miahpascual · 4 years
Dear 2020 “A Year I Will Never Forget”
Dear 2020, 
It has been a hell of a year even though we are barely half way through. So much has happened that I did not expect. A year that I thought was going to be the best actually turned into the opposite. You through a lot of curve balls but I managed to get through it all. It felt like each month was a whole different year because of all the events that happened. It is like a story with a new enemy I had to overcome each month. Me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would come next. 
2020 was supposed to be my year. The year that I would end the chapter of my childhood and start my chapter of adulthood. Writing this letter made me sad because it made me think about all the hardships that I had to get through to reach this year. All the memories that I have made and all the small achievements that I have earned to get to 2020. The year that I was supposed to graduate, one of the biggest milestones in my life,  and have the best summer of my life before leaving for university. You stopped me from experiencing the best few months of high school. A memory that was supposed to be filled with prom, senior prank day, end of the year water fight, and walking on the stage for graduation. Yet instead, it was filled with an unpleasant memory of staying at home, not seeing my friends and teachers, people dying, racism and injustice and so much more. I have not seen my best friends in months, missing those days that I would be gasping for air because of laughing to much, those days that we would go out and eat at restaurants, those days that we would just sit and talk. I miss it. 
Today is the last day of high school, June 19, 2020. I am officially done forever. It was not how I expected it to end. A sad celebration after four years of hard work. Thank you 2020, for ruining one of my biggest milestones. Even though this is happening right now, I know that you happened that way it has happened for a reason. I may not know what it is but you actually taught me a lot during the past couple of months that I will always remember. 2020 you are a year that I will never forget. A year that will be written in history books. It has been a roller coaster ride that I will live on to tell to my children. Thank you for the memories you have given me. 
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miahpascual · 4 years
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miahpascual · 4 years
ISU Opinion Piece
Option 1
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According to Dictionary.com, the definition of racism is the prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s race is superior to the rest. Racism has been a part of our society for hundreds of years. There are numerous big events that played a serious part in our history. From slavery dating back to the seventeenth century to the nineteenth century and racial segregation in the 1900′s. These are only a few examples the African American community has had to endure in the past because of their skin colour. They are constantly being oppressed, judged, and killed because people are racist and can not see beyond the colour of skin. In their eyes, they just see the black person who is a drug dealer, a robber, a gang member or a killer.
In the picture above, we can see a white protester complaining that he can’t breathe because he needs to wear a face mask due to the coronavirus. In the illustration beside it, we see a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, kneeling on George Floyd’s neck, making him uncomfortable and making it hard for him to breathe. These are two very different scenarios due to the fact that both people have different skin colours. In the first picture, we truly see what white privilege can do. In the other picture, we see what the outcome of having coloured skin can do. George Floyd was killed because he was accused of using a counterfeit $20 dollar bill. He was pinned down for almost nine minutes unable to move and begging the officer to get off until he breathed his last breath. The officer continued to kneel on Floyd even though witnesses yelled that he wasn’t moving. Floyd was unconscious and Chauvin still kneeled on him as if he was still a threat. Chauvin only got off when the paramedics arrived which was at least 3 minutes after Floyd died.
It is truly upsetting and it makes me furious that people of colour have to endure this type of behaviour. It makes me angry that African Americans are killed every day, sometimes without people knowing. There are hundreds of African Americans whose deaths go unnoticed because they were not filmed and put on social media. It makes me angry that a white person can go unharmed during a worthless protest because they think they are above everyone and don’t need to abide by the rules. Yet when a black person does the same things they are beaten, pinned down, pointed a gun at, pepper-sprayed, tasered or even killed. This is what white privilege can do. Some people say that is isn’t real but this just proves that it is. White privilege is the advantage a white person possesses solely because of their race. Like how is it possible for a white person to commit a serious crime and walk away free, but when a black person does the same they get put behind bars and sentenced for years or killed. For example, a white teenager shoots up a school but when he gets arrested he is handled with care and even given food and water. But when an African American allegedly uses a fake $20 bill he gets pinned down and killed. These types of scenarios show how broken and messed up the system is.
Racism does not only happen in the United States, but it also happens in other countries as well, even though it is most evident in America. Canada is not innocent to the subject of racism. In my opinion, Canada is just better at hiding it. There are numerous acts of racism that happen such as hundreds of Indigenous women that go missing every year or the way we treated the Indigenous people that stripped them of their identity and culture. There was a time in Canada, during the 1880′s - 1900′s when the government put Indigenous people in residential schools. They did this so that Indigenous people can adapt to the new Canadian society. But in reality, it was a way to reduce Indigenous culture in Canada. The schools prevented the attendees from seeing their families, eating their cultural food, and speaking in their native language, which, after several years, caused them to forget their indigenous roots. They also had them wear uniforms and were given new English names. If they did not follow the rules they were severely beaten and abused.
Racism will never be abolished because people are still, in their little ignorant minds, think they are superior. How can a white person kill a black person but have it called self-defence? How can a black person kill a white person and have it deemed a murder? Why is it that when a Muslim kills a white person it is called terrorism? But why when a white person kills a Muslim the white person is deemed to have mental health issues? Like I’m trying so hard to understand but the simple answer is that people are racist. We have been trying to abolish racism for hundreds of years, yet we have made no progress. We have to do better or else the world will fall apart, cities will be burned down, people will be killed. This is shown in the protests that are happening throughout different countries. Even though there have been changes due to the protests we still have a lot to change. African Americans are not the only people subject to racism. If you are a person of colour you will face racism throughout your lifetime regardless of your status. People say that ALL LIVES MATTER but all lives can’t matter until BLACK LIVES MATTER!
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miahpascual · 4 years
Nutritional Psychiatry Article
1) 5 things I learned
Women who ate diets high in vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains with moderate amounts of red meat were less likely to suffer from depression and sxiety disorders than those who followed a Western diet (processed foods sweets)
Mental disorders account for the leading cause of global disablity
There have been no new medical treatments for depression for decades
1/5 of our brain fat is composed of the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6,
Omega-3 and omega-6 can't be made by our bodies and only come from food
2) 10 healthy things i eat
3) 5 unhealthy food I eat
Mcdonalds french fries (lol i work here)
White rice
White bread
4) Link between diet and mental health
For many years people believed that the mind and the body were two separate things, until recently this was proven wrong. In my opinion, the link between mental health and diet is the food that is eaten whether the food is healthy or not. The article states that eating healthy foods can boost your mental health and lower the symptoms of depression, anxiety and even ADHD. If the healthy diet, Western and Japanese diets of fruits, legumes, and vegetables, is not followed many people tend to follow the Western diet of processed and fried foods and sweets instead. By following the Western diet mental health symptoms can increase and conditions can become worse. Other risk factors that can also arise from eating unhealthy are diabetes. This basically states that if we keep treating our bodies badly by eating junk and processed food our bodies and mind will both physically and mentally degenerate and not function as well. Through the article, this was proven when our bodies do not consume the necessary amounts of omega-3 and omega-6. Many people in the world consume more omega-6 which unbalances the brain function in the body. The unequal consumption of each omega nutrient resulted in depression, and trouble concentrating and memorizing certain material.
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miahpascual · 4 years
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
By Wallace Stevens
Stanza I
Among twenty snowy mountains,
The only moving thing
Was the eye of the blackbird
The blackbird symbolizes the perspective a person has when they see the landscapes of the world
The stanza projects a raw, cold, and dark setting to the scene
The stanza symbolizes that even though the blackbird is small compared to the whole scenery it is able to see things with a vast and wide perspective.
It showcases the literary device of imagery
The last two lines of the stanza, symbolizes that a person has a whole world of ideas and knowledge that awaits them
Stanza II
I was of three minds,
Like a tree
In which there are three blackbirds
The blackbird symbolizes choices that the poet has to make
The blackbird also represents knowledge that is shared with others
The stanza shows that the three blackbirds are the three outcomes of his thoughts and choices. The tree which has many different branches are the steps the poet takes to achieve and determine the final outcome of his choices
The stanza also represents knowledge because he uses the tree, that has many branches, to shares his knowledge to others which are presented as the three blackbirds
He uses a simile where he compares his mind as a tree in the first two lines of the stanza
Stanza III
The blackbird whirled in the autumn winds.
It was a small part of the pantomime
The blackbird symbolizes the chaotic thoughts and life of the poet
He used imagery to show that even though the bird (the poet) can easily fly through the sky (his thoughts), he sometimes still has trouble and sometimes fights with his thoughts (the autumn winds)
When he said “it was a small part of the pantomime”, he was saying that he/we are only a small part of a universe and that we only play a small role in the play that the universe created
Stanza IV
A man and a woman
Are one.
A man and a woman and a blackbird
Are one.
This stanza talks about equality between a man and a woman. It also talks about the unity of a man and a woman when they are together and become a couple
The blackbird symbolizes nature. The blackbird could also symbolize a child that a man and a woman conceive together
The poet is saying that a man and a woman should be treated as equals. One should not be above the other. In the last lines the poet is saying that everyone in the world should be treated equally including nature, which is represented as the blackbird.
In the idea that a blackbird is the child, the poet is saying that the child is the outcome of the man and the woman
Stanza V
I do not know which to prefer,
The beauty of inflections
Or the beauty of innuendoes,
The blackbird whistling
Or just after.
The blackbird symbolizes the reality of appreciating the little things in life
The blackbird is used as an example of something that we appreciate. The poet can’t decide if he should appreciate the moments now or after they are gone.
The stanza shows us how we take things for granted until they are gone. We don’t appreciate the things we have until we don’t have it anymore
Stanza VI
Icicles filled the long window
With barbaric glass.
The shadow of the blackbird
Crossed it, to and fro.
The mood
Traced in the shadow
An indecipherable cause.
The stanza also projects a raw, cold, dark, and lonely feeling just like the first stanza
The blackbird symbolizes the mystery that lies beyond the window. The blackbird is like the person’s thoughts and imagination that is going to and fro because he is stuck inside. The person is imagining what it would be like to go outside since the setting seems to be in the winter.
The unclear image of the blackbird is comparable to the way our future is unclear hence the symbolism of the blackbird as a mystery. 
Stanza VII
O thin men of Haddam,
Why do you imagine golden birds?
Do you not see how the blackbird
Walks around the feet
Of the women about you?
The blackbird symbolizes the men that are being ignored by the women who praise the thin men of Haddam. The thin men of Haddam want women (golden birds) who are better and more pretty and ignore those who praise and like them which is presented in the last two lines of the stanza
The stanza displays the importance of value and appreciation of those who like and care for you
The poet is exposing the thin men of Haddam for wanting more instead of realizing the value that is being handed to them which is why the poet said “why do you imagine golden birds?”
The thin men of Haddam are greedy for not realizing the value of the women who appreciate them
Stanza VIII
I know noble accents
And lucid, inescapable rhythms;
But I know, too,
That the blackbird is involved
In what I know.
The black bird symbolizes the person who taught the poet everything he knows hence why he said “the blackbird is involved in what I know”
He is thankful to the blackbird and everything it has taught him
The poet uses noble accents and lucid inescapable rhythms to describe what he learned and knows from the blackbird, his teacher
Stanza IX
When the blackbird flew out of sight,
It marked the edge
Of one of many circles
One of many equals is talking about the circle of life
The stanza symbolizes the end of a routine that happens within a person’s life. It talks about the continuous routine that a person faces everyday until they begin to evolve and break their routine
The blackbird is the individual moving on and evolving to the next stage of life
Stanza X
At the sight of blackbirds
Flying in a green light,
Even the bawds of euphony
Would cry out sharply
The stanza is about pleasure and love
The blackbird symbolizes a man. The woman (bawd - people who work to bring pleasure) has a memory of the man she used to please and remembers the way he used to show his affection and the way he pleased her
Even though the women is a bawd and that’s her job she fell in love with the man and became sad when he left
When she sees the man the woman notices that she misses the man.
The “cry out sharply” is probably the pain she felt when he left or the feeling she had when they were intimate
Stanza XI
He rode over Connecticut
In a glass coach.
Once, a fear pierced him,
In that he mistook
The shadow of his equipage
For blackbirds
The blackbirds symbolizes the fear of something or traumatic events that happened in his life
Riding over Connecticut, opened up a memory he was trying to suppress and not remember
“In a glass coach”. I interpreted this as him not being able to hide from what he is afraid of. The fear is clearly seen since it’s glass
The man brings along the blackbirds (trauma) along where ever he goes
Stanza XII
The river is moving.
The blackbird must be flying.
The blackbird symbolizes a person that the poet used to know. Someone that has probably died or someone he doesn’t see anymore and is not a part of his life
The poet talks about the blackbird as a person that is moving on with their life. The connection he had with this person is lost since this person has moved away from him
The river is a symbol of someone’s life
The blackbird is not being held back by anything or anyone and moves on with its life.
Stanza XIII
It was evening all afternoon.
It was snowing
And it was going to snow
The blackbird sat
In the cedar-limbs
The blackbird symbolizes a person who is watching the world change. It can also symbolize God watching over us
The blackbird takes in the beauty of the world and accepts that the world is changing around it
I also said that the blackbird can symbolize God because the blackbird is sitting at a high place above watching. “It was evening all afternoon” is the poet saying that there is no sense of time in this place the bird is watching
“It was snowing and it was going to snow” is like the souls of the people entering heaven constantly
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miahpascual · 4 years
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This is my friend and I at work. I took this picture at the end of my shift today. It was really busy but it was still really fun because I liked the people working with me today. We’re not standing six feet apart in this picture but we are wearing masks. Lol we got in trouble after this because there were a lot of orders in the drive thru but we were taking pictures together. The restaurant made it mandatory to wear masks even inside because of Ms.Rona. We became considered as essential workers because of corona. We stayed open so that we can support the front line workers by providing them food and a free coffee or tea during this time. The store feels really empty without customers inside but we had to close the dining room down for our own safety. I can’t wait till this is all over and we can finally go outside without having to worry about catching the virus. Can u tell we’re smiling under our masks? Stay safe and healthy and pls stay home!!!!
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miahpascual · 4 years
3 Big Answers from Next: Afterburn
Does a person become immune to pain after so much loss and heartbreak?
There are many definitions of pain. Whether it be emotional pain or physical pain etc. In my opinion, I do not believe a person can become truly immune to pain even after so much loss and heartbreak. It shapes us into the people we are today because of all the lessons it teaches us every time we get hurt. I believe that no human can truly become immune to something. It is the way that God created us. We may try to hide it but deep down inside pain is always felt. It is hard to not feel pain because it is such a big emotion. We can hide it by bottling it up but one day it will escape and we will just implode. For example, when Lars Olsen lost his family he did not know how to act. He hated the world. He hated the way the solar storms turned his wife and sweet daughter into the mutants with killer eyes. Lars suffered a great loss because his wife and daughter were his only family. Seeing them turn into mutants gave him no choice but to kill them and run away because they would have killed him first. He had to adapt and learn to survive after experiencing such a great deal of heartbreak. From seeing his wife, child, and friends everyday to never seeing them again. We can sense his sadness when he cried out, “He bellowed in rage, panic, fear and a sorrow so deep he couldn’t give it a name. He knew he was a coward, but he couldn’t help it. His wife was dead.” Through this, it is evident that Lars is deeply grieving his wife. I have a lost a couple of people in my life. But that pain still affects me to this day. Even after so much loss I have not become immune. It is a part of who I am and I just can’t set it aside like a half eaten apple that I would eat later. It isn’t easy at first but I learned to feel and process my emotions. Many people experience pain, it is not just a switch that you can turn on and off when it gets hard. Pain is a part of the human life.
Do you think that tragedies and catastrophes are ways that humans get punished for our sins?
Yes, I do believe that we do get punished for our sins through tragedies and catastrophes. It is a way for God to discipline us for our wrongful choices and actions towards ourselves and other people. Sin has been a part of the human world ever since the beginning of time. This was shown in the first book of the Bible, Genesis when Eve decided to eat the apple from the tree of knowledge even though God was very keen and specific about not eating the fruit. Eve was tricked and influenced by the devil to eat the apple from the tree. When we sin we give in to the devil and his tricks and do evil deeds towards ourselves and other people. Every time we sin we move farther and farther away from God and closer to the devil. I think that God disciplines us through catastrophes and tragedies because he can not physically be here on earth to do it. In the book, Next: Afterburn, Rachel Wheeler, one of the main characters in the book talks about how they paid their debt when the solar storms hit the earth. Rachel says, “ I’m not sure sin exists anymore. Maybe we paid that debt.” Their debt as in their sins that they have committed throughout their life. An example of when God has punished us using a catastrophe was in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. This story is very well known. It is called Noah’s ark. In this story, He asks Noah to build an ark. Noah would bring his family and a pair of every animal on earth on the boat so that after the flood animals can repopulate. God would then send a flood on the earth lasting for forty days and forty nights. God did this because he saw how wicked and sinful the people on earth had become. He wanted to cleanse the world from sin and wickedness and create something new. So God said, “I will destroy from the earth the people I have created. And with them, the animals, birds, and creeping things.” (Genesis 6:5-7)
Why does violence cause more harm than good in a world that’s broken?
Violence causes more harm than good in a world that is broken because it creates more chaos and violence which can turn into someone getting badly injured or even death. Violence never leads to anything good because someone always ends up losing, getting hurt, or dying in the end. There is a saying “violence is never the answer.” It is such a small phrase but it means so much. Violence can create so many problems even if the subject is about something small. For example, if someone bumps into you by accident, but you think they did it on purpose. You throwing a punch would create such a big problem and will result in both of you getting hurt. This could have all been resolved and avoided if one of you or both you apologized to each other. In the book, Lars describes how violent humans have become ever since the solar storms hit the earth. They became murderers because they were trying to salvage anything they could find in order to protect themselves and thrive and adapt to the new surroundings. Lars talks about how he almost got killed when he was staying at an abandoned hospital with a couple of other survivors. The author says, “A blade glinted above him, and he rolled away just as the blow struck the woman beside him. Lars reached under his pillow where he kept a glock. As she gurgled and spat blood, he discovered more people filled the room, searching for his hidden stash of canned food. He emptied his clip before he could even identify them, and amid the stench of gunpowder and steaming guts, he ran away.” Due to the violence in this scene, Lars lost another important person in his life, a woman who has pregnant with his baby. This proves that nothing good can come out being violent. This is evident in the world every single day. Thousands of innocent people die. For example, there was a recent story where this man was jogging and these two people shot, assaulted and killed the man because they suspected that he was responsible for a series of robberies in the neighbourhood. The innocent man, Ahmaud Arbery, did nothing to provoke or harm the two people but they still decided to attack him. The violence towards Arbery resulted in him being killed. These acts of violence to innocent people happen every day. This creates a bigger crack in our broken world today which will never be fixed because violence will always exist no matter what we try to do to abolish it.
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miahpascual · 4 years
10 Interesting Moments in ‘Next: Afterburn’
Moment one - Rachel saves a Zaps life from a tiger attack
This moment shocked and surprised me. I did not expect Rachel to help out and defend the Zap from the creature. I thought that she would even kill it because of how they described how dangerous Zaps are. The Zap was losing the fight with the tiger-like creature, when Rachel subconsciously decides to shoot at the creature instead of the Zap. This is one of the most important moments in the book because it revealed that somewhere in Rachel’s mind she cared for the Zaps, since she is part mutant, even though she despises them.
Moment two - Lars Olsen fights a Zap
This was a moment that had me feeling scared and anxious while I was reading. I was nervous for Lars because he was just trying to help a woman who got attacked by the Zap, but then he got involved. The Zap attacked him when he tried to touch the woman as if the Zap cared for her. This also made me confused because why would the Zap attack the woman in the first place but then protect her when Lars tried to touch and help her. As I kept reading, I thought that Lars was going to get severely injured or even die during this moment. This part kept me on the edge of my seat.
Moment three - Capt. Antonelli hosts a funeral for Thomas Hollister (the soldier)
This made me sad because Thomas did not deserve to die. He was attacked by a long - legged beastadon which came out of nowhere. Thomas was just trying to protect his captain but got in the way of the creature. He sacrificed himself so that his captain could live. Thomas could not be saved because half his body was bitten off. It made me sad because he had no one to remember him and his legacy. His only family left was the military. This also warmed my heart because they could’ve just left Thomas’ body out in the open for creatures to eat but instead they chose to do a proper burial for him.
Moment four - Stephen talks to the military through the radio
This moment made me feel happy and gave me a sense of hope for the characters. It was the first time, in a very long time, that they heard or talked to anyone outside of the bunker. The characters living in the bunker were losing hope because they thought that they would not find anymore survivors and that they were the only human beings left. The people on the radio were the military. Even though it was the military, Stephen was still hesistant to reveal their location to the military because they are afraid that the miltary might take their bunker back.
Moment five - Capt. Antonelli and PFC Colleen Kelly hiding their relationship
I found this moment was somewhat beautiful because they found each other even though they are battling a tough time. This part represents the saying “love conquers all”. Antonelli and Colleen have to hide their relationship from thier comrades because people migiht think that Antonelli is going to play favourites. There is also a law that sexual relationships are forbidden so that they don’t lose soldiers due to pregnancy. They joke about their relationship all the time and even plan to get married after everything is over.
Moment six - DeVontay and Franklin rescue Rachel from Zap captivity
This is a very significant moment in the book. This part explains how Rachel became half human and half Zap. The Zaps captured Rachel because they needed a way to communicate with the humans they held hostage. DeVontay and Franklin planned a rescue mission but Rachel got bit by a infected dog. They had to ask the Zaps for help to heal her that’s why she became half-mutant. This moment made me feel anxious and scared for DeVontay and Franklin because I thought they were going to die and not rescue Rachel from the Zaps.
Moment seven - Kokona gets put to sleep every night
I found this moment interesting and funny because Kokona, the mutant Zap infant, never sleeps. Marina puts Kokona to bed every night so that they (the humans) can have some privacy at night because they do not fully trust Kokona. Kokona even has her own room decorated with little cartoons just like a childs room.
Moment eight - DeVontay and Rachel encounter another human (Lars Olsen)
This is a significant moment in the book because this is the first time they encountered a human in five years. Rachel sees a man come rushing out one of the deserted houses. She then helps the man fight off the Zap that was going to attack him. This action led the Zaps to focus their attention to her. This moment made me feel anxious and surprised because I didn’t know what was going to happen. I had to wait for the next chapter that talked about DeVontay adn Rachel. I didn’t expect them to find another human because they already searched the town several times and found nothing.
Moment nine -  Lars gets attacked by a metal bird-like creature
The metal bird-like creatures are commandered by Zaps. In the beginning, I thought that the birds were from the government or military but it turns out that it isn’t. I was surprised to learn this because I did not expect the Zaps to have this type of technology in their hands.
Moment ten - Zaps are afraid of the river
I was surprised to learn this fact about Zaps. It truly shows that everyone has a weakness and fear no matter how dangerous and strong they might be. Lars was fighting with two Zaps. He stood in the middle of th eriver taunting them, so that they woould attack. But they don’t go in, they are just standing at the edge of the river bank waiting for Lars to come out.
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miahpascual · 4 years
Positive Effects of COVID-19
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miahpascual · 4 years
6 Big Questions From Next:Afterburn
1. Is destruction necessary for change?
2. Do you think that tragedies and catastrophes are ways that humans get punished for our sins?
3. Can the world ever return to normal after such a big catastrophe?
4.Can loneliness and fear consume a person?
5.Does a person become immune to pain after so much loss and heartbreak?
6. Why does violence cause more harm than good in a world that’s broken?
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miahpascual · 4 years
Quotations From ‘Next: Afterburn’
1) “Adapt or die. The rules haven’t changed. Nature’s a pure heartless bitch.”
I chose this quote because it illutrates the theme of survival. One of the main characters, Rachel, said this quote. She talks about how this is the way of life now that the world has changed. This quote is like the basic motto of the people who survived. They have to learn to adapt to their surroundings because the creatures around them will give them no mercy.
2) “I’m not sure sin exists anymore. Maybe we paid that debt.”
I chose this quote because I thought it was an interesting and though-provoking idea for the author to put in the book. It made me realize and question that what if God did this to them because of all the sins people have committed. Just like how God send the flood in Noah’s Arc. This is somewhat coincidental in our world right know. It raises the question, Is God doing this to punish us for our sins?
3)”Maybe nobody’s left. People, I mean.”
I chose this quote because it reflects the theme of lonelines that the survivors of this catastrophe feel. The survivors are starting to lose hope for civilization since they haven’t found anyone in five years. They rely on each to stay sane during this time since they have little human interaction. This is somewhat similar to our situation during this pandemic.
4) “As if all the horrors of the solar storms - the deaths of billions, the end of civilization, and the evolution of the Zaps - were geared toward some benevolent purpose.”
I chose this quote because it illustrates the theme of societal collapse. This quote gives us an insight of what really happened and the outcomes of the solar storms. We can see that the world was impacted greatly with little hope of rebuilding civilization since there are only a few survivors.
5) “I’m only half Zap. Rachel shared a perceptive connection with the Zaps ever since the mutants had healed her life-threatening wound years ago. ”
I chose this quote because it revealed something about the character, Rachel. This quote explains how she became half human and half Zap. It helps the reader understand her story more. Rachel explains her story because DeVontay, her fiance, kept making fun of her and her unusual trait. She was also wondering if thier influence was starting to affect her.
6) “Life is full of surprises.”
I chose this quote because it contains a truth about life. I first heard a rendition of this quote from Forrest Gump. In this movies he says, “Life is like a bunch of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” It is a simple quote but it holds a lot of meaning. It truly explains that no person can predict how their life is going to turn out. Every choice someone makes can lead to an unexpected change. There are millions of possibilities.
7) “We keep on pretending we can put things back the way they were.”
I chose this quote because it holds a life lesson in its meaning. It tells us that once you break or crack something that object will never truly turn back into its original form. For example, when you break a glass. The glass is still cracked even though you try to put it back together, it isn’t like its orignal form. This important in life because we have to remember and be careful of what we say or do because it can greatly affect someone’s life.
8) “But I’m blood. You have to stick with family, no matter what.”
I chose this quote because it illustrates the theme of family and it’s also a truth about life. Family is the most important neccesity in life. Your family will always be there for you no matter what so it should not be taken for granted. You never know when they will be gone so we should cherish the moments we get to spend time with them. Especially since the characters lost their family members and only rely on those they survived with.
9) “They...one of them....,” she gasped. “Here.” “It’s parting words were heard only by Rachel: Thank you.”
I chose this quote because it reveals an important moment in the story. Rachel senses a Zap while camped out in store on their way to Stonewall. The Zap stands infront of the store contacting Rachel but doesn’t do anything. At the end of the chapter the Zap thanks Rachel for helping and rescuing the Zap from a lion-like creature. This is important because it is the first encounter Rachel has had with the Zaps during the story. It is the start of a long ride that deals with Zaps.
10) “As exhibited by Kokona (the Zap baby they were living with), Zaps didn’t age - they were fixed at whatever stage the solar storms had caught them.”
I chose this quote because it reveals something about the characteristics of what a Zap would look like. Rachel describes that Zaps don’t age and that they are highly intelligent but also violent. It is a weird characteristic to have but it works. I was also shocked to find out that they would live with a Zap even though they knew how they dangerous they can be. This quote also helped me understand that Zaps were already habiting earth even before the solar storms hit. In the beginning, I thought that Zaps were a product of the solar storms.
11) “Careful what you wish for.”
I chose this quote because it contains a life lesson. Many people are always asking for things but in the end regret what they receive because they can’t handel the outcome Or they sometimes don’t expect the outcome. This is what this quote is trying to project to the reader. I find this quote so beautiful because it can be interpreted in so many ways.
12) It was a Zap, although not like any mutant he’d ever seen. It looked human, aside from those characteristic eyes. The hair was cut in a bowl - like tonsure. The Zap sported no facial hair, and its cheeks were smooth adn supple-looking.”
I chose this quote because it reveals what Zaps could look like. In the book Rachel mentions that Zaps began to look human and dress in human clothes since they started populating big cities. The Zap described in this quote was seen by Lars Olsen, another survivor of the solar storms. This quote helps the reader paint an image of what the author makes the Zaps look like.
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miahpascual · 4 years
A Smile to Remember
Poem by Charles Bukowski
The themes that are present in the poem ‘A Smile to Remember’ are pain, domestic abuse, fear and death
Pain: This is one of the main themes of the whole poem. When reading the poem you can really feel the pain the mother is feeling through the author’s words. This is shown when Charles Bukowski writes, “Henry, smile! why don’t you smile? and then, she always did to show me how, and it was the saddest smile I ever saw upon the earth, like hell and hell and hell and hell, and nothing else.” This line shows us the weight of sadness and pain the mother is enduring in her home. She is trying to mask her pain by smiling and telling her son to smile even though she is breaking inside. This theme shows a contrast about darkness vs. light. The darkness which is displayed as the abuse and pain she endures from her husband. Whereas the light is displayed as the word ‘smile’ and the way she tries to inflict “happiness” onto Henry. 
Domestic Abuse: Another main theme in the poem is domestic abuse. This is seen in the poem when Henry describes the way his father is treating his mother. He says, “....my father beat her two or three times a week while raging through his 6 foot two frame because he couldn’t defeat what was attacking him.” This line really tells us about how bad his life at home really is. It also tells us how toxic his parent’s relationship is. This surprised me because I did not expect the poem to have such a dark meaning to it. In the beginning, I thought that it was just about a kid who lost someone and that it was about sadness and death. 
Fear: The fear presented in the poem is felt by Henry and his mother. This is evident when his mother is always telling Henry to smile. I think she does this so that they do not show that they are scared and that they fear his father because if they show this emotion it can result in more harm caused towards them. Being in a relationship where you feel like there is not an escape can cause fear in a person. Relationships that involve domestic abuse are never easy. Sometimes the abused person is so haunted and scared by their abuser that they don’t want to leave. They feel like the person might do something more horrible to them if they try to expose their actions. So they think that it is safer to stay in their current situation. I think this is why most victims of domestic abuse tend to stay quiet and not talk about their experiences because they don’t ever want to relive their experiences. 
Death: We see the theme of death at the end of the poem when Henry says that his fish have died. He says, “One day all the goldfish died, all five of them, they floated on top of the water, on their sides, the eye on each top side still open. While reading this line I connected his fish with his mother. So when I read that his fish had died I also thought his mom died. But after reading the poem a couple of times I finally understood that his fish was like a visual representation of his mom’s life and emotions. I understood this when the author writes, “We had the goldfish and they went around and around in the bowl on the table near the purple drapes across our front picture window.” It was like a picture of how his mother’s aura is lifeless and just spends her days wandering the house and doing the same thing every day just like the fish. Not being able to fight back and just sitting back and always smiling and not being able to say a word to her husband. Knowing that one day she’s going to die and her husband will just throw her out like he threw the fish to the cat.
Do you agree of disagree with the poem?
I agree with the poem and its message. It instills the message of a toxic relationship and the subject of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is a common subject that happens to millions of people around the world, especially women who get abused by a man in a relationship. Also sometimes even men who gest abused by women in a relationship. Domestic abuse can be inflicted in many ways such as physical abuse, emotional abuse, and mental/psychological abuse. In the poem, the mother experiences physical abuse which leads to mental/psychological abuse. She is getting beat constantly which affects her mental and psychological health. She constantly wonders why she is getting beat and why she isn’t worthy and good enough for her husband causing deterioration of her mental capacity. I also agree with the line, “ Henry, smile! Why don’t you smile?” I agree with this line because many people put up a frontier and just smile instead of showing their emotions. We never know if someone is breaking inside because they’re hiding their true emotions behind a smile. That’s why the eyes are a path to someone’s emotions, just like the saying, “the eyes are the windows of the soul.” When you look into someone’s eyes you can see the emotion they are feeling especially when they are sad.  
Favourite line or Image?
My favourite line in the poem is “It’s better to be happy if you can be.” This is my favourite line because I can relate to it so much and I feel like other people can too. It is just a small little phrase but it holds so much meaning to it. The meaning of this line to me is so deep and it refreshed many sad memories in my life. When I read this line it was like being hit by a truck. Being happy makes life so much easier but life throws so many obstacles in our way that sometimes it’s hard to always be happy. Many people, like myself, try to be happy but sometimes it’s just so hard. Constantly putting up a smile so that your friends and family don’t have to worry. I do this all the time which I know is so bad for my mental health. People can always tell you to be happy and smile but it is harder to act upon it when you are not feeling like yourself and feeling broken. This poem is probably one of my favourite poems that we have read so far in class because of all the emotions the reader can feel when they read it. We relate to the little messages so much that it draws us in. 
Personal Connections
A personal connection I can make with this poem is the way Henry’s mother is always trying to get Henry to smile even though they are in a tough situation. Growing up as a kid, I was always told that crying was a sign of weakness. I felt strong when I didn’t cry. I hated feeling vulnerable around my friends and family so that is why I never showed myself crying in front of them. I always acted unaffected in difficult times and just put a smile on my face or even just laughed it off. This was because I also didn’t want them to worry about me and seem like another burden being added to their problems. This led to a lot of bottled up emotions which really affected my mental health. I remember during elementary school, I didn’t cry a lot even though I got hurt. Not until I hit grade 8. This was when I realized that crying was not a sign of weakness, but the opposite. I realized that showing emotions and crying actually made a person strong because they are opening themselves up. Lol, I started crying left and right. I remember crying during our basketball tournament during regionals because my calves started cramping. It was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced, I couldn’t even walk to the bench, my friends had to carry me there. After this, I wasn’t afraid to show my emotions, especially when my favourite coaches left in grade 9 or when I got so mad during basketball I started crying in grade 10 or when I tore my MCL in my leg in grade 11. However, I do always start off by trying to laugh it off but sometimes my emotions just take over. This reminded me of how Henry and his mother had to act happy and smile their pain away. 
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miahpascual · 4 years
Themes in Next: Afterburn
Book by Scott Nicholson
Solar Storm: a disturbance of the earth’s magnetic field causing all things involving energy or electrcity to shut down. It is caused by radiation and streams of charged particles from the sun.
I did not know what to read at first and had a hard time choosing which book to read. Books I usually read are in the genres of fiction, mystery, action, greek mythology, and teen romance. I came across this book and was slightly interested because it had a post-apocalypse theme to it and I thought that it was appropriate for this time since we are all stuck in quarantine and aren’t able to go outside. After I read the first 50 pages of the book I was very intrigued to read more. I didn’t think that I would show interest in this book because I get lazy and I also haven’t read an actual book since grade 10 lol.
‘Next: Afterburn’ is about earth five years, post-apocalypse after it was hit by a massive solar storm, nearly wiping out all of humanity and anything that contains electricity and technology. Another factor that contributed to the death of billions of humans was the Zaps (mutant creatures with telepathic capabilities). It follows the story of the remaining group of people who survived the catastrophe. The first four chapters focus on a different person or group of people and how their lives are like trying to survive and adapt in the wild without many resources. There are many threats lurking around such as Zaps (the main threat), monsters, and murderers who are other humans trying to salvage and attain anything they can to survive. The survivors have to constantly be on the lookout for these creatures and are always on their toes. The first fifty pages reveal many characters. A group consisting of six people; Rachel Wheeler and DeVontay Jones,(the engaged couple) Kokana (an intelligent Zap infant), Franklin (Rachel’s grandpa), Stephen Henderson and Marina Jiminez (the teenagers). There are also people from the US military; Capt. Mark Antonelli and a soldier named Bravo Victor Romeo. Lastly, the author reveals another character named Lars Olsen, a former web builder and graphic designer.
There are many themes evident in this book such as loneliness, violence, fear, family, survival and societal collapse. The main theme that is evident in the novel is societal collapse. Since the solar storm nearly killed and destroyed everything humanity has built there was no way to rebuild everything. Billions of humans died as well as millions of technology got destroyed. Streets, stores, building and homes are filled with corpses, rotting away. Resources are used up without any way of being refilled. The theme of societal collapse is shown in the novel when Rachel describes the effect of solar storms. She says, “ As if all the horrors of the solar storms - the deaths of billions, the end of civilization, and the evolution of the Zaps - were geared toward some great benevolent purpose.” The author also described, “They passed a gas station and several roadside shops but didn’t stop to explore them. They’d long since cleared those building of any useful supplies.” The themes of societal collapse and survival are connected because the survivors have to learn to adapt and survive to the new characteristics of society.
Another theme that is evident in the novel is the theme of violence and fear is evident in the first couple of pages in the novel. This is shown when the survivors, Rachel and DeVontay, have to carry M16 rifles and machetes to protect themselves from the dangerous creatures lurking around. Rachel and DeVontay are a part of a group of people who are hiding out in a secret military bunker.  Rachel and DeVontay are tasked on a journey to Stonewall, a small town, in hopes of finding more resources and other humans that survived. As they ventured to Stonewall they encounter a strange creature trying to attack them. The creature was a silver-coloured bird that had wings that didn’t flap. The creature swooped down towards Rachel and DeVontay had to shoot it down. The theme of violence connects to the theme of fear because the survivors have to be violent towards unknown dangers so that they could survive. Since they don’t know what things can kill them they are always going to have this sense of fear that contributes to the fact that they have to be violent in order to survive.
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miahpascual · 5 years
English Documentary
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miahpascual · 5 years
Lifetime of Waiting
Poem by Lilanie and Miah
I am waiting,
For what feels like an eternity
I am waiting for my first friend
For the first school that I will attend
I am waiting,
To get picked up by my parents, crying and whining throughout the day
More excited to be home and to play
I am waiting for so much more,
It’s calling my name
We’ve been waiting
Like how the moon waits for the sun to set,
I am waiting,
I am waiting for the sun to rise again
For the wild lark to sing
Signalling the lonely night to end
and I am waiting for the Age of Anxiety to drop dead
And for the day
depression won’t be so common
Like everyone has said
The vast world awaits me,
It’s calling my name
We’ve been waiting
I am waiting for the words on my textbook page to make sense
And for the broken record of my school days to finally end
I am waiting,
I have been waiting for a long time,
Sometimes patiently
Sometimes I whine
For the day when my friends and I get to walk out of these cramped corridors
With our hands intertwined
For the night of our graduation,
When my new journey is in mind
This new world awaits me,
The last school bell chimes,
We’ve been waiting
A lot of time has passed
A new world of adulthood is here
So many possibilities and opportunities
But I am still waiting here,
Waiting for the job of my dreams
And for the special person who will be
My lover and best friend
My soulmate
I am waiting
For the day God decides to bless us with children
Who will be little reflections of us
The children that will complete our family
I am waiting
This new world awaits me,
It’s almost time,
We’ve been waiting
Its funny, you see
All my life I’ve been waiting
But suddenly I feel like I’m running out of time
Like my life had ended in a blink of an eye
These bones have begun to creak
My body has gotten very weak
Is it a crime to ask for more time?
It's not as easy as asking for a nickel or a dime,
I have some regrets
But there are things I will never forget
My life was so full of love and full cries
I know I won’t ever forget my daughter’s eyes
I will finally rise
Like the sun after an eternity’s rest.
I’m out of breath,
A vast world awaits me
It has called my name countless times,
Now it's time
I have waited.
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miahpascual · 5 years
The Eight of September
Poem by Pablo Neruda
1. Themes - what themes do you notice in the poem? Explain how the themes contribute to your understanding of the poem.
The themes that are present in the poem ‘ The Eight of September’ are relationship, love, intimacy or even death. The theme of relationship is shown in the poem when Pablo writes the words, us, we and our. These words gave me a hint that there are two people being talked about in the poem.  This theme of relationships is also connected to the theme of love. Love is an obvious theme in the poem. It is projected in the words and is clear to me when I read the poem. This is evident when the Pablo writes, “ the storm-driven ocean lifted us up in a kiss so exalted we trembled.” This line from the poem shows that their relationship was an adventure. With love comes intimacy, which is another theme that is evident in the poem. At first, I did not realize that the poem was about two people having sex. I did not realize it until I read it a couple of times and when someone in the class mentioned it. I realized the poem was about intimacy when he wrote, “ today was an immense wave” and “the storm-driven ocean lifted us up in a kiss so exalted we trembled at the lighting flash and bound as one, fell.” When Pablo mentioned “bound as one” it made it clear. It also seemed like at the end of the poem they created a baby. I thought this because Pablo said, “ a strange door opened, between us, and someone, with no face as yet, waited for us there. To my understanding, it seems that their actions created a child between them. Death is also another theme in the poem. If you look at it from another angle it kinda sounds like a couple was in a car crash. This is evident when he says, “ A strange door opened, between us, and someone, with no face as yet, waited for us there.” This helped me understand the poem because to me this line meant that they both died and went to heaven. At the entrance of heaven, someone who had no face was God waiting for them to enter.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the poem? Explain your thinking.
In my opinion, I agree with the poem. There are two ways that I saw the message of the poem. I agree that the poem is about intimacy. Intimacy is a part of our world and everyone has done it or will eventually do it in their lifetime. It is a way that people connect physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being intimate does not always mean it is between two people who are in love, it could also be a one night stand. But no matter what, it is still a connection and bond that only the people who shared it know. Anything can arise from being intimate. Whether it be a relationship or a child. There is an example of this in the poem when Pablo writes, “ a strange door opened, between us, and someone, with no face as yet, waited for us there.” Throughout the poem, you can see that the author is describing the adventures of two people, their story of that day, on September 8. Another angle of the poem that I looked at was death. I also agree that the poem is about death. Death is a common thing that happens in our world. We are meant to die because God said we could not live forever. In the poem, I think the author was trying to describe the moment before the characters died in a car crash. The moment that felt like their life flashed before their eyes. The feeling of knowing that they were about to die. This is evident when he says, “ we trembled in a lightning flash and bound as one, fell, and drowned, without being unbound. This line also seemed like the two people were holding hands at the moment before their life ended. 
3. Jot down and respond to a favourite line or favourite image. What specifically do you like about the poem?
My favourite line that Pablo wrote in the poem is “ this day our bodies grew stretched out to Earth’s limits, orbited there, melded there to one globe of wax, or a meteor’s flame.” This line in the poem used a lot of metaphors and imagery to describe the situation in the poem. This is my favourite line because of the way it makes you feel like you were there. The way Pablo used the words in the poem makes you really understand and feel the emotions that the character feels in the moment. It is described so well and the words that were used interconnect so well, which makes the poem so good. When I read this line I imagined the surroundings of the people and their feelings at that moment. 
4. Personal connections - is there any way in which you relate to anything in the poem
The only thing that I can relate to in the poem is with the last line in the end. In this line Pablo says, “ a strange door opened, between us, and someone, with no face yet, waited for us there. I connect with this line because it talks about someone who they don’t know in front of them. Similarly, this is like me not knowing what lies ahead for me in the future. Like I don’t know what my life will be like, it’s all a surprise.
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miahpascual · 5 years
Eulogy To a Hell of a Dame
Poem by Charles Bukowski
1. Theme - what themes do you notice in the poem. Explain how the themes contribute to your understanding of the poem.
The poem ‘Eulogy to a Hell of a Dame’ exhibits many themes. The themes that are evident in the poem are love, death, sorrow, and reminiscence. The theme of love is shown when he says,  “ You’ve been dead 28 years yet I remember you better than any of the rest.” This line displayed the strong bond and relationship they had. This line helped me realize that the woman he lost was someone who held a special place in his heart. Death is an obvious theme in the poem, especially when Charles writes, “ Jane, you were killed by knowing too much.” and also “You finally got out by dying.” This contributes to my understanding of the poem because it explains why he wrote a eulogy for her and why he named the poem ‘Eulogy to a Hell of a Dame.’ Two themes that are connected that are evident in the poem are sorrow and reminiscence. Charles was distressed during the death of Jane. He resulted in drinking while also remembering their memories together. Charles shows that he misses Jane and thinks about her all the time. An example from the poem that shows him drinking is “Here’s a drink to your bones that this dog still dreams about.” In this line, he refers to himself as a dog, who still recollects and dreams about Jane. An example of the theme reminiscence is when he writes, “ I remember your bones in flesh and best in that dark green dress and those high-heeled bright black shoes, you always cursed when drank, your hair coming down you wanted to explode out of what was holding you.” This helped me understand the poem because it showed the connection and meaningful memories they made throughout their lifetime together. 
2. Do you agree of disagree with the poem? Explain your thinking.
In my opinion, I agree with the poem and its message. The part of the poem that I agree with is the line, “You were the only one who understood the futility of the arrangement of life.” In my life, I sometimes see and feel that there is no point in anything that I do because I think that no matter what I do I feel like I am never good enough for myself, my friends, and my family. I feel like that I am not doing enough to please them and make them proud. There are times where I feel so hollow and discouraged that I just give up and sleep off the feeling of emptiness in my life. It is a way for me to cope with my stressful life. This line in the poem also reflects the world around us. We live in a world that is so cruel and diminishing. People can feel out of place and meaningless, because of this, many questions arise. Questions such as “ what is my purpose in life?” or  “ am I enough?”. There are so many people that feel and think this, asking for a question that they can only answer. Another part that I agree with is the way that Charles feels when he lost Jane. Death is part of the circle of life. It happens whenever and it can not be stopped. When you read the poem you can see the hurt and feelings of being broken that Charles feels. The lines that say, “ you finally got out by dying, leaving me with the rotten present” and “ here’s a drink to you're ones that this dog still dreams about. ” Losing a loved one can really put a toll on a person. No matter how long it has been since they have passed the feelings, memories, and aura of the person will always be there and will never be forgotten.
3. Jot down and respond to a favourite line or favourite image. What specifically do you like about the poem?
My favourite line that Charles wrote in the poem is “ you wanted to explode out of what was holding you: rotten memories of a rotten past. ” This is my favourite line because it relates to me and many other people. To me, the line means that the bad things that happened in the past can hold us back if we do not learn to let it go and move on from it. The past can hinder us from evolving and having a better life especially if the past is bad. It is just like the famous saying “ those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
5. Personal connections - is there any way in which you relate to anything in the poem?
A personal connection that I can make with the poem is the death of Jane and the way it made Charles feel. I have lost someone very important in my life. When he died I felt like dying too. I could not grasp, for a long time, that he had passed away. It took me a long time to recollect myself and become me again. That part of my life was probably the hardest because ever since I was young he was always there. I could not imagine a life without him. When I was born I was sent to the Philippines to live with my grandparents so that my parents can work abroad for our future. So basically, he has been there since day one. He was my right hand man, a person I could always count on. He took care of me from a very young age and watched me grow until I was five when I had to leave to go to Canada. There was a line in the poem that said, “ I remember you better than any of the rest.” To this day, I still remember his scent and his touch and the memories that we made together very clearly. The author and I share similar experiences of losing a loved one and being able to remember the people we have lost in our lives.
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