Learning Outcomes
Making dioramas, working in a group and managing separate tasks to put together as a whole, being team leader got me out of my comfort zone and I learned how to motivate and guide team members, how to convey your ideas through visual storytelling, thinking creatively in concept development, how to use lighting, camera angles and shot compositions to emphasize a certain mood or tone, adapting stories to different genres, storyboarding and film analysis.
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Final Storyboards
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Storyboards Progress
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Storyboards Progress
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uncoloured storyboards
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Discussing camera angles and lighting
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Extreme close up on Truman’s eyes/face. Truman opens his eyes. The lighting is very dark and cool-toned. We see some bubbles that give away that he’s underwater. creates sudden action and evokes a tone of danger/fear.
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This is when the camera cuts further away to a close up on Truman and suddenly he realises he’s drowning. He starts flailing around in the water as bubbles explode from his mouth and nose. We see his face as he turns to notice the boat above him. The sea is a dark bluish black and we see a few flashes of purplish lighting being cast from above. The unnatural lightning colour creates a surreal, dream-like tone.
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Cut to a blurry image of the sails of the boat from under the water and the hull. This is from Truman's first person perspective. Again the colours are dark and cool toned. Soft flashes of harsh white light can bee seen from behind the sails. Adds to the dream-like mood and sense of danger/urgency.
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Low angle shot from the side of the boat as we see Truman hauling himself aboard. The lighting is less dark, showing that he's left the murky depths of the ocean. The purple tones from the lightning are much more prominent. The low angle shot gives opportunity to show the vastness of the water and sky, emphasising the sense of danger.
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This is when Truman hears Sylvia’s voice from beyond the storm. Close up on Truman’s face to to show his expression  (he’s clutching onto the mast). The lighting here is more grey - akin to a realistic storm. I want the environment to reflect how Sylvia symbolises the truth, and therefore would be accompanied by more realistic settings than the artificial world Truman lives in.
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Side profile view of the boat as Truman gingerly makes his way over to the steering wheel.  
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Shot of Truman steering the boat and trying to find a way out of the storm. We see a determined expression on his face. lots of fast paced shots to convey the urgency and direness of the situation.
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Over the shoulder shot of Truman looking behind him as he notices that the storm feels almost as though its following him.
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Cut to wide angle shot of the boat, and we  see that where the boat is is the only area where the storm is, and the area around the boat is completely calm with no rain. 
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Cuts back to Truman steering the  boat. He swings the steering wheel to one side, making the boat take a fast, sharp turn.  
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Cut to wide angle shot of the boat as it makes its way out of the storm. We see its suddenly sunny and calm while behind the boat a storm is still going on.
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Extreme low angle shot from the mast. we see the sky as it begins to clear. The light becomes warmer, more inviting. We see the sun starting to peek out through some clouds. The warm and gentle lighting creates a more peaceful mood, letting the audience know that the danger has been averted. The dream-like sense of the place is also lessened.
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Cut to top down shot of Truman who is barely standing that point. He’s laying down in the boat in exhaustion. This lack of action after an action packed sequence creates a falling action and evokes a calm mood.
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Shot over the edge of the boat as Truman places a hand and then slowly peeks his head over the edge of the boat, looking out onto the horizon 
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From Truman's POV. Standing there we see a blurry figure over the horizon. 
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Still in Truman's first person perspective. The camera focuses and we see that its the figure of a woman (Sylvia), waving her arms out to him, calling him over. She appears as though she is standing on the surface of the water at the very edge of the horizon. The harsh yellow lighting now brings back this dream-like quality to the scene.
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Cut back to Truman peeking over the edge of the boat. Close up shot of his expression as he hesitates for a second, unsure of what to do.
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This is when he wakes up. Cut to an extreme close up of his face again as we see him open his eyes. 
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Final Narrative
Scene starts in the dream sequence. We see Trumans eyes open and bubbles explode from his nose and mouth, letting us know that he is underwater. There's a sense of alarm present in his face as his eyes widen in horror at where he is. from the lighting of water and flashes of lightning in the scene the audience understand that there is storm raging above the surface of the water.
Truman starts flailing around in panic desperately trying to swim upwards. He is however swimming purposefully, albeit desperately, in a certain direction. We see from his perspective as he vaguely makes out the sails and hull of the sailboat from under the water.
Truman breaks the surface of the water hauls himself into the boat with great difficulty. Exhausted and afraid, Truman clutches onto the mast for a sense of safety and his body slumps to the ground. This is when he hears the sound of Sylvia's voice calling to him. At this point the audience would not know who Sylvia is or what her voice sounds like, adding to the tension and mystery of the scene. We see Truman's expression change. It's clear he recognises this voice and that he seems to steel his nerves in order to follow it.
Truman cautiously makes his way across the boat and towards the steering wheel. He begins steering the boat, trying to find a way out of the storm. The water is lapping at the heels of his boat and he turns around, trying to understand why he can't escape this storm.
This when we move away from Truman's perspective to see the greater surroundings. He and the audience realises that the storm is only happening over Truman and his sailboat, while the rest of the setting is actually sunny with calm seas.
Truman jerks the steering wheel to one side, casing the boat to take a sudden, sharp turn. The boat pivots and we see it escape the little storm and into the rest of the sunny environment. The light becomes warmer, more inviting. We see the  sun starting to peek out. Truman is barely standing that point. He's lying limp across the boat with his eyes closed in exhaustion.
Sylvia’s voice is louder now. He looks out onto the horizon; and standing there he sees the figure of Sylvia, waving her arms out to him, calling him over. She appears as though she is standing on the surface of the water at the very of the horizon. He hesitates for a second, unsure of what to do. This is when he wakes up. 
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Rough storyboards
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6th September Assignment
1. Compile a mood board of your film/location and upload the document on Tumblr.
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Final Photographs of the set model
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Model Photographs
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Model Photographs
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Model Photographs
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Model Photographs
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14th & 15th August - Model Development
We attached the wall to the base of the model
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After attaching the final pieces together we noticed that there was a gap at the base of the staircase that was fairly noticeable and casted a shadow when we tried to use lighting. To fix this, we painted a piece of card the same colour as the staircase base and attached it from the inside.
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We then started experimenting with lighting and photographing the model
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9th August - Independent Work
3. Based on the narrative you want to proceed with for the storyboard, sketch out Draft 1 of a piece of concept art from any one of your preferred scenes from your narrative. Only complete the blocking process for the draft, and avoid adding any detail and light and shadow.
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