michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Tips & Tricks to Fix Your Slow Drain Problem
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Ever wondered if you could fix your slow drain all by yourself without having to pour chemicals down the drain? Sometimes the reason behind the slowness is just a little bit of build up or a big old ball of hair that just never went down. In either of these cases, you should absolutely try fixing your slow drain yourself before calling a plumber to take care of it for you.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Scenes from a Nursery Trade Show
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The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show is happening in Baltimore this week, and garden communicators (formerly “writers”) were there in droves! Here we all are at the breakfast event for media. Well, here they all are – I'd already started canvassing the vendor booths for familiar faces and interesting stuff to post about.
GardenRanter Scott Beuerlein was there, too and he's actually in the photo – back row, right of center.
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So who should I spot right away but these titans of the plant world greeting each other like the old pals we know them to be. That's Dr. Michael Dirr on the left with Dr. Allan Armitage, both of the University of Georgia.
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What followed was the taking of lots of posed photos like this one, but the one I wish I'd gotten included a guy I later learned was UGA Coach Vince Dooley, who's famous for his garden.
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I visited Carolyn Mullet and her Carex Tours booth to chat a bit and give me an excuse to recommend her European garden tours with their emphasis on great design.
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I stopped here to ask the succulent expert how to keep alive the succulent houseplants I got for Christmas, which are suffering already. More on that in an upcoming post.
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I have recycled Adirondack chairs like these in a wonderful color and was pleased to see all sorts of other furniture options now available in similar materials and colors. They last a lifetime with no maintenance and are comfy.
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I caught up with Mark Highland of Organic Mechanics (right) and was happy to hear business is good.
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This fabulous booth introduced me to a garden center not far from me – so yay!
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Best Bees is an urban beekeeping service that's exhibiting at MANTS for the first time. I hope they're having a great show!
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I stopped at Terra Nova Nurseries in Oregon hoping to see owner Dan Heims, who's been having health problems. He wasn't there but I learned that he's planning to attend an IPM conference in Germany soon, so his spirits seem to be good.
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This is what even moderate-size trees look like when wrapped for moving and planting. I was told it weighs 3,800 pounds. Do not try this at home.
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The Kurt Bluemel booth is always attractive and a reminder of how much the founder is missed. (See Alan Bush's lovely tribute in memoriam.) I learned that the fellow in this shot is Kurt's grandson.
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Author David Culp was manning the booth for Sunny Border Nurseries and whatever they're paying him, he deserves a raise because the man can SELL. I left feeling guilty that I'm not interested enough in snowdrops (galanthus) to attend a whole conference about them (while applauding plant geeks who specialize in them, or really anything).
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I'm a fan of Sandy's Plants in my home town of Richmond, VA. Visitors get to drive around the nursery in individual golf carts! And it's just five minutes from Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.
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I was hoping to see the super-fun Lloyd Tavern at his Peace Tree Farm booth but he was busy working the floor.
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Now THIS was interesting – these magazines about the green industry include Cannabis and Dispensary. They serve the fastest growing segment of the hort biz, the growing and selling of cannabis. (If you've seen a book store lately and they have a gardening section at all, it's probably filling up with pot-growing books.)
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Kudos to Southern Living Plant Collection for a gorgeous display.
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At the large Knock Out Rose booth I asked a bunch of questions about rose rosette disease and will be posting about the answers soon.
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The National Arboretum booth was a sad reminder of the political storm brewing in nearby D.C. It's closed for the shutdown, with only friends-group volunteers available to man the booth.
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Lots of garden-communicator pals were stopping at the GardenComm booth (formerly Garden Writers) to greet president Becky Heath and let her talk them into speaking on camera about the organization. Here's Pat Stone of Greensprints Magazine stepping up to the challenge.
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This Halloween-packed booth was one of many selling nonplant-related STUFF that's so important to the business of independent garden centers.
So what's missing from this photo-packed post? Shots of the vast majority (maybe 98%) of the booths that sell products of no interest or relevance to home gardeners at all. This show is for the trade, not us. So I just breezed by all the nursery irrigation systems and the dozens of Christmas tree growers and made it home before dark.
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Wait! I found one more shot of a bunch of garden communicators lunching together that doesn't include me – because I'd just left the group. I'm sure that wasn't deliberate.
Until next January, that's all from the show (unless Scott has his own report. It was his very first MANTS.)
I love this event and the three media events and parties that come with it (thank you, event people!). It's an emotional lift in the midst of winter. And it makes me really happy to be part of the wonderful this world of plant people. I found my peeps.
For our Feedblitz subscribers, the author of this post is Susan Harris.
Scenes from a Nursery Trade Show originally appeared on GardenRant on January 11, 2019.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Color Trends for Kitchens 2019
by Ryan O.
As we begin the new year, let's look at some of the new trends we are seeing from kitchen interior designers predicted to be big in 2019!
The color pair that is everywhere in kitchens: NAVY BLUE/WHITE
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Navy Blue is appearing in magazines and showrooms right now not as a color for accessories, but as the color of the new kitchen cabinet. This is a darker blue that in some parts of the fashion world, can be treated as neutral as a sophisticated looking hue. We are veering away from the monochromatic kitchen, specifically, the all-white kitchen which requires effort to maintain.
This hue is often paired with white and creates a high contrast, elegant look.
You will even see a more specific version, LACQUERED NAVY, referring to the smooth lacquer finish of drawers and cabinets. Stylistic without being safe, this sapphire color will be an instant classic. Fans of the series “Doctor Who” have even referred to this color as “Tardis Blue” named after the iconic time traveling vessel.
The color of fixtures: BRUSHED BRASS, COPPER AND GOLD
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While silver will always continue to be popular, it is the metallic equivalent of “a neutral white” and new kitchen designs are looking for a detail that stands out.  Enter the very classic colors of copper, gold and brushed brass for drawer handles and knobs. Slightly more showy than its silver counterparts, these metallics are understated but noticeable to be appreciated. These colors go well with jewel-toned hues and create a modern, subtle lavishness when paired together.
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Interior design is embracing the Danish trend of Hygge (pronounced Hoo-ga). What is Hygge? It emphasizes coziness with a foundation level of functionality. There is almost a spirit of winter holidays around this aesthetic and it's affecting how we see the kitchen in 2019.
There is a trend towards natural looking grains in woods with its natural patterns and waves, either on cabinets and other surfaces. Also popular in this design is reclaimed wood, especially furniture with this style. Around the kitchen are materials such as metal and concrete and the emphasis is on natural textures.
Another popular design element for Kitchens: CREATIVE KITCHEN TILES
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Decorative tile is getting more and more popular as we go away from the monochromatic look. Kitchen floor tiles with patterns appear in interior kitchen designs (several of them appearing with the dark blue color mentioned earlier). But another place where we will see this creative tiling is the kitchen backsplash, heavily influenced by Moroccan and Spanish styles, but also highly geometric styles that aren't just limited to perfect squares.
Prepare for 2019 to be more bold and expressive in places that you would never expect in the kitchen!
Increasing trend in Kitchen cabinets: EUROPEAN STYLE CABINETS
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Gaining popularity over the past few years, the kitchen cabinets are becoming progressively more minimalist, even to the point where handles are not present and the structure relies on the magnetic press system to open a cabinet door rather than using a knob or a handle.
There is also another trend, again moving away from the solid “one color” kitchen: Two-toned kitchen cabinets with white upper cabinets on the top and a darker color near the countertops. This bi-color kitchen is a choice that creates more depth and interest in your kitchen.
Retro design that has come back in fashion: TERRAZZO SURFACES
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This classic mosaic surface may be most known in the patterns of Hollywood's Walk of Fame Stars, but it had been a prevalent, recognizable pattern in the 1920s, in the 1950s, again in the 1970s and is starting to appear in kitchen modeling designs again.  Terrazzo is often used as a background texture for minimalist kitchens and is created by putting different materials into a cement or polymer mixture, creating a sporadic pattern for each tile but still maintaining a homogenous look.
While this pattern is often used in flooring, it is also appearing as terrazzo kitchen backsplash and even terrazzo countertops.
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What do you think about the new trends for kitchens in 2019? Looking for other design ideas? Best Online Cabinets has a whole board of them.
The post Color Trends for Kitchens 2019 appeared first on Best Online Cabinets.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
4 Fruit Infused Water Recipes
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Fruit Infused Water never tasted better! These 4 delicious fruit infused water recipes include POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice ice cubes for a flavor burst you'll love. Stay hydrated with us in 2019 with these refreshing and easy to make fruit infused waters! We're kicking the New Year off right ...
The post 4 Fruit Infused Water Recipes appeared first on Fit Foodie Finds.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
What Colour Works Best for Your Kitchen?
Finding the right colours for your kitchen can be the difference from a fantastic design and one that looks disjointed and uncoordinated.
What colour works best for your kitchen? This is a question that we are going to explore in this weeks' blog at the Kitchen Warehouse.
You might have great cabinets, a new floor or modern appliances but if you mess up the wall colour this can all be in vain. Choosing the right colour to suit your design is vital.
There are a few things to think about first and questions that you need to ask yourself.
How much natural light do you have?
The size of your kitchen and how much natural light you have will have a big impact on your colour scheme.
Kitchen's that have a lot of natural light coming in can afford to have a darker colour on the wall. This could be with windows or even skylights and if there is an abundance of sunlight coming into the room you can potentially choose a duller colour. This is because there is light coming in anyway. In smaller kitchens or kitchens that have limited natural light, using darker colours can have a negative effect. It can make the room feel smaller and claustrophobic.
However, does this mean that dark colours should be avoided altogether?
Should you avoid darker colours?
Not necessarily. Even if you don't have much natural light this doesn't mean that you can't have a darker shade on your wall either.
Some people say that darker colours and dark neutral colours don't promote hunger which is kind of going against the whole point of the room! That being said, the design of every room in your home should be to your taste. If you like darker colours then why not have a dark blue or dark grey on your kitchen walls. If you prefer lighters colours then go for that.
Darker shades shouldn't just be avoided outright. There are a lot of factors that can compliment navy, blacks or grays in the kitchen.
Colours that go well in most kitchens
The debate about what colour works best for your kitchen can last for days without really getting anywhere. We have picked out 5 different colours that are generally universal.
Warm Neutrals
OK, so this isn't 'one' colour per se however warm neutrals cover a range of shades that can work wonders in your kitchen.
Warm neutrals have hints and shades of brown, red, orange, or yellow undertones and work with pretty much any other colour scheme. The reason that warm neutrals tend to work better than what we would call cold neutrals (think colours with undertones of blue or green) is because they are more inviting. These colours fell a lot more homely and provide a friendlier nature to the room overall. You can combine warm neutrals with pretty much anything from striking kitchen cabinets to wood. They are also a good idea to use in a kitchen with an accent wall as we will see below.
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White can often be seen as a bit boring but it is highly effective in creating a clean and minimalist design.
If you want a kitchen that looks uncluttered then white is a great choice. In fact, white painted rooms have an energy about them and as the kitchen is one of the first rooms you go into in the morning in search of some caffeine, white walls can offer a subconscious perk me up. Why not go white on white and combine this with white kitchen cabinets? It is a popular design trend and is becoming a real hallmark of modern kitchen design.
Blue is a colour that is not automatically associated with kitchen design. That doesn't mean that it can be used for great effect in the kitchen and it doesn't even need to be as an accent colour either.
The thing with blue is that it provides a real crisp dimension to your room. It is recommended that you use it quite sparingly so resist the temptation to cover every part of the kitchen in blue. If you are wondering what colour works best for your kitchen and are stumped for ideas that are a little bit different than the norm then consider blue. It isn't that common and will make your kitchen have a unique slant.
We've blogged about having green as one of the primary colours in your kitchen before – Why Green Is The New Must Have Colour. Many people think that green is outdated and is better left as a design trend a few decades ago.
This isn't the case. Green can be a very effective colour to have in your kitchen and it can blend in and work very well with whites, grays and other light colours. Not only is it a very inviting colour it is natural too. Green reminds us of nature and if you want a calm and relaxing vibe to your kitchen, a light shade of green can really help to achieve this effect.
Finally, we have yellow. A nice bright colour that reminds us of sunshine and summer days. Can it work in your kitchen? Yes!
if you are wondering what colour works best for your kitchen then yellow should be a stronger contender because it can go with nearly anything. In fact, if you have a lot of gray in your room then yellow works fabulously with this and helps to bring it to life. Yellow is great too at reflecting light so if you have a dull kitchen or one that doesn't receive a ton of natural light then yellow can help to brighten to the whole room.
Think about an accent wall too
If you are still debating what colour to paint your kitchen or if you think it could do with something to make it appear more modern then consider an accent wall.
Creating an accent in your kitchen is very easy and can have a massive effect on how your room looks. It can bring attention to one particular part of the room or even just break up an monotony of colour. A kitchen accent can take many forms from accent lighting, accent kitchen cupboard doors or even just painting one room different than the rest. The possibilities here are endless.
What colour works best for your kitchen?
So, what colour works best for your kitchen?
Like everything when it comes to kitchen design, it depends on you, your tastes and what you want.
The colours we have shown you in this blog will generally go with anything in your kitchen. This is why they are so popular but don't be afraid to experiment and try something new. Just remember to ensure that you don't make your kitchen feel smaller wither dark colours if you have poor natural light or make it overly bright with light colours in a room that is already well lit.
Whether you play it safe or go for something a bit left field, adding a splash of colour to your kitchen can really transform the room even if you don't do anything else.
The post What Colour Works Best for Your Kitchen? appeared first on Kitchen Blog | Kitchen Design, Style Tips & Ideas | Kitchen Warehouse UK.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
How I Traveled for Free: A Weekend in Massachusetts Using SPG Points
This points collector booked a pair of rooms in Cambridge for her sister and herself so they could attend Family Weekend at Harvard. The cardholder Name: Andrea Rotondo Age: 49 Occupation: Editor and small business owner Home: Amelia Island, Florida Credit Card: The Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card from American Express The stay Hotel: Le Meridien...
Rosemarie Clancy is a writer at NerdWallet. Email: [email protected].
The article How I Traveled for Free: A Weekend in Massachusetts Using SPG Points originally appeared on NerdWallet.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Modern's Experts Explain How Winter Affects Pests
Farmers' Almanac Predicts a Cold & White Winter for New England
The Farmers' Almanac, that time-tested and generation-approved compendium of knowledge, has a rough prediction for the 2018-2019 New England winter: teeth-chattering cold lies ahead.
“Contrary to the stories storming the web, our time-tested, long-range formula is pointing toward a very long, cold, and snow-filled winter. We stand by our forecast and formula, which accurately predicted the many storms last winter, as well as this summer's steamy, hot conditions.” Farmers' Almanac Editor Peter Geiger said.
Have mice already started to take refuge in your home? Call Modern Pest today at 1-800-323-PEST or click here to schedule service before you're infested!
And he's right. Last winter the Geiger team predicted nearly every major storm we had.
“We're actually calling for teeth-chattering cold,” said Geiger managing editor Sandi Duncan. “It's going to be cold and it's going to be snowy. We're summarizing it as 'cold and wet' and the interesting thing is, it looks like winter might start a little bit early. We have some winter storms predicted early on.”
Modern's Expert Opinions
The Farmer's Almanac is the go-to resource for weather. And Modern Pest's team of Associate Certified Entomologists (A.C.E) are who you ask when pests are the issue. We spoke with Modern's Training Manager Mike Peaslee, A.C.E., and Training Specialists Paul Lavallee, A.C.E. and Joe Hyland, A.C.E. to get their opinions on how winter affects pest pressures.
How Does Winter Weather Affect Pests?
They all agree that the main factor is the combination of weather. That will determine pest pressures more than any one thing.
“There are variables that will affect how the winter will impact pests that we deal with. A cold snowy winter isn't necessarily a bad thing for insects,” Mike Peaslee said. “A lot depends on how quickly it gets cold, when we get the snow, etc.”
“When we think in terms of winter killing off pests, you have cold and snow. Snow does not necessarily prevent rodents, especially mice, from entering a home. There is a lot of historical evidence of mice tunneling under a snowpack in someone's yard,” Joe Hyland said.
“Rodents and insect pests will look to come inside if it's 32 degrees or -10 degrees,” Paul Lavallee added.
“The biggest impact I have seen from winter weather is when we get extreme variations in temperatures in a very short time,” Mike Peaslee said.
When winter is extremely cold, but not snowy
When it's very cold with temperatures below zero for long periods of time and there isn't much snow, the cold can start to kill off some eggs and hibernating adult arthropods (such as ticks, mosquitoes, and ants).
“Ideally, a very cold winter, with little snow, will have some impact on the numbers of pests that survive to hatch or 'wake up' in the spring,” Joe Hyland said.
“If we have a light snow year and cold temps, more ticks will die from exposure,” Paul Lavallee added.
Don't want insects and rodents for roommates this winter? Click here to schedule service with Modern Pest today!
When winter is extremely cold, AND snowy
When it's extremely cold and very snowy, the snow can insulate ticks and other pests from the brutal air temperatures. It acts as a protective blanket.
“The Almanac prediction will probably benefit pests,” Joe Hyland said. “Additionally, a heavy snow cover, as it melts in spring, provides a lot of moisture for some of these pests to thrive. I always viewed a big snow melt, followed by a warm spring and summer, as a bumper crop for ants and other insects.”
A snowy winter that results in a wet spring can also provide a large crop of grasses and seeds that rodents feed upon while mating. This can lead to increased rodent activity the following autumn.
When winter is not that cold, but snowy
As stated before, snow can act as a protective blanket for pests. When it's very snowy but not that cold, pests and their overwintering sites will be insulated by the snow. This will increase the number of pests that will survive the winter.
“A cold, snowy winter can actually be beneficial to insects as long as it doesn't become brutally cold, with temps below zero for extended periods of time prior to snowfall,” Mike Peaslee said.
The Modern Solution
No matter what winter brings, Modern Pest is here to help. Our Homecare Green program protects against over 50 common household pests, including mice, Asian lady beetles, and western conifer seed bugs that might be trying to spend winter in your warm home. Call Modern today at 1-800-323-PEST to get a free quote or schedule service. And stay warm out there!
The post Modern's Experts Explain How Winter Affects Pests appeared first on Modern Pest.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
3 Things Senior Living Communities Should Consider When Hiring Landscape Maintenance
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  Considering landscape maintenance for your senior living community?
At Schill Grounds Management (SGM) we understand that a safe, clean and well-maintained landscape is attractive to families seeking senior living for their loved ones.
As the landscape maintenance and snow removal provider for one of the top rated independent and assisted living facilities in Ohio (St. Mary of the Woods), amongst other facilities, we have the knowledge and expertise of maintaining and preserving healthy, vibrant landscapes year-round.
To assist in your search, we've created a list of the top 3 things senior living communities should consider when hiring landscape maintenance professionals: Safety, Service and Communication. Let's get started..
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Why You Should Buy an Investment Property First and a Home Second
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Becoming a homeowner is frequently associated with stability, security, accomplishment, and prosperity. That's why for many people buying a home is a compulsory step towards feeling successful and completed. The truth of the matter is, however, that although buying a home might be a very emotional achievement, it does not always make the most financial sense.
If you've come to a point in life where you have saved up enough cash to put down on a house, it is the smarter financial move to buy an investment property and not a home. You are better off investing your money in a rental property, which will make more money for you while continuing renting. In a few years' time, you will have enough cash to not only buy the home of your dreams, but to also grow your real estate investment portfolio with another rental property.
Let's have a look at the reasons why you should buy an investment property first and only then buy your own home:
1. Financing the Purchase
Most people have to take a mortgage loan when buying a home. Very few are lucky to have enough money in the bank to pay in all cash. Moreover, the majority of lenders (other than traditional banks and a few government programs) are hesitant to lend money to homebuyers as they don't have a guarantee.
The situation is different with real estate investors. When buying a rental property, you are not limited to a conventional loan, but can also finance your property purchase through hard money lenders, private money lenders, crowdfunding, syndication, and other forms of partnerships. You have more options to get creative with financing as the rental income you'll make from the property will help you pay off your loan faster and more efficiently.
In a sense, when you invest in real estate, it is your tenants – and not you – who make the monthly loan payments. So, month after month, you grow equity in your property without paying from your own pocket. Actually, your renters pay for all other recurring expenses such as property tax, insurance, maintenance, utilities, etc. as well. That's one of the most important reasons to go for an investment property before purchasing a home, where you will be the one making all the payments.
2. Making Money in the Short Run
As a real estate investor, you should only buy positive cash flow properties. For this purpose, you have to conduct careful investment property analysis before deciding on a property. With positive cash flow properties, tenants not only make the monthly mortgage payments to the bank, but also make you money. Any part of the rent which doesn't go towards the ongoing rental property expenses comes straight to your pocket in the form of profit. Indeed, as long as you buy a profitable property in the right market and manage it reasonably, rent is the most stable source of income out there. Moreover, you can start making money right away – all you need is a property in a condition which allows to rent it out.
If you decide to buy a home instead, you don't get to make money. Of course, you can say that if you continue to rent the place where you live, you will have to pay rent to the landlord, so you are losing money. The trick is to buy an investment property which brings you more cash than your own rent. You can do that by finding a profitable property type in a strong investment market.
3. Making Money in the Long Term
As a real estate investor, your goal is to make money. A rental property helps you achieve this goal not only in the short term but also in the long run. Once your housing market has experienced enough real estate appreciation, you can sell your investment property. The price you receive for it will be much higher than what you paid for it a few years ago.
Natural appreciation is one of the most important benefits of real estate investing. Thanks to it, you get to make money without putting any efforts into your property. All you have to do is to assure that you maintain it well.
This is different from selling your home. While you can easily sell your investment property to buy a bigger one or to buy two rental properties instead, selling your own home is a very emotional decision, which few will take upon.
4. Having No Limits on the Market
If you are buying a home, you obviously have to choose a property in your local housing market or within a few miles from it. This doesn't make much sense in a high price to rent ratio market, where property prices are too high compared to monthly rental rates. For example, the price to rent ratio in Miami is really high at 29. The average monthly rent is $1,740, while the average property price is $616,000. Such a property price is not something which everyone can afford. In such a housing market, speaking from a purely financial point, it is more rational to rent rather than to buy a home.
At the same time though, if you are buying an investment property, you are not limited to any particular market. With the advancement of professional property management companies, out of state real estate investing is becoming an ever more popular option among property investors. With real estate investments, the sky is the limit. You can find a housing market with high rental demand and relatively low property prices to get high return on your investment.
5. Facing No Restrictions on the Property Type
When you buy a home, you have to take care to choose a property which will serve your needs for decades to come. If you have a family or are thinking of starting one, you better go for a single-family home which will have enough rooms and space for your growing family. This limits the type and number of properties you can purchase in the local market. Not to mention that single-family homes cost significantly more than apartments or condos, let's say.
If you are buying an investment property, however, you can choose any property type, as long as you can afford the down payment. This gives you significantly more options and opportunities to find a property within your budget.
6. Benefiting from Tax Deductions
When you buy a home, you have to start paying property taxes. This is not to say that you don't have to pay taxes if you buy real estate for investment purposes. To the contrary, you have to pay property tax and income tax as well, but you can get tax deductions on many of your business expenses such as travel, office space, utilities, and others. As a real estate investor, you should utilize every opportunity to increase your cash flow and return on investment, so make sure to study all available tax deductions carefully as they apply to your particular situation.
Even if you've spent all your life to this point hearing how important it is to buy a home, you should keep your mind open and realize that this is not necessarily the best decision from a financial point of view. As a matter of fact, buying an investment property makes more sense. If you do your market research and property search well to land a positive cash flow property, you can start making and saving money from month one while growing your equity in your rental property. In this way, your investment property will help you save up enough money soon to buy the home of your dreams.
Daniela Andreevska is Marketing Director at Mashvisor, a real estate analytics tool which helps real estate investors quickly find traditional and Airbnb investment properties. A research process that's usually 3 months now can take 15 minutes. We provide all the real estate information in easy to understand visualizations.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Reader Case Study: Grandmother Of Five Hoping For Financial Security and Funds To Travel!
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Marie is an active, travel-loving grandmother of five who wants our help planning the remainder of her career and her retirement. We're headed to North Carolina today to make sure Marie can meet her goals of financial security coupled with fun!
Case Studies are financial and life dilemmas that a reader of Frugalwoods sends to me requesting that Frugalwoods nation weigh in. Then, Frugalwoods nation (that's you!), reads through their situation and provides advice, encouragement, insight, and feedback in the comments section. For an example, check out last month's case study.
I provide updates from our Case Study subjects at the bottom of each Case Study several months after a Case is featured. You all requested an easier way to track Case Study updates and I have heard your pleas :)! Here's list of all the Case Studies that currently have an update provided at the end of the post (and a hint that if you're a past Case Study participant who hasn't sent me your update yet, send it on over–your fans want to hear from you!):
Reader Case Study: Earn More, Spend Less, Or Both?
Continue reading Reader Case Study: Grandmother Of Five Hoping For Financial Security and Funds To Travel! at Frugalwoods.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Moving to Denver - 10 Pros and Cons You Should Know
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In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates sat atop Pikes Peak and wrote “America the Beautiful,” one of the most well-known patriotic songs of our time. Just about 100 miles away from that summit at the base of the Rocky Mountains sits Denver, Colorado. With its blue skies and panoramic mountain views, Denver, a.k.a. the Mile High City is perhaps one of the most beautiful areas in the country. In fact, its beauty has inspired countless other authors, musicians and pop culture icons.
Maybe this natural beauty is why moving to Denver is so appealing. Or, maybe it's the 300-days of sun a year, easy access to the mountains and inherent outdoor playground. Either way, Metro Denver is one of the fastest growing cities in the nation, with almost 100,000 people moving there in the past seven years. Now, with a population of over three million, the city is scrambling to develop the infrastructure, transit and housing needed to keep pace with the demand.
Would you move to Denver? The area boasts a strong economy and a shiny, new façade that will take your breath away, both literally and figuratively. But some argue that it's overcrowded and expensive. We're exploring some other reasons why you might want to stay or stay away. These living in Denver pros and cons should help you decide if Denver is, in fact, the right choice for you. Have some advice you'd like to share with potential residents? Let us know in the comments below!
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1. Denver is young, hip and desirable.
A millennial haven, 66% of the population in Denver are under the age of 44. Denver is also not a very culturally diverse city. 76.9% of the population is Caucasian, with gentrification being a major hot-button issue. This has greatly impacted the demand for rental housing, which makes homeownership less obtainable.
Denver is among the likes of the San Francisco Bay Area and Seattle when it comes to home price appreciation outpacing income growth and affordability. Apartments rent for an average of $1,519 a month, with median home prices jumping 10% to $420,000 in 2018.
If you can stomach the prices, one major pro of living in Denver is the views. No matter which neighborhood you choose, the metro is surrounded by 140 miles of panoramic mountain views, totaling 200 visible peaks.
That said, the very first step to becoming a Denverite is picking a neighborhood. Living in Denver is an experience, and because so many people want to do it, picking a community can get competitive and pricey (more on that later). Decide whether any of the following areas suit you, then figure out if you can afford it.
Top Neighborhoods in Denver
Fast-paced living with a relaxed vibe is possible in any of the following city neighborhoods. However, each area offers a little something different, which make picking the right one that much more important. Here are a few of the best places to live in Denver.
The Highlands – Widely accepted as one of the most desirable places to live, the Highlands, and LoHi (Lower Highlands) specifically, is teeming with innovative restaurant concepts, hip rooftops, patios and boutique shops.
Average apartment rental: $2,023
RiNo (River North) – If you don't want to be a LoDo (Lower Downtown) Ballpark Bro, RiNo is downtown Denver's hipster neighbor. Full of trendy warehouse conversions, street art and an explosion of bars and restaurants, it's the current place to see and be seen.
Average apartment rental: $1,727
Capitol Hill – A bit rougher around the edges, Cap Hill is generally regarded to be the most affordable and convenient neighborhood in city proper. Home to the Capital building, it's major thoroughfare of Colfax Avenue is the longest street in America.
Average apartment rental: $1,519
We spoke with seasoned broker and real estate agent, Irene Glazer of Live Urban Real Estate for some insight. “Preference on which neighborhood to choose can vary widely based on taste and budget,” Glazer explains. “Do you like urban, suburban, hip, up-and-coming, walkable, trendy, affordable, accessible to mountains/downtown, parks? Denver has a wonderful array that will fit most any lifestyle.”
Glazer gave us a sampling of a few more under-the-radar Denver neighborhoods that have their own unique charm and character.
Harvey Park - This neighborhood is located in Southwest Denver and is bounded by South Sheridan, Hampden, Lowell, and Jewell. Built in the 1950's, it's known for its selection of some of Denver's best and most affordable, mid-century modern architecture. Cliff May-style California Contemporary homes fill the neighborhoods' quiet, suburban-like streets.
Average home prices: in the low $400,000s.
Platt Park -  This area is located in Southeast Denver and is bounded by Downing, Broadway, Evans and I-25, Platt Park is seeing many of its older homes remodeled for 21st century living as well as quite a few new builds and pop-tops. The neighborhood is lovely, charming and walkable with one of the best/quaintest shopping districts, South Pearl Street. Don't miss the summertime Farmer's Market because it's arguably the best in the city.
Average home prices: around $500,000.
Sunnyside - Located in Northwest Denver, Sunnyside is bounded by I70, 38th, Federal and I25. It's an up-and-coming neighborhood near trendy Tennyson and is already pretty well discovered, yet still in transition. It's easy to take a bike ride or a walk downtown, and there is easy access to get out of town. This area has a wonderful mix of old architecture as well as new (mostly attached) homes. Trendy coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and home goods stores are starting to pop up everywhere.
Average home prices: in the $500,000s.
Denver Suburbs to Consider:
Denver is a good place to raise a family if you have the right resources, like a stable job and a steady income. Bringing some kids along for the move? Check out some of these top rated Denver suburbs.
Stapleton – Stapleton is a new neighborhood that popped up a few years ago built on the old airport base. Its proximity to the city and relative affordability of new builds makes it a popular option for young families.
Arvada - Olde Town Arvada has one of the cutest “Main streets” of any suburb. Its popularity has also caught on the past few years, driving up home prices.
Englewood - This is a suburb with a lot of variety. Englewood has small, affordable homes with character located near the fun and funk of South Broadway, suburban “tract” style homes near the Denver Tech Center and sprawling mansions in Cherry Hills Village.
Wheat Ridge - Close enough to the city yet a world away, Wheat Ridge is a natural expansion from NW Denver. There's tons of new development happening on 38th Ave., with breweries and restaurants clamoring to get in on the action.
2. Denver is becoming a major city.
There are so many opinions out there as to whether or not living in Denver is affordable. Some stats say yes it's affordable (compared to metros like New York City), but rapidly increasing rental prices and fast selling homes say otherwise. While living in Denver is much more affordable than living in places like Los Angeles, it's still pricey. For instance, the median home cost in Denver is $421,900, which just about doubles the national average of $216,200.
Before moving to Denver, make sure you're able to spend within your means, which means allotting no more than 30% of your salary to housing costs. If you're looking to buy or rent before relocating, make sure you give yourself plenty of time. Finding a place is highly competitive so most people use a rental agent. If you opt to rent, make sure you know your rights as a Colorado tenant.
Denver Housing Market Stats
Irene Glazer also helped us understand just how the housing market has changed over the past few years. Here are some highlights:
The Denver housing market has been appreciating at a double-digit clip since we started our climb out of the recession in about 2013. This past year we saw a bit slower appreciation of about 8%.
Our average sold price in metro Denver finished out at approximately $475K in 2017, and the prediction is that we will be around $500K by the end of 2018.
Inventory is still the biggest buzzword, and we are still extremely short on it, without a reprieve in sight.
We are about to enter the “Market Compression” phase in our annual real estate cycle where demand picks up before homes are listed, creating our early spring frenzy. This creates additional challenges as inventory levels typically continue to fall through January. If demand picks up, multiple offers, bidding wars and heightened flash sales could accelerate pricing earlier than expected in 2018.
Not sure whether you should rent or buy? According to Glazer, weighing expected appreciation, even at modest rates of 6% (Denver's historical average), against impending rent increases, it is still more advantageous to own vs. rent in the Denver market.
3. The cost of living in Denver won't break the bank, yet.
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The biggest hurdle new residents face when moving to Denver is housing costs. Other than that, most cost of living expenses is more or less comparative to other cities.
Cost of Living Factors:
Taxes - Property taxes are relatively low, sales tax is high, and income tax falls right in the middle at 4.63%.
Health Care - Costs about 17% more than the national average.
Groceries - You'll pay about 4% less than the national average.
4. Denver's economy is booming.
Higher paying jobs are available in Denver because so many top companies want to be based here. However, that means the competition for a quality job is that much more intense. Also, wages in Denver might not be as high as they need to be to afford the cost of living.
The average median income in Denver is $57,773, which is about 6% less than than the national average. Even if you can afford to live in Denver today, it's important to note that average salary increases aren't keeping pace with rising rents.
This discrepancy between rising housing costs and stagnant salaries could cause an issue a few years in and force a move further outside the city. Make sure you have a job in hand and some additional savings before relocating to this highly desirable area.
Top Denver Industries & Companies:
Tech - The startup scene is exploding with companies like Baker Technologies and more established companies like Google and HomeAdvisor.
Aerospace -Denver is keen on becoming “Aerospace Alley” (their play on Silicon Valley) with major companies like The Boeing Company, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman located here.
Agriculture - Colorado's food and agriculture industry generates more than $5 billion a year, with companies like Love Grown Foods, Leprino Foods and Nutrien leading the charge. Colorado also ranks third in the nation for craft beer sales and production.
Casual Concepts - Noodles & Company, Smashburger, Qboda and Boston Market are all headquartered here.
Marijuana – Cannabis is big business, bringing in more revenue than some small countries.
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5. Once you adjust to the altitude, the weather is incredible.
The quality of life in Denver is highly desirable, once you get used to the lack of oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, Denver is not located in the Rocky Mountains. It is a mile or so above sea level, though (5,280 feet, to be exact), and that can take your body some time to adjust. For most people, the pros far outweigh the cons as far as weather is concerned.
What It's Like Living in Denver:
There are an estimated 300 days of sunshine every year. Even though the summers are hot, they lack humidity, which makes them more comfortable.
The sky is bluer and the stars are brighter than other parts of the country due to the high-desert climate and elevation.
Some of the top weekend vacation destinations are located within a few hours of Denver.
The temperature can rise or fall by 40 degrees in a day due to the altitude, so always dress in layers.
Since the air is thinner, there are lower levels of oxygen, which can take a toll on your body if you're not used to it or have an ongoing medical condition.
Tips to Acclimate to the Altitude:
The air is really dry, which can dehydrate your body if you're not drinking enough water. Make sure to drink more water than you normally would, and always have chap-stick handy.
Take it easy upon arrival. If you plan to do any mountain activities, give your body a few days to acclimate.
Make sure to get enough sleep if the altitude makes you feel drowsy.
At higher elevations, the sun is more intense, so always wear sunscreen!
6. Traffic is undesirable in and out of the city.
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One difference between Denver and other large cities is the amount of weekend traffic headed out of the city toward the mountains. Ski traffic is something you'll want to account for if you move here since Denver is situated 75 miles or so from dozens of world-renowned ski resorts. Expect heavy traffic on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in the winter. It can take anywhere from a 1.5-hour drive to 6+ hour nightmare.
But that isn't the only time you'll run into traffic in Denver. Since the city exploded with growth in the past decade, traffic within the metro can get congested too. Luckily, Denver is geographically small so getting to and from anywhere should take about 20-minutes during non-rush hour periods. Also, if you live and work in the downtown area, biking and the new Lime Scooters are a viable way to commute.
Tips for Getting Around:
Be careful where you park. The sides of the street change to accommodate street sweeping.
Consider getting a car with four-wheel drive or one that can handle more rugged mountain driving and varied weather conditions.
The city added new light rail lines in 2016, including one that goes to the airport. Other light rails connect some suburbs to the city.
Denver is a highly bike-friendly city. It's estimated that between 6-7% of downtown employees commute to work by bike.
You can also rent B-cycle bikes from docks around the city, either by the hour or by day.
7. Denver is a beer destination and is on its way to becoming a food destination.
Craft brew fanatics will love that Denver is home to the second most microbreweries next to Portland. In fact, the area has been coined as the Napa Valley of Beer. But if you're looking to enjoy a pint or two during happy hour, remember to drink some water too. If not, you might feel buzzed sooner than you would in cities closer to sea level. Beer can have more of an effect due to thin air.
We spoke with Editor of Rocky Mountain Food Report, Dionne Roberts, on how the food and drink scene has evolved. “Denver's craft culinary and beverage scene continues to show rapid growth with the influx of diverse and gifted chefs, brewers and distillers,” Roberts explains. “More people want to be a part of the mountain culture and that adds depth to the growing number of options and cultivates a higher sense of quality in the cuisine.”
Roberts also shared with us some recommendations for potential residents to visit while in Denver.
Places to Drink:
First Draft - A place to try dozens of local microbrews all under one roof. At First Draft, you're given a swipe card to pour your own tastings.
Black Project Spontaneous & Wild Ales - Specializes in unique, blended and barrel-aged sour beers with industrial airplane-esque decor and meticulous brewing processes.
Epic Brewing Company - Offers a fun, community tasting room with a lineup of dozens of flagship and elevated craft beers.
Black Shirt Brewing Company - Relays an approachable rock n' roll edge in their stylistic, aptly-named beers, live music performances and funky brewery atmosphere.
My Brother's Bar – So old it's been operating since before Colorado was officially a state, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg all hung out here.
Death & Co – If you get tired of beer, this NYC outpost has a literal bible of craft cocktails in the swanky Ramble Hotel.
Williams & Graham – Denver is also huge on speakeasies, with Williams & Graham named one of the top 50 cocktail bars in the world. The coolest part? You have to walk through a bookshelf to find it.
Great American Beer Fest - This fall festival has the largest variety of beer served of any public tasting across the country. You'll be hard-pressed to try them all, since there are over 800 breweries and thousands of beers present. Buy your tickets immediately when they go on sale, as they do sell out in minutes.
Places to Eat:
Euclid Hall - Located in the heart of Larimer Square with a focus on elevated pub fare, a great ambiance and thorough attention to providing locally sourced ingredients.
AVANTI Food and Beverage - Denver basically pioneered the food hall concept, and AVANTI was one of the OGs for its killer rooftop. All vendors have short-term leases as a way to test pilot their concepts.
Beatrice & Woodsley - A whimsical, cozy restaurant with a seasonal craft menu on Broadway that boasts a fairy tale interior perfect for date night or intimate gatherings.
Snooze – Brunch is serious business in Denver, and local chain Snooze is always slammed. Expect to wait about an hour for their signature pancake flights.
Linger – A former mortuary turned “eatuary,” Linger serves innovative, international small places. Don't miss the vintage VW bus on the roof and one of the best skyline views of the city.
The Buckhorn Exchange – A National Historic Landmark, the Buckhorn Exchange received the state's first liquor license and pays homage to the state's game meat culture. If you're brave, it's also the place to try Rocky Mountain Oysters.
Tavernetta – The newly revamped Union Station has really become a must-see destination and hotspot. While all the restaurants are good, Tavernetta is elevated Italian worth seeking out.
TAG – Troy Guard is one of Denver's most beloved chefs. His first outpost has unique fusion dishes, like Hamachi with pop rocks.  
Tacos Tequila Whiskey – Ask anyone what Denver's staple cuisine is, and taquerias are definitely part of the narrative (along with green chile).
16th Street Mall - Located in downtown Denver, this one-mile pedestrian section is packed with tons of cafes, brewpubs and restaurants. After a night out, play one of the ten public pianos on display. It's touristy, but a must-see for first-timers.
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8. There are plenty of fun things to do in Denver.
Relocating to Denver is a much more enjoyable experience when you know there's a ton you'll want to do once you arrive. Do any of the following interest you enough to start packing up your belongings and heading to Denver?
Professional Sports Teams:
Denver Broncos - One of pro football's biggest winners since the merger of the American and National Football Leagues in 1970, with a cult following
Colorado Rockies - Coors Field has jokingly been called the best bar in Denver, so even if you're not a baseball fan, the stadium is worth a visit
Colorado Avalanche - NHL team that won eight division title games in a row–the longest streak in the league
Denver Nuggets - NBA team that has yet to reach the championship round in the playoffs, but is fun to watch nonetheless
Attractions and Fun Things to Do:
Top Golf - Spend a leisurely day hitting some golf balls further than you normally would. No, really. Due to the high altitude, golf balls can reportedly go up to 10% farther!
The Stanley Hotel - Horror fanatics should take an hour trek outside of Denver to visit this historic landmark that inspired Stephen King's 1977 bestseller, The Shining. Want a glimpse into the paranormal? Take their Night Spirit Tour and explore some creepy spaces.
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Red Rocks Amphitheatre - Chances are, if you want to see one of your favorite big time musicians live, they will have played at Red Rocks. The most acoustically perfect outdoor amphitheater in the world, music sounds incredible here and the views are unforgettable.
Denver Performing Arts Complex (The DCPA) - Enjoy a variety of seasonal events on this four-block strip, like Broadway Theatre, ballet and opera.
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9. Taking advantage of the great outdoors is easy all year.
Denver is the ideal location for adventure seekers looking to explore thrilling mountain peaks and valleys. But you don't have to be an adrenaline junkie or avid skier to enjoy outdoor life in Colorado. There are dozens of day trips suitable for the entire family all year round.
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Green Spaces in the City:
Washington Park - Take a pedal boat across Smith Lake for a perfect afternoon with the family.
City Park - Hike the Mile High Trail in this park and get a five-kilometer workout exactly one mile above sea level.
Confluence Park - Take a kayak out and explore man-made kayak chutes located minutes from downtown.
Cherry Creek Bike Path – A 42-mile paved pathway that starts in downtown Denver, you could bike for a few hours or make the day of it.
Ski Getaways:
Vail Mountain Resort - There are 5,289 acres of skiable slopes at this legendary ski spot.
Breckenridge – With five peaks in one resort, travelers come from all over the world to ski Breck.
Winter Park - This is the longest running ski resort in Colorado with over 3,000 acres of award-winning terrain to explore.
Copper Mountain – One of the more local resorts, Copper's naturally divided terrain is a great place to learn and perfect your turns.
Outdoor Adventures:
Rocky Mountain National Park - Denver's most accessible national park, RMNP is 415 square miles of protected mountain land. Drive Trail Ridge Road for epic views and hike the acclaimed Dream Lake.
Mount Evans - Climb the highest paved road in North America and eventually reach the summit at 14,260 feet.
Rocky Mountain Ziplines - Zip through sections of the Rocky Mountains and take in the sights on over 6,000 feet of cable.
Clear Creek Whitewater Rafting – The closest whitewater to Denver, ride the rapids for a real adrenaline rush.
Glenwood Springs – Colorado has more than 30 hot springs, which are a relaxing year-round getaway.
Private Foothills Tour - Take a four hour trek through the Foothills of Denver. There are many stops built into the tour. If you have kids, make sure to stop at Dinosaur Ridge, which is optional.
10. Marijuana is legal, but public consumption is not.
Colorado was the first state to legalize recreational marijuana, which might not impact your life in Denver as much as you think. You may smell it, but you'll rarely see people partaking, as it is still illegal to smoke in public. According to a survey by the Colorado Department of Public Health, only 13.6% of residents partake in recreational marijuana use, and fewer of them smoke every day. While this figure is much larger than the national average, some argue that many pot smokers in other states keep their habit behind closed doors. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, there are some things you should know, as that Rocky Mountain High is a big part of life in Denver.
Marijuana Etiquette:
Dispensaries are identified with green crosses that look like pharmacies. “Bud-tenders” will walk you through the buying process and explain the effects the different strains may have on your body (sativa, indica and hybrids).
If you wish to smoke pot in your home, make sure it is allowed in your lease agreement before you light up.
You must be over the age of 21 to buy and consume pot in Colorado.
Public use of marijuana is illegal, so don't expect to find people lighting up in the streets.
Certain hotels and AirBnbs restrict the use of marijuana on their premises, so be sure to find a smoker-friendly establishment if you're planning a trip and wish to smoke.
Just because marijuana use is legal doesn't mean your boss has to agree. Your company can administer drug tests and create policies banning the use of marijuana.
The marijuana industry is very innovative and there are many ways to experiment with its effects without actually smoking. Topicals, edibles, and vaping are all extremely popular.
If pregnant, the CDPH advises strongly against the use of marijuana. If any newborn baby tests positive for THC, the hospital is advised to contact child protective services.
Make relocating to Denver a relatively simple process.
If you're planning a move to Denver, creating a checklist of everything you need to do can be helpful. In order to be considered a resident of Denver, you must be employed, own a business, or reside in Denver for at least 90 days. Don't forget some of these essential steps to becoming a Denverite.
Moving to Denver Checklist:
Before registering your car, update out of state vehicle titles using this form. Be sure your car will pass the required emissions tests before bringing it into the state. If not, you may have to sell the car before you move.
Transfer your license within 30 days and register your car within 90 days at the DMV.
Decide whether or not you want to update your organ donor status.
Register to vote in Colorado online.
Learn about the requirements for residency as it relates to higher education.
Change your address and have your mail forwarded using this form from the USPS.
Sometimes relocation dates don't match up exactly. If your belongings arrive before you have access to your home, consider temporary self storage in Denver.
We hope you learned a thing or two about life in Denver. Would you ever move here? Do you have some insight you'd like to share? Let us know in the comment section.
This post originally appeared on the Life Storage blog on 2/2/18 and was revised on 1/10/19 to provide new information.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Minimalist Family Home
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The interior design of this unique new family home by Moor Design, is focused on minimalism, functionality and modern aesthetics. It features 5 spacious bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and a large 2 car garage on the back of the lot. Efforts have been made to allow the maximum amount of natural light to flow throughout the space and to connect the interior space to the exterior nature spaces that surround the home. The polished interior finishes feature high-end white oak flooring, european cabinetry, large-scale honed marble wall tiles and bespoke lighting. This three level family home in the trendy Fraserhood neighbourhood was constructed by Asanti Homes and won a second place award for Best 'Other Room' by the National Kitchen & Bathroom Association. 
Photo Credit: Janis Nicolay
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The post Minimalist Family Home appeared first on Decoholic.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Crochet Cat Bed- How to Make a Cat Bed with Chunky Crochet
You kitties will love this crochet cat bed made with super-soft chunky yarn. This free cat bed pattern can be completed in just an hour. All you need is thick yarn from the craft store and a giant crochet needle.  This crochet cat bed is a purrr-fect project for beginner crocheters. Read on to learn how to make one yourself!
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Crochet Cat Bed 
Hey Gnomies,
Today I'm sharing a cute cat bed that I made for my mom and dad's kitties. The cute cat you see above is Flo and she is the sweetest little cat. For this project I used the Ginormous (actual name) yarn from Michaels and a gigantic crochet hook.
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Giant yarn for crochet cat bed
This cat bed uses a similar pattern to the crochet face scrubbie I shared recently.
The thing I love about crochet is that once you have learned some of the basic stitches, you can come up with all sorts of cool projects just by modifying the patterns that you already know.
Supplies for crochet cat bed:
1 skein of Ginormous yarn
1 giant crochet hook
I bought the yarn and hook at Michaels. They had an area in the store devoted to the giant yarn, crochet and knitting supplies over the holidays but you can purchase it through my amazon link below:
.The following are affiliate links. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Thank you for being part of Crafty Little Gnome
Giant Crochet Yarn
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Buy It Now
Giant Crochet Hook
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buy it now
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Directions for crochet cat bed:
Chain two and double crochet 5 times into the first chain.
Slip stitch and chain two.
Double crochet into each of the chains.
Once your work your way around, slip stitch and chain two again.
Double crochet into each of the chains.
Repeat rows until the bottom of the cat bed is as wide as you would like it. I made mine just over 12 inches.
Next, instead of crocheting twice into each stitch, just double crochet once. This will give the bed “sides” and make it taller instead of continuing to get wider.
Once it's tall enough, about 3 rows high, finish off the top edge with single crochet.
You may also like: DIY Dog Dry Shampoo
If you need help with the crochet stitches, here is a video I found on YouTube to help you out: 
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finished crochet cat bed
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At first I was concerned that the cat bed would not be big enough, then I remembered that cats like to jam themselves into tiny boxes and other small spaces. If you aren't sure, err on the side of making it too small. That will be sure to attract your favorite cat.
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  This is my old cat Mylo. This picture is about 10 years old. Way back in the day when I lived in my old apartment he decided my file folder was a great place to take a nap.
DIY Crochet Cat Bed Q&A: 
How do you know what size crochet hook to use?
Use the hook size recommended in your crochet pattern. Always check your gauge with a swatch. Change to a smaller hook if your stitches are too loose or a larger hook if they are too tight. 
How do you introduce a cat to a new bed?
Observe where your cat likes to sleep. Paying attention to where your cat likes to sleep will help you find a good spot for its bed. 
Place the bed in a low traffic area. 
Put some of her toys in the new bed. 
Elevate the bed or go with a perch if your cat likes height. 
Try a new spot if your cat ignores its bed.
  How do I get my cat to sleep in her bed?
Once your cat steps into the bed, hold a treat over his head until he sits down. Praise him and give him the treat when he does. Leave some treats in your cat's bed so he is tempted to come back to it. You can also try sprinkling catnip in the bed to get your kitty interested in it.
{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org","@type":"HowTo","name":"Crochet Cat Bed- How to Make a Cat Bed with Chunky Crochet","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"adrienne"},"datePublished":"2019-01-09","yield":"1 Cat Bed","description":"Make a DIY crochet cat bed from chunky giant yarn.","about":"Fiber art and sewing","image":["https:\/\/www.craftylittlegnome.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/IMG_0017.JPG-1-e1484183925554-720x720.jpeg","https:\/\/www.craftylittlegnome.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/IMG_0017.JPG-1-e1484183925554-720x540.jpeg","https:\/\/www.craftylittlegnome.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/IMG_0017.JPG-1-e1484183925554-720x405.jpeg","https:\/\/www.craftylittlegnome.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/01\/IMG_0017.JPG-1-e1484183925554-735x551.jpeg"],"performTime":"PT1H","totalTime":"PT1H","tool":["Giant crochet hook"],"supply":["Chunky yarn"],"step":"Chain two and double crochet 5 times into the first chain.\nSlip stitch and chain two.\nDouble crochet into each of the chains.\nOnce your work your way around, slip stitch and chain two again.\nDouble crochet into each of the chains.\nRepeat rows until the bottom of the cat bed is as wide as you would like it. I made mine just over 12 inches.\nNext, instead of crocheting twice into each stitch, just double crochet once. This will give the bed \"sides\" and make it taller instead of continuing to get wider.\nOnce it's tall enough, about 3 rows high, finish off the top edge with single crochet."}
Yield: 1 Cat Bed
Crochet Cat Bed- How to Make a Cat Bed with Chunky Crochet
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Make a DIY crochet cat bed from chunky giant yarn.
Active Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour
Difficulty Intermediate
Estimated Cost 15
Chunky yarn
Giant crochet hook
Chain two and double crochet 5 times into the first chain.
Slip stitch and chain two.
Double crochet into each of the chains.
Once your work your way around, slip stitch and chain two again.
Double crochet into each of the chains.
Repeat rows until the bottom of the cat bed is as wide as you would like it. I made mine just over 12 inches.
Next, instead of crocheting twice into each stitch, just double crochet once. This will give the bed "sides" and make it taller instead of continuing to get wider.
Once it's tall enough, about 3 rows high, finish off the top edge with single crochet.
Notice: Undefined index: mv_create_affiliate_message in /home/craftyl8/public_html/wp-content/plugins/mediavine-create/lib/views/v1/shortcode-mv-create-products.php on line 9
© adrienne
Project Type: Fiber art and sewing
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Have you tried making a DIY crochet cat bed? Please share your tips in the comments! 
The post Crochet Cat Bed- How to Make a Cat Bed with Chunky Crochet appeared first on Crafty Little Gnome.
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
2019 Tax Deadline, Start Date, and Extension Dates (for 2018 Calendar Year)
This post has been updated for 2019 (the 2018 tax year). It's January and other than frigid cold temperatures and seasonal mood disorder, you know what that means – tax season has arrived. Someone at the IRS is apparently still working during the government shutdown, as they released a notice today that stated, “We are committed to ensuring that taxpayers receive their refunds notwithstanding the government shutdown. I appreciate the hard work of the employees and their commitment to the taxpayers during this period.” – IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. It remains to be seen if... [Read the rest of the story at 20somethingfinance.com]
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Floor Cushion From 1 Yard of Fabric
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I am in love with this line of fabric from HGTV !!
I was lucky enough to be one of the first to review this fabric and I could not be more exited to share this fun tutorial with you. The best part is... It uses only one yard of fabric!!
Read more »
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
Goodbye 2018 and Looking Ahead to New Projects
And so it begins. Back to routines, back to work. Did you enjoy wonderful holidays? I hope the last few weeks have been restful and restorative. I was able to spend lots of time with my family and just enjoy being at home and mostly stayed off of social media. It was wonderful.
I didn't get to write this post before the year's end but I thought it would be nice to reshare some of the things we did in 2018 - and fill you in on what we have planned for the year ahead! Truth be told, 2018 wasn't a great year but I am exceptionally excited for 2019!
We started the year working on #ProjectCraftsDept. It was an empty shell of a room, and we started with vintage-coastal inspiration and installed the flooring. And finally, we finished off this room:
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Modern Coastal Craft Room
Later on in the spring, I shared a room I rarely showed on the blog, our kitchen
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Soon after, we started tackling another unsightly room, the master bedroom, as one of the featured designers of the One Room Challenge. We figured out the layout, added in furnishings and took the room from blue and awkward...
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to cream and calming:
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Summer was all about adding final touches to some of our favourite spaces. The prettiest fabrics
brought charm to our country cottage... 
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and stylish and functional lighting finished off my feminine home office.
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I gave our cottage bedroom a refresh
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and we finally got rid of the eyesore in front of our house and rebuilt our fence!
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Crisp fall days brought exercises in decorating
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A Moody Fall Mantel
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Making the Living Room Cozier
and the debut of my first product collection, the Rambling Renovators x Tonic Living collaboration!
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We ended the year with a reveal of a new floral dining room, a new stair railing, and a bright white one-day paint transformation.
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It was a wonderful second year in this house and we made great strides in making this home more our own. So what's planned for 2019?? We'll be tackling at least these three spaces:
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The powder room
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Chloe's bedroom
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The basement
and likely more. If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that we've finished one of these rooms already! I'll share it here on the blog soon. I hope you'll continue to join me over the next year as we take on more renovating and DIY adventures.
Wishing you a wonderful 2019!
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michelea198531-blog · 6 years
3 Important Things To Stop Procrastinating and Get Done This Year
This post is sponsored by Haven Life Insurance Agency. All opinions are my own.
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We live in a time where convenience is not only nice, it is essential. We can have our groceries delivered, print out postage stamps, and use Face-Time on a smartphone to stay connected to distant loved ones. For busy families like mine and yours, things need to be convenient in order to get them done. One major reason we procrastinate the serious things in life, like setting up a will or getting life insurance, is because we are bracing for an inconvenient process.
Last year we introduced you to Haven Life, an innovative online insurance agency backed wholly by MassMutual. They've made the process of buying term life insurance a lot easier for busy parents like you and I. Founded by a father of two, Haven Life has taken a 4-6 week process and made purchasing dependable coverage easier than ever.
 This year we are thrilled to tell you that Haven life has unveiled Haven Life Plus, a suite of no-cost or discounted services like an online will service (something that's been on my to-do list) and a digital vault for storing and sharing important documents. Haven Life Plus is convenience and value combined to help you take care of the things–and people– in life that matter most.
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3 Important Things To Stop Procrastinating and Get Done This Year
Life is too unpredictable to procrastinate some of the most important items on our to-do list. It's a new year and many of us are more motivated than ever to make positive changes or accomplish necessary tasks.
Like chess, this is the year to make your move on the following:
1.Buy life insurance
If you don't have life insurance coverage, you always live with an uncomfortable pit in your stomach. What if something happened? What would we do? How would we continue to afford our lifestyle. A life insurance policy is an important part of your financial plan that provides a safety net if anything were to happen to you, the policyholder. It is one those important steps in life that every person with financial dependents should take.
Recently my dad, who is 63, pulled me aside and took me into his room. He showed me the filing cabinet that contained all of his important information, including his life insurance policy. We had a very frank discussion about what he wanted to happen in case he died. He told me about his high school buddy who had just passed away from a sudden heart attack. You never know, he told me. The discussion we had that day wasn't scary; it was reassuring and very sweet. It meant that he was looking out for us, and I appreciated that so much.
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If you don't have life insurance, get it. If you aren't sure how much coverage you need, find out. And if you think it'll be expensive, I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised.
The peace of mind it offers your family is priceless.
If you have a partner, kids, or loved ones that rely on you financially, having life insurance is the responsible way to make sure they are cared for if anything happens to you. It's a selfless gesture that is 100% worth the peace of mind. And with Haven Life, you can find term policies that cost less than going out for pizza. A healthy 35-year-old woman can purchase a 20-year, $500,000 Haven Term policy (issued by their parent company MassMutual) for about $24 a month.
Get a quote here.
Before I buy anything, I always read the reviews. If you want to hear what people are saying about Haven Life, check out Haven Life reviews here.
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Realizing that today's families expect convenience, Haven Life has modernized the process of buying term life insurance so that it's digital, simple, dependable, and affordable.
You can start by getting a quote or calculating your life insurance needs if you aren't sure how much coverage your family requires. From there, it's a simple online application process and if approved, coverage can start that day. If a medical exam is needed to finalize coverage, you can take the exam at a time and place of your choosing that are both convenient for your schedule.
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2. Set up a will
It's not the most fun thing to think about, but every adult should have a will in place, especially if you have a family. If you don't have one, this is the year to stop procrastinating and just do it because, like life insurance, creating a will has become much easier.
Haven Life's online partner Trust & Will offers a simple online process for getting an individual or couples' will in place. It's an online process that gives you helpful prompts and jargon-busting tips so you can move through questions quickly and confidently. No prior legal documents or experience is needed to complete the process, and you can complete it in minutes, not months.
Setting up a will is something that I've been thinking about for a while now. Time to just do it!
An individual will is $69, and a couples' will is a gift $129. The couple's version includes two comprehensive legal wills. Haven Life customers in eligible states can create either an individual will or couples' will at no cost.
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3. Get an online safe deposit box for your family's important documents.
Most of us are pretty unorganized when it comes to organizing important documents like birth certificates, passports, and ID cards. I know I am. The start of a new year is the perfect time to get your papers (literally) in order and there's a cool way to do it!
Did you know there are online safe deposit boxes that can store your important records safely and securely all electronically? Your will, your life insurance policy, all the things you might need in a pinch-things you would never want to lose. It's a major life-saver in terms of organization or in case of a natural disaster. When I lived in Florida, we were always on the alert for hurricanes. It would be a huge peace of mind to know all your important documents were safely stored in one place online.
When you sign up for Haven Life Plus, you get a free online safe deposit box through LifeSite ($80 yearly value). This allows you to store all of your family's important documents, passports, health papers, passwords, and more in one safe, secure online place.
If you haven't organized your family's important documents, it's time to buckle down and do it.
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Getting life in order
For me, having my life in order at the beginning of the year, every year is a huge weight off my shoulders. Getting life insurance, setting up a will, and organizing my family's important paperwork are all three essential things that all parents should aim to accomplish, and a new year is the perfect time to do it! Haven Life recognizes this and wants to make all three items above as simple and affordable as possible.
Here's to peace of mind in the New Year!
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Haven Term is a Term Life Insurance Policy (ICC17DTC) issued by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual), Springfield, MA 01111 and offered exclusively through Haven Life Insurance Agency, LLC. Policy and rider form numbers and features may vary by state and not be available in all states. Our Agency license number in California is 0K71922 and in Arkansas, 100139527.
Haven Life Plus (Plus) is the marketing name for the Plus Rider which is included as part of the Haven Term policy. The rider is not available in every state and is subject to change at any time. Neither Haven Life nor MassMutual are responsible for the provision of the benefits and services made accessible under the Plus Rider, which are provided by third party vendors (partners).
The post 3 Important Things To Stop Procrastinating and Get Done This Year appeared first on How Does She.
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