mhatkblog · 3 years
does anyone have any scenerios or requests they'd like me to do? I can do any bxb ship.
though,, here are some of the ships I love writing for
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mhatkblog · 3 years
Fandom: My Hero Academia Pairing: BxB Characters: Denki Kaminari/Hitoshi Shinsou
~×~×~××~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~ It was around 3AM as Kaminari cuddled the Pikachu plushie his boyfriend, Shinsou, got for him. His inner demons were mentally tormenting him again. he doesn't love you he's only dating you out of pity he's probably cheating on you he doesn't actually care about you Denki grabbed the sides of his head, silently screaming. He hated it! He hated it so much! He quietly sniffled, as he heard a bing from his phone. The electric blonde glanced over as his phone screen lit up, with a notification from Shinsou. my love Hey, Denki. What're you doing up love? You're usually never up this late.. He read the message but couldn't text back. Shinsou saw through his lies, so he didn't really know what to say. A few minutes later, Kaminari flinched as he heard knocking on his door. Hitoshi walked in after hearing no response. He glanced over at his red faced, teary-eyed boyfriend, concern immediately decorating his face. He closed the door before rushing over. He gently sat down next to him and began caressing his cheek, wiping his tears away with his thumbs. “What’s wrong Pika?” He asked softly. He couldn't stand seeing his boyfriend like this. Denki managed to calm down a bit and melted into Hitoshi, enjoying the affection he was desperately needing. “I-I’m sorry, Shin. You shouldn't have to see me like this..” The blonde mumbled, feeling guilty. Hitoshi shook his head. “No. There's nothing to be sorry about, understand? I'm always here for you. You're my boyfriend. I love you so much. You don't understand how much you mean to me. Talk to me.” He said and gently pecked his lips. Kaminari kissed back and cuddled into him, nodding. “I love you too. It's just,, the thoughts are back.” He mumbled, burying his face into his chest. “That you don't love me. That you don't mean the things you say.” He explained, sighing softly. Shinsou gently placed his hand on his cheek, making him look up at him. “I love you so much. The voices aren't real, kitten. And anytime you feel like I don't mean the things I say, I'll always be here to reassure you. I love you so much. You're the light of my life. You're the one I want. No one else.” He explained, kissing his lips again. Denki kissed him back again before pulling away, cuddling up to him. “Thank you, Shin. I love you.” He mumbled. “Any time, hun. I love you too.” Shinsou replied. “Now how about we get a smile?” He asked, before gently prodding at his sides. Kaminari squeaked and started giggling. “Shihinsou! Noho!” He giggled out, trying to get away. “Oh no you don't! You're sad. And you know who comes out when you're sad~” Hitoshi playfully growled, flipping him over on his back, blowing raspberries into his tummy. “SHIHINSOU! PLEHEASE! NOHOT THAHAT!” Denki cackled out, snorting. Hitoshi chuckled softly and stopped after a few minutes. Kaminari panted heavily before smirking, zapping his hips. “And you know what happens after you get me~” And that went on for a few hours, Denki and Shinsou attacking each other. Let's just say,, Aizawa was gonna have a talk with them about being so loud at 3 in the morning..
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