miffyprick · 7 years
❖ your brother is going to leave you behind
     ❝     uk if we’re gonna be HONEST here thicc bih . i think i’d be leavin HIM before that happens so like . leaf me olone xoxoxooxo .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
whos ur bff !!!!
     ❝     me , myself and i .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back or their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
bold which habits your muse has
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : thief skwad. )  →  felicity morales.
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❝ No! I’m impressed. Illegal activity doesn’t manifest itself this well in teenagers all that often. You’re an anomaly, and a good one at that. —– OKAY, guy in the suit looks rich. You take ‘im, I’ll take madame handbag on the ground behind her — on a fuckin’ park bench! You’re begging for it at that point. ❞
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     ❝     he does have one of those PONCEY watches that are real old . let’s go then , he’s lookin’ at that girl’s tits ... i think . so he DESERVES to get shit taken from him anyway . an’ he’s distracted --- the perfect plan .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : love doctor ig. )  →  pauline kisch.
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      “ jesus —- you know, i have no idea idea what you just called me. don’t think i wanna know, can’t be bothered to care. what i do think is important is sticking to the three bullet points plan when it comes to a date: smile, laugh & shake your hips. left to right is best. everything else makes you look like you’re having an allergic attack. ”
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     ❝     that’s not advice --- ‘m not being myself ‘f all i do is laugh an’ smile . an’ why would i shake my hips ? we’re not going DANCING that’d be stupid to just ... start dancing outta nowhere ... d’you do that a lot ? is that what made you have that ALLERGIC ATTACK dance move ? i wish someone got that on video --- that’d be rich for someone who doesn’t know what a ninny is .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : her hermes. )  →  liza scalley.
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     “ i ——- - i didn’t say it was . . i’ve never, never heard anyone say it. most metaphors at least match their literal meaning. did people from your class tell you? mine used to do the same thing. but with songs about kissing on trees. ”
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     ❝     no they didn’t --- they don’t have the IMAGINATION for it . they just talk ‘bout “ the spirit of christmas ” which is just fart an’ poop jokes . they might’ve been it when i was like , FIVE but ‘m way smarter now that ‘m an adult ... d’ya not like it ? i think ‘s pretty fun ‘cause people just nod along an’ are like , they can’t let me KNOW they don’t know what “ pizza pavement ” means --- y’know ? did you like those songs ? what did they SING ‘bout you ?     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : big bitch. )  →  red miller.
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     “hey, LITTLE GIRL! why don’t you watch where you’re going next time?”
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     ❝     first of all --- you , BIG BITCH , are a large package an’ i’m a just little bit smaller than you . but i could still beat you the FUCK up so there’s that . second of all , you should be the one who says SORRY ‘cause i saw you fine but you still got in my fucking way .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : acquaintance. )  →  arizona kingston.
—– @miffyprick
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               “ i have no idea where this will lead us —— but i have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange. ” 
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     ❝     well , i dunno ‘bout you but i hope ‘s gonna get US to somewhere with a terminator . that’d be a way DOPER thursday than y’know , other thursdays . what d’you want it to be ?     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : acquaintance. )  →  wallace mccoy.
@miffyprick !!
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     “ i get the vibe you’re bored of this conversation. ”
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     ❝     you look way more bored than i do in math class --- which is saying SOMETHING ‘cause math class is boring as fuck .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : road trip skwad. )  →  samuel karim.
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     ❛   not really a secret ! people know i’m friends with lumen … and –– the government knows ! but– maybe, you could … do you have their emails ? you could, maybe, copy ika-tako ? he would disguise his virus in music files & when downloaded – it would replace all your files with, uh … pictures of squid ! that’s an option. it could be anything you want. he got arrested, though, so … maybe less EXTREME ?    ❜
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     ❝     i don’t think doing shit to two , maybe SEVEN , people’s computers is gonna get the attention of the government . ‘least , not ‘f we do it from my computer . ‘less the person who bought it was --- well , someone like YOU i guess . we’ll be fine , promise ! i know what ‘m doing ... so , squid huh ? that’s kinda funny actually . i'd rather ‘f it was some online GANG’S picture or ... something like that . something to make them real scared an’ paranoid ; that’d be real funny .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : brother? no, wanking dillhole. )  →  stefan cowell.
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    ❛   sure i have ! all the fuckin’ time … didn’t really ANSWER my question, though. – – – found one yet ?   ❜
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     ❝     why should i answer your question ? it’s a STUPID question ... bro .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
@paulincs said: ❝ You want my advice? ❞
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     ❝     no , i just told you all that CRAP ‘cause i wanted to talk shit . of course i want your advice , you ninny . why else would i talk to you ?     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : her boi. )  →  jump roux.
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    he laughs and licks his lips once more, smiling growing on his face with just one more glance at her. putting your happiness in one person was dangerous, but she was worth it.       “cool enough to be your boyfriend?” he asked, sliding a arm around her waist to keep them steady. to keep them CLOSE.
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her heart thuds against her ribcage --- it feels like it’s in time with his OWN heartbeat . fingertips raise to his cheek , hand offering a gentility she didn’t know she was capable of .     ❝     yeah , yeah you are .     ❞     fervour and CREDULITY overflows from her veil , with words spoken softer than her faint memories of infancy . toned arm offers a succorance she instantly melts into and she smiles . teasings LACE throughout her cadence --- it bounces with her enthusiasm .     ❝     still need some practice though , you didn’t even know what SPACEBALLS meant before .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
@scvlley said: ❝ Have I said something amusing? ❞
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     ❝     pavement pizza doesn’t like --- literally mean pizza that’s on the pavement , liza . ‘s just ... a big PILE of vomit . which is sad . finding pizza around would be a lot more fun .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
@fvlicitys said: ❝ Wait. We’re in a very gray area. Ethically. Legally. Which I’m okay with – ❞
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     ❝     ‘s that ‘cause you wanna use me as a DISTRACTION or ‘cause you actually are happy for me ?     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : brother? no, wanking dillhole. )  →  stefan cowell.
@miffyprick !
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     ❛   so… how’s the JOB SEARCH going, sis ?  ❜
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     ❝     why’re you calling me sis ? i don’t think you’ve ever called me that before , ‘s like calling me UMB-ARELLA or some wack shit like that . so shut up , you wanker .     ❞
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miffyprick · 7 years
( RELATION : road trip skwad. )  →  samuel karim.
@miffyprick !
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   ❛   that’s… a fun idea. but it’d be–– very illegal. you could always learn how to on your own. i could teach you ! but then i’d be tried as an accomplice, and i– really don’t wanna go to jail. can’t you just egg their house ? toilet paper’s even less… BAD. that’s what you did when i was a kid. simpler times.   ❜
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     ❝     eggin’ their house isn’t really the kinda FUN i wanna be up to though . ‘cause y’know , they’re real pricks an’ i gotta make sure they KNOW it was me that got them back . ‘else there’s no use in me tryna get them back , is there ? ‘sides , ‘m not a rat , hambo sambo . your knack for computers SECRET is safe with me .     ❞
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