midnightsmisery · 1 year
featuring the younger cerulli's : @urbnlgnds @pullumtendies
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ALL AMERICAN | 5.13 “Day Ones”
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
“You’re a woman, use it; bring every man you meet to his motherfucking knees”
— My mother  (via ditarph)
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
Manny wouldn’t lie about it, he did enjoy getting into these ‘arguments’ with Lenny, none of it ever really meant in malice. At the end of the day, they were overseeing kids, it could never be as serious as some would try and make out it was. “Excitement? Is that what you’d call it?” he queried lightly, the mirth apparent in his tone. “My eyes will definitely be on the ball.” Not to mention everything else. He’d been into football since he was small, he knew what he was doing, even if she liked to think he didn’t.
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
Come for me baby Come real slow And when you're done now baby Please go home Lenny's laying in bed She twiddles her thumbs and she scratches her head while While she thinks of what to say To get you to come But to say you can't stay
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
If there was trouble to get into, I was getting in to it. If there was something that I shouldn't do, you know I would do it. I was young, I was dumb, I was always on the run. Messed it up, all the ones. Cause when I look at you I see my one good move. Yeah, you're my one good move.
for Poe (@urbnlgnds)
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
Poe had pulled away but her hold on his shirt had remained. His eyes didn't dare look down, afraid to scare her away and have her pull away from him entirely. Even just the slight closeness with her felt like a piece of home he'd been missing for so long. "Thank you. I'm sorry I got you into this mess in the first place. I'll take care of it though-- I swear to you, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Not now, not ever." Even though she was trying to convince him he had been good at keeping her safe, he still felt like he'd failed her in so many ways. "You shouldn't have to be afraid either, babes. I never want to see you this scared again." Kilean's hand reached out to tuck her curly auburn hair back behind her ear, letting himself meet her gaze and try to capture this moment in his mind like a photograph he could turn to when he missed the woman he loved more than life.
"You don't have to ask me twice," he said in a low voice, breaking her gaze to look around to make sure no one was watching them. Without thinking Kilean reached for her hand and laced their fingers together, gently tugging her in the direction of his cheap rental 2 blocks over. "I know some place we can go and talk." A couple streets over sat an old restaurant that had been converted into a one bedroom flat. It wasn't much but it would be a safe spot for them to lay low for a bit. "I'm renting it off a mate up north. It's not much but I can make you some tea and we'll be safe here." Kilean let go of her hand to unlock the door, his cheeks turning a shade of red as he realized he should have relished more in the moment. Not knowing when the last time he'd hold her would be. "And don't say shit about my decor either, we both know you're the one who makes a house a home," he teased playfully as he held the door open for her.
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when it came to kilean, poe would never let her feelings go. thousands of memories flooded back to her as his fingers circled down her back, and the urge to press even closer to him kicked in. she'd always been the type to act on her impulsive thoughts when the boy she loved was next to her, and so she scuffled forward just a bit, her grip on her ex-husband tightening in the process. she was scared to let him go, scared to pull back just to watch him disappear behind a street corner, never to be seen again. or maybe she would see him again, but maybe it would take years. by that time he could fall in love with someone else, could move on from her entirely and forget she ever existed. but deep down, poe hoped that would never happen, and as much as she wanted to say it aloud, she couldn't bring herself to.
"i promise," she spoke softly, and despite having pulled out of the hug, poe continued to cling to the fabric of kilean's shirt. she hoped that it would deter him from tryin to leave, though there was a voice in the back of her head that reminded her that she was enough to keep him there. she hadn't been able to before, so why should she be able to now? "you've always done a good job of protecting me, kilean. i know you don't think you have, but you're wrong. look at me now, yeah? i'm untouched and unharmed." she was trying to ease his mind but she was doing a terrible job of it. that's why she was quick to cave in the next moment. "do you have time for me? to sit and talk and think? i just...i'm not ready to let you go yet. please."
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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Drew couldn't shake his head fast enough, hearing Farah say she thought he'd place the blame on her sent a twitch of pain through his chest. "Never. I was the one to blame, I was the one who wanted to leave. It wasn't fair for me to ask you to leave your family and friends to chase after my family. I messed things up, not you. You're--" he paused and rethought his choice of words. "You're never the villain in our story, Far." Drew ran his fingers through his messy hair, tugging at it at the top of his head like he'd always done when he was nervous. It had always been his tell, even when he thought he was playing it cool. Hearing Farah's stomach growl made broke the nervous and made the youngest Cerulli boy laugh. "Come on, I'll get you a table." Rather than taking her through the front door, he nodded towards the side door he'd come out of. Holding the door open for her like a gentlemen, "You want something to drink too? I'll get someone to bring you one while I make you something to eat." His hand rested (a little too comfortably) on the small of her back, guiding her through the busy kitchen towards a booth by the kitchen doors. "Do you want to see a menu or do you want me to surprise you?"
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breathe, breathe, shit can she hear me breathing this loud? Drew’s mind was spinning, trying to play it cool and not ruin his first in person chat with her since the night he’d left for the airport. “Yeah, Kirbs working for the radio station. Petra’s here with her kid. Jude’s around finding every bad guy in town to get Kirbs blood pressure up. Cole’s actually settled down a bit since the last time you two spoke, I think she’s seeing someone whose slipping her a sedative to chill her out.” He joked. “And I guess me, I’m here. I see them a lot when I’m not working. We have a lot of left over pasta at the end of the night so I’m usually the guy knocking on the door at 1am to leave them food for the next day.” There it was, his heart still fastened to his sleeve. Taking care of people the only way he knew how, with food. “There aren’t any hard feelings, I told them all I left and hurt you. Not the other way around. They’d still want to meet you, Far.” He let his shoulders loosely shrug, he’d tried not telling them anything at all but the Cerulli’s didn’t take silence for an answer. “Just don’t come in on Mondays, I don’t work on Monday’s so the food won’t be as good.” He winked back at her. “If you’re hungry now, I can whip something up for you? Maybe my boss will let me take a seat for a bit and you can tell me what you think of it.”
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Hearing about all Drew’s siblings and what they were up to was like a recap of an old show Farah loved.  Of course she’d heard about his family when they were dating, and understood why he needed to leave.  “I guess I figured you’d want to put the blame on me for not wanting to leave.”  Her voice was soft; Drew was too nice of a guy to ever do that, but it had been something she was worried about despite how often they insisted it was an amicable break up.  She planned on protesting, insisting that she was perfectly fine, but her stomach growled at that exact moment, causing her to let out a soft huff of air.  “Well - if it wouldn’t be too much of a bother.”
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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"You know I'd never pass up a chance to see my favourite client in action. And maybe so I can schmooze my way into a set stylist contract with them day," Lark flashed a wink at Benny to let him know she was just playing. "I'm proud of you, I'm happy to be here to watch you shine Benny. I've been a few sets but usually they lock me in a dressing room somewhere or I meet my clients in some producers office somewhere. It's nice to see the full behind the scenes!"
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closed starter for @midnightsmisery (lark) location: benny’s trailer on set
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“I’m so thrilled you could come join me,”  Benny couldn’t sit still, moving around in the trailer, clearly just excited to be in his element and have a friend with him.  “Cope has visited me, of course, but you know, she works too, and I don’t have a ton of friends or anything.”  He paused for a moment.  “I’m sure you’ve been on tons of sets though, seeing with who you work with an all.”
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
"I was just a kid, my Dad lost his job at the beer plant near by. My brother and I were working odd jobs to keep a roof over our head when Bugsy's right hand twat offered us a job as errand boys. We didn't know what the fuck we were getting ourselves into.. fuck we didn't even know who we were working for. We were just getting food and regular old supplies for the pub. We didn't know better until we got old enough for them to pull my brother up into the ranks. He worked for them for years until I started trying to leave. The killed him to scare me straight... I can't let them do that my wife. ex wife. Doesn't matter who she is to me, she doesn't deserve to get caught up in this because of me. If you make the call, I'll do whatever you need."
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“You have more leverage with them than I do. I’m a nobody… If you do me this solid, I’ll owe you one. I’m a man of my word and I’ll do your dirty work next time you need it. I need the hell out of Bugsy’s unit one way or another.”
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"you got that right at least. how'd ya' get involved with him anyway, he's a brute" manon looks the male up and down for just a moment, part of her did feel sorry for him, she sighs. "fine, just this once ryan but you owe me" she retorts, manon wouldn't let him forget that.
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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"hey don't make it sound like I'm lurking. You just happen to be posting when I'm still awake bored," he chuckled back at her. Slipping through the crack in the door she'd made for him, he made his way to the kitchen to put the bag of food on the counter. "You hungry? I can warm it up for you. Or it'll make good left over tomxorrow." Drew's love language was always food based, cooking for his friends and family was his way of showing he cared. Even if people didn't always understand that right away. "Just call me Super Drew, at your service." He joked back at her.
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any time drew cerulli showed up at her doorstep, mal felt a pang of excitement. they were both night owls, up until the sun turned the sky pink and the rest of the world was getting ready to wake up. she recognized his voice as soon as she heard it, feet scuffling towards the door in her cow slippers with a shy smile on her face. "sometimes i forget how quickly you look at my stories," she teased, cracking the door just enough to let him in. "you're always my hero; i hope you know that."
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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Kirby said the words that he knew were true deep in his heart. His family was his home and after the kind of military brat childhood theyd had, they'd turned out closer than most siblings. Something he wouldn't change even if he could. "Yeah, you're right." Drew waited at the light until they could cross, shaking his head at his older brother. "Love idiots? How the hell are we both single then? I though us Cerulli men had being fucking idiots down pat." A soft chuckle escaped his lips, knowing if their sisters were hear they'd chime right in to roast them both. "I mean it Kirb, thank you. You're always looking out for me, even when you don't have too. You're a good big bro." There was a time when Kirby was away in the air force, where Drew felt out of sorts without his brother. His sisters were like feral bobcats ready to pounce on anyone to who even thought poorly of Drew, but it wasn't the same without his level headed big brother around. He'd missed him more than Kirby even knew, and would never regret moving here to be closer to his siblings.
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“That’s an understate,” he scoffed, nudging his older brothers side as he put his arm around his shoulders. “People don’t really get it when you say your homesick, but you never really lived anywhere long enough to call any one place home. It’s complicated,” Drew let his shoulders fall hard as he exhaled. Military kids were some of the only people on the planet who could understand how he felt. “I don’t know, I hope she didn’t… but I – I also get that it’s easier to be mad at someone after a break up than just be sad about it.” Coming up to a red light, Drew stopped at the corner, his building in view at the end of the next block. “Thanks for the warning, at least now if I see her I won’t think I’m seeing things and look like an idiot.” He joked.
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“Your family is your home,” Kirby stated simply.  He felt it too - the only place he ever really felt at home was when he was with as many of his siblings as possible.  He spotted Drew’s apartment himself, and stifled a yawn, already dreading the fact that he’d need to be awake in a few hours.  “Well, either way, I think you’re a hard one to be mad at, bub,” gently bumping his shoulder into Drew’s, he let out a soft sigh.  “Well, maybe that would work out in your favor; I hear girls love idiots.”
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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Zión Moreno as Luna La GOSSIP GIRL (2021—) 2.02 “Guess Who’s Coming at Dinner”
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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Jack O'Connell in “Seberg” (2019)
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
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midnightsmisery · 1 year
with addison ( @oftatteredwings )
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Sam and Riley being ridiculous (DURING REHEARSALS?) || March 31, 2023
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