What “Forever Chic” means to me...
One of my life mottos is how to live a lifestyle that is ‘Forever Chic’. I recently celebrated my 61st birthday and I define ‘Forever Chic’ as a way of life, a mentality.  It is living the best possible life, both mentally and physically while always doing so with grace and elegance.  
It is being aware of what you do in your 30’s, will follow you into your 40’s, and while in your 40’s, you are setting the tone for what to expect in your 50’s.  Whether that be your skin care regimen, your fitness, what you think, to what you eat, it all defines what type of future you are shaping for yourself.  Being Forever Chic is a conscience daily practice, and those women that have mastered it, are those who we coin as “Timeless, Classic and Graceful”.  They are the women who little girls look up to as role models.  They are who women in their 20’s and 30’s aspire to be like later in life.  Being Forever Chic is a way of life, which is so important to share how a woman achieves this state of mind, to make it a reality.
My passions include my children, travel, fashion, wellness and philanthropy... I want to share more on my children and travel. My roots are from Bucks County, PA. I relocated to South Florida where I have resided for over 20 years and it is where my children have been raised. I am thankful that my career in the travel industry has allowed me to expose my children to different parts of the world and be able to explore various cultures. Now, as both my children are grown, they both have decided to make NYC their home. While the lifestyles are very different from South Florida to NYC, I feel we find the perfect balance as a family.
As you can imagine, I spend ALOT of my time in NYC with my children, thankfully it is a short flight, weather permitting! When I am in NYC, I love exploring the city through the eyes of my children. As both my son and daughter reside in different, hip parts of the city, every visit is cherished for the memories we make as a family while exploring this amazing city.
With my children living their lives, visiting them is always a special time. During this time since they have moved to pursue their educations and their passions, I have found myself wanting to focus more time on what brings me so much joy! When I am not working, traveling, I am committed to the charitable causes close to my heart.
I have found myself this past year really wanting to stretch myself, push myself outside of my comfort zone and pursue the growing industry of “Models in their 60’s”. As a baby boomer, we are known to take extraordinary care of our health, wellness and outwardly image. When I was approaching my 60th birthday last year, I made the commitment to build a brand focused on being ‘FOREVER CHIC’, while pursuing something 100% out of my comfort zone..... breaking into the modeling industry! I believe that with determination and passion, anything you dream about can become a reality!
This has been a journey that has opened up new opportunities while continuing to educate myself on what it takes to pursue this industry! I am excited to see where this path leads me, now at 61 years young, I most definitely have NO FEAR. I have a beautiful life, grounded children who are thriving and nothing holding me back from pursuing this dream! Life is meant to be lived, and lived full of passion and pursuing every thing that sets your soul on fire.
My friends, please remember, in order to live an extraordinary life, one must not be afraid to do things you are fearful of, the beauty of life resides where fewer people are willing to go. I invite you on this journey with me, a journey of discovery of fulfilling dreams and creating memories.
You have one life to live, make sure you live it on your terms, following your passions and doing so while being forever chic!
For modeling/spokesperson opportunities, please DM me on the link in my bio above, I would love to make more contacts in the modeling industry while promoting like minded brands and products. I am between NYC and South Florida and open to travel, while seeking agency representation.
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Celebrity, Sail Beyond Borders
Celebrity is also a multi faceted and diverse company to work with, I am beyond proud to call this team my work family. Here we are celebrating the launch of our newest philosophy that was recently introduced. It is an unapologetic declaration of Celebrity’s philosophy – the world is better without walls. We are a purpose driven brand, and we have believed in this philosophy for a long time.
As a modern luxury cruise line, we connect our guests to the world and all its diversity. If you haven't experienced a culture, you should go. If you don't know someone, you should meet.
Our crew is the best example of how we can all come together. They speak many languages with global views. For many, their histories tell them they’re not supposed to get along -- but instead, they flourish as they collaborate, take care of each other and our guests. They represent almost 60 different nationalities.
That should be an inspiration to us all, and they were one of the motivations for our philosophy and new campaign, Sail Beyond Borders.
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Having visited 3 of the 7 continents, I will share highlights from each continent and the things I must do upon arriving in each location. I have traveled to many beautfoul destinations and have created life lasting memories all over the world. On my list is still Asia, Australia, Antarctica and Africa.
3) Ireland
Some of my favorite vacations have included traveling with family last Summer to Paris and London. From the museums to the bistros to the twinkling Eiffel Tower illuminating the Parisian sky at nightfall, makes Paris a desirable destination.
Paris encompasses it all, culture, culinary and beauty at every turn. For those that enjoy the decadent French cuisine, your tastebuds are tantalized whether it be at a casual bistro serving a taditonal banquette with cheese to five star dining. Did you know that the French have around 400 different types of cheeses. These are grouped into different categories and there can be many varieties within each group, so many say that there are around 1,000 different types. Hence why you can never go wrong with cheese and wine pairings.
Upon arriving in London, of course a must see are the multiple royal castles. But did you know, London is also known for their historic and landmark churches and cathedrals. The architecture makes wandering this city very special and spiritual.
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Being in the travel industry for over 25+ years, I have the privilege of exploring the world and being exposed to different landscapes from around the world and people from other cultures that make this world a beautiful place. Let’s spend this month exploring some of the locales I have visited, from the beaches to the mountains and everything in between. I will share travel tips, beauty regimens while traveling, traveling with family, coworkers or even a solo tip to replenish your soul.
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A well balanced life is not only all the things I have shared thus far, but it also encompasses your spirituality. Spirituality is an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose. It also related to the practice of developing beliefs around the meaning of life and connection with others.
Spirituality may include prayer, mediation, living a healthy lifestyle, and focusing on being the best version of yourself.
Join me next month as I share more on my favorite travel destinations.
Remaining ‘Forever Chic’,
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Massage therapy is also an excellent way to melt away stress, or alleviate any aches your body may be having. My go to massage is Deep Tissue for muscle tightness, and sore areas ie back, neck etc.... I will share later on some of my all time favorite spas to be pampered.
With so many athleisure wear brands, I like my workout wear to not only be fashionable, but functional. I tend to be drawn to the fun bright colors and patterns, and you can usually find me wearing Alo Activewear or Heroine Sport.
Wellness is also comprised of your beauty regimens. What types of vitamins you take to make your insides just as radiant as your outside. What you feed your body reflects in your outwardly appearance. Let’s touch on some basics for skin care-SkinMedica Lumivive Day serum, Yonka Phyto-Contour for puffiness and dark circles and SkinCeuticals Triple Lipid Restore antiaging treatment.
Living in the sunshine state of Florida, skincare is essential to protect from the sunshine. Some of my favorite products already include SPF, but I find my go to sunscreen care is Obagi Medical Sun Shield SPF 50 , as it leaves me feeling well protected and is tinted as well!
When it comes to the cosmetic side of my beauty regimen, I prefer to keep it simple. My can’t live without products are: IVY LEEZ custom blended foundation , Tom Ford Rouge Alevres blush nude lip color and noir emotionproof mascara.
If it is an evening or event I am attending, my go to for a more glamorous look a Smokey eye, red lip and lashes. Urban Decay NAKED2 for eyes and MAC Versicolor Varnish crème.
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Nourishing your body is as important as to what you nourish your mindset with. You must keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Your words become your behavior. Your behavior becomes your habits and your habits become your values.
This is so true not only for yourself, but to pass on to those around you, epecially your children. As a Mother to two children, nourishing my children with positive words of affirmation and love really makes a difference at the trajectory of their life.
As parents, it is our role to impart all of the goodness we can to raise kind humans and have our children leave their positive mark on the world we live in. Being a Mother is one of the most important and rewarding roles anyone can have in their lifetime.
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Heath and wellness can mean different things to different people. As I am sharing what I feel it encompasses to live a ‘Forever Chic’ lifestyle, I will share my personal philosophy of all that makes up health and wellness for myself.
Health and wellness is an equal balance of diet, excersize, anti-aging (beauty) regimens, mindset, people whom you surround yourself with and spirituality.
Being from South Florida, finding healthy, natural and organic food is a part of our lifestyle. Most will agree that when the climate is warmer year round, you have healthier eating options. I have spent my life making sure I nurture my body with healthy options, even dabbling with veganism. There are so many factors when selecting food, how much nutrients is your body benefitting from, how caloric it is, how much sugar, will it sustain me and leave me feeling satiated?
Some of my all time favorite meals are: chicken and brown rice, chopped salad with shrimp and also salmon and asparagus.. As I am on the go often, I keep healthy snacks accessible, such as almonds, oranges and Quest protein bars.
I have always found the study of ‘the blue zone’ very interesting. If you not aware of the blue zone, it is where research has been compiled from 5 regions where the longevity of life spans is well into the age of 100. The research shows that you live longer based on certain factors, with the most important being what you eat. The Top 5 blue zones are a small island; Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica and the quaint town of Loma Linda in Southern California.
Later in my blog, I will share about how some of my world travels have exposed me to different cuisine that also adds to life longevity. My belief is having a healthy and balanced diet is the so important, as it is your body’s fuel and enables you to live a long and healthy lifespan.
I take LifeExtension womans vitamins, Rhodiola Extract for cellular and physical energy , Methyl-Cobalamin for heavy B12 and doTerra On Guard Protective Blend Softgels for good gut health.
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