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Can’t Stand that guy…
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VIRGIL!!! :D :D :D 
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Character Development. 
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Because I’ve never seen this one, I found another “Logan holding a piece of paper” meme, from “A New Year of Lying to Myself: In Song!” With and without captions
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Do with this what you will
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(click for high rez, this is a gigantic image)
Oh my gOD I can’t believe I finally finished this.
Yes I know it’s been over a week since Thomas’ birthday, but in all fairness I started this piece a week before his birthday. I didn’t expect it to take this long. aaaah
This is the biggest art I’ve ever drawn (both figuratively and literally) and I’m so so so proud of myself right now.
So… Happy Late Birthday to one of my favorite people in the world! You never fail to make me smile. Bless you. I think I had more things to say but I’m just so giddy to have finished this right now, I forgot everything. Hope the art conveys my gratitude, congratulations and love!!!!
Time: about 60+ hours total
Size: 3800*5130 pix
Characters: 52
Layers: around 300
CHECK OUT THE SPEEDPAINT!!!! (ps it’s 30min long and includes my blabbering commentary)
Under the cut are some close-ups of parts I’m particularly fond of!
Keep reading
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today i was walking under a bridge and saw a book in a gutter.
im a curious and grungy son of a bitch so of course i picked it up to see what it was and it wound up being one of those daily activities books for children, with entries from a kid for a solid two years inside. it looked pretty clean, so i decided to give it a quick flipthru to see if i couldnt find who it belonged to. i didn’t read much (for the same reasons i didnt take many and wont post any photos of the thing  - felt invasive), but it was enough to find her full name (which she loved to write in its full splendor: Adara Lee Cadence Krauser), birthday, and to catch a glimpse of her awesome sense of humor. She was confident and cool and a budding artist.
i plugged the name into google and wound up not having to do any creepy digging at all, because the first page revealed that Adara passed away about six months ago from open heart surgery complications. She was 11.
I shot an email through gofundme and two hours later i was hugging her mom. she was really cool, a single mom, and her other two kids (8 and 2) were very sweet. they were awesome together as a family. she told me the book must have gotten lost during their many recent packing and moving trips lately- she wants to start over somewhere new after all theyve been through, and i managed to catch them a day before they drove cross-country. 
i flipped through the book expecting to make some kids afternoon, but it wound up being the author’s sister instead of the author instead. its just like that sometimes i guess
i know my followerbase isn’t wealthy, and if you do donate, i dont want you to mention me, but the gofundme is here if anyone wants to spread it around or toss a couple bucks their way for gas money. 
thanks for reading  🐀
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if tom holland really is Not straight after marvel went through all the trouble of recasting and rewriting spiderman just bc andrew garfield was pushing for peter parker to be bisexual? well thats what i call: Poetic Cinema !
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Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how adorable this human is..
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Reblog to show some Talyn love❤
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Why…don’t fathers know how to apologize. Why can they never apologize and admit they were wrong why are all fathers like this
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ballets or musicals? art or literature? reader or writer? cafe or library? poetry or prose? art galleries or history museums? silk or velvet? regency or victorian? piano or violin? hardcover or paperback?
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Actual conversation I had in the car
Me: Hey, daddy?
Dad: Yeah?
Me: Have you ever heard of anyone just eating a spoonful of jelly or jam?
Brother: Oh my God, it was meant to be ridiculous!
Me: He was just spooning it into his face! How did he do that?
Brother: It was for comedic effect!
Me: I have been thinking about this since September! I have never seen one human being eat a spoonful of jelly by itself until Thomas Sanders did it.
Dad: I can’t say I’ve seen that either.
Brother: Can’t you just drop it?
Me: It’s weird. It’s kind of gross.
Brother: Just drop it!
Me: No!
Dad: Oh look, children. We’ve arrived at Macy’s.
*we begrudgingly shut up*
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Wait, did Roman call Virgil “Les Miserable” yet??
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I often listen to YouTube videos while scrolling through Tumblr. Right now I’m listening to Crofter’s the musical and let me tell ya, I cannot tell who is singing what. All suspension of disbelief has run away and my brain is doing flips trying to process what I’m hearing.
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concept: Virgil having grey eyes with purple streaks in them….
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Here’s another art dump of things from @whatwashernameagain ’s beautiful fic “Keep Him Safe” because I love her renditions of the characters and it helps with my persistent art block to draw amazing, beautiful people doing stupid things. As always, click for better quality or just to make my heart happy! @thatsthat24
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Logan: no fears
Patton: we don’t have any Crofters jams
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Don’t speak too fancily! You’re suppose to be “normal”, remember?
Inspired by a post made by @sidespart and the outfit idea from @just-fic-me-up
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Drunk Deceit part 1
next (coming soon)
inspired by this 
Ok but like he’s not only telling the truth when he’s drunk , he is straight up exposing the other sides lol!
@fandersunite  I thought you might wanna get tagged since it was inspired by your post (^▽^;)
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Drunk Deceit tells the truth.
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