Final Presentation Slides
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Final Animation - Animated Biography
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Final Animation - Without color/sound
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Final Animatic with Sound
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Process Work
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Process Work
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Final Animation - Process Work
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Redone - Colored Storyboard
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Finalized Character art
A few tiny changes have been made with regards to the characters facial features and clothing as suggested by my tutors.
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Redone - Background Color Palette
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Redone - Finalized concept art/backgrounds
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Stage 2 Pres Feedback
According to the stage 2 presentation feedback it was brought to my attention by my tutors that there is less of a similarity between my animator's art style and my concept art in regards to the backgrounds and background color palette.
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Therefore taking the feedback into consideration, I've decided to try out a new bg color palette and backgrounds art style which would best reflect and resemble my animators art style.
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Stop Motion Animation
The animation
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Background Set Up
I helped out on shooting the stop motion project.
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Creating the set-up and weapon background
i made the scythe using card board and tin foil and used red felt tip for blood
i did half the filming for the stop motion
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Character Puppet
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Character Puppet Making
The stop motion group project was divided in to two tasks: working on backstory and working on character puppet making. Then the group members picked their interest and started working on it.
I chose the character puppet making team and I helped in crafting out the character and testing out ways to utilize the materials we gathered for the character. I especially made the viking hat (out of foil and bottle cap) and the hair and tiara (out of thread and wire) for the character.
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Adding wings
I helped out pasting and cutting the wings of the puppet
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We made the base of the puppet, we're going to add wings later
i was involved in making the base and structure of the puppet and making the shape of the head
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