michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
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I started this blog back in July and I can’t believe how far I’ve come. Well not really, since I’ve been scatterbrained and barely on cause of school but still it’s incredible at the amount of people that I’ve met through this blog. I love each and everyone of my followers and even if we don’t talk, i’m probably stalking you.  
C i n d y [ michirukaiohx | kouseiyas ]  
      Words cannot describe my love for you. I mean honestly speaking, you are the reason why I kept this blog since this blog in itself was an experiment. You took me in as your Hotaru baby and I took you as my Mama and there is nothing in the world that can pull us apart. I ship us. But actually. Anyways, you are a beautiful beautiful human being that I am honored to be with and I will follow you to the ends of the universe. You helped me shape Hotaru to the little shit that she is. You are my main squeeze and I love you a lot, okay?  
People I’d end the world for:  
deadxscream worsanos boystarlight wintxrbaby winterbuns ofthefareast tuxedomxsk bloodthirstygod marinefemme
People I’d buy noodles for:
kouyatens wakadattebayo levibells sxbulum electrovus kazenoheishi  hesaphantom
People I fangirl over and write stupid love letters for:
tonaeru tendheart tacticixn fatesresignation kiryuzero emotiif daemoniux zoegraphy kanpekii trouillard queenlly valiane flirtiings blacklxdy black-bladed dximiti galaxianqueen heiichxu honestified ofaristocracy illprobed bratiisms synthetiix  x-sancxuary  virtusxcor higatora stxiic hungerisms artisticallyeternal gixntism seto-kxiba kxnato
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
hey guys so I've been busy and off the internet for a cool while and its mostly because I've been working my ass off ( holidays and picking up extra shifts) which paid off actually not just with money but with a promotion. I mostly picked up the hours to be with a friend of mine ( she nags me to stay and work with her ok) yet the manager there thought I was just a dedicated worker (which I am I mean c'mon) and long story short I'm getting promoted and after Thanksgiving I'll be sent to some classes. I will be putting roleplaying well actually getting off the internet until next year while I study some codes for my next position, getting adjusted to the position and the holidays since we don't close during ANY holiday. 
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
I’m the type of lover that’ll always be there for you. I’m the type of lover that goes out of my way to make it obvious that I want you in my life. I’m the type of lover that’ll hug you tight when you’re angry and kiss you when you’re hurt. I’m the type that will never let you go a day thinking I didn’t miss you. I’m the type of lover that’ll always, and I mean it- I will always love you.
(my love is pure and honest and true) This is for you.
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
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it's supposed to be snow white and it was in special and i thought why not since me and a friend found it ironically hilarious because of work and some stuff going on atm. So i thought why not dress the part because its my way of saying suck it
I like to shove the hair in the front because if I dont. This happens.
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(put them away is what i hear people saying)
anywho yeah snow  white for Halloween i hope you all stay safe and enjoy yourself. I will try to squeeze in a Video I promised Jules.
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ok done but yeah have fun today/tonight guys!
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
➸: Something you like about your fandom ♫: An argument you're sick of hearing
➸:Something you like about your fandom
I enjoy that even if there are moment of drama and all that jazz there are more moments where everyone is getting along and just doing hilarious crack or hilarious posts in general. Most people you can just message and they'll be really nice answering back. 
♫: An argument you're sick of hearing
Probably the whole what people can do and can't do. That pretty much covers, shipping, formats, trends among other things. It's very annoying and I think people need to just be quiet because complaining or defending the stuff can get a bit old. If you don't like it dont complain unfollow what you dont like seeing and if you want to defend it then  great how nice of you but chances are about 10 other people made a defending post saying almost the same thing you did. Some people just take some things a  bit too serious.
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
whispers tell me all the plots. and also what is that epic violin song on your blog
Okay let's talk plots (¬‿¬)
some are more au wise i guess: the obvious plot of mermaid or something similar to that (except a bit darker), iwanttosayxmenplotwisebecauseiwatchesthenewxmenmovietoday, michiru waking up with different memories from the day she accepted to be a senshi but every memory of her being one is gone ( id have to explain this one more but i will whenever someone wants to do this with me), one where all the outers died but her or something ( actually plotting something like this with hotaru atm), a modern time of au where the whole senshi thing doesnt exist (this being more of a fc thing)
and thank you I'm glad you like it!
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
☮, ✔
✔:A plot you would love to play out with your character
There are plenty of plots I've love to do some similar to the ones you mentioned. Michiru who was the first one to accept her duty way before she found out Haruka was destine to do the same, like how she fought by herself, the guilt because anime wise if you recall she felt guilt for almost killing the guy. Just when did she decide she'd do anything and everything she could to get the result that she wants that casualties didn't matter. Another would be her life before becoming a senshi and the dream she once had and how it was to accept her destiny. I actually have too many plots I'd love to do that talking about them all would take a while but to throw one more plot I'd say is a masquerade kind of plot.
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
♈:An argument/topic that you could debate all day
I don't think there is any argument or anything I'd discuss for a whole day or even more than maybe two hours. I let things go so fast and I'm more of a you have your opinion and I have mine we can argue or discuss something all day but I highly doubt either of us are going to change or mind or something so let's talk about how awesome I am instead.
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
♔ ☠ ☮
♔ ☠
☮:Something you're confident about with your writing
I am very content with everything I write to be honest I am more of a "I'm more confident with this kind of muse." (I'm not sure if that makes sense) I
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
✖:A plot you would never do/can’t do with your character
I’m not sure to be honest maybe Michiru sleeping around with others? Does that count as a plot? I’m pretty open to a ton of plots because I’m sure I can put my muse in it someway or another.
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
♔ ☀ ☣ ☠
♔:A character (in general) that you'd like to interact with
I don't have a specific one just every single sm character! There is Rei who she can discuss maybe disturbance or something since they have things in common, Ami who they can do a swim or something, Mamoru who Michiru can ask or [/coughdrag] to maybe model some of Setsuna's clothing line or something. Mako who looks up (orsomethingofthatsort) to Haruka and Michiru. There are many thread ideas for every sm character u v u
☀:Another Mun that you really admire/respect
I admire everyone who can roleplay without getting sucked into drama or turning things into a competition to be very honest but I do have two people I admire and love seeing on my dash. That would be worsanos and tuxedomxsk
☣:A pet peeve about roleplaying
Hmm hmm I have many pet peeves but at the same time I feel most of em would be unpopular opinions or something so I will just say no matter the pet peeve I have I deal with it and enjoy myself. I try not to take anything too serious to be honest.
☠:Something you dislike about your fandom
Same thing everyone else does I assume. Drama. Negativity. There have been a few moments where all this happened within the sm fandom and it really took a big affect on my muses.  Also the fact that there are some people that treat it as a competition when it's really a hobby like last time I checked this isn't a job and you aren't paying me to be this way or that way.
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
Ask the Mun
✔: A plot you would love to play out with your character
★: A blog you'd love to roleplay with
✖: A plot you would never do/can't do with your character
♔: A character (in general) that you'd like to interact with
☀: Another Mun that you really admire/respect
☣: A pet peeve about roleplaying
☠: Something you dislike about your fandom
➸: Something you like about your fandom
✉: Someone you're afraid to approach/unsure of approaching
☄: A doubt you have about your writing
☮: Something you're confident about with your writing
❢: Your favourite icon of your muse's FC
♘: Your favourite icon of your Mun FC
♫: An argument that you're sick of hearing
♈: An argument/topic that you could debate all day
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
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Beneath her breath stirs a low hum, airy croons uttered by conduct of dulcet chords and candied peaches. Effervescent mirth bubbles upon the tip of her tongue as she tilts her chin.  "Oh, now what kind of person would I be if I offered but didn't follow through in the end. But the bedroom would be the best place to do this, don't you think?" Another brilliant flash of pearls, cognizance in its state of exuberant perhaps also a bit taunting. Her words had a tendency to be somewhat vague (even maybe holding double meanings to them); tendency of leaving her sky king perplexed once or twice. A smirk that curves upon her own tiers and flames the goading triumph within her eyes. She burrows into her warmth without hesitation, her grip on her only tightening, as she finds peace within her warmth. 
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     Impish gesture beseeches her movements, the slight brush of foreheads gives forth encouragement to bump the proud bridge of her nose against the other’s. Her ocean is not the only one who can play the part of a vixen. ❝Mhm, but you could catch a cold… And colds can seem awfully like hell, ❞ comes her halfhearted murmurings, navy irises too soaked with the vision before to focus, drifting far downward to peer at full lips. A choked noise resounds in the back of a hoarse throat and she finds her own fingers moving gingerly across the arm that binds against a lithe figure. Tall frame slinks off the counter stool, palm rounding the thin pull of lover’s arm with a soft yank.  ❝ There might be a few other places you could help with if you’re so interested in helping. Maa, but I do think I left my towel in the bedroom. I should be so responsible and go get it. ❞ 
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
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michirukaiohx-blog · 10 years
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sO i haven’t hit any milestone or anything but i’ve been around for a lil bit and figured i’d give a shout out to those that have made my return to this account so badass u v u i have to say this isn’t my most active dash but it’s probably my most enjoyable just because it’s fairy drama free and everyone is p chill. plus people who like yyh are always a-okay in my book :3 
                     kodomotsuki | winkchain | eldingara | llvitsa | ternpestuous                      mikoffire | deadxscream | sukarettox | valiiante | kiraahachi                      aercis | michirukaiohx | blacklxdy | pulcrituda | archeolora                      peachxs 
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