mharguel-blog 5 years
It's all about a lonely Father who almost forgotten by his own four (4) busy adult children. His wife is already dead. The Father told to his children that he will die soon because he feels like his children have forgotten him and he feels like he is worthless. His doctor had news that he was ill and that it would take his 7 weeks, so he decided to tell his children what disease he had because he also wants them to have time with each other before he gets lost. As a Father, When his children came to his house, he was overjoyed. He was still playing and having a playground on his terrace, their past was back when they were children but jealousy and enmity cannot leave with them. As a Father, it hurts that his children don't understand each other and he is angry with his children because they still have different lifestyles but nothing ever changes on their routine, they still have always been at war. After that war, they also had sorry with each other and when Dad arrived the last 2 weeks, his children were so happy and fun with each other. Suddenly Father's doctor called and he had a good news. He really didn't have any sick but Father hide it because he didn't want to lose his children and after the days goes by, her children found out about it too. Suddenly, they accepted each other mistakes and they all got together and went to the cemetery together with their Father to visit their Mother with a beautiful smile. Don't you ever forget where you came from. Appreciate the people who value you. Be mindful of everything especially in the fight of siblings. Think of parental welfare rather than self-interest. Don't forget the family even if you have your own family. Work together on everything. Do not miss the opportunity to be together especially with the most important person in your life.
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mharguel-blog 5 years
Base on what I ask of my friends. Stephen Hillenberg, the creator of the Spongbob Squarepants, is a marine biologist IRL and SpongeBob was originally called Sponge Boy. Every people who addict, knew about this story, Spongbob is a sponge and the Krusty krab is actually a lobster trap. Patrick is a starfish, Patrick neighbors was Squidward and Spongbob, Squidward is a octupus. Squidward's instrument is a clarinet (Flute), Squidward is working at (KK) called Krusty Krab same as Spongbob he likes to paint itself and Mr Krab's House is an anchor and Mr. Crab is the same as crab. Never give up. We all know that Spongebob is super aggresive. Even though he was oppressed, he did not give up.
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mharguel-blog 5 years
There is a girl who lives in a noisy place, full of envy in her neighbors, there are women who are attracted to men who are always attracted to women but her known man is jealous because women do not like him because he is simple, out of shape, and out of character and the girl's problem is that her family is separated by misunderstandings. One day, an old woman was very hungry and the girl approached her. The girl had given the food to her father but the old man was hungry so he gave it to keep the older woman won't be hungry. The old man was given a blessing, it was "If you request what you want, that you will earn right now" when the girl had accepted something unbelievable. As soon as the child turned away, the old woman disappeared like a bubble. The girl thought for a few days if she would use it when she suddenly found out that her neighbor was hoping that someone would like her pretty girl and go crazy over her. She approached the man, grabbed the arm and she said "Your wish will be granted". The boy was surprised and left only the girl wondering. Just hours later, a woman was chasing the man and wondering about it. Many chase after him and it's fun for him. But a month later, the man approached the girl and blamed her for being so tired of the girls. She couldn't even sleep with the noise of the women in their window. Next, the girl wished her parents would come back for the love of their family. It did wait a few hours but nothing came up. Be content with what you have. Support the decisions of your family.
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mharguel-blog 5 years
It's all about a group of college friends they go to Mexico to have fun before graduation,while they were drinking there is a stranger convince olivia to play a game with other friend's of olivia and a game called TRUTH OR DARE,the rules was simple tell the truth or die, do the dare or die, and if you stop playing, you die.before the game starts they need to take a picture, once the game starts there was something strange happened to them and there friends died one by one and when they found out what to do they went to the old woman with the tongue cut off and and olivia looked for Sam to finish the game with lucas and markie, and they go to the place where they will end the game and suddenly lukas killed sam and Markie and Olivia were left with their friends and olivia make a vlog about TRUTH OR DARE and the game never ended. Don't believe in people you just met at once. Don't try if you can't finish. Don't trust other people.
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mharguel-blog 5 years
The story of being a gay man in the year of 1970 are not actually addressed and the man's name is Freddie. Freddie fall inlove with the girl, her name is Mary and eventually, they have both decision to be seperated because of Freddie's gender and After they split up, he met Paul (also a gay). We know that Freddie has a rock band called "QUEEN'S" but Freddie wants to make a solo because of Paul encouragement and Paul will be his manager and QUEEN'S are shocked and suddenly, they accepted that Freddie to make a solo and he left. When the night comes, Paul brought Freddie to a Bar that was mostly Gay. Freddie felt so amazed and happy but in the middle of fun, Freddie having sex with the guys and after the day comes, Freddie knew that he has HIV. He was so afraid that others would find out, so he hide it with his manager and every night, he was vomiting blood. In the long run, Mary (ex girlfriend) learns that Freddie is being reminded and Freddie has left to become a solo singer and return to the Queen's group. He said everything he did after he left with them. His bandmates felt sorry for him and they accepted Freddie even when he was sick. At their upcoming concert, the Queen's is rehearsing but Freddie is getting weaker. Slowly, he started to having a cracking voice because of the high notes. When their concert comes, millions of people have arrived, Mary and her new boyfriend are on the back stage to watch Freddie and her band members have positive vibes. Queen's concert was so amazing and it's felt fur stand up and come to think of it, he was trying to get the high notes even though he knew he was sick, even though he couldn't. Suddenly, Freddie also died of HIV. Even if your heart is different, be proud of yourself. That's just gender, not personality itself. Be honest with everyone you know and know who you are. Don't be selfish about yourself. It's fun to be happy with someone. Don't trust anyone else even if you know him just once. Be proud of yourself. Don't believe others when you know what you really are.
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