mhall2000blog · 4 years
Professional Life: While this article is a bit dated, its information still rings true today. The United States has engaged in many “aid debates” regarding how much foreign assistance they should give. As a global studies student, I am greatly concerned about the development of nations- not as I see them to develop, but as they were meant to. This article reaffirms my desire to help empower women in developing nations as well as educate people here. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Professional Life: Something that is so incredible about the decade we live in is that we can unlimited access to scientific records. We now know the harmful effects of pesticides (Rachel Carson- Silent Spring) as well as just general knowledge regarding food production. As a hunger studies minor, this is incredibly important to me because pesticides are harmful to people and the environment. The College of Human Sciences at Auburn says “using science to better the lives of others.” It is imperative that we find sustainable solutions to help farmers produce healthy crops as well as sustain themselves. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Life: Some of my earlier posts continue to reflect this idea, but this hits home. One side effect of being a global super power is the element of a convenience culture. It may be more convenient to outsource work, but it could be at the expense of unethical labour. In this article, it really touches on how fast fashion destroys not only the environment, but people’s lives as well. The dye stains rivers and factories pollute the air. This makes me very conscious of not only what I may buy in the future, but what I have bought in the past. Now that I know a little more about this practice, I will be sure to avoid brands that are not B corporations. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Life: Most times, I do not think about what I choose to throw away. In fact, I probably throw away 30-40 things a day. I also do not really think about where my trash is going. However, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a very real problem for sea life. It is quite possible that I had trash end up in that area. Now, I will no longer think a straw is not a big deal. Every little piece counts. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Life: This season has been so crazy, yet it is the perfect time to start sustainable trends. For example, now is a good time to unplug appliances, get curbside food, or even start a compost. Even though it is always a good time to start implementing sustainable practices, we have the advantage now because we can ask a friend to do it with us. I would love to start a compost and become more self sufficient!
If ever there was a time to grow food, learn a useful craft, eat seasonal produce, and shop locally, it is now.
Freya Turrill
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Life: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle goes beyond those the R’s. There are so many choices that include refusing a product, or even remaking an already existing product into something new. This posts calls to attention the amount of things we can buy but may not need. This is definitely something I will keep in mind when I shop for anything! The most sustainable products are the ones we already have!
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A short Guardian video interview with the designer.
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Life: This is so helpful especially during this quarantine season! I never knew how many household things could clean! This list is so helpful because going to the store is not kind to others right now. Even though people may want to clean, there are still ways to do so without putting anyone at risk! I forget how many chemicals are in Lysol and Clorox that are actually so harmful. The chemicals get into skin and into the atmosphere and become toxins. Further, the packaging of these supplies usually ends up in waste bins. This solution is so much better for everyone involved! I will definitely be trying these soon!
DIY cleaning products from simple matters by Erin Boyle
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Dish soap: castile soap + lavender oil + tea tree oil
Glass cleaner: white vinegar + water + citrus oil
Wooden floor cleaner: white vinegar + water + peppermint oil
Greasy pot rescue: baking soda + water
Sink cleaner: white vinegar + baking soda + essential oil
Sticky residue remover: baking soda + coconut oil
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Sustainability: This video was introduced to me in a non-profits class educating us on advertising. It is incredibly funny and effective at getting its message to its consumers. Doing good is GOOD! It does make a dent! This video encourages people to continue to do good things, not necessarily give up life to live in the rainforest. All we have to do is “follow the frog.” This phrase is so easy to remember. Purchasing brands with a frog/ rainforest alliance logo means that you are doing your part to be as sustainable as you can. As a student, it is fun to now remember the video as I look for these brands. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Professional Life: One of the main reasons I chose to pursue a major in global studies was because of international hunger. As a hunger studies minor, it is important to look at all aspects of food. One of the main sectors of food production is sustainability. More specifically, agricultural sustainability. 
Women in Sub-Saharan Africa can control up to 80% of food production (in some countries). However, many do not own land where they harvest crops from. This land is usually owned by men either from her family, or in the village. This means that women are usually the victims of gender based violence, and even assault and harassment. This disparity in equality means it is impossible for them to safely work in the fields. Becoming a sustainable farmer is the last thing on their minds. 
It is important to close the gender gap in order to promote sustainable farming. Only then, will we be able to see an increase in food production in Africa. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Professional Life: One of the main reasons I chose global studies as a major was to fight human trafficking. (Human trafficking is defined as the intentional illegal trade of someone for the purpose of exploitation through coercion, force, fraud or deception.) Part of being a consumer culture is realizing the supply chain of a product. It is incredibly unsustainable to exploit children in sweat shops. This practice is extremely unethical and illegal. Doing my part in making the world more sustainable means putting an end to illegal labor practices. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Life: Many times in my life, I talk myself out of doing a vegan diet because it seems like “too much work” or “not the right time.” However, it is now more important to consider implementing a plant based diet. CFOs and many meat industries are incredibly harmful to the environment, or inhumane. As I want to learn more about nutritional health, it is equally as important to consider the environmental impact of each food choice. It is easy to go vegan when doing for the right reason, as well as reversing a potentially harmful ecological footprint. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Sustainability: Looking at this bald eagle chick (and egg) reminds me of how far society has come since Rachel Carson released Silent Spring in 1962. Wildlife conservation has taken a tremendous turn for the better since the public became educated about pesticides and other harmful chemicals. This posts is incredibly encouraging because even though we have a far way to go, there is much to be celebrated. As a student, it is easy to objectify course material because we have to learn it for class. However, actually looking at the history and the process society has been on is so encouraging. It reminds me that it is better to feel optimistic than to just think the “world is ending.”
Welcome to the world, little bald eagle chick! At one day old, this tiny grey eaglet likely only weighs a couple of ounces. But after a steady diet of fish and a few months of nurturing from mom and dad, it will take its first flight. Viewers can follow along with the Bald Eagle Cam at the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia and enjoy the tender moments around the nest.  
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Life: One interesting thing about the United States is that single use plastics, such as ziploc bags, put America at the front of food sanitation throughout the 1950s-2000s. However, it lead to harmful side effects. Single use plastic is just that: single use. It is normally used for a short period (3-4 days) and then discarded to be shipped to China, India, and other Asian countries. It is just now that we are realizing the harmful effects of single use plastics. This is incredibly important for me to remember because I find it more convenient to store food in ziploc bags than to find clean glass containers. I need to remind myself to choose wellness over convenience in my daily life. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Professional Life: The Sustainable Development Goals are tangible goals UN countries have agreed to reach by 2030. There have been incredible movements where people are taking these seriously but many people still do not know about them. As a student, I hope to continue learning more about them and educating others on their importance. In the future, I hope to work to find solutions to SDG 2 and 16 and create a more sustainable world. 
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Personal Life: Friends is an iconic show that I personally love. This caught my attention not only because of the Friends logo, but because of the actual message of the image. Animal harvesting accounts for an incredible amount of CO2 emissions, as well as multiple other green house gas emissions. It is so easy to forget that eating meat has a greater ecological footprint than actually consuming it. Using the Friends logo has brought to my attention the severity of the animal industry as well as CFOs. This image is a very compelling in its message to not eat meat. 
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Animals are friends, not food :)
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mhall2000blog · 4 years
Sustainability-CADS 2000
Sustainability- CADS 2000 (2020)
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