michaelxrutherford · 2 days
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"Oh yeah? I love that." It was how it usually worked for most artists, especially painters. Taking inspiration from their surroundings, the people in their lives. For Michael it worked a bit different. He had a movie brain, after all. He used his inspiration for an idea to make a moodboard of things, and that usually expressed itself in a form of art. To each their own, of course. And the results didn't lie. "It's really good." He said once more, leaning forwards to inspect one of the paintings better, observe every stroke of colour. "How much for this one?" @hazalxalpman
The excitement that surrounded his realization flushed her cheeks. Hazal was not open about her artwork with many people and taking a chance by putting them up for sale during wine month was something she never thought she would do. Yet, encouragement from her friends had led her here. "Thank you," she smiled at him, momentarily ducking her gaze before looking back up at him. "Mostly from living here," she told him, "Kismet is too beautiful not to document," she continued on, "life, anywhere really, sometimes inspiration just sparks." @michaelxrutherford
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michaelxrutherford · 2 days
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"Good. It'd break the twins' hearts you know?" Michael sniffed, brushing his finger underneath his eye as if wiping away a non existent tear. Distance had never changed their friendship, and he was godfather to his children. He had a pivotal position in their lives now and forever. "I think I do, yeah." He had to think for a moment when it vaguely came to him. He remembered the retreat, but the fact he didn't remember the woman was surprising. When Jason mentioned she lived here, Michael let out a short laugh. "All roads lead to Kismet Harbor, huh." The man mused. "So? Are you seeing her again?" @jasonxamato
Jason held up his hands, shaking his head before his hands fell back to his side. "You caught me red handed," he joked with Michael. Family had never been so important to him until he had grown close with Michael and especially, the twins as he didn't have children of his own and didn't know if he'd ever have a chance to. "Of course I love you all," he told Michael with a growing smile, "so, remember that woman I was telling you about at the camping retreat?" The one that Jason had taken after the company he worked for went up in metaphorical flames, "Turns out she lives here, too." @michaelxrutherford
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michaelxrutherford · 6 days
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"Wow, that sounds so weird I actually believe it." Michael nodded, hands on his hips as he watched her. He wasn't buying it, of course. But it gave him grand ideas. "Tell me more. Who is they, how'd they do it? What happens when they own you?" He wouldve pulled out his notebook had he carried it with him, but he was well reliant on his mind that he was able to remember this later on when he got home. @kvtieansley
Katie nodded eagerly, keeping her voice as low as possible. After all, "The Man" could be listening. "Of course they include those tunnels! That's how they get ya! They lure you into these tunnels so they can cut off your communications to the outside world. Because if they can cut off communication?" She leaned closer, blinking. "They control the narrative. They own you."
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michaelxrutherford · 6 days
"I'm sure Stanton is capable enough on deciding the tiebreak." Michael said, a smile adorning his lips as he let out a chuckle. "I won't force you, if you don't feel like it, I'll get changed and do some painting, but if you'd like to come we should probably leave in fifteen minutes, give or take." He uttered, knowing that was quite a pressure on her to decide. He put his hand beside his mouth so the children couldn't see, whispering. "I'll even score us some McDonalds on the way back." @lexisfontenelle
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"Oh. That's too bad." She said, knowing her was looking forward to this and now it was a ruined night. Huxley ran over and grabbed the popcorn from her and she smiled before looking back at Michael. She was about to ask if he wanted to join them when he asked her if she wanted to join him instead. Lexi's eyebrows furrowed and she just watched him. "Oh, are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose or anything. Besides, it's movie night and someone has to help make the final decision on the movie." She said, unsure if she should say yes or if that was weird to do with your boss. @michaelxrutherford
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michaelxrutherford · 8 days
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"It's a party, especially around dinner time. Halfway through making it they're already over it." Michael snickered, holding his twins close. He knew it had been harder on them ever since their mother had been out of their life. There was confusion, they didn't understand and he didn't want to give them reason to dislike their mother, especially at such a young age. "I've been having an excellent time. Everyone has been accomodating, the kids are having fun in school. I've been told there's a knitting club since I wanted to see if crochet was my thing, so we'll see." He answered her, looking down at the twins who seemed to be having fun in their made up language with each other. "How about you?" @jaslenexclairmont
"Spiderman and a unicorn, now those are great ideas." Jaslene complimented his children's ideas for face painting. The brunette smiled as his daughter let out a laugh before turning around to hug him. Moments like that were fleeting. Before she knew it, Davina would be learning how to drive and Althea wouldn't be far behind. She was going to take every opportunity to make sure they enjoyed their youth and make sure that she did as well. "It's funny how quickly they can change their minds, huh?" She laughed softly with the idea, "How've you been? Adjusting to living here?" @michaelxrutherford
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michaelxrutherford · 8 days
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"I can get behind that." Michael mused, never really been much of a drinker himself due to his condition but on occasion he'd indulge a little. Never too much that he'd risk himself falling down. Sampling wine would be safe enough. "I'm more of a white wine myself, but I don't mind experimenting, that's for sure." He laughed at the cheese addiction comment, shrugging as if to say 'I feel you there.' He shook her hand, giving her a smile at her warm welcome. "Thank you. I like being here." @teaganweatherford
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“Honestly, I am mostly here for the wine.” Teagan laughed, turning her attention to the other as he questioned if she was there for the pairing. Teagan didn’t know the first thing about pairing wine and cheese - quite the opposite actually as most of her experience with them was simply from parties with cheese boards and wine friends put together - yet she was always looking for something new to get into. “I’ve always loved red wine, and I’ve always preferred when it was more local, so I figured I could try a good local wine while also learning what kind of cheeses to pair with it.” She shrugged. “I may be a bit of an addict when it comes to cheese.” She laughed. Extending her hand, she met the others. “I’m Teagan; it’s good to meet you Michael. Welcome to Kismet Harbor.” @michaelxrutherford
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michaelxrutherford · 10 days
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"Hidden tunnels. Well, we are in America. I highly believe that they added a secret tunnel or cave in every city just waited to be found with hidden and unspoiled treasures." The screenwriter in him joined her on her enthusiasm and fantasy. "Though, do those include the imaginary tunnels that break up a phone call, I wonder?" He mused, arms folded behind his back. @kvtieansley
Katie wasn't paying much attention to, well, anyone. But eventually she turned to her right and was met by an unfamiliar male presence. At first she was confused, but as he spoke, her confusion turned to exasperation. "Oh? And what about hidden tunnels, hmm? I mean, you think there's no tunnels, but that's what they want you to think," she whispered, as if trying to hide some big secret.
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michaelxrutherford · 10 days
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Family had always been an odd topic to the two: Family. Michael had always grown up an only child himself and moving to the States hadn't much improved the relationship he had with his brother. Their personalities and lifestyles clashed too much that Michael had just turned more to his study and later his job. His father and his brother had reached out once he earned more success, but by that point Michael had no longer been interested. At least he had a brother in Jason. "It's because of the twins too, huh? You can admit it, you love us." @jasonxamato
While Jason had a younger brother, their relationship had long been ruined by that of their parents. He didn't get along with anyone in his family and Michael had been someone he had trusted from the get-go. "Me too," he nodded his head. New York was in the past and it had to stay there, "it's already growing on me and not just because you are here." He joked with the other, a grin growing across his lips. @michaelxrutherford
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michaelxrutherford · 11 days
ft @giovannaxwallace
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michaelxrutherford · 12 days
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He was supposed to have left a couple of minutes ago when he'd received the call. His partner had cancelled on him, and there had been a moment where Michael considered asking Mallory when he realised she was working at the news station that evening. So he had fully accepted the fact that staying at home with the children would be just as fun. He walked in the theatreroom, watching his children bickering about what movie to watch, as Hayden was still enamoured by Encanto ever since it came out. When Lexi spoke, he looked up, offering her a sincere smile. "I almost was. Got cancelled on." He spoke, and then all of a sudden had this famous 'light bulb' moment everyone spoke of. He recognised it because he had them multiple times in his life. "Might be out of the blue, but would you like to come with me? I'm sure I can get Stanton to watch over them." @lexisfontenelle
closed starter for @michaelxrutherford location: Rutherford residence
"Alright, what do we anna do for movie night?" Lexi asked the twins as she finished making a bowl of popcorn. Michael was going out on a date with someone so it was her and the kids and the butler for the evening, but the butler wasn't joining them for a movie. Instead, he was in his room reading while Lexi and the kids took over the living room. "I think it's Hux's turn to pick." She said as she came from the kitchen and stopped when she saw Michael in there. "Oh. I thought you were gone already."
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michaelxrutherford · 12 days
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"That's good then. No real harm done." He joked, hands moving to his sides as he chuckled at her motion. When however she stated that she had made the paintings they stood in front of, he arched an eyebrow. "You made these? No kidding!" His excitement was palpable, turning his attention to the artwork on display. "They caught my eye just now -- where do you draw your inspiration from?" @hazalxalpman
Hazal's lips curled with a smile at the other's small joke. "No, no," she shook her head with the question and a laugh. "I never tap danced to begin with, so phew," Hazal lifted her hand, wiping faux sweat from her brow, "I lucked out there if you ask me. I'm almost glad it was an ankle over a hand," she looked down at the paintings, "or else I wouldn't have been able to finish these." @michaelxrutherford
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michaelxrutherford · 30 days
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Listening to drunk people always was a fun past time, this lady was no different. He stood there, waiting for his ride when he overheard her conversation. Not on purpose, she was just .. loud. When he seemingly, finally, caught her attention, he smiled at her. Clearly he was more than amused about her entire vibe. "I'm good, I don't drink much." He told her, alcohol not really mixing well with haemophilia. "You do realise that Kismet has no tunnels, right? At least not one of those." @kvtieansley
"No, I'm not drunk, mom," Katie rolled her eyes as she stood on the sidewalk downtown, holding back a nervous laugh as she took a sip from the wine glass. For whatever reason, her mother insisted that she was going to turn into a full blown alcoholic if she had one glass of wine. Well, her mother was being paranoid as usual, hence why she had to lie about her current activity.
Maybe she was a little tipsy, though. Although, not enough to cause concern.
Not entirely.
"Wait, hey, I'm going through...a...tunnel...ssss...SSSSS!" She hunk up the phone quickly, breathing a sigh of relief. And that was when she noticed someone nearby, her eyes widening as she took another sip from her glass. "You've gotta try this stuff. It's glorious."
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michaelxrutherford · 30 days
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"Always, you know it." Michael had a brother, but had never formed a proper relationship with him. With Jason it had been natural from the start. He had owed his successes to him, for Jason was the one that encouraged him to drop out and pursue his passion. It had been why he had named his first main character after his friend. An inspiration, of some sort. "New York is in the past, I'm hoping you can find yourself back on your feet here. This town has a certain charm, I like it here." @jasonxamato
starter for @michaelxrutherford
location: downtown kismet harbor
"It's still kind of unbelievable that we are living in the same place again. I can't thank you enough for letting me know about that opening at HCP Holdings," he smiled at his college best friend. "I mean, it, after things went to shit back in New York," his head shook, "I really felt like I was lost. The camping trip helped, but we both knew that would happen." Jason had long last track of the number of backpacking trips the two had embarked on over the years himself.
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michaelxrutherford · 30 days
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The twins would often argue they were getting too old for facepaint, and yet every time they wanted to go anyway. Michael just tried to enjoy their youth and innocence for as long as he could. He knew that in no time they would be teenagers with moods before he had a chance to blink. "What are we thinking, tell Jaslene." He squeezed their shoulders as they leaned against his front. "Spiderman!" Huxley pumped his fists in the air, earning a ruffle through his hair. "A unicorn." Hayden said a little bit more quiet, which was unlike her. But a well placed squeeze on her neck causing a giggle before she turned around to hug his frame. How could he not fall in love with these two? "I believe you. Just yesterday they didn't want any, and now I was dragged over here." @jaslenexclairmont
starter for @michaelxrutherford
location: downtown kismet harbor, face painting
"What are Hayden and Huxley getting?" Jaslene questioned Michael, standing in line next to him and the children. Davina was interacting with his twins while she bounced Althea in her arms. She didn't know how her youngest would react to having her face painted but the brunette figured there was only one way to find out. "Davina was set on having a tiger painted but that was last night so I'm guessing she's long changed her mind." She laughed, knowing her daughter was paying no mind to her.
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michaelxrutherford · 1 month
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Michael could appreciate art in all kind of shapes and forms. From movie making, to writing, to painting and drawing. That was why he could do all those himself. Successful in two, but the latter was mostly a hobby, and under a synonym with the few he could count on one hand he sold. When he learned that there would be stalls during the whole month of may for the wine event, he had been hoping there would be artistic stall owners. So when he spotted one, he wasted no time making his way over. He hadn't recognised the woman until she greeted him a second time, even when he had already replied, and it caused him to look up at her to study her face more closely. Upon recognition, he smiled. What a coincidence. "How's the ankle? Tapdancing again?" He asked, arms folded behind his back. @hazalxalpman
starter for @michaelxrutherford
location: downtown kismet harbor, art vendor tent
When Hazal got a tent to sell her artwork, it was the biggest risk she had taken with it. However, she had the support of her boyfriend, Archie. He had seen her work and so had her sister, Verity, a few others that were confident in her ability that it would sell. It was mid afternoon, not long after the tents had opened up for patrons and Hazal was sitting in the middle of her paintings as residents of Kismet Harbor and tourists began to walk by. She smiled at those she made eye contact with and it wasn't until someone stopped, did she stand up. "Hi," she had turned around, placing her phone on the table before turning to face the person. "Oh, hi," she recognized the other, having run into him and sprained her ankle in doing so. "Welcome," she laughed softly, suddenly feeling insecure that someone was looking at her artwork.
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michaelxrutherford · 1 month
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"Are you here for the pairing too?" Michael asked the woman as he stepped into Mad Monk Brewing. He had signed up on a whim, an attempt to get to know his fellow townsmen better. He had some experience with wine and cheese, but he figured -- why not. "I'm Michael. Nice to meet you." @teaganweatherford
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michaelxrutherford · 1 month
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"Having them explore foods is most of the fun. First time this one had chocolate, her eyes widened so much I was almost scared she'd pull a muscle." Michael joked, though was forever glad he caught it on video. He'd show Max, but it was safely tucked away on a digital drive. "Sounds like an excellent place to keep the juices flowing. I'm more used to directing behind the camera, not live on a stage." Though he supposed it wasn't that different. He just couldn't yell cut through it all. "Yeah? Good on you buddy. I don't have a script for you but I can keep an ear out if you'd like?" @maxdiaz
He grinned "Oh what a lucky kid" he teased as he loved that sort of thing as a kid too. Getting something that was normal for one meal and another was always a great treat. "Esme will love that once she's a little older" She was still a bit young for all foods yet. He smiled at his friend's comment. "He nodded as he looked around the place "It maybe not be that big of a place...." he smiled "But I like it here" it was a good start for him and not as busy. It gave him time with Esme and that's what he wanted right now. He looked at Esme playing and smiled back at his friend "But I have been looking into smaller scripts tho" he grinned "Nothing major like guest start stuff on some shows" he nodded. Tor tip his toe back in but not be full scale like before. @michaelxrutherford
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