mickielj-blog · 6 years
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
How could we not?! Everyone still loves you and Nicole though. Birdie is just so darling.
We are a little late, but have finally arrived at the arena. And I just realized Birdie is more over with everyone than Nicole or I. Ha-ha. Everyone loves Birdie. 
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
We can sit on the sidelines together. Until I go out with Bliss that is, but then I'll return to sideline sitting.
I’m not on the Hell in a Cell card tonight, but there is still not a doubt in my mind that the show’s going to be nothing short of GLORIOUS!
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
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Such a good morning. Touring the facility and meeting families staying here and helping out was a great way to start today.
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
Me either! Who on earth could not like pizza?! I couldn’t imagine.
Someone who isn’t human, clearly. Not liking certain kinds of pizza? Understandable. But not liking it at all? Unreal. 
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
Oh my God, did he really? Such a legend, haha!
I still can’t get over my dad coming down the isle on his wedding day to “Ric Flair Drip.” 
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
You right tho! 😍
‘Course I am! You can never say no to pizza. I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who doesn’t like it and if I did, I don’t think I’d trust them.
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
Truth Serum!: your muses can now ask mine anything and they will be forced to answer honestly!
Or you can send anons!
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
Yes pizza. Always yes to pizza.
To get pizza or not to get pizza.. 🤔🤔
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
You’re welcome, like you said to me, I was only being honest. He absolutely did. I’m not a selfish guy outside of the ring,but in the ring, I am as selflsh as it gets. And when he came for what was my TNA world heavyweight title at the time, a title that I worked so hard to obtain, he was asking for one, and he got one. 
Well still, it made me feel good. It does my ego good being grouped in with all those other, younger gorgeous girls. Oh I know. He’s similar in that way, but aren’t we all? We all want to be on top and stay on top, or we all should want that. Man, TNA though... Talk about a throwback. Those were some good days.
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
Hey, of course! Was just being honest. Thank you for thinking I’m hot, I gotta say I was flattered, haha. I’m sure my husband deserved any beating you gave him. I say that with love, of course. ;P
Thanks for the shoutout @mickielj​. Also, sorry for beating up your ex all those times. 
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
jimusos replied to your post: top 3 most attractive guys?
Don’t break my heart, Mickie. I could get use to all this love.
Never. I’m always here to give you love, friend.
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
Don’t start this again.
Start what? I have no idea what you’re talking about! ;)
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
I think that’s where the introvertedness in me kicks in. I do everything I can not to worry about what everyone else is doing, what they have going on, and just focus on me, and what I have going on. While at the same time, keeping in the back of my mind that it’s another day at the office, and when i’m away from it I am not that same guy. I’m just as normal as everyone else. I think that’s what keeps my head straight and how i’m able to navigate so well.
That’s a really important mindset to have. You can go a little crazy if you put too much energy into focusing on other people and fixating on them instead of you and your needs. Good, I’m glad you’ve got that head on straight. You’re one of the good ones, we can’t have you losing it on us. 
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
Of course! Here and at your service, biscuit butt. ;P
Thank you for finally showing up.
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mickielj-blog · 6 years
But then I’ll pout and you’ll regret it.
Hmmm, will I though? I mean, true, I’d hate to see you pout, but you do deserve a little kick sometimes.
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