aren't offending anyone's feelings while improving your staff.
Although you shouldn't micromanage, you still need to make sure that your staff members are carrying out their duties. All of this results in productive work that people love doing. There are several fantastic burger food trucks in Portland Oregon that consistently prioritize customer input.
3. Foster A Positive Atmosphere
There are several strategies you can do to instantly improve the atmosphere at your food truck and spread a good feeling. Playing cheery music, celebrating holidays, promoting mirth, having people like their employment, etc. are a few examples.
4. Maintain Order
There are several reasons why staying organized is important, and it may genuinely change the atmosphere at your truck. Being organized may help you avoid overloading your staff with work and ensure that operations operate smoothly.
It may also result in you and your staff not feeling hurried or under pressure from circumstances that are within your control. Keeping organized will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and aware of the task at hand as well as what they need to be doing at work. Sure, lines will become backed up and the quality food will need to be prepared as quickly as possible.
5. Leave your issues at the front door
This is perhaps the most difficult phase to complete since life happens and it's not always simple to suppress our thoughts and feelings. You must maintain a positive work environment at your food truck because you are the manager, owner, and chief executive.
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Few Fun Ways To Enjoy Your Large Bacon Cheese Burger
We all have our own way of enjoying a bacon cheese burger. Are you among those who smoothly finish a complete burger without dripping a slice of ketchup anywhere or are you part of the crowd that can never fit a full burger in their mouth without dropping the contents on the plate? Whatever might be your way, we are pretty sure you will never let that stop you from having a delicious bacon cheese burger. 
So, let’s take the fun to a new notch and check out the many ways people enjoy their burgers in several parts:
The One With Lots of Mayonnaise:
The rich flavours of the bacon cheese burger make it one of the most popular choices among the burger clan. If you are one of those foodies who love adding an extra layer of mayonnaise without any lettuce, then we feel you, my friend! It is an absolute delight to feel the drips of mayonnaise slide down the sides of the burger, just like the ones in the TV commercials. Plus, the added saltiness of the mayo only maximises the complete flavour. YUM!
Dividing Burger in Half:
Guys, have you ever ordered a large bacon cheese burger only to realise that maybe it was too large for you? Yes, everyone has been there, done that. The only solution left is to equally divide the burger and enjoy the mild flavours of the sauces without messing with the lipstick. This is also the way people include cutlery in the burger world by forking small halves and eating delicious bites.
The Perfect Way:
Did you know that scientists have researched and come up with a way for eating a bacon cheese burger perfectly? Yes, we are not kidding. The perfect way would be to use both your hands and hold the burger in between them. Keep the thumb down and your fingers on the upper side and just take that huge bite of heaven. No spills and all fun. If you fall under this category of eating a bacon cheese burger then you are PERFECT!
Bits & Pieces Way:
Have you seen people eating a burger by opening the upper crust and removing certain pieces which they don’t like? This is the one for that class. Many times people remove all the lettuce & veggies and only take a bite with the patty inside. Then they replace it with the veggies like a side dish. It is messy but tastes amazing because of the varieties.
So, what’s your way of enjoying a good ol’ bacon cheese burger? Whatever it is let us in on the fun. Tell us which way is your fun way of enjoying a large burger by ordering one right now.
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