mijaesung-blog · 5 years
hi hi !! i’m sorry for popping up ooc but i got a bit to say. i’m really sorry if i have been taking ages to get through your asks memes, i’m not ignoring them i’ve just been a super slow writer recently !! also i’ve had a really weird schedule recently so if replies come to you at weird intervals...you know why !! but ily all so much after hanging with you these past few days !! ily qts !!
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mijaesung-blog · 5 years
hold your liquor:
random scenario meme - accepting !
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“i just…wish…there was something i could do!” it’s a struggle, but one by one the long-winded words come out, directed at the female standing across from his body which was slumped against the bar. “you deserve to know what happened to your parents.” everyone knew bella as myeongcho’s faithful bartender who provided them with tasty drinks and good conversation. jaesung, however, knew her as the officer he’d once worked alongside as well as the woman who’d lost her parents to unidentified circumstances years prior.
he’d come to wind down from yet another stressful day on the field, but something seems…off. did he really drink that much, or was his mind unnecessarily hazy? he had never been a drinker (not until he became an officer, that is), and what he was feeling was far more than the buzz that was expected. with his tongue loose and ready to slip up, he finds himself rambling to the woman, fingers tapping away at the glass of his cup and thoughts disrupted in prolonged hums.
“can’t you come back to the station? we miss you there, none of my other noonas will ever be as pretty as you are. “ okay, so he would definitely hate himself when he found out he said that out loud. but, what was done was done, and there was a sort of truth to his words. jaesung enjoyed having bella as his senior during his early time, but she had now been gone for a while and had exchanged careers as a bartender. at least she did that job well, too.
“i wanna get back at those assholes who did this to your parents. fuck them.” the words are sudden and much harsher for the boy who rarely let a curse slip past his lips naturally; a definite sign of his drunken state. “do you think it was columba? i’ve got…connections, there.”
the slurred phrase triggers the raising of his eyebrows alongside a childish giggle, as if he’s just told someone of his middle school crush. though it doesn’t sound too bad, jaesung’s walking on dangerous waters with the risk of outing himself to her. this was why he should never drink. but he has, and it’s far too late, because in that moment he decides he’s going to confess to her his true identity. it wasn’t like anyone was listening, right?
“noona, did you know? the funniest thing happened to me. i’m actually an under-”
thud. some higher power must be on his side, for the second the alcohol is about to get hin into a load of trouble, fatigue overcomes him and with the wave of sudden exhaustion jaesung passes out, right on the bar.
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mijaesung-blog · 5 years
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jaesung didn’t want to say he liked when others got in danger, but he sure did get a wave of adrenaline from helping them out of it. therefore, the approaching gang member cornering the girl he’d gotten to know as shank at the end of the alley causes the familiar defense to overcome him. perhaps it was the civic duty of a policeman or the rehearsed alliance he’d created with the members of columba that prompts him, but within a few seconds of spotting the man he’s standing behind them, barrel of his gun aimed at the center of the center man’s head.
“let’s be friendly with each other and leave her alone, hm? there’s no reason for this to turn bloody - right?” the smile he offers is one nearly identical of that he shows as a normal officer - but this one is more hidden, more menacing. something lurks behind the bright teeth, a consequence of the state of mind he’s put in posing as a columba member. the normal friendliness that he typically has is morphed into a sort of disguise - a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
a step forward proves there will be no compliance, and with a sigh, jaesung drops the gun to his sides. wouldn’t they ever just give up? he knows better than to be too messy, and there were limits to posing as a columba member. if he didn’t have to kill them, he wouldn’t. he was sure the girl could handle herself, but just as a precaution, he turns to her, tone much more friendly and in a way playful than the threatening one used with the other. “i’d, uh….i wouldn’t look. assholes like this guy don’t get warnings, especially if they try to hurt someone i know.”
time slows as the man’s hand aims straight for his abdomen - splitting into the wound that hadn’t fully healed from weeks back. ouch. with a sharp pain going through his entire body, the anger he feels boiling through his body makes its way to the surface. this wasn’t fair, to him or to yukiko. injustice deserved to be punished. no matter how morally correct he strived to be, the male had absolutely no sympathy for those who took advantage of others.
so, with a strike to the assailant’s cheek and his tennis shoes aiming straight for the other’s hip, jaesung lets his negativity take over. sure, he could always calm down, and there’s the impending fear that maybe this isn’t all an act. but the second he strikes the other to the floor, a rush of satisfaction meets him, the bloodied man’s rugged breaths proving jaesung hadn’t gone too far. he’d be fine, or at least better off than if someone who wasn’t as nice had crossed him instead.
it takes him a minute to recenter himself before he turns to her, smile as bright as it had always been. “you alright?” he asks with genuine concern, checking for himself though his eyes flick towards the end of the alleyway. “we’d better get out of here if you want to avoid trouble, i have a feeling that he’s not the last of them, and that he’s not down forever.”
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mijaesung-blog · 5 years
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bang bang !! hi everyone of this wonderful rp, it’s your least favorite dreamcatcher enthusiast blaire here to introduce you to my boy jaesung !! i’ll skip the introduction on me, you can find that on the about the mun page !! anyways, i was so super late to the party, and even later to post my intro !! perhaps i’m … a mess ?? anyways, let me stop embarrassing myself !! i have been ecstatic for the past week to bring you my very first muse, kim jaesung !! he’s 24, been an officer in the mpd for five years now, and is finally getting his first shot at being an undercover officer !! he obeys the law and tries to be perfect so much to the point it can be annoying as hell sometimes, but also highkey strugling not to fall into the pits ( or in love ) of the gang life as he goes undercover !! please do me the favor of checking out his profile, plots, or bio if you’re interested, or if you want to dive right in like this for some plotting in ims !!  ♡ more info under the cut.
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mijaesung-blog · 5 years
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bang bang !! hi everyone of this wonderful rp, it’s your least favorite dreamcatcher enthusiast blaire here to introduce you to my boy jaesung !! i’ll skip the introduction on me, you can find that on the about the mun page !! anyways, i was so super late to the party, and even later to post my intro !! perhaps i’m . . . a mess ?? anyways, let me stop embarrassing myself !! i have been ecstatic for the past week to bring you my very first muse, kim jaesung !! he’s 24, been an officer in the mpd for five years now, and is finally getting his first shot at being an undercover officer !! he obeys the law and tries to be perfect so much to the point it can be annoying as hell sometimes, but also highkey strugling not to fall into the pits ( or in love ) of the gang life as he goes undercover !! please do me the favor of checking out his profile, plots, or bio if you’re interested, or if you want to dive right in like this for some plotting in ims !!  ♡ more info under the cut.
he was born & bred in myeongcho !! honestly he loves it because he’s a lil’ traditional boy who’s a sucker for history and loves how much the island has. for a while now he’s been considering moving out to seoul for a bigger & faster paced life, but recently myeongcho’s been pretty busy and he can’t bring himself to leave everyone behind.
a-l-w-a-y-s been that little kid in class you never liked, lmao. like the one who answered the question before you ever could and gave you “constructive” criticism ?? the one who told the teacher if you said a bad word ?? yeah. that was jaesung.
he really didn’t do it out of ill intention, in fact he thought he was doing the right thing !! he kind of has always taken doing what’s right and telling the truth to the extreme, and always made it his duty to. he’s the only son to parents both involved in law enforcement as well so he’s always been expected to protect justice everywhere !!
he’s actually kind of really smart, like i’m not even saying this to brag on him but what the fuck else was he supposed to do but study !! no one wants to befriend someone screaming about doing what’s right every two seconds, so most him time was spent in the books instead of with friends from elementary to middle school, and therefore he started gaining a lot of skills, particularly in technology & math !!
then high school came and...phew !! for once, he was getting attention because he was getting cute, and even though he could be annoying as hell some girls dealt with it. tbh he’d never been approached before but he was super awk but eventually, he started adoring the attention !! but to this day he still can’t approach a crush without some stage ten blushing going on.
this kind of made him slack behind, but eventually, he caught up !! his parents had expected him to go to college as they had, but he was super eager to start his career and went right away to train at the mpd academy !! they weren’t thrilled he wasn’t getting a diploma but what were they going to do - his dad was a head detective there, for goodness sake !!
anyways !! he’s been super loyal & been a hard working lil’ boy for the past four years there. on more than one occasion, he’s been distracted by all the bad happenings around the island !! he’d been so closed off from it for so long so being strict & rule-abiding had always been easy, but after being exposed to the gangs and criminal activity he was sort of intrigued ?? and ever since he’s been having this internal battle of playing by the boos or leading with his heart in terms of the career.
this partially happened because he fell in love with a prostitute he was supposed to arrest but that’s a whole other story i’ll elaborate on later lmao ( possible connection, hm ?? )  
but he got through it and after that, for the most part, has been doing good !! about four months ago, at the beginning of the year. he was appointed as the newest undercover officer directed to see the happenings of the “underground” world !! honestly he was stoked because it was something he’d wanted for a while, but also secretly he just wanted a justified reason to be closer to the gangs wsefpowfe.
he’s currently posing as a columba recruit, but he still hasn’t gained their full trust yet !! kinda still a flunky, doing tedious tasks for them. he’s been sent to give information on a recent operation they’re taking on & see if it affects the mpd or citizens in any way. 
 he really is interested in what goes on there & the ethics of it all since their leader used to work with the mpd as well,and personally he’s secretly a bit curious about their method of bringing about justice. 
honestly, he loves fighting for justice but has also been drawn to crime lately so columba is just calling him. but it’s just an act for the mission !! right . . . ?? 
because he can be swayed by his heart at times, if you got some muses that have to get info out of a police officer he’s your man !! he can be a little dumb at times.
tbh he always either needs coffee love or to do something perfectly so if you can help him with that he’ll love you forever mkay mwah i’m done let me come love you !! 
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mijaesung-blog · 5 years
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This is a random scenario meme for everyone! You’ll be able to reblog this meme for fourteen days starting today, but feel free to continue answering memes after that if need be. Go wild with them and have a good time! Also feel free to use this for sentence starters or drabbles; the most important thing is to get everyone writing. Hopefully, it’ll spark some new plot ideas and interactions too!
Remember to reblog this if you’re interested in receiving a meme, and to send some to everyone that reblogs it, too! You’re welcome to skip over this if you’d like to; it’s by no means mandatory to reblog and participate. Most importantly, though, have fun!!
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mijaesung-blog · 5 years
Everyone with a beating heart deserves to be saved.
J.R. Ward (via daisyjhnsons)
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mijaesung-blog · 5 years
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Nam Joohyuk // SOME-DAY Making Film
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mijaesung-blog · 5 years
tag dump !
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