michellef0918 · 7 years
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A look back at the #Olitz of Season 3, 4, 5, and 6 and the words we love to hear, "I Love You"! #Scandal
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michellef0918 · 9 years
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Dear Shonda,
When I got your book, Year of Yes, I knew I wanted it to be the first book I read in 2016. I completed my first goal of the new year on January 2nd, and have so many things to tell you.
I related to your book on a deep, personal level. A level I didn’t expect. A level I didn’t know existed.
I’ve been raving about your book to anyone who will listen. The amount of texts I sent friends while reading is ridiculous. I called and texted one friend so much that she finally said, “Michelle, I’m still not over the fact that she killed George. Please don’t talk to me about her book again.” I gently reminded her that she’s been holding onto that grudge for a good 6 years, and it’s probably time to pull an Elsa and, “Let It Go”.
I guess I should tell you I’ve been a fan of yours for as long as I can remember. I watched the first Grey’s Anatomy on the day it aired, March 25, 2005, and never stopped watching. I fell in love. I got wrapped up in your characters and storylines. Same thing happened when Private Practice came along, and Scandal took my love to a whole new level. Twitter made me a PART of the show, and your cast and crew made my adoration for Thursday night TV grow tenfold. To say I’m a gladiator is one hell of an understatement. In March of 2015, I went to PaleyFest, and it’s an experience I’ll never forget. I mean, if I could spend a day just following the cast of Scandal around, I’d be able to die a happy woman. They all just make me smile! I’m so invested (in all of TGIT, really), that it’s now just a way of life. So, yes, I’m a fan, but surprisingly enough, that’s NOT why I love your book.
The moment I read about your introverted, type A, workaholic, competitive, perfectionist ways, I felt like I was reading MY biography. You were speaking my language, and making me think about my life in a new way. I began to reevaluate the way I’d been living.
I’m a 3rd grade teacher, and have been for the past 11 years. Many (most) of my students are on free and reduced lunch, have parents that work multiple jobs just to put food on the table, and give me a run for my money because their personal lives affect their school lives. Like you, I wouldn’t change a thing. I love my job. My job is my life. I pour my heart and soul into my job. I spend endless hours at work, come home, watch TV, eat, and continue to work from home. There are no students I’d rather teach, turn into global citizens, love, and lay the tracks for. Your train track analogy really struck a cord in me. Each and everyday I lay down bright, shiny, new train tracks for my students. I want them to be able to navigate the world and become contributing members of society. I’m so busy making sure I lay the tracks for them, that my own are often forgotten.
I realized while reading your book, that my tracks are old and mostly wooden. Definitely not a lot of upkeep. I pour myself into things that are comfortable. Things that I’m confident in. Things that don’t scare me. Will I let new teachers come and observe me and my classroom? Of course, I’m sure of my teaching skills! Will I go out for a friend’s birthday? You bet! I love my squad (my ride or dies), and I don’t have to talk to new people if I don’t want to. On the other hand, will I stand in front of 100 businesspeople to talk about how I’ve partnered my class with a nonprofit organization? Umm...that’s going to take some convincing. Will I got jet skiing with my best friend? That requires me to be in a bathing suit...in public {shudders}! How about re-activating that Match.com subscription? Oh, hell to the no!
Even before reading your book, I’ve slowly been pushing myself out of my comfort zone (I did end up talking to those 100 businesspeople). Every time I do, I think, “Wow! That wasn’t so bad!” Your book made me realize I have so much more work to do, and that’s a good thing! I want to be able to look back in a year, two, five, however many it takes, and say that I’m changing my life for the better. I want my own pantry door to be swung wide open, and not be scared about all of the light that’s shining in.
There is nothing for me to do but thank you! Thank you for being you! Without you, I wouldn’t have characters to laugh with, cry over, and relate to, casts that make my heart smile, and crews that blow me away with their generosity. More importantly, thank you for writing Year of Yes. Not only did I love hearing aobut your own journey, but I can’t wait for my own to take a turn down a different track. I feel like I’ll be pouring over your pages for months and years to come. You took your shot at saying YES, and now it’s time for me to take mine. I am not throwing away my shot (I even stuck a Hamilton reference in here, just for you)! Thank you for being an inspiration.
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michellef0918 · 9 years
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Finally, the S5 Scandal poster we've been waiting for!
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michellef0918 · 9 years
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At last, a little Olitz to get us through the rest of the hiatus!
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michellef0918 · 10 years
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I'm never going to be over the ring! We all knew it had meaning since Day 1!!!! "She wears it for him. She never takes it off."
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michellef0918 · 10 years
Why I'm excited #Scandal is back (in gifs)!
1. We will find out #WhereInTheWorldIsOliviaPope! And no matter where she is, we get to see this woman on our screens every Thursday again! 
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2. We get to live tweet with the cast we love so much, and I can't wait!
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3. We get to see Tony Goldwyn's (or Fitz's, whatever) swag walk back on our screen!
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4. We may get to see Drunk Mellie, and for this, "I'm celebratin'!"
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5. I don't know what's in store for Huck's family, but I'm excited about it nonetheless!
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6. More "Sassy Abby" is coming our way!
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7. The Malina Cam starts again!
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8. Even though I'm very pro-Olitz, I can't deny that Scott Foley is good eye candy!
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9. Thinking about Jeff Perry getting ready for his scenes makes me smile...we all know why! ;)
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10. I can't wait to see what other plans and deceptions Papa Pope has up his sleeve!
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11. Olitz, Olitz, Olitz
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12. New #Scandal clothes to admire!
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13. So no matter what happens, I'm going to sit back, tweet my fingers off, and relish in the fact that we will have #ScandalThursday and a #ScandalHangover again!!!!
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michellef0918 · 10 years
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Happy Father's Day Scandal dads! You set a great example for all! Ok, that's not true at all, but I still love these guys!
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michellef0918 · 10 years
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Tony Goldwyn selfies are...well, they're everything!
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michellef0918 · 10 years
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It's coming, #gladiators! The #RedFuneral! #Scandal will never be the same! #ScandalFinale
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michellef0918 · 11 years
New Scandal promo that aired before the Oscars. Courtesy of @KelleyF107 on Twitter!
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michellef0918 · 11 years
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All of me loves all of you.
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michellef0918 · 11 years
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michellef0918 · 11 years
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Let's be honest, we all love looking at Tony Goldwyn's bicep. What a man...
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michellef0918 · 11 years
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Throwback to the episode that started it all...Sweet Baby!
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michellef0918 · 11 years
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The friendship of Katie Lowes and Guillermo Diaz warms my heart!
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michellef0918 · 11 years
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Let us never forget the day we were graced with this photo.
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michellef0918 · 11 years
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The Scandal cast is the best cast! These are just a few of the BTS shots from the first half of Season 3!
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