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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
OUBLIISM The signatories of Oubliism have, under the glare of a nuclear starburst Committed to Shed tears OUBLII! Our tidal encounters conceive new physical realities from which we will harvest fresh perspective. OUBLIISM symbolises the most fundamental relationship with the surrounding reality; with Oubliism new worlds and systems are perpetually borne from the ashes of a withering civilisation. we disown this life With its simultaneous confusion Of Chaos noise disorder Of light separated in a rainbow We are gathered here to proclaim the birth of an Oubliist physical reality where extragalactic rhythms are captured At a star formation rate by the sensational shouts and fever of its temerarious continuum psyche and in ALL its destructive interference within reality. Here lies is the cross faded apogalactic line between Oubliism and all other physical realistic trends. To herald the genesis of cosmic time, Oubliism refuses the atomist attitude towards existence. It tears to fractions all those grand words like ethics, culture, humanism, good, evil, beginning, end, which are only covers for All-too-rational people those who drown in matter-of-fact swamps THE IQM 08279+5455 METHOD turns words into spirited forces. The letters of the word "planet" smashed and reshaped into globular clusters. Oubliist inverts current norms Invents fragile forms Aligning itself not to the symmetry of reason but to POSSIBILITIES that forms of expression live in all physical realities. Modernist architecture reconfigured into dance on stage, Botany explored for its sonic possibilities it spreads cacophony, dissonance, atonality and indeterminacy over all the continents The word Oublii shows the intergalactic nature of a movement which is bound by no golden ratio, or physical laws. Oublii is the inconceivably vast expression of our cosmic time, the great rebellion of revolutionary movements, the physical realistic reflexion of all those many frictions, human struggles and clashes that surround us. Oublii demands the use of NEW MATERIALS IN THE READING OF THE WORLD OUblii is an organisation which has been founded in London which you can join without turbulence. Oublii is not some pretext to bolster up the pride of a few neo thinkers (as our enemies would have the world believe). Oublii is a state, you are an oubliist or your aren't. Out of Uncertainties. To be an Oubliist means being thrown with angular momentum by events, being against matter that settles to the bottom of the abyss; but it also means putting your life in a vacuum... One says yes to an existence that seeks to grow by negation. Down with atomist-aesthetic-ethical tendencies! Down with failed innovations! Down with the literary hollow-heads and their theories for improving the material universe!
                                                                                        Text by Chooc Ly Tan             Contributors: Shabaka Hutchings, Peter Lewis, Dadaiste and new Astrophysics
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
 Every dog has his day.
This is what my grandfather told me. Every dog has his day. I never understood what it was he meant by this until I looked into the eyes of my nemesis as he begged me for help, to clear his name as he was being fired from work. I thought to myself, Victor - you fucking asshole, every dog has his day. Look at you now. Shit, I basked in his pathetic glory - there was something almost orgasmic about his demise, better than sex, better than alcohol, better than money, better than life itself was the pure feeling of revenge, the punch of his desperation was the most alive I have ever felt. The wimp, the failure. I am staring truth in the face like the mantis, I hear he is now staring a wine bottle in the face, the ruined coward can't even find something else.
  Little did he know, little did he know it was me, I was the instigator or the firing. It was me - the snake in the grass, like an animal I went about my business. It is the animals philosophy that helps him get what he wants. The attack, the relentless chaos and finality of the animal kingdom that allows survival. I once watched this documentary on television about the praying mantis. They camouflage themselves and remain entirely still, waiting. Once it has it's prey it will eat the head first. Can you imagine? I think this is what my grandfather was saying - I get it, this noble creature, annihilating it's prey. As I have done. That's my kind of justice and you know, when a man digs a hole - he risks falling into it.
  Someone once said you me that I was born under an unlucky star, well I say fuck you. I was born against my will – how was I to survive?
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
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Geezer, what are you thinking?
Forget about pop music for one minute, and contemplate life's big questions. Mike Skinner of the Streets seeks some answers from philosopher and author John Gray
read: here
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
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The Change You Want For The Future You Need
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
FOR SAT 04.08:
Please post a rapid-fire essay response to some aspect of the text read so far.
This can be in written or visual form. It can be a first draft. These responses will be discussed in the next session, using Straw Dogs text as reference/counterpoint if desirable. 
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
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Going Nowhere: Laurie Taylor Interviews John Gray, The New Humanist, Volume 121 Issue 1 January/February 2006
Read article here.
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
FOR TUES 24.07:
Please read the following pages in Straw Dogs
pp. 56 - 83
The Deception, Ch. 8: Plato and the Alphabet to Ch. 15: The Experiment
Optional reading:
pp. 37 - 55
The Deception, Ch. 1: At the Masked Ball to Ch. 7: Animal Faith
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
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Straw Dogs | John Gray | Granta 2002
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milcotehousebook-club · 12 years
Welcome to Milcote HOuse book cluB U WhAcKy bItcHeS
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