midnight--magic · 4 years
Alright i made a quiz to see what flavor of haunting u are
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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midnight--magic · 4 years
Top Ten Spookiest Classical Pieces
Perhaps I’m feeling macabre, but tonight I’m digging out my favorite spooky classical pieces and listening to them. So I thought putting together a top ten list of these would be fun while I drink my scotch. Note: These are not really in any particular order. I love them all.
1. Beethoven: Piano Trio in D major, op. 70 no. 1, “Ghost” - 2nd movement. Rattling of chains, shrieking of spirits; the nickname of this trio fits it well. The first and third movements are good as well, but only the second movement is really spooky. 2. Schubert: Der Leiermann (from Winterreise). A heartbroken young man sings about the hurdy-gurdy, an outcast who sits just outside the village and plays his instrument while dogs snarl at him and people ignore him. Particularly chilling is that this is the last song of an hour-long cycle, and it drones on without clear resolution, ending with the line: “Strange old man, should I go with you? Will you accompany my songs on your hurdy-gurdy?”  3. Mussorgsky: Night On Bald Mountain. You may know this one from Disney’s Fantasia, which is featured during the Witches’ Sabbath sequence. 4. Schubert: Der Erlkönig. Based on a poem by Goethe, this song tells the chilling story of a father and his ailing child riding through the woods on horseback, while a malicious spirit tries to lure the boy away, unseen and unheard by the father. 5. Saint-Saens: Danse Macabre. Death plays his fiddle in the cemetery, rousing all the skeletons from their graves and dancing with them until they have to slink back at the first light of dawn. 6. Brahms: Ballade in D minor, op. 10 no. 1, “Edward.” Based on a Scottish ballade, the story is of a mother who knows that her son has murdered his father - she just wants to hear him say it himself. 7. Shostakovich: Viola Sonata. Shostakovich composed during the height of Soviet censorship, and his music almost always has a hunted, almost panicked feel to it. He composed this viola sonata just a month before his death. 8. Shostakovich: String Quartet no. 8 in C minor, op. 110. Between the frenzy of the second movement and the insistent “knocking on the door” of the fourth, this quartet can really put you on edge. What makes this music even freakier is Shostakovich’s musical signature (D E-flat C B) throughout the work. 9. Mussorgsky: The Hut of Baba Yaga the Witch (from Pictures at an Exhibition). This one always sounds like Baba Yaga’s “Hut On Chicken’s Legs” is chasing me through the woods, but that might just be my wild imagination. 10. Scriabin: Piano Sonata no. 9, “Black Mass.” Some of the directions that Scriabin writes in the score are “mysteriously murmuring”, and “with a sweetness that becomes increasingly poisonous,” which is a pretty apt description for much of this work. It begins mysteriously, then builds in tension until it all explodes in some kind of orgiastic climax. It ends just as enigmatically as it begins.
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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8.5" sculpture of a Victorian ghost emerging from an antique mirror cast in resin. Link
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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─ Tweede echtgenote van Adriaan van der Hoop (getrouwd 1834), by Jan Adam Kruseman (details)
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midnight--magic · 4 years
Such a beautifully sad movie <3
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midnight--magic · 4 years
no one ever talks about how evil and ominous carol of the bells sounds?
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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cinemagraph artist on instagram
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midnight--magic · 4 years
How long has it been since you read Hetalia? You clearly only loosely remember it.
They didn’t portray the colonisation of the Americas as that- England and France arguing over who would be America’s big brother wasn’t anything but the personal relationships between the characters. America’s a white kid because he represented the 13 colonies- he hadn’t lived there for centuries. Canada initially introduces himself as the “British Province of Canada”They were interested in him because he was a nation person like them.
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Himaruya also doesn’t go into depth about the natives, as he mostly meant to show relationships between the characters- he wasn’t interested in joking about them being oppressed and genocided. But they are mentioned, so your argument about revisionism doesn’t hold up there. Below, Austria tells them to stop “brawling at other people’s houses”, “houses” in Hetalia meaning the physical location of the country. Then the panel in which a probable native noticing England and France fighting in the area. Above, “nearby villages” are mentioned, negating the argument that America was deserted land up for grabs.
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In a later post, Himaruya explains to Japanese readers who Pocahontas was.It’s imperfect, but it certainly doesn’t favour the colonisers. Below is his post. 
“Historical Figure in the Early Settlement Period, Pocahontas (Matoaka) 1595-March 21st, 1617″
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“A Native American girl who continuously helped the European colonists. It seems ‘Pocahontas’ was her nickname. Originally from the 20,000-people strong Powhatan Confederacy in Virginia.
Her father was the chief of the Powhatan Confederacy, and she often went to play in the English settlement of Jamestown. A kind girl that used to sneak food to the colonists when they had trouble in midwinter. Once, the Powhatans abducted the Englishmen as well as took many weapons and other supplies, so Jamestown retaliated by taking Pocahontas hostage to demand their return. However, they did not receive a good answer from the Powhatan chief. The most miserable one in this was, of course, Pocahontas, and perhaps as a result, she used the time spent in captivity to learn the English language, customs, and got herself baptised. While this curious girl was hostage, she made friends with many people. John Rolfe proposed to her and she happily married him.The Powhatan chief accepted news of this wedding and sent them their blessings. It was the beginning of a friendship between Jamestown and the Powhatan Confederacy, which looked to mark a time of peace at last. However… After her marriage, Pocahontas went to London with her husband. She was accustomed to the beautiful, clear air of Virginia, and thus fell ill and died in London’s perpetual smog. As if to follow her, her father died soon after. Not too long afterwards, the Powhatans began to attack Jamestown. A country and a village that used to be friends were engulfed in the flames of war. Their peace held for even less than five years. This marks the beginning of the dispute between those who wanted to coexist with Native Americans and those who wanted to chase them out altogether. Pocahontas’ line still lives on in certain old families in Virginia.”
Hamilton is American Hetalia and I mean that in the most scathing and hateful way possible
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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Showing badassery and saying fuck you to the Ottoman Empire with just one crown.
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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Romania (Transylvania) The dark land of Draculla
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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Iceland: Moss and Lava The moss grows like a thick cozy blanket on top of the rough lava fields – sometimes surprisingly thick as my boots sink in and get lost before hitting solid ground.
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midnight--magic · 4 years
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Does anyone know the source of this image? I found it here.
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midnight--magic · 4 years
im riding on chaotic vibes and i wont stop until the trees ask me to
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