mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
Main sound used as background noise for the animatic. I took this small hike in Ouseburn when I returned from spending time home with family for the holidays, and I was pleasantly surprised to see everything green once more and lush. It made me change quite a lot from my original plan and take a more personal direction with it and make it more akin to a travel log.
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
Finished resound. I've used 20+ sounds among:
• steps on concrete (self made)
• pipe burst
• shuffling (self-produced)
• water splash (self-produced)
• hair petting (self-produced)
• crystal glass for the stars
• waterfall sourced from ouseburn
• axe swing
• metal clang for when the axe hits the pipe
• nigttime background noise, some self-recorded
Although the clip had a few words in it which I omitted, I chose it because I thought the subject would be interesting to animate, specifically the pipe burst and the water.
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
Finished ouseburn animatic
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
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Part of my interpretation drawings reacting to Ouseburn and my sureoundings
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
short draft for my ouseburn project
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
Creating some "breaking" noises to possibly use for the axe in my resound project
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
Hike into Ouseburn to collect some of the needed sounds. Grass shuffle.
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
pitch for my sonic storytelling resound project + my ouseburn one. Plus a small animation gif I created of a goat I've seen on a recent trip.
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
I went on a binge of consuming videos about how sound effects are created for movies. For a long while I did believe people ate the same things as on camera to reproduce the sound into a microphone. However, I was wrong. Here are some of the videos i watched: (I'm not sure how well word hyperlinks translate into tumblr, the address might not be clickable)
1. "Creating Sound Effects for Movies" by Film Riot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PdFyvn_0y8
2. "Behind the Scenes: Sound Effects for Film" by The Film Look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT8TtT80wv4
3. "Creating Sound Effects for Film & Video" by Red Giant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wtw4C4vAqg
4. "Making Movie Sound Effects with Household Items" by Indy Mogul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhvlv5OAMfc
5. "How Hollywood Sound Effects are Made" by WIRED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKkV5PuCgRY
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
Ouseburn research
We were tasked with researching a time period of Ouseburn. I chose modern day, as I love engaging with my neighbourhood on a daily basis.
Ouseburn is a neighborhood in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. It is situated along the Ouseburn river, a tributary of the River Tyne, and is located just east of the city center. It is bordering Byker and Shieldfield. Historically, Ouseburn was an industrial area with many factories and warehouses, but in recent years it has undergone a transformation into a trendy cultural hub that screams "eco brutalism" in a chic, urban way.
Today, Ouseburn is known for its vibrant arts scene, with many galleries, studios, and creative spaces located in the area. The Ouseburn Valley is also home to a number of popular music venues, including the Cluny and the Tyne Bar, which regularly host live music performances. Recently it was joined by the Billy Bootlegger, a live music bar venue in an american style. I recommend the place.
One of the most notable attractions in Ouseburn is the Seven Stories National Centre for Children's Books. This museum and cultural center celebrates the world of children's literature, and features exhibitions, events, and workshops for visitors of all ages.
Overall, Ouseburn is a unique and dynamic neighborhood that offers something for everyone, whether you're interested in arts and culture, food and drink, or simply taking a stroll along the river.
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mi4016mirasaftei · 1 year
Sound Design - Initial research into its importance
As my boyfriend is an avid Star Wars fan, it's been a few times I've heard George Lucas quotes on the production. One that stuck out in the light of the new module is that sound design is 50% of the movie experience.
I researched this further:
George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars franchise, is known for his innovative use of sound in his films. We all know what a light saber sounds like without even seeing one. The sound alone is iconic. He has emphasized the importance of sound design in filmmaking, and has been quoted as saying:
"Sound is 50% of the moviegoing experience, and I've always believed audiences are moved and excited by what they hear in my movies at least as much as by what they see."
Lucas recognized that sound can greatly enhance the emotional impact of a film, and that it can be used to create a sense of immersion for the audience. He worked closely with sound designers and engineers to create unique and memorable soundscapes for his films, and his approach to sound design has had a lasting impact on the film industry.
Sound design in movies is a crucial aspect that should never be overlooked. A well-sounded movie can elevate the audience's viewing experience and add another dimension to the storytelling. Sound design is a fundamental part of the film-making process that can impact the emotional response of the audience, and that is why it is imperative to give it the attention it deserves. In this essay, we will explore the importance of sound in movies and its impact on the audience's experience.
One of the significant reasons why sound design is essential is that it creates an immersive experience for the audience. The sound can transport the audience to a different time and place, whether it's the sound of waves crashing against the shore, the hustle and bustle of a city, or a beautiful symphony. Sound can evoke emotions, create tension, and generate excitement, and when used correctly, it can enhance the visual elements of a movie.
Moreover, sound design can be used as a storytelling tool. Sound can help establish the tone and mood of a scene and provide clues about the story's direction. For instance, in the movie "Jaws," the iconic theme music by John Williams created a sense of dread and signaled to the audience that something ominous was about to happen. Similarly, in "Psycho," Bernard Herrmann's screeching violins during the shower scene created a sense of fear and panic. Both these examples demonstrate how sound can be used to set the tone and create a visceral reaction in the audience.
Furthermore, sound design can be used to provide depth and context to the scene. For example, in the movie "The Social Network," the sound of a ticking clock during the opening scene was used to create a sense of urgency and set the pace for the movie's fast-paced storyline. The sound of the clock, combined with the quick editing and dialogue, created a sense of tension and excitement that carried throughout the movie. This example illustrates how sound design can be used to add layers to the scene and provide more depth to the story.
Thus through my research I concluded that sound design is a vital part of the film-making process that should never be overlooked. Sound can create an immersive experience, be used as a storytelling tool, and provide context and depth to the scene. A well-sounded movie can enhance the audience's viewing experience and add another dimension to the storytelling. Therefore, it is imperative that filmmakers pay close attention to sound design and work closely with sound designers to create a cohesive and compelling audio experience for the audience.
- Gromotka, J. (2017). The Importance of Sound in Film. In Motion Picture Sound Engineering (pp. 1-17). Springer International Publishing.
- Alten, S. R. (2012). Audio in media. Cengage Learning.
‼️ In the book "Audio in Media" by Stanley R. Alten, the author discusses the different aspects of sound in movies and how they impact the audience's experience. The book provides an in-depth analysis of sound design and how it can be used to enhance the visual elements of a movie.
‼️ In the article "The Importance of Sound in Film" by Jana Gromotka, the author discusses the various ways sound can be used in movies to create an immersive experience for the audience. The article also explores how sound design can be used as a storytelling tool and provide context and depth to the scene.
Today, we've done a listening exercise where Chloe played sounds and we tried to draw them down and transcribe them on paper. I found this easy at first, until she played sounds with multiple channels/frequencies that a single line could not translate well. It was an interesting way to think about how multiple noises can make up a single audio track.
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