michaeloharaus · 5 years
Signs You Need To Replace Your Packaging Equipment
Packaging equipment lasts for a long time and it is easy to put it in the back of our minds and completely forget about maintenance, upkeep, or the possibility of it needing replacement. Western Packaging is here to help you decide when it is the right time to hang it up and replace your packaging equipment. Maintenance Is Key No matter how amazing your machine is, no matter how high-tech, no matter how much you paid for the machine of all machines it needs regular maintenance. If you want a long-lasting and reliable piece of equipment to go the extra mile than making sure you stay up to date on regular maintenance is key. You will cut down on unexpected repairs and your equipment will work for you the way you need it to. This is a great way to improve your packaging process. In the end, this is your first line of defense, but if you have done this and you still experience problems it is probably time to move on. Frequent Mechanical Issues Like with most mechanical equipment or appliances that are aging or nearing the end of their lifespan, they start to break down. It is one […]
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michaeloharaus · 5 years
How to Install Sod on Your New Jersey Lawn
With summer quickly approaching, you might be staring at your dying lawn and wondering how you can get it ready for summer. For many of us, laying down new sod is a good option especially here in New Jersey where those winter months can destroy your lawn. The team here at Chris James Landscaping has put together this guide to…
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from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/how-to-install-sod-on-your-new-jersey-lawn/
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michaeloharaus · 5 years
How to Save Water in Your Garden in New Jersey
The average American uses 100 gallons of water per day and twice that amount in the summertime. Chris James Landscaping wants to help you conserve water when you are maintaining your flower beds. There are a few ways that you can cut down on your water needs while maintaining a thriving garden in the New Jersey area. Choose Plants that…
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from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/how-to-save-water-in-your-garden-in-new-jersey/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
Garden Trends For New Jersey Lawns in 2019
We’ve all be there before-blankly staring at your garden, hoping some inspiration will come from somewhere. Chris James Landscaping can help get you started on your new garden area. Here are the garden trends we’re starting to see in the New Jersey area for this year. Make It Sustainable Believe it or not, making your garden eco-friendly will not only…
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from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/garden-trends-for-new-jersey-lawns-in-2019/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
How Should You Utilize Your Pallet Load Properly
Loading a pallet at times is a bit like playing a game of Tetris and that is why we would like to give you a few tips about how to properly pack your load. Western Packaging is known for its packaging expertise no matter the size of your shipments. With a bit of creativity and forethought, you can properly utilize your pallet loads more efficiently. 1. Choose The Right Size Pallet Choosing the right size pallet is the first step in properly utilizing your pallet load. Whether your pallet is wood or plastic it is important to create a proper foundation. Pallets can be customizable but your standard pallet will be around 48 by 42 inches. Your best bet is to choose a pallet the size of your load or whatever your packaging. If you are packing different items it is going to be harder to do this. Your goal is to create a uniform cube but in a case like this, you will have to customize your pallet and be a bit more creative. 2. Be Creative With Your Pallet Stack Depending on the load you are packing you may or may not have to get pretty crafty. Some […]
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
The Benefits of Silage Wrap
If you have ever wondered whether you wrapping your silage was the way to go or not Western Packaging can give you a few suggestions on the matter. Providing the best and most nutrient dense food for your animals is the main concern for most people. Saving money is just as important and we can help you do both. What Is The Difference Between Silage and Haylage? Silage is fermented food, used for sheep, cows, and other cud-chewing animals and comes from grass, maize, cereals, sorghum, and other crops. Silage is sometimes named after the forage it is made from, for example, oat silage is sometimes called oatlage. Initially, the vegetation is stored in a silo in a huge pile, compressed to remove as much oxygen as possible, and then covered with plastic. It takes ten days to weeks for the fermentation process to complete. Haylage and silage are very similar with the main difference being that haylage is drier than silage. Both haylage and silage need to be stored in plastic bags to keep them from losing dry matter. How Does Baled Silage Benefit You? Not everyone needs baled silage but for those thinking about it, there are huge […]
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
Storing Your Packaging Materials: The How’s and Why’s
When it comes to storing your packaging materials for your business it really is not as simple as throwing your cardboard boxes up against the wall. I mean, you could definitely do that but we here at Western Packaging don’t recommend it. We want to make sure that no matter the size of your business you have the tools to make the right choices for your you and your supplies. Environmental Conditions That Will Affect Your Packaging Believe it or not, there are many outside factors that affect your packaging. Sometimes these things can be minor but it is important to know so you can make the best choice for your supplies. Temperature changes are a big factor when it comes to most types of storage materials, whether they be paper or plastic. Humidity can cause cardboard and paper bags to retain moisture increasing their fragility. Extreme temperatures can affect plastic and paper materials causing them to melt or become rigid. Dust is messy and can cause tape not to stick properly and stretch film not to work as well as it should. Best Practices For Storing Cardboard and Paper Packaging When storing paper storage whether cardboard or paper bags […]
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from Local Business News http://westernpackaging.com/storing-your-packaging-materials-the-hows-and-whys/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
How to Install Sod in New Jersey
Have you been wanting to have a full green lawn, but aren’t sure how to install sod correctly?  This article will help you understand everything you need to know. Sod installation often scares people away from getting a full, healthy lawn, but it does not have to be difficult, and this article will help to make it clear.   Installing…
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from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/how-to-install-sod-in-new-jersey/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
How to Treat and Prevent Brown Patches in your Grass in New Jersey
Brown patch is a destructive turfgrass disease that can spread quickly and overtake your yard.  It can be hard to notice at first, but as temperatures and humidity increase over the summer, it will become visible. If you suspect your lawn may be infected with brown patch act quickly to treat it.  You may see something wrong with your yard,…
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The post How to Treat and Prevent Brown Patches in your Grass in New Jersey appeared first on Chris James Landscaping.
from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/how-to-treat-and-prevent-brown-patches-in-your-grass-in-new-jersey/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
Top Reasons Why Your Company Should Reduce Packaging Waste
It is no secret that our culture is moving in a more environmentally safe direction. Our team at Western Packaging want to make sure we are really doing our part when it comes to reducing our packaging waste. Reducing waste can not only help the environment but it can also save you money in the long run. Waste is absolutely unavoidable, but it is what you do with that waste that really counts. We are going to look at a few ways you can prevent waste and make do with what you have. Minimalistic Approach To Packaging Materials We understand that packaging is a big deal, it is the first thing your customers see, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be over the top. Sleek, streamlined packaging can not only save resources but it can draw the eye and look very modern and professional. Consider the goods that you are packaging when finding the perfect fit for them. When you choose a package that better suits the size and shape of what you are storing you not only prevent packaging waste but you also save energy. The less packaging a manufacturer provides the less energy they use, in turn […]
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from Local Business News http://westernpackaging.com/top-reasons-why-your-company-should-reduce-packaging-waste/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
How To Best Store Your Dry Goods
Storing your dry goods is a completely different ball game than storing other types of perishables. Every business wants to offer their customers the freshest product and keep their business profitable. The team at Western Packaging are pros when it comes to storing most anything especially when it comes to how to best store your dry goods. Temperature Is Key The temperature at which you store your dry goods is tremendously important. It is probably one of the most important things to abide by. Dry goods should be stored between fifty and seventy degrees Fahrenheit. Can you believe that for every 18-degree increase the shelf life reduces by half? That is a huge reduction in shelf life and exactly the reason temperature should be carefully monitored. Storing your dry goods in cooler temperatures helps to reduce respiratory activity, the breaking down of enzymes in the food, and internal water loss. Environmental Conditions Keeping the storeroom cool is number one but there are some other factors you are going to want to consider. Dry goods are best stored in a dry and well-ventilated area, with little humidity, no higher than 15 percent. Consider a dehumidifier or an air conditioning unit during […]
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from Local Business News http://westernpackaging.com/how-to-best-store-your-dry-goods/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
Tips For Hiring The Right Lawncare Company
We want you to find the right lawn care company that will give you the quality service you want and need.  Use the information below to make sure you are making a well-informed decision for an awesome lawn, and your family’s finances, health and safety. 1. What do you need or want? Are you wanting a quick run-over of your…
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from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/tips-for-hiring-the-right-lawncare-company/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
5 Tips For Storing Hay In The Winter
Winter is upon us and it is vital that you protect your investment and start of the year right. Whether you get snow or not winter is typically a wet time of year across parts of the United States. Western Packaging wants to help you protect your assets and offer tips for storing hay in the winter. 1. Promote Proper Bale Density Proper bale density is an important part of protecting your hay, even more so when there is the possibility for moisture loss. Loosely packed hay can retain moisture that can penetrate the hay allowing microbes to use the oxygen to break down the hay’s nutrients. If this happens excessive losses are to be expected. A simple way to check your bales density is to press your palm up against the bale. If you can press the bale in by more than a half an inch, the bale is too loose and you should expect losses. You can prevent losses in these specific bales by storing them inside. 2. Store Your Hay Indoors Storing your hay indoors is always the best option, being that you can better control its climate and environment. You will preserve color and quality and […]
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from Local Business News http://westernpackaging.com/5-tips-for-storing-hay-in-the-winter/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
Ways to Make Your Lawn Greener in New Jersey
If you’re a home-owner who wants a luscious green lawn that’s the envy of all your neighbors, these tips are for you.  There are a few steps to take to give you a beautiful lawn. These steps are presented here clearly so you can be sure to have the lawn you’ve always wanted. Steps for a Green Lawn: Soil test…
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from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/make-lawn-greener/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
Best Ways to Water Your New Jersey Lawn
All beautiful lawns require adequate water in order to be luscious. The team here at Chris James put together a few tips for you on the best ways to water your New Jersey lawn. Figure Out Which Type of Grass You Have Do different types of lawns need to be watered differently? Should I maintain my yard differently depending on…
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from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/best-ways-to-water-your-new-jersey-lawn/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
What Is A Self-Opening Square Bag and How Can I Use It In My Business?
Western Packaging has a plethora of options when it comes to bags and ways to ship your goods across town or across the world. One popular method of shipping goods is in a self- opening square bag. We are going to explain to you exactly what a self-opening square bag is and how you can use it in your business. What Is A Self-Opening Square Bag Self-opening square bags are gusseted and have a square bottom that is sealed shut with a very strong, high-quality adhesive. When a bag is gusseted it is reinforced in such a way that it can carry more weight and product. Usually, a square bag is good for palletizing and the square bottom allows it to stand alone without the support of another human, a machine, or other objects. After they have been filled these bags are then sealed by sewing them shut, stapling, or taping them closed. Our paper self-opening square bags can even be labeled for easy identification or branding if necessary making your product stand out. Filled bags can then be stacked and organized in a uniform fashion because they are cubic in shape. Wood Shavings, Wood Fibers, and More These bags […]
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from Local Business News http://westernpackaging.com/what-is-a-self-opening-square-bag-and-how-can-i-use-it-in-my-business/
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michaeloharaus · 6 years
Best Organic Fertilizer Options For Your New Jersey Grass
If you’re a gardener who wants a beautiful garden using organic ingredients, these tips on fertilization will be helpful. There are a variety of organic options to give you the beautiful garden you’ve always wanted. Sorting through these options can be confusing. That’s why the team here at Chris James put together some resources to help you. Organic Fertilizers First,…
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The post Best Organic Fertilizer Options For Your New Jersey Grass appeared first on Chris James Landscaping.
from Local Business News https://www.chrisjameslandscaping.com/best-organic-fertilizer-options-for-your-new-jersey-grass/
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