midnight-criminal · 7 months
Hey I always wondered how you stay this motivated all the time ( ur page does give this image ) though I m sure you too have bad days but how you maintain this consistency
how i stay motivated ⊹ 𐙚 ˚​​​​
i am human so yes everyday isn’t the best but i try to find some good in each day and i pray, praying helps me get through my bad days.
my blog and my twitter for the most part is a positive and uplifting place because that’s the kind of energy i give off and it’s the only kind of energy i want to surround me. if my page was giving off anything other than motivation, positivity or just a comforting place to be then i wouldn’t be running it because anything else wouldn’t make me happy.
when i’m not having the best day i’ll get offline, that’s what some people neglect to do, i think that’s why there’s so many mean people online, it’s because they don’t put their phones down and tend to themselves, they don’t take time away to heal and recharge and that’s what i wish everyone would do from time to time, get off of social media and take care of themselves mentally.
the world we live in can be a horrible, depressing place sometimes so i try to make my life as pleasant and happy as i can make it. the same goes for my blog and other social media accounts and i’m not saying my life is perfect, nothings perfect so even when i have a bad day i pray, i think of my blessings, i journal, i cry, i watch comfort shows, i spend time with the people who love me and i try to romanticize every little thing.
that’s the thing about life, you have to make it magical for yourself. the smallest things can make me happy, turn my whole day around, i could just get a glimpse of something or something can make me feel nostalgic and i’ll hold on to that .. i appreciate that about myself. my advice for anyone reading this is to find those things, those things that can put a smile on your face or can warm your heart. those little things, things that don’t cost money, things you can find around you in your everyday life, that will really make a difference for you emotionally and mentally.
when i feel like i’m not motivated, i really sit down and think about what i want in life, or i’ll talk to my bestfriend, someone who really understands me and will listen and give me advice ( that’s why i have my asks open because i know everyone doesn’t have someone they can vent to without judgement or ask for advice) .. also if i feel like i lack motivation for specific things like for instance my personal style, i’ll go on pinterest or if i lack motivation for working out or life motivation in general i’ll watch a vlog on youtube or read quotes or read a book and it will give me so much motivation & inspiration and my next step is to journal (i’ll write down goals and plan out things i want to get done and when i want to get them done) then apply it to my daily life.
i hope something i said can help keep you motivated at times that you need it most. sending love and good vibes, please accept <3
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
Rapunzel tells us that climbing the highest tower becomes easy if someone at the end gives you a reason to hold on.
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
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"The world, it's just not built for people like me" 💔💔
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
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do you guys ever think about dying? ✨
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
When I told you we had to end it, that we had to go on our own separate paths, I wanted you to say no. I wanted you to tell me you would never let me go. I wanted you to say that you couldn’t imagine living life without me, that you would never love anyone as much as you loved me, even if it sounds a little selfish. I wanted you to fight for me, to stop me from leaving. But all you said was, “I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while now.”
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
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Haruki Murakami
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*I worship you Tumblr don’t remove it
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
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“We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.”
― J. Robert Oppenheimer
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midnight-criminal · 1 year
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