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Roman Design Sheet
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Bubo Design Sheet
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Diorama Design Sheet
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Final Bubo Model: Righteous
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Final Bubo Model: Sinister
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Final Bubo Texture: Main
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Final Diorama Texture: Sinister
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Final Diorama Texture: Righteous
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Final Diorama Texture: Main
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Final Roman Texture: Futuristic
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Final Roman Texture: Historic
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Final Roman Texture: Main
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Diorama Textures
Main Texture:
I want to keep the main texture close to what a Greek or Roman ruin would like. I’ll add extra details on the wall which will be made of a coloured marble and small inscriptions. The stone will be a white/cream colour with the addition of patches of moss and grass.
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Righteous Texture:
I’m going to follow the same scheme of heaven and hell looking textures like I did with the familiar model. I’ll be using the same colours of white, yellow and blue and I will change the inscriptions and details on the wall for each texture.
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Sinister Texture:
Like I said before I will go for a hellish look with dark colours. I will add lava to sections of the model and change the marble design of the wall to fit accordingly.
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Diorama Model
With my final diorama model now complete I will begin looking at textures that will suit the design. I think I’ll follow the idea of sinister and righteous like I have chosen for the ‘Bubo’ model.
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Diorama: Wall and Frame
The next stage I have taken is to add the square base, the small wooden frame work and a section of the crumbling wall. Next I will add the stairs and second section of the wall.
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Diorama: Pillar
The first part of my diorama model I have made is the pillar. They will construct a frame around the square section making up my diorama.
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Bubo Textures
The 3 textures that I will design for this model will include the original appearance of Bubo from ‘Clash of the Titans’, a sinister texture and a righteous texture.
Main Texture:
For the main texture I want to stick to Bubo’s original colours as seen in the film. I’ve decided on this because the idea for the familiar is heavily influenced from the character in the film. The texture will include a feathered body and head along with further details in the eyes and tail.  The front torso and face of the model will be a silver metal material and the back, wings and top of the head will be gold.
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Righteous Texture:
This texture will be made up of light, pale variants of these colours: white, blue and yellow. The inspiration has come from images of angels I’ve found online like the one below. I like the colour scheme and as I’m making a heavenly type texture, my sinister texture will appear to be from hell.
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Sinister Texture:
For my sinister texture I want to go along the similar lines with the feathers and gems for eyes. The colours will be darker and more ‘evil’ like with an attempt to make a polar opposite of the righteous texture. The body and head of the owl will be black with brighter appearing, red eyes.
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