miklb · 2 years
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New Year’s Day 2023 supper—blackened local red fish with peas, Brussels sprout slaw & hush puppies.
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miklb · 2 years
I don't know what they are calling the abomination that is WordPress theme editing these days but it's an embarrassment for someone like me whose professional identity was so tied to WP. I know the ship sailed years ago on core devs actually using WordPress to blog but I dare anyone to show me how edit the 2023 theme in browser on a vanilla install.
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miklb · 2 years
So much for one-click WordPress VPS installs. Required updating WordPress to 6.1.1 and SSH into server with 356! updates before I can provision an SSL cert with certbot. This is for a side project I've been considering for a while, not my personal site.
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miklb · 2 years
Did WordPress.com recently change its plans and pricing? I swear I set up a client this summer for $180 annually and I can't find that plan anywhere. Now there's 4 tiers none of which resemble what I set them up with. And WTF is up with a "premium" plan if I can't install plugins? Feels like WordPress now has to subsidize Tumblr and all the other failed acquisitions Automattic has made.
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miklb · 2 years
Comment I left after canceling auto-renew on a git related tool—" As a long time user and subscriber for a few years, each time I opened the app I felt more disconnected from my original joy in using it."
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miklb · 2 years
Off to do the one pure thing I can do before the weather goes bad & the holidays. Give blood
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miklb · 2 years
Zelensky address to joint meeting of Congress sans Twitter feels weird.
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miklb · 2 years
Major annoying “feature” bug of Tumblr is post a short note & attach a link at the end. It unfurls the URL and deletes your note. I was saying the aforementioned link to Dan Sinker’s post about rediscovering blogs and RSS is unsurprisingly better explanation of what I’ve been trying to share.
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miklb · 2 years
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miklb · 2 years
I’ve flirted with Duck Duck Go but never went steady. That all changed when Google search went all alphabet soup.
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miklb · 2 years
Since stopping use of Twitter I’ve been using a mix of newsletters from Tampa Bay Times and WaPo for news and feeds for tech news. Magnitudes less self confirming outrage feels healthy.
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miklb · 2 years
Tumblr iOS app is woefully too aggressive with caching. Had to restart the app to see my posts from this morning. Also not a fan of it not detecting and auto-hyperlinking full URLs. I really need to write some HTML and markup the microformats so I can start posting from my blog.
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miklb · 2 years
I deleted the bird app from my devices but still have cross-posting set up for now. I have no idea how they look or if the gist of my posts is conveyed. I'm also considering a Tampa only account.
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miklb · 2 years
Jane Castor is wrong
This op-ed from Tampa's mayor is wrong on so many levels. Arguing that the current "strong mayor" system has worked for "decades" ignores the realities on the ground and history. What I can tell you is endorsing your mother-in-law for a city council seat currently held by a popular progressive won't mend any rifts between folks like myself engaged in the day to day business of the city. I don't know what Mayor Castor's daily schedule is like, but maybe she could come address council in person instead of making videos she sends along with her PR team. Maybe she could hold some real town halls instead of mid-day meet & greets at McDonalds.
Maybe respond to email sent to her office. (Jane, I'm still waiting for mine.)
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miklb · 2 years
I’ve been following Paul Robert Lloyd’s work on GitHub since he started this project and am very excited to dive in and see if it might be a fit with my work on an Eleventy powered blog.
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miklb · 2 years
My neighborhood Publix remodeled and the only good thing about it is the new super smooth rolling carts.
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miklb · 2 years
Poking around the current iteration of Tumblr and I'm not exactly sure what it wants to be. The timeline on the web feels very much like it wants to be Twitter shoving recommended accounts at me from 3 different directions. Why must we focus on "engagement" for content creation instead of simplifying the interface and guiding a user to start finding their own voice?
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