Essay Ideas For Middle School Students
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   Running out of topics for your middle school students to write essays on? There is one constant source of topic ideas that is available to teachers whether you teach in a public school, private school, or home school. The beauty of this topic source is that very little time is involved in coming up with your ideas, and the topics you choose are almost guaranteed to be interesting to your students.  If you liked this article and you would like to get more details regarding 中学生援助交際 kindly check out our own website. Where could this source of essay ideas be, you ask? Social media sites are excellent sources of essay ideas, particularly Facebook, because that is where your students either are, or wish they were, for part of their free time. Even the most studious student will find study groups or team activities have Facebook pages to which they go for important updates, so like it or not, our teens are going to be using these sites regularly. Because they are, they often express their opinions and questions there as well. Music lyrics, games, random quotes, and a variety of other "hot" topics are regularly shared on these internet sites, and shared freely by the same students you are going to assign essays to. The combination is ideal for finding topics on which they will be willing to engage their thoughts and writing. If the purpose of your essay ideas is to teach and train students to write, and you are able to focus on topics that your students have an interest in, then it is much easier to hone in on their writing skills if they are not struggling to come up with thoughts about something that they have little interest in. By having your own account on these sites, you can quickly peruse what is being "said" on any given day. For instance, in a matter of minutes I scanned the postings on Facebook of a few students who happened to be online last night. Their topics included a concert, a particular movie plot twist, a restaurant experience involving a waiter, being bored and wishing for something (even schoolwork) to do, and an upcoming party. Any one of those could easily lend itself to a writing exercise. Prompts could be things like, What is the most meaningful song by the band, and why?" or, "Compare and contrast the types of gifts that friends give at parties now that you are a teenager versus when you were younger." Essay topics should not be that difficult when you consider that most students love to share their opinions on things if you are willing to look for things that interest them. Through Facebook and other social media sites, this job is made very easy for you.
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