micaelasmithstudent · 4 years
Micaela Smith - Week 11
I selected Pinterest as the company to research how they feel about their working conditions of employees in comparison to what Glassdoor.com’s users rated them. The findings were rather interesting. Pinterest website brags of being a place where you can “Be you (best) self” with flexiable and generous vacations, global year-end company closures, comprehensive mental, physical, and medical benefits,401(k) retirement plans, and various fitness centers. They say that they are a place for all families with maternal and paternal leaves. egg freezing, and on-site family parties. Career growth was sectioned with programs focused on reaching employees short and long time goals, ongoing training for new skills. Lastly Pinterest wants employees to be able to bring their whole selves to work by providing meals inspired by users onsite for breakfast, lunch and dinner, learning new crafts from other “Pinployees” and inclusive work environment. I was surprised at the things they did not mention; like competitive pay, medical insurance, and community involvement. Glassdoor’s reviews shined a different light on the popular company. The former employees echoed some of the points mentioned, great benefits, good work life balance, liked the provided meals, vacation time, and most rated a positive culture. However many ranted about the poor management, political environment, ineffective HR department, low wages, and that they moved slow. I did however see the company always replied to every review made, although the responses were scripted and felt mechanical. They did however show effort in caring about what people had to say about them. Overall: I may not consider a career at Pinterest, but they will always be my go to place for How-To-Videos, photos, and craft ideas.
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micaelasmithstudent · 5 years
Micaela Smith, Extra Credit
I found that almost anything can violate some written, verbal, or unspoken social netiquette. One would think you violated social media etiquette by simply disliking or commenting negatively on someone's post. Supporters of the post come out like a hive of bees attacking you for verbalizing your dislike. “Why are you on their page”, or “if you don’t like it, don’t comment”, are a couple of responses made to the commenter with opposing views. The recent hype is calling it cyberbullying. All I can say is .......
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Although responding negatively (without hate) is Not an actual social media violation (because it goes directly against your Constitutional Right to free speech)  I see social media sites going quickly in that direction. We can’t comment in opposition to any post that a majority of society deems acceptable.  If my dislike gay/lesbian post, or oppose a political candidate, or God forbid I say I’m not a Beyonce fan, all hell would break loose. My comment would be reported and I could be potentially placed in social media jail.  
The dislike button has already been removed. If things continue as they are going now, the angry face meme might be revoked and very soon having an opinion different than the one with mass appeal could be a “violation” 
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I should have the right to NOT Like You!😒 If I think your baby is ugly, that’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it. 👶🏽 Why does social media have something to say about me not liking your sexual preferences? 👎🏽 Yes, there are some who believe Beyonce is overrated, and they should be able to say so without “bug-a-boos” coming out to attack! Stop the madness, these are violations, they are examples of free speech! 📢📣
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micaelasmithstudent · 5 years
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Micaela Smith - Week 7
“You Tried It”, one of my favorite memes and in my opinion it should be the answer to a ton of social “foolishness” that exists today. This is my go to meme and response to  every one who challenges common sense logic with nonsense and naivete. The look of disgust on her face mimics my “Negro, No-You-Didn’t, attitude.”  Tamar’s face echos the look like give after hearing the lies of our politicians and leaders at the highest offices possible. REALLY!!! You tried to make us thing what we see and hear clearly is “Fake News”
This meme gives voice to so many who have become frustrated with the shenanigans of the political and social society we live in. This is also the meme I use to send many potential suitors hiking after their failed attempts to win me over. That and the “BOY BYE”... Beyonce meme!
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micaelasmithstudent · 5 years
Micaela Smith - Week 6
I compared politician Stacey Abrams, GA and Iyanla Vanzant celebrity and motivational speaker. They both craft their speech in the setting of honesty and claims of genuine desire to see positive change. Based on their tweets I know both ladies are pushing an agenda the politician more directly then the celebrity speaker.  After losing the position she fought to win, Abrams new fight was to push the agenda of other Democrats and tells her viewers how to do it. Vanzant,  pushed her own agenda of elf healing telling you What to do, but not directly telling you how. Both ladies tweets were filled with advertisements and self promotion. I looked up to these ladies for some of their individual character traits but I’ve found that Twitter is NOT a good place to go to find out much about the “real” person.
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micaelasmithstudent · 5 years
Micaela Smith - Week 5
Because of my limited use of social media, I am not officially part of any online community. However, in my New Media Writing class last semester as a project I started my own Facebook community. I’m currently working on the concept for a Pass the Blessing Forum. In an attempt to change the society I live in, I’m creating a forum for regular people can volunteer their time and talents to help someone else in need, for Free! In exchange for the free help you need, all we’ll ask is you advertise your talent, or gift to help someone else, Pay it forward! everyone has a gift, talent, work experience, donation, time, or prayer that can be offered as a blessing and have resources available when they Need a blessing. This isn’t a physical community. But I hope it will be a forum of believers in being a part of the change we want to see. So, yes, my Facebook community, will be a community of love and world changers.
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micaelasmithstudent · 5 years
Micaela Smith - Week 4
The pre-web technology I remember most was the phone. It is commonly called a landline. But when I was a teenager, it was my LIFE line. I thought I was on top of the world when my mom got me my own line in my room. I didn’t have to worry about my family picking up and listening to my calls, or emergency operator interruptions of your call, and then hanging up angrily was a lot more effective when I could just slam the phone down. Now, with the invention os cell phones, FaceTime, Skype, and other apps the phone usage I knew and loved has changed. I no longer have to be tied to a cord in the wall. I can see you thru apps like Skype to show you how angry I am. Calling is a breeze, it is faster, clearer, cheaper, and there are no operator interruptions. Now it’s call waiting, text, instant messaging, DM’s, and social media page notification, direct media marketing from businesses who underhandedly invade our privacy and your kids, of course (they wait until you get on the phone to scream, momma)
Calling was so much simpler in my teen years. But today’s technology I would’”t trade!
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micaelasmithstudent · 5 years
Micaela Smith - week 3
The benefits of measuring media for business is great. They get to know user trends, track user activities, increase potential sales, learn what marketing works and doesn’t and directly solicit sales. Some challenges could be actually measuring the reach of the media and quantifying the increase gain from the measurements.  For the common user like me, the privacy implications are numerous. For instance, the Facebook discussion on its use of measuring user activities and the direct marketing from companies that follow is invasive and underhanded (in my opinion) Because users want to find shortcuts to log into other media outlets using an already established Facebook account, we leave ourselves open to the unregulated measured tracking of our usage, trends, and other searches. Although business are smart to gain this backhanded access to our private activity for marketing purposes. The consumer (me) is forced to have another potentially unwanted solicitation bombarding our lives. How RUDE!!
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micaelasmithstudent · 5 years
Micaela Smith - Week 2
I would define social media as a platform of public communication that allows for other individuals to view or participate that has some type of social component. I would probably consider a podcast or radio broadcast social media. These are usually one-way communication streams but new technology allows for listener responses thru calls, emails, IMs, or social media.  Anything that we are not actually a part of minimizes our understanding of that subject. If we don’t actually use social media or have pre-conceived notions about its benefits (or lack thereof) we have a twisted view. Excluding ourselves from social media limits our understanding. I know personally because I don’t use it much and I know little about it.
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micaelasmithstudent · 5 years
Micaela Smith - Introduction
Yes!.... I did it! I finally stumbled into this chat! Now I can add Tumblr to another social media site that I’m on and I don’t really know how to use.
About Me: I’m a Christian, mother, daughter, sister, friend, “boot-legged” comedian, MC (not a rapper, a professional host), business professional, student, and world-changer in the making. 
I struggle with understanding, so I stand on a platform of simple and direct communication. I believe in giving short, engaging messages delivered in a manner that could be understood from the janitor to the CEO. I want my needs met, so I try hard to minimize confusion on what it takes to meet those needs. 
I’m usually one of the loudest people in a room. I enjoy laughing and making sure others do the same. Finally, I’m social media challenged. I’m on multiple sites and apparently, I’m not using any of them correctly. SMH, POL (praying out loud) and TTL (Trying to Learn) 
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