middle-school-dreams ยท 7 years
First Post
First of all, I know the tumblr is called middle school dreams but when I made it I was still in middle school. If anyone knows how to change the title, please tell me. Okay, now onto my dream. I wake up, completelt stark naked and exhausted, with no memory of the previous night, but I think nothing of it and get ready for school. This happens for a few weeks as normal, until one of the popular girls walks up to me, with a face that looked like she had been crying. I asked her what was wrong, and she told me she was pregnant. I asked her why she was telling me, and she slapped me across the face and said: "Because it's your god damn child!" After the shock set in on what she had just said, I fainted. When I woke up, I was in the nurses office, and they let me go back to class (even though I fainted). As I walked out, my friends Jalen, Ryan, and Korban were waiting for me in the hall. They asked me what happened. When I told them, they were wide eyed, except Korban, who was smiling and high fived me. "Dude, you fucked NATALIE? Holy shit dude!" I facepalmed. "Korban, did you not fucking hear me? SHE IS PREGNANT!" Once Korban understood, he seemed to be as surpised as the others. "The weirdest thing," I said, "Is that I don't remember any of it!" Jalen and Ryan thought for a moment. Then Jalen piped up. "Oh! There was a party a few weeks ago, did you go to that?" I nodded. " Was there alcohol and drugs?" I nodded. "But I only had one red cup of beer! It couldn't have hit me that hard!" Ryan facepalmed. "How big were the cups?" I thought for a moment. "As big as three Alpenrose Milk cartons." Jalen clapped his hands togethor like an alchemist. "There it is! That is way to much! Too much alcohol caused memory loss, Omocron. You did have sex with her, you were just drunk out of your mind." My eyes were wide. "I am a lightweight." The end of the school day bell rang, and we all left. Natalie seemed to have calmed down, and asked me to go home with her. I nodded and said: "uh, okay?" We went there and then when we locked the front door behind us, she held my hands. "If we are going to have a child in nine months, then we need to be at least dating. We will come to a wedding when we can, but you need to be with me, for the sake of our child." All of this was a lot for me to take in. Do I just said: "Okay, that makes sense. I'm not one to just abandon someone I've impregnated." She laughed a bit. "Here, come to my room with me." She brought me in there, and locked the door behind us. "Uh, Natalie, what are you-" I got cut off by her hand in my pants. She moved her hand around my genitals, and said: "Let's do this sober, since we're together now." She smashed her lips into mine. (Now, I'm going to skip this part because it's a bit fifty shades) I awoke to hear the front door open. I put my clothes on as quick as sonic, and Natalie did the same. We walked downstairs to see her parents smiling at us. "Hello, Natalie, who is this?" Natalie put on a stern expression. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend. His name is Omocron." They smiled at me and shook my hand. "Well Omocron, it's nice to meet you. Hope you haven't been doing anything too naughty alone here! *wink wink*" Natalie blushed heavily. "Mom! We were just playing video games and talking, that's all!" Everyone in the room was laughing except Natalie. "Okay Natalie, I'm going to finish some work stuff. Why don't you head upstairs? Leave your boyfriend here, I want to chat for a bit." Natalie nodded. And went upstairs. Her dad looked at me with a stern expression. "Be careful, Natalie may be cheating on you. I went to the bathroom yesterday, and in the trash I saw a positive pregnancy test. She may not be and it may be a few weeks, but I want you to know. Are you ready for a child?" I nodded. "I have had t raise my baby brother single handedly since birth, because my parent's are never home. When they are, They're working. I have to drive myself to school, and have a realistic looking dummy in the passenger seat. I know how much responsibility a child is, but I have experience, and I know how to handle it." He smiled at me. "You are a good boyfriend. Go upstairs, she is waiting for you." I nodded, and as a walked up the stairs, the dream slowly faded. When i had my hand on her doorknob, I had woken up. Jesus, that was a LOOOONG ass dream. Okay, thanks for reading everyone. Thank you! I will be posting whenever I remember thr dreams I have. It isn't often, so check back every once in a while. I hope this dream continues tonight, so I can continue the post!
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