milesrupert-blog · 9 years
Miles cast her a sympathetic look, and let her back away from him without following. She evidently needed her space at this moment. With a slight shrug at her words, he sighed. “You’re right. Guess it just doesn’t seem like much of a crisis compared to what I’m use to”
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“I fucking know okay? I know me shouting won’t get us out of here.. But I can’t stay trapped.” She breathed heavily as she backed away from him. “This is a fucking real crisis. We are trapped can’t you see? We are stuck..and we can’t get out.”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
“Tempting as that offer is, and believe me it is tempting, I’m gonna have to pass on it. The utility closet isn’t the place I’d want it to go down.” He said with a small shrug “Nor under these circumstances. Don’t want it to just be because we’re trapped. And I’m the kind of guy who likes to at least have a drink with the girl first”
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“Oh there is more than one person here I’d wanna do, but you know I have some class.” Bo smirked, eyeing the crowd “Unless I can take you into a utility closet right now, then I’m game.”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
“Hmm. I could tell you. Or you could try and guess. Gives you something to do for a minute”
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“And which one are you?”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
“If it is, it’s got a shitty punchline. Maybe they told it wrong”
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“Snowed…in…is that a fucking joke?”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
“Not like you’re the only one. See, I’ve come to realize that there’s basically three different kinds of people in the world when it comes to boredom. The ones who only think about food, the ones who only think about sex, and the ones who just sit and dwell on how bored they are”
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“I want food! That’s all I can think of when I’m bored, okay?”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
Miles laughed and shrugged. “It’s not so bad. At least we’re in a building, and don’t have to worry about capsizing. But if you really want to do someone, pick someone here you’d want to do, find a utility closet and go to town” He suggested with another laugh. “I’m sure someone here would be more than willing”
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“I’m soooo bored, why’d we have to get snowed in? Like I could be doing a million different things…or people right now” Bo sighed as she leaned down on the table. “But instead I’m stuck here, bored outta my mind. Someone do something fun.”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
Miles had been having a light snooze, just trying to pass the time, when the sounds of someone shouting roused him from his sleep. Glancing around in search of the source, he recognized the girl as being the one whom he had bailed out of prison. Getting to his feet and making his way over to where she was, he could see immediately that she was quite panicky. “Wow. Darlin’ if you’re panicking this bad now, I’d hate to see you in a real crisis” he joked smirking, before smiling reassuringly. “Listen, I know it’s bullshit that we’re stuck in here. But getting worked up about it isn’t going to make it any better, or make time go by any quicker. Believe me”
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“We can’t be snowed in..We can’t.” She shouted at the other worker trying to get passed in. “Shouldn’t this resort be fucking built for this shit? If we’re not let out–I will scream…and fucking..get every lawsuit flying your way.” She didn’t want to admit it. But Millie did not want to be stuck with people: She was claustrophobic, and even in a quite a big space. The feeling of being trapped, terrified her.She didn’t want to panic.
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
“ Yeah sounds about right” Miles nodded with a small laugh. “People who can’t handle their alcohol, plus slutty outfits at a party?  Nine times out of ten, results in the same thing” He rolled his eyes and shook his head as a pair walked by, intensely making out and not even bothering to hide that they were thrusting each other. “Fucking filthy animals” He laughed
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“Being the really nosy person, I scoped around this place, may or may not have seen things I wish I didn’t, and declared this place to be my future wedding chapel. The amount of people here making out is kinda disturbing, but not really surprising.” 
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
If Miles hadn’t been new in town, there was no way he would have shown up to this gala in a full costume. Yet there he was, dressed as a ‘fishing fairy’, so that people wouldn’t think he was a spoiled sport. He stood off to the side of the room, with his arms crossed over his chest, watching as others danced their way throughout the room. Turning at the sound of a voice speaking to him, he was prepared to tell them off for making fun of what he was wearing, but when he saw that it was Addie, he instead smiled back.”Yeah?” He laughed, shaking his head. “I feel goofy as hell to tell you the truth” He was glad, for the first time, of the make up he had applied to his face, for it likely hid the fact that his face may have flushed with colour at her comments. “You’re looking pretty fantastic yourself, but that’s nothing out of the ordinary for you” He replied grinning. “You having a good time then?”
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“Wow, you look really amazing,” Addison said, a smile on her face. Her eyes widened at her own words and she felt a blush spread on her cheeks. “I mean- well, your costume looks really amazing. I wasn’t saying that you- but you look amazing too… as, you know, a person. I’m just… I should stop talking now.”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
Ed Sheeran tonight and then a busy day tomorrow. So probably won't be on until tomorrow night.
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
“Oh yeah?” He raised an eyebrow curiously at her words. “What set  you on that path of wanting to try out new things?” It was an admirable goal to have, and Miles was quite intrigued by the idea. Every so often, he would glance around for any sign of a blanket, though he found his eyes were very unwilling to be pried away from looking at the girl. Grinning, he shook his head at being called a superhero. “Oh no. I wouldn’t go that far. Superheroes don’t tend to go into bars and get into fights with guys who won’t leave girls alone do they?” He pointed out. “Nope that pretty much just makes me a sailor and fisherman through and through” Listening to her question, he shrugged. “You did.” He held a serious expression for a moment before grinning widely “Nah. Actually, you could say it’s kind of a symbiotic relationship between me and the town that brought me here. The town was in need of a fisherman, I was in need of a a bit of peace. A less hectic lifestyle. So it worked out” He explained. “What about you? You lived here your whole life?”
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A small smile tugged at Addie’s lips as Miles steeled himself to help. “Well then, I guess there’s no point in even trying to talk you out of it now.” She liked the upbeat way that he seemed to be reacting to this new challenge. There was nothing more fun than being around someone who could roll with the punches and have a good time. “I’ll absolutely help you out in any way I can!” Addison responded enthusiastically. “It’s the least I can do, after all. Besides, I’ve been trying to make myself try new things. This would be a new thing for me, for sure.” His laughter at her drawn out introduction made the girl feel a bit embarrassed, but the feeling didn’t last. There was something about his demeanor that was very light, it made conversation feel very natural. “It’s a pleasure, Miles,” The girl responded with a wide grin. His next comment made her raise an eyebrow. “Is that so? And here I thought you were just a sailor. Apparently, I’m hanging out with some kind of superhero. I’ll try to keep the fights you need to get in over me to a minimum, wouldn’t want you overworking yourself or anything.” She laughed and headed towards the resort. “So, Miles, what brings you to this lovely land?”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
Miles exited the store with several brown bags in his arms; in fact too many. Before he could stop it, one slid from under his grip and toppled onto the ground. Groaning as he scooped down to pick it up, he caught a snippet of a conversation happening between two people a few feet away from him. A moment later one of the two, looking apologetic, turned and headed away, leaving the blonde girl, who had encouraged her friend to go do their thing, all alone. Picking up all his bags, he stood up straight again. “You know, not that it’s my business, and I’ll probably end up sounding like the weird, creepy new guy in town, but I gotta say I really don’t understand how anyone in their right mind could ditch you” He said with a small, reassuring smile.”A pretty face like yours and you seem nice to boot? People really should be begging you for attention. They probably just take it for granted, because you’re nice, but they shouldn’t.”
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“honestly it’s chill. okay wow i have like never used the word chill but anyway that isn’t the point. it’s cool that you blew me off for some date or whatever you said it was; i don’t mind, it’s whatever. enjoy your thingy that you’re going too.”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
“Man, if she gives you her crown, she’s not leavin’ any doubts as to what she wants.” Miles said to the man sitting beside him at the bar “Reminds me of this one time I was in Ireland. This girl, similar to yours, was having a birthday party, and was completely fucked, but she was only 16. She kept asking me to go home with her and every time I said no, she kept offering me more of her stuff. She offered everything her friends had bought for her. She didn’t seem to get that I wasn’t going to say yes no matter what she offered me.” He laughed, shaking his head “Then she offered me her crown and when I still said no, and told her she was just too young for me, she finally gave up. She wasn’t too happy. Think she cried, come to think of it. I felt bad, but I was 21 at the time and that would have been wrong on so many levels.”
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“Tonight there was a birthday party for an 18 year old- you can tell it was her first time at a bar too, and she got completely wasted. At the end of the night she gave me this crown, her number, and a very large amount of tip.” He smirked. “One of these days I’m sure she’s expecting a very nice thank you and I’m willing to give what she wants.”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
Right. On second thought, I’ll go grab the barrel from the dock. You..you just stay right here. I don’t wanna have to fish you out of the water. I don’t think I even have any of my nets that are big enough for that.
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“Pfft, I’ve got this. I’m totally ace at —
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— I don’t got this.”
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
Sitting at the bar by himself, Miles sighed. He was thinking of his crew; his drinking buddies. At that very moment, they were probably in a pub somewhere, sharing a drink without him. Without thinking about it, he had brought enough money to the bar to buy them all a round out of habit, but without them here, he needed to find some other people to buy a round; otherwise he would probably just spend all the money on buying drinks for himself, and end up going home completely messed up. Finsishing the last of his bourbon on the rocks, he ordered himself one last beer, before his eyes began scanning around the bar, trying to find a group that he liked. Finally, he settled with a group nearby, who seemed to be greatly enjoying themselves. Leaning toward the bar tender, he kept his voice low “Their next round is on me” He said, pointing to the group and sliding a bill across the counter.
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“Bottoms up, yeah?” Ronan laughed before he put down his drink. He’d only been at St. Moritz for a little while, but he’d already found himself a few people to hang out with while he was here. He wasn’t going to pass up a night’s worth of drinking.
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
I have been too busy today freaking out over the fact Fallout 4 is finally coming out to be on yet. I have a dress rehearsal for my play to go to soon, but then I’ll be on when I get home :)
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milesrupert-blog · 9 years
Waving his hand dismissively, he shook his head and shrugged. “Too late, I’m involved. I can’t, in good conscience, abandon this search now” He said, a small smile on his lips. “Although, I may actually need to take you up on that offer to help me later.” He added, feeling slightly more at ease that he was taking time away from his work to help this girl, now that she had offered to help him in return.  Her laughter at his comment was infectious, causing him to laugh as well. “Promise, I won’t beat up the potential blanket thief unless he’s legally allowed to buy beer” He joked. Nodding along as she vocalized her plan, he followed her as they began to walk in, what he imagined, was the direction of the resort. But when she stopped abruptly, he followed suit. He raised an eyebrow as she rambled introducing herself, and let out a small laugh when she’d finished. “Miles” He said simply, taking her hand and shaking it. “And believe me, even if you hadn’t introduced yourself, it wouldn’t be the first time I got into a scrap on the behalf of a girl whose name I didn’t know” He meant it as a joke, although it was also actually true.”Although I do gotta say you are the first girl who has recruited me to go blankie hunting. With or without telling me their name” He added, his eyebrows furrowed as though he could hardly believe the words that were coming out of his own mouth.
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She watched him, half her mind focusing on the man in front of her while the other half was still trying to think of places she hadn’t checked. He jumped to his feet and offered his help, a smile lit up the brunette’s face. “Really? Oh, thank you!” It would be nice to have someone else around. Looking down at the dock though, Addison had a thought. “It looks like you were working, though. I mean, if you need to work, I understand. I won’t take offense even a little. Or, um, if you do want to tag along… I could help you catch up when we get back. I don’t know too much about ropes, but I’m a pretty fast learner. A laugh escaped her lips at his comment. “As most of the blanket stealing I’ve heard of goes on between toddlers, I hope you won’t be too hard on the culprit,” She teased, mirth dancing in her eyes. “I guess the best I can think of is to go back to the resort and ask around… maybe someone noticed it and grabbed it.” She started to walk in the right direction before abruptly turning and extending a hand to him. “I’m Addison. Addie, to most people. I just realized that I never introduced myself. And I don’t even know your name- which just seems wrong considering that I’m about to cart you off to look for blankies and fight people.”
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