midniitemusewrites · 2 months
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midniitemusewrites · 3 months
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"No sorrow will live in me so long as that joy -- save one. And I thank you for that part, too."
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midniitemusewrites · 4 months
missionary where your hands are cuffed above you, and your lover is leaning over you with a possessive hand holding your jaw, their thrusts slow. every time he pulls out he watches your face curiously, and every time he pushes back in he smiles as it pulls a cry out of you. they've got a feral look in their eye as they ask you, "yeah? right there, baby? that feel good kitten?" and you just have to gasp and whimper and take it and
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midniitemusewrites · 4 months
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PNG borders.
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midniitemusewrites · 4 months
ok but the way he's still kind of getting outcunted by the guy on the left
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midniitemusewrites · 4 months
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midniitemusewrites · 5 months
No, you know what, everyone be nice to Liam Hemsworth. He's not the step Geralt, he's the Geralt who stepped up.
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midniitemusewrites · 5 months
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Mads: He's (Hannibal) elegant in a certain way, I have to be aware of it. And have a certain tempo that he can also change. So you have to have a bodily awareness of all characters, but specifically this man. He was very specific. Nothing was wasted. There was no — he was not having a nervous scratch or anything like that, which is quite human; we made him like, inhuman that way. And he was completely in control of all his movements.
(c2e2 2024)
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midniitemusewrites · 5 months
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is the witcher fandom even on here? or existing beyond polish dads? idk but worth a try
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midniitemusewrites · 5 months
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“I’m not fortune’s fool, I’m yours.” 🩸
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midniitemusewrites · 7 months
Many centuries ago, to do some land agreements, the Kaedwen mountain was given to the Pankratz family.
Then, one afternoon, while going through the Library in the Keep, this information is discovered.
Jaskier is technically the righful owner of Kear Morhen
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midniitemusewrites · 7 months
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In almost all yennskier fics there's an element of geraskier, them being exes or Jaskier having unrequited feelings for Geralt, and while that's fine and all, I'm desperate for some fics WITHOUT geraskier, with Jaskier having to deal with all the angst that comes with being in love with your best friend's girlfriend/ex bc even if Yennefer loved him back, Jaskier is too loyal to Geralt to ever do anything about it.
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Imagine them all traveling together post Voleth Meir and Jaskier and Yennefer desperately trying to hide their feelings while failing a bit more each day.
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Imagine the secret lingering looks and gentle touches and having to be alone together and maybe a kiss or two when they're left alone and can't hold back.
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Imagine Jaskier writting song after song about her and having to lie when Geralt and Ciri ask who it's about. Yennefer would pretend not to know.
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Imagine Jaskier going back to his usual manwhore self, sleeping with any willing person around except Yennefer and imagine Yennefer slowly giving in to Geralt's attempts to get back together, hoping her feelings for him will rekindle one day. Imagine the jealousy!
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midniitemusewrites · 8 months
A young, horny Lambert sets his sights on an older hunk of Witcher beef. CW: age gap, flirtation.
"I'm going for it."
"Lambert, don't be a fucking idiot. They'll laugh at you."
"They might, but he won't. You miss all the chances you don't take, right?"
"Your funeral."
Lambert licked his lips and smoothed his hair back as he stood. He hadn't torn his eyes away from his mark for a single second since said man had swaggered into the hall a few hours before. This was the winter he'd do it. He was a man himself now, which meant he had every chance of bagging himself the hunk of good-lookin' he'd been coveting from the moment his dick had started getting hard at night and hair had appeared on his jaw.
It wasn't just that Eskel had two decades on Lambert or that he was becoming a seasoned witcher. No other Witcher in the keep compared. Sure, some tried. They might step toe to toe during drills or try to outflame Eskel's igni, but they never could. The only one that outmatched Eskel was his pale shadow, Geralt. They even looked a little similar. But cream puff was a fucking bean pole of a man, and that shitty headband...
N'aw, Lambert wanted big. He wanted heat, and honey eyes, and that thatch of dark hair he'd seen on Eskel's barrelled chest in the baths, and that huge fucking d--
"You lost, Lambert?"
Lambert blinked. Gweld, the ginger prick, was frowning at him, ale tankard halfway up to his mouth. The others had paused their card game; Clovis looked drunk, Geralt was slouched back trying to see Clovis' hand and Eskel was watching Lambert speculatively.
Watching, with those honey-coloured eyes that turned Lambert inside out. The words caught in Lambert's throat; shit, fuck, why was he so fuckin' stupid the moment Eskel looked at him?
He took a breath, conscious of Clovis elbowing Gweld with a chuckle, while Geralt looked over with a smirk.
Lambert found his words. He folded his arms, thrust his chest out, widened his stance and put on his best cocky smirk. "Was just wonderin' whether Eskel wanted some better company. You losers can't handle your beer at the best of times."
They laughed. Gweld elbowed Eskel who cocked a half smile, eyes rolling not at Lambert, but his friends, proving Lambert's point. Obviously.
"Is that right?" Geralt asked, amusement turning his narrow face bright with a toothy grin. Lambert had been told that as witchers matured they honed their sense of smell, could identify a man's emotions from his body language, the flush in his skin. Lambert knew Geralt had him sussed. "And what kinda company are you offering?"
"Geralt..." Eskel growled in warning, and it went straight to Lambert's groin. Fucking hells.
"Whatever he wants. I'm a man of many talents."
More laughter--"little man has game, shit; fuck, I'm chokin, too funny"--but Lambert wasn't put off. Eskel's eyes were on him, warming him like the sun. The lines around those eyes were wrinkled with mirth, and damn if that smile wasn't snatching the breath right out of Lambert's chest.
"Does your master know you're out?" Eskel asked, placing his cards face down. He leaned back in his chair and slung his elbow onto the back of it, knee turned out while a hand tapped at his drink.
Lambert tried to keep his eyes level and resist the urge to... look. Eskel's codpiece put on an absolutely fucking heroic effort, but it could only hide so much and that was when Eskel was soft. "What he don't know can't hurt him. No business of his who else is in my bed as long as I am."
Eskel pressed his lips together to smother his smile while the others guffawed. More was said but Lambert didn't really hear; he was too focused on keeping his heart from beating out his chest and appearing suave.
Eskel hummed. "Aren't you a little young to be lookin' for that kinda fun?"
"Worried you won't be able to keep up, old man?" Lambert felt momentum. He could do snark, he could meet Eskel on this well worn ground, toe to toe, and the way Eskel's head tilted to the side and his eyebrow rose. It wasn't a no, right? He looked interested. Amused, but he didn't dismiss Lambert outright.
Gweld slapped Eskel on the shoulder with a bark. "Eskel here's got stories that'd make your balls shrivel up into yer belly, lad. I don't think he's a good choice for yer first ride, best drop your ambitions."
"Fuck off, Gweld," Eskel said, but there was no heat to his words. Just wry amusement.
Geralt snorted into his drink and Clovis made a vulgar gesture with his hand, but before Lambert could respond a familiar voice barked through the hall and sucked all the building sexual tension into a vacuum. "Lambert, get your arse to bed, you missed roll call!"
Lambert clenched his teeth, shoulders lifting towards his ears. For fuck's sake...
Three of the witchers in front of him groaned in mock empathy. "Oof, tough break, Lambino. Cock blocked by Vesemir," Gweld said, shaking his head while Geralt and Clovis snickered. "Don't worry, we've all been there. Ain't that right, Gerbear?"
Geralt guffawed in protest and smacked Gweld on the shoulder. It quickly devolved into a wrestling match on the floor, one which Gweld was definitely going to lose. Eskel watched them briefly before he looked back at Lambert. "Another time perhaps," he said, toasting Lambert with his ale. "G'wan, before he decides the target dummies are a little light on straw."
Lambert grunted, frustrated, but stalked away. He'd made inroads, and the way Eskel's eyes had shone, and that crooked grin. Eskel hadn't outright rejected him, hells, he'd--well, that smile... Eskel didn't smile at everyone like that.
Lambert laid in bed with that smile behind his eyes and a hand under the sheets, determined that it would be Eskel's instead of his own by winter's end.
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midniitemusewrites · 8 months
slightly losing my mind over this bookmark
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midniitemusewrites · 10 months
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—Will looking at Hannibal
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midniitemusewrites · 11 months
Literally rubbing my stupid little hands together as I write this. So far it has 8 chapters in the outline, will be at least ten. Lots of angst, but ultimately hurt comfort with a happy ending. Oh yeah.
Hmm. Geraskier but it's Crimson Peak. Not sure who the mysterious sibling is. Could be Yennefer. Could be Eskel ala inexplixific's warlord AU.
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midniitemusewrites · 11 months
Hmm. Geraskier but it's Crimson Peak. Not sure who the mysterious sibling is. Could be Yennefer. Could be Eskel ala inexplixific's warlord AU.
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