i m m a k i n g t h e s e a n d i m n o t s h a r i n g
Cosmic Cupcakes!! Learn how to craft this delicious treat in time to celebrate Shiro’s birthday on Thursday! #VoltronShiroBirthday
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AHEM Dreamworks i'm coming for you @dreamworksanimation
So listen guys, I don’t know if you’ve heard the rumor about Dreamworks not allowing Klance, but I just wanted to talk about it. So according to a theory or post by someone, the producers wanted to do endgame Klance and more Shadam but Dreamworks cut them off. They were forced to change it.
But guys think about it. It all makes sense. They’ve been working on Season 7 since Season 2 came out, and they said they’re still working on Season 8. You want to know why? Because they’re fighting right now with Dreamworks to give us the story we deserve. They already confirmed that they were fighting up until the very end to even make Shadam a couple, which is why there’s even existing audio where they aren’t. It’s why so much stuff doesn’t add up. Why Allura suddenly likes Lance out of nowhere, Why Lance’s family arc was given to Hunk. Why Axca and Keith made no sense at all. Guys. Those scenes were supposed to be for Keith and Lance. Keith was supposed to be the one who was there for Lance and fell for him. Just think about it. If you put Keith and Lance together in all those situations, the story suddenly makes so much more sense. Ezor and Zethrid teasing Lance and Keith about always protecting each other. Keith telling Lance to be safe. Keith comforting Lance at him being upset over his family. Jeremy even told us that Keith would end up comforting Lance. Guys he said that because the VA’s don’t always get to see the final product until it comes out. It was supposed to be that Keith does comfort Lance, but they changed it to Hunk. That’s why Hunk’s whole thing felt so forced and out of place. Why all of it did. Why Keith’s character felt so out of place. Klance was supposed to be endgame, and Dreamworks made them change it. That’s why they’ve been working on it all this time. Because they were fighting to give us that. And yeah there still might be some things that were bad about S7 after all that, but who knows how much else they had to change and even if they didn’t, that storyline would still make so much more sense than the one we got. Guys they’re trying to say all this stuff because they’re frustrated too. They’re frustrated that they’ve been limited from telling the story they wanted to tell. They know we’re upset and they’re upset too. They had all this promo and such for it because they wanted it to happen just as much as we did. They were fighting for it. They probably even went a little bit over what they were allowed to. It’s not them we should really be mad at. It’s Dreamworks for taking something this important away from us.
So you guys have a choice to make. You can continue being angry at the producers or even drop the show, or you can stand up and fight. Even if it doesn’t change everything. It will still change some things. It will still help future productions. It will still be a voice to everyone out there. They are not finished with Season 8 yet because they are still fighting for us. We need to stand united and make our voices heard to Dreamworks. They need to know we aren’t okay with what they’re doing. The producers aren’t perfect. They make mistakes and sometimes the choices they make in their shows aren’t necessarily the best. But you guys know that they love this show and they have always wanted to give us representation. They have always wanted to make this show something unique and amazing for us. We saw the thousands of production art papers and we have seen just how hard they’ve worked in the past to give us what we need. Were they perfect? No. But did they try their damn hardest to give every part of their audience an amazing show? Yes. They always had the best intentions in mind. Season 7 felt so out of place because it wasn’t the season they wanted to give us. It was the one they were told to give us. They tried to add as much as they could in there and tell us not to give up hope, but they can only do so much. They are under contract. But we aren’t. So make your voices heard. Protest what Dreamworks is doing. DO NOT MAKE DEATH THREATS OR VIOLENCE THREATS. Instead, make sure they know we aren’t okay with this season. That we want the producers to create the show they had in mind. We don’t want them to be limited by what a company thinks is or isn’t okay for a tv show. We asked for this rep and now it’s time we fight for it.
Look, maybe I’m wrong and this whole thing was what they wanted. But I choose not to believe that until proven otherwise. It makes so much more sense when you think of what went on in the sidelines. Why some of the article writers who got inside scoops kept telling us that they tried to give us as much as possible. Why everything seemed so vague. I know we’re all angry and hurt and upset. But this show needs our help guys. More than ever before. Maybe we won’t change the eventual outcome of the show, but we will make our voices heard and maybe save the fate of future shows. But who knows. We won’t know until we try. I really hope this reaches all of you. Dreamworks needs to hear our voice, so that someday someone else’s won’t be silenced.
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i cANT
Therapist: Do any sounds annoy you?
Keith: Real sounds or imaginary sounds?
Therapist: *curious* Let’s say imaginary.
Keith: Spider wearing flip flops.
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Hunk: What will your tombstone say?
Lance: ‘Oh Lance, there was never a better king of the universe.’
Hunk: What about you Keith?
Keith: 'Ugh.’
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w o n d er f u l
[Don’t Do Drugs Kids …]
Keith: BRU H H AM i H i G H
Lance: E X C U S E ME
Keith: lEt mE f U ck yo u
Lance: o k a y
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ive been laughing for 10 mINUTES
Hunk: What are the symptoms of depression?
Keith: Why are you asking me?
Hunk: Shiro was doing laundry earlier and he dropped a sock and I heard him say, “Why has God forsaken me?”
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I love this more than I should
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Just two bros doing a best friends photo session after their ladies had one done
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all star w h o
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this, this is p u r e a f
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I like how everybody is paired off haha
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i c o n i c
we’re lucky tumblr doesn’t have Achievements
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Not those pesky hippocrips. Im here to have a diddly darn good time so if you dont mind if I do im gonna go snort some milk.
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