showreel 2018
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In this essay I will try to analyse what I have acquired through ought the learning period of this course. How the modules I have learned would help establish what I am most interested within the industry. As well as what I should look for within the industry as I leave university to become part of a company.
I always loved traditional animation. I have been a fan of fine art as well as, illustration and hand drawn animation felt like a natural progression from the oth­­­­­­­er two. Apart from the love for drawing art, I was curious to learn not only how to depict people or other fictional characters but to also see them interact with their surroundings and decide what mannerisms they would have to work with to express themselves. I have had the chance to grow up among, as well as make friends with people of various backgrounds, characters and characteristics, and while I never overly romanticized them I realized that they were a huge influence within my life and have helped me not only to build myself up better as a person but to also understand the various complicated relations we all have with the world and each other. I am incredibly grateful for such opportunities in changing ones perspective and have always wanted a good excuse to be able to depict that in my own work. Creating characters, building worlds similar yet different from the one we are in seemed like a great excuse to do so. Hence, drawing frame by frame animation no matter how arduous, always will seem an exciting ordeal to me. This also encouraged me to design characters, backgrounds as well as explore scriptwriting, storyboarding, 2D and 3D animation.
There are various aspects required for visual storytelling. At times companies take inspiration from other work to build their scenes. Steven Universes background artist Elle Michalka borrowed from Cezanne, while in Atlantis: The Hidden City, the style relied on Mike Mignolas comic book Hellboy.  Each of these works do a great job not only in creating storylines, but further supporting them with the typology of the scene.
This connects to another job title I would love to try. Over the years there has been a new trend in a new type of comics storytelling that are internet based and that is webtoons. I have loved reading webtoons created by various artists in different genres. The industry though very new in the western world is becoming more widely spread and allows easy access to interesting content, as well as more job opportunities for independent artist to publish their own webtoons online. So far the work I have seen has been amazing and if widely recognized gets a chance to be published in hard book copy which I dream of doing some day. Similarly, I have always wanted to try illustrating children’s books as I have loved folklore from various cultures. I especially have strong desire in aiding awareness to to the existence of my own countries folklore and have secured an agreement with an author in Azerbaijan in illustrating their fictional work. The story takes heavy inspiration from national folk creatures, myths, and old stories and I am excited for the research required for the work as well as the job itself.
This module taught me the process of searching for a job within the animation industry. Previously I was somewhat aware of what I would like to pursue in my future job, the module helped me with the process that I used to fear. Often it is important to have portfolio of work and easily accessible online presence which includes your logo. In the case of Rough Draft Studios that I would like to pursue, I would have to assemble a portfolio of work and send it to the recommended person, most studios aid by describing what they are looking for on their pages, and have specific job titles ready. It is important to see what the studio is known for, in this case a 2D artist would be in demand However, what was very important for me to learn is how crucial it is to connect to various people of talent online be it by Twitter, Vimeo or Instagram, as well as the importance of attending various events for further partnerships. I learned how crucial it is to further push myself as a confident future employee for the companies to want to hire me If I have the chance to attend interviews or visit such events. Which brought me to the next issue present.
As I feared to find out how employable I might be due to my talents I realized the possibility of it happening at all would have to be halved as I would require extra documentation and financial aid, to be employed in UK. Not being a common well fare country, I would need to acquire a Tier 2 visa. Main requirements for which would be a sponsor, a tuberculosis screening, a salary of 30,000 per a year, as well as availability of £945 in your bank account as proof that I could support myself. As a starting animator finding a job with a starting salary of 30,000 a year would be exceptionally hard. The main option would be London where the salaries are a bit higher, though the chances are still slim.  Not to mention I would require to apply and be employed within the 3 months limit after I graduate. What I learned would be a great back up plan if I continue networking within LinkedIn and continue keeping in contact with potential employers online. This should still leave room for possibilities for future projects even if they are independent and done from home, as well as give opportunity for a better portfolio which in turn hopefully would catch a good companies attention outside my own country.
Lastly, this module discussed ethics within animation industry. Were I to be ever employed, it would be crucial to me to take into consideration the existing world and include people of various backgrounds in a respectable manner. I found the past cartoons have captured the societal views of what is normal and acceptable, and I found it would take negative impact on people involved. For instance, majority of my friends would find it disturbing that Disney created characters of Siamese cats heavily based of racist Chinese stereotypes. I feel as though the studios wanted and entertaining variety to the character cast however ended up doing so without appropriate research or respect for the people involved. This is to be avoided. Thankfully, diversity within current animation industry has been improving over the years. Latest examples would include “Craig of the Creak” that has a large cast of characters all from varying backgrounds, genders, sexualities and even physical build that allows any child watching the show to learn the importance of love and respect towards their family and peers no matter how different, as well as the chance to see themselves in the character and feel like a part of a bigger picture. Understandably, there are works that rely on being offensive for their humour, but that would also require the consideration for context, the scene involved, the current political and social climates, and the knowledge of how the targeted audience would react to the work. The studios as well as animators have a certain amount of responsibility to build a world for a child, a world that perpetuates healthy understanding of people’s differences, and their indisputable equality to each other. Another important lesson was on the relationship between the animators and studios involved. The most common occurring problems would involve animators breaking the non-disclosure agreement. This could greatly affect the production value of the project and especially negatively affect involved parties. A good most recent example would be the constant leeks of future episodes of Steven Universe. Which often results in lower viewer ship of the show. Similarly, I learnt of the same duty the studios hold towards the animators. The recent most famous case would be the scandal involving “Sausage Party” which was an R-rated 3D movie, that allegedly did not pay overwork hours, and did not credit half of the animating crew. During our module we were assured by one of the guest speakers from Joint Studios that that is not as common of an occurrence as we might think and we would be paid for the extra hours we put in.  Still I understand that it would be important to demand for appropriate pay, and avoid overwork to ensure ones own physical and mental health does not suffer.
In conclusion, this course helped to re-establish what I would like to achieve in future and how I would go about it. I am happy to have found that I prefer traditional animation and illustrative work opposed to 3D animation. Though I do believe flexibility is key due to my position as an international worker. Additionally, I was very excited to understand the importance of branding and marketing yourself within the industry, be it through events or online, and how it is important not to fear standing out, as that might only help ensure your position. Finally, I now know the importance of ones own health as well as good ethical behaviour and this will hopefully aid me in acquiring the job I feel very passionate about.
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This showreel is very dynamic. Every second was filled with an interesting transition. I was also curious to see a lot of hand drawn 2D animation but in a more Motion Graphicy style.
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I loved this showrool as I feel it’s strong points included a lot of movememnt by various character types. It also nicely build the mise en scene.
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Toniko Pantoja
One of the independent Traditional animators I am aware of. His style is detailed and animation organic and I have been in love with his work for a while as the result
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I have found that cartoon networks shows that i find most interesting were often produced in collaboration with other outside companies Rough Drafts Korean wing had produced majority of my favourite animated works 
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Due to how many shows on Cartoon Network are my favourite plot and style wise I have always dreamed of joining the studio and contributing in some way
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I am not sure whether i should add voice acting haha
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Arcus studios
We were introduced to arcus studios as they came to us as guests.
I liked the variety of work they produced especially in the form of 2D animation. It was both in hand drawn and motion graphic form. They seemed flexible and willing to do various creative, commercial and illustrative work
They do not have a page dedicated specifically for employees they are searching for but they do have their contact information readily available
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Dong Woo Ent
I am not particularly sure but marketing wise I believe Dong Woo ent. is the worst one out of all three of the companies I have chosen. The other two, have easily accessible sites, that show their range of work. While Dong woo does not seem to have despite having a hefty list of already completed work. They are definitely an experienced company so perhaps they do not see the need in advertising themselves. Or maybe they do advertise, in korean however and so it is rather hard to find a way to contact them for future jobs as they don’t have a strong online presence but that could be because they do mainly collaborative work  
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Future logo?
Back in my Architecture days I created a logo for myself, it was mainly because at my old school quite often porfolios would get stolen or destroyed so surely if I had this no one could tell that my work is theirs.
If you look closely you could find my initials K and M within the cube
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Sun creature
Sun Creature Studio is an international animation production company based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Created as a creative outlet for a group of friends who have finished the 
They stated on their company site that: “We believe in a strong communication platform, in which a close connection to our working relationships and community mean everything. In a bid for complete transparency, we share behind-the-scene content on social media platforms, with the vision of inspiring and encouraging dialogue.”
They  co_produce with Nørlum & Final Cut for Real.
Sun Creature Studio works within a wide range of high quality 2D productions & graphics, striving to work on meaningful story-driven projects, with the intention of creating a strong impact on our audience.
They have created countless projects with diverse characters and have shown and incredible love for research and detail in being said characters.
I was mesmerised by their body of work they produced 2D animations with very fluid movements, metamorphosis of various bodies and mystical creatures. This was especially visible in their work for the above “The reward-tales of Alethrion” I especially loved their character design, and their backgrounds are incredibly detailed and beautiful. The way they were able to build the mood and the surroundings to match was incredibly impressive. It was clear to me that they are a very versatile studio ready to do various jobs including commercial once, however they would take pride in creating plot based complex stories.
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The Powerhouse is a 2D animation company. They have shown great potential in providing various forms of animation, graphic design, game design etc. They are a company where there are countless options to choose from 2D genre wise.
They were trusted by various companies with characters from Disney, Looney Tunes, Marvel, and DC. The company offers various positions.
Below would be the once I am most interested in
Traditional animation
Concept Design
Character Design
Digital painting
It seems that knowledge of Flash animation, After Effects animation, photoshop and illustrator would  be required
Castlevania_ Traditional animation recently released.
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Established in 1991, Dongwoo Animation Co., Ltd. (“Dongwoo Animation”) is a leading entertainment company whose business area covers 2D and 3D animation production, distribution, toy manufacturing, and character licensing. The company houses 50 animation directors and 350 animators along with a state-of-the-art HD editing system. It collaborated with Cartoon Network and other independent artists to create work in the style I like
Business Category: Animation, Character Licensing 
Business Subcategory: Animation Production (2D,3D), 3D Movie/HD Animation, OEM Animation Production, Animation Production for Commercials, Corporate Animation Video Production, Educational Program, Character Licensing Business, Toy Business
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